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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 6月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-06-05 Wed. 03:11:33

Aries Horoscope for June 2019

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller

JUNE 2019

Dear Reader,

Do you believe in miracles? I do, and I found out that I am not the only one. Albert Einstein once said. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein said he chose the latter. My own life has been one of high contrasts, with very deep lows (especially in regard to my life threating birth defect and the many surgeries it took to get me well as a teenager), but I also have had the highest highs to celebrate. The contrast has made me grateful for every day I live—that was never a guarantee. I had to learn to walk again, and it took years.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

June has two distinct themes, and both will bring joyous news and experiences. The first one centers on a growing focus on travel, both near and far, and the second trend has you nearly obsessed about improving your home décor or browsing spaces for a new house or apartment.

As you enter June, you find yourself in Gemini’s month, and the brilliant Sun in this airy, breezy sign will light up your solar third house of travel, so that’s where the emphasis will be as the month opens. Air signs go well with your fire-sign Sun, so this month you will feel renewed energy and a sense of purpose

The new moon of June 3 will ask you to spin your compass and travel, so even if you can only take a weekend, do what you can to break free. You need a change of pace, and the universe is about to see that you get it. This new moon will be partnering with Jupiter, so you seem to be in the mood for a touch of luxury, as well as a completely new experience. It’s a good time to go.

The emphasis on Gemini will encourage you to write, speak, negotiate, and generally sharpen your communication skills. Neptune will be in hard angle to this new moon, however, and that could cause confusion. The projects you start to work on in the early stage might not be firmed up yet, and your instructions could be nebulous. If you are hired to do a job for your company or client, ask questions. It will be imperative that you understand the assignment, for if you guess what others are thinking, you will find yourself going down the wrong rabbit hole and having to backtrack, losing valuable time. Overall, however, this is a positive month, for Mercury (Gemini’s ruler) will also partner with good-fortune planet Jupiter.

If your work takes you abroad or causes you to travel far domestically, you will impress higher-ups in a big way. At the same time of the new moon, Venus in Taurus—gliding in your second house of earned income—will be speaking directly to Pluto and Saturn in your tenth house of fame on your behalf. This suggests that you could be in line for a generous salary increase, but you may not be aware of that quite yet.

    There is no doubt you are under considerable pressure on the job these days, but you are stepping up to meet those challenges. By late December or early January, you will likely reap a mighty harvest for your efforts.

More travel, this time quite exciting and very likely overseas, may take place later, at the June 17 full moon in Sagittarius, 26 degrees. You may be taking off on a thrilling trip or just the opposite—flying home from an exotic distant city at this time. If you go, you will find this trip especially happy, and if for work, successful.

There is no doubt you are under considerable pressure on the job these days, but you are stepping up to meet those challenges. By late December or early January, you will likely reap a mighty harvest for your efforts. You have assumed that no one is watching all that you are doing, but on the contrary—higher-ups have noticed and are quiet, and you are becoming more valuable to the team with each passing day.

I love that this full moon in Sagittarius will be within a whisper of conjunction to lucky Jupiter, making this one of the most fortunate full moons of 2019. At the same time, I love that Uranus will be in range of what astrologers call an out-of-sign trine, meaning highly harmonious Uranus, from his perch in your solar second house of earned income, will support you in a big way. I suspect you’ll find yourself at the right place at the right time mid-month, able to see profit or a bonus from the work you do.

Both the new and full moons of June will broaden your thinking and make you hungry for an expanded view of life. You are yearning to step out of your everyday routine, so travel this month would be especially wonderful for you. If you have children or other obligations and can’t possibly travel, then decide if you can sign up for college courses or a brush-up class to keep on top of industry developments in your field. As an alternative, you might want to take a class in grammar, creative writing, or public speaking, or simply attend a book signing.

While this influence is trending in your life, you’ll also have an unusually compelling interest in fixing up the décor of your living quarters, or if you must soon move, to look at your options. Next month, you will have two eclipses, the first on July 2 in your fourth house of home, so you may be working in June on a move to a new address that you might do next month.

Mercury will be retrograde throughout July, so you would be wise to make your biggest changes now before you move close to the start of July. Sign papers and close on a house this month or buy new furniture or sell property now. You will need to avoid doing anything vital in July. If, for example, you sign a lease in June and move on July 1, that’s fine—it is when you make the commitment that counts.

The second eclipse will occur July 16 in Capricorn and will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. It looks like you will encounter changes at the office. If your birthday falls on or within four days of April 13, you will feel this full moon eclipse more than most Aries.

With a lot coming in July, but much of it confusing, you can see reasons why it would behoove you to do all your important actions in June, or table key talks until August. July and August will be perfect for devoting yourself to romance and fun—and you’ve been short on both lately.

While all this is going on, Mars, your ruler, will be circulating in Cancer, the sign of home and family. Mars will prepare you in June for any big changes you’d like to make in July to your home life, for the eclipse of July 2 will likely trigger some sort of home or family development. This will be doubly so if your birthday falls on March 31.

If you are making design decisions for your home this month, circle a particularly good day, June 13, when Mars and Neptune will be in sync, allowing you to add a graceful, artistic touch in all your choices. Mars is Aries’ ruling planet, making this aspect significant for you.

One of the big features of 2019 is the collaboration between Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. This legendary conjunction, with two planets perfectly aligned in what is called a sextile aspect (60 degrees apart), denotes that positive opportunity will come up this month, particularly near Tuesday, June 18. Saturn and Neptune will repeat this lovely aspect again on November 8 of this year but then not again until 2031. Saturn will add structure and long-term financial gain from hard work, and when combined with Neptune, the work you focus on could be unusually imaginative, lyrical, poetic, or spiritual in some way.

You will be realistic and practical, and yet at the same time, magically creative, a great combination for success. Saturn has been moving through your tenth house of fame and honors since December 19, 2017, so although you may not realize it, you are being groomed for a far bigger role than the one you hold now. Sometimes the going has been rough, for much is being demanded of you from clients and management. Keep to the program, for your hard work will come to fruition next year in 2020.

Neptune is making a long journey through your twelfth house, an area that rules your subconscious mind, and has been spending a lot of time sharpening your instincts. As an Aries, you usually like to have hard facts when making a choice, but with Saturn and Neptune in rare collaboration, you would be wise to listen to the small voice within.

Changing gears now, before I conclude your report, I want you to know you have a truly fun day due on June 27, when the Sun and Uranus trade sparkling rays with each other. Because the Sun rules your house of truelove, it’s love that is most likely the area that will bring exciting happenstance. A friend may make an introduction to a new and intriguing romantic interest on this day, or you may be invited to a gathering or party. With the Sun ruling your fifth house of truelove, this day could have the power to bring on a fateful meeting of the heart. Uranus brings surprises, so go—it’s the only way you will find out.


You’re in a traveling mood, so start making plans. The new moon in Gemini on June 3 will coax you to quickly pack and go. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will partner with Mercury, the travel planet, expanding your enthusiasm to explore a new setting and enlarge your understanding of the world around you.

No matter where you plan to go, with Neptune in hard angle to the new moon, make sure you have the correct address and clear driving instructions, for an error could slow you down. You may plan to travel with your sister or visit your brother or cousin, but don’t delay—June would be the ideal time to go.

If you cannot take a week off, then watch Friday, June 7, when Mercury and Uranus will become a friendly force, coaxing you to go away over the ensuing weekend.

Your early month getaways won’t mark the end of your travels but only spark your interest in making a longer and more adventurous trip soon after. You will likely leave on or just days prior to the June 17 full moon in Sagittarius, an international travel sign. Be ready to wrap up your trip within five days after that full moon of June 17. This will be an exceptional trip, for Jupiter (the planet ruling happiness) will glide near the glorious full moon. Neptune will still be active, so keep track of your items like sunglasses, cell phone, and your wallet. Make sure the baggage handler sends your suitcase to the correct destination when he prepares the bar code airline luggage tag.

Throughout the month, you seem to be thinking quite a bit about your family or residence, as Mars will be in Cancer, the sign ruling this part of your life. It’s possible you will travel overseas with your mother or father, or that you will have plans for your home when you arrive back.

If you work on your home early in June, you will find June 7 a day when your ideas for your décor will be brilliant. Later, on June 13, Neptune, the planet of artistic expression, will reach out to Mars to urge you to set plans in action.

At the time of the full moon, Saturn will oppose Mars, indicating your decisions this month will need to be careful and deliberate. Mars is all about action, and Saturn in this position will make you cautious.

Have fun this month, for you will likely be distracted next month by news brought on by two eclipses, possibly bringing changes to your residence on July 2 and to your career with managerial shifts due July 16. If you come home rested and excited about life in June, you will be in fine form to face anything that comes your way in July.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-06-05 03:11:33
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 48 
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