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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 2月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-02-02 Sat. 15:10:34

Aries Horoscope for February 2019

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

We have made it to February, a darling month, made all the sweeter because most of us have come through some tough tests in January, which held two eclipses (January 5 and 20) triggering one or two sudden changes. If you felt January was intense, you are not alone. I would like you to share your stories about the eclipses and other aspects on social media—each night I read every post. Please include your month and day of birth (no year necessary) so that I can see your sign and rising sign.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

January was an intense month with plenty of news stirring around you. For many Aries, surprises and changes were in the air. Even happy changes can be exhausting, and how the two eclipses last month affected you depended a lot on the placements of the natal planets in your chart. I can’t see your unique chart from where I sit, but I can say you will love February. This month has remarkable harmony from all the little planets spinning in space, ones that no doubt are feeling a little bad about testing your mettle so strenuously last month. As usual, you came through with flying colors, but it did take a lot of energy.

The month starts out with a sweet new moon, February 4, in air-sign Aquarius (16 degrees), a sign that blends so beautifully with your fire-sign Aries. It will appear with Mercury and the Sun in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and clubs, ensuring that this month you’ll have more interactions and meetings with your friends than usual, along with new contacts and acquaintances. You’ll find it’s a good time for joining a club, whether social or professional, or for signing up for a trade show or seminar. If you are politically minded, you might join a march or go hear a candidate speak.

This is also a superb month to join a charitable or humanitarian effort to help those who are suffering. You might work in a food bank or soup kitchen. Or, you could feel compelled to join a fund-raiser, where you can raise awareness by working on a program committee readying for a coming festive event (one where attendees buy tickets and sponsors contribute to the effort, too).

Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be in a perfect position to lend support to the new moon and Sun, suggesting everything you set in motion on and after February 4 will grow large—Jupiter expands all it touches.

You will also have considerable luck with home-related matters and from family, because the moon rules this part of your life (solar fourth house). You may be moving, repairing, or designing your space, as well as shopping for new pieces to make your space cozier, more inviting, and more reflective of the true you. Jupiter will signal the Sun too, so you may find romance this month as well, and if so, your new sweetheart would come to you through the introduction of a friend.

This new moon will also trigger surprises on other fronts—ones that are important to you (but I don’t know what they are), for your ruler, Mars, still in Aries until February 14, will be found conjunct Uranus in late degrees of Aries. Usually Mars conjunct Uranus wouldn’t be good news—an aspect like this could be too full of fire and anger—but not this time. Jupiter (in Sagittarius) is in precisely the perfect position to turn Mars and Uranus, both in Aries, into sources of amazing surprise and luck.

If your birthday falls plus or minus five days from February 4, you will get a double dip of pleasure from this glorious new moon. The same is true, if you have Aquarius rising at 16 degrees or if you have a natal planet at 16 degrees in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, or in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius—plus or minus five degrees.

    During the first half of February, you will continue to have Mars in Aries, a wonderful place for Mars to be, for you will be confident, cool, and ready to make powerful decisions.

Mars will make a precise alignment with Uranus on February 12 at 29 degrees, a degree of completion. If your birthday falls on April 19, plus or minus one day, you will be especially energetic this month and ready to make big changes to your life that will surprise your family and friends—but you know your own mind, and you are ready to move ahead with confidence.

At the February 4 new moon, Mercury and Jupiter will be in sync, another golden aspect, perfect for travel, communication, contracts, writing, speaking, editing, and code writing. It would also be the right time to sign a work order, particularly for a website, blog, podcast, or app. A work project may bring a small breakthrough that you’ll celebrate. If you need to sign a contract, do so on February 3, 7, or 27. Also, your sister or brother may be helpful to you in some substantial way or be a source of great fun when you are together.

Now let’s turn to shopping for a second. If you need to buy electronics, do so in February. A new moon in Aquarius rules all things newly invented, including high tech innovations within the digital and electronic world. I don’t want you to shop in March, for Mercury will be retrograde March 5 to 28. You will feel the slowdown ten days before the messenger ever officially turns retrograde on March 5. Shop for a new computer, TV, headphones, smartphone, and other coveted items now, as early in February as possible. As an aside, if you need to sign contracts, use the dates I listed above, not later in March.

At work, you are carrying more responsibility now, ever since Saturn entered your prestigious solar tenth house of fame and honors one year ago. You have two years to go with Saturn’s intense tutoring, but trust that your hard work will pay off in a big way. You are being groomed for bigger and better things at your current position, and you will get solid evidence of this at year’s end and in 2020 and 2021. For now, stick to the career program you’re on, and give your work your all—Saturn wouldn’t have it any other way.

You may have difficulties with a VIP or client on February 1, when Pluto and Mars are at loggerheads—you may feel they are treating you unfairly. It may be true, but decide if this incident is worth having it blow up into a federal case, so to speak.

It may help to know you have plenty of support from the rest of the VIPs. From February 3 until March 1, Venus will tour Capricorn, so you will enjoy plenty of popularity at work during those weeks. You will see you are receiving admiration from management, clients, and peers alike, so despite some problems with Pluto on the first day of the month, I feel all will go well. If the situation is not terribly serious, I would advise you not to think too much about any problem you encounter on February 1.

One of the most sparkling days of the month will be February 7, when Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will signal the Sun. This would be an ideal day to schedule a gathering with friends—a cocktail party, pizza party, or a sit-down dinner you whip up—you can decide. The Sun and Jupiter will still be orbiting close on Friday night, February 8, and Saturday night, February 9, so you can delay your event to the weekend and still be able to benefit from Jupiter’s golden vibes.

During the first half of February, you will continue to have Mars in Aries, a wonderful place for Mars to be, for you will be confident, cool, and ready to make powerful decisions. When Mars is in your sign, as it is now until February 14, it means you are starting a dynamic new cycle. You will make a beeline straight to your goals, and others will want to help you or follow you wherever you go. Mars won’t be back to Aries until June 2020, so while you have Mars in Aries until February 14, press forward on your biggest initiatives.

Mars will make you more attractive too, so if you seek love during your glorious first two weeks, it just might happen. Cupid will be flying above you and may zing his arrow when you least expect it—pow! You may meet someone interesting.

While we are on the topic of love, let’s talk about Valentine’s Day, Thursday, February 14. The moon will be in air-sign Gemini, a good place for the transiting moon to be for you. Mars will leave Aries and enter Taurus on that day, but I am not too concerned—you had all of January to enjoy Mars in Aries, and you will still have the first half of February to make choices. Venus will be in ideal angle to Neptune over the weekend of February 16-17. That is a wildly glamorous aspect, and it will be building in power on Thursday, February 14.

If you have no one to see on Valentine’s Day, you may have a blind date on Friday night, February 15, or on the afternoon of February 16 or 17. Of all those days, I like Sunday, February 17, the best for a casual meeting with someone you met online or through an introduction of a friend for a blind date.

One short mention of what happens when Mars enters Taurus—you will spend a lot more than usual, but you may be going through a lifestyle change, such as moving or having a baby, and all lifestyle changes involve spending money. Fortunately for you, this period of heavy spending will end once Mars moves to Gemini next month, on March 30. As said earlier, concerning Mercury, if you need to buy things, do your shopping in February, not March.

The full moon of February 19 will fall in Virgo, at one degree, and will be perfectly situated to Uranus, the planet of sudden surprises. You may hear good news about money out of the blue, and that extra money will come in handy. If you are self-employed, you may seal a deal with a prestigious new client who has a generous budget to spend. Mars will be traveling close to Uranus, so this new moon gets a nice boost of energy from both planets, and both are influencing your financial house. The moon in your solar chart rules your family and one person—most likely your mother (the moon always points to a feminine figure)—so it seems very likely she will be standing behind you financially one hundred percent.

If you work for others, you might get a raise, or if you are self-employed, a new client. This is a full moon, so you are likely to see a big project come to fruition too, within four days of February 21, and you’ll love the response you receive from others about the hard work you put in.

If you take a new job near the time of the February 19 full moon, it likely won’t be a step up to a greater title of prestige and money (not unless you have Sagittarius rising), but rather, it would be a position similar to the one you currently have. That may be fine with you—sometimes making a lateral move feels right. In those cases, for example, if you want to work closer to home or find a new office environment or a boss with better chemistry with you, then a lateral move is a good idea. Also, you may have a lot going on in your private life, such as possibly having just added a baby to your household, so under those circumstances, you wouldn’t want to take on more responsibility—you already have plenty.

The month will bring one more sunny aspect, February 27, when the Sun in Pisces and your ruler, Mars, in Taurus will be in sync, making it a perfect day to take action on a financial matter, especially if it involves a confidential matter, such as a job salary negotiation. It’s also a perfect day for signing a contract. The transiting moon will cooperate in a big way by being conjunct good-fortune Jupiter in fellow fire-sign Sagittarius. No doubt about it, February 27 sparkles.

In all, this is a sweet month, filled with new and current friends, possibly the surprise introduction to a new love interest, a chance to make more money, and the possibility to generate new work assignments. You are also likely to earn acknowledgments from VIPs that you are doing a great job. Your private life is glowing too—a new home or new pieces for your home, along with loving support from a parent, will make this month complete.


You’ve been through many tense situations over the past six months, but February will be sweet as sugar. The new moon in Aquarius, on February 4, will see to it that your social life swings into high gear. You will be relaxed now, and if you were thinking of joining a new club or group, do so after February 4.

The reason this month will be so special is that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be in ideal angle to the new moon, suggesting that the new people you meet will factor strongly into your future. They will come from all walks of life—from government, business, the media, medicine, law, diplomacy, academia, and other fields outside of your industry. You’ll find this to be a very broadening influence and one you are likely to enjoy.

Indeed, your greatest personal growth will come from forming new associations with others socially. To enjoy this trend, you must do your part. You may laugh when you hear this, but nothing will happen if you stay inside your house and don’t leave. Be open to adding new types of people to your circle—they will open the shutters of your life and provide a breath of fresh air to you.

If you are inclined to work for a charity, this new moon will be the ideal time to roll up your sleeves and dig in. The experience you gain from volunteering will be sterling. You will learn to motivate your troops and together create events to raise funds and awareness for your cause. All this experience can later be directed into your day job to and make you a better leader.

This will be a highly productive month for you. Mercury is not due to retrograde (and potentially cause miscommunication tangles and problems with electronics) until March 5 to March 28. Act like a little jackrabbit to settle as many deals, decisions, and commitments as you can this month, so you can sit back in March. Your best days to sign contracts will be February 3, February 7, and February 27.

Mars, your ruler, will be in Aries, a holdover from January, and will remain in your sign until February 14. Having Mars in your sign is a major advantage, and this month, Mars will receive glittering rays from Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. Those vibrations will be especially strong in early February, near February 7. This is extraordinary, for Jupiter will bring happiness and may have an uplifting financial effect on your life. Uranus will be close to Mars too, so you will feel independent and sure about the direction you want to take next in life.

If your birthday falls on April 18-19, you will make some courageous lifestyle changes. If you haven’t already done so in the last quarter of 2018, you will in the first quarter of 2019. Never again will you have Uranus in Aries moving over your natal Sun, for Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun and will leave Aries in early March—this is a once-in-a-lifetime trend. If your birthday falls in late March or prior to April 18, you’ve already demonstrated how self-sufficient you can be, along with your need to follow the beat of your own drum.

The full moon of February 19, in Virgo, will bring an important project to completion. Uranus and Mars will be traveling together all month and will send this full moon a friendly greeting—this will be nothing less than a gift from a loving universe. The assignment you are working on finishing now seems to have special importance to your future career progress. As you are getting ready to show it to the world, you will experience some surprising twists and turns, bringing you unexpected applause and company-wide recognition.

Under the same full moon of February 19, you may achieve a personal best in your fitness routine. It’s an ideal time to participate in a competition, because surprise-a-minute Uranus and energetic Mars will give you all the energy you need to show you can excel. If you have not been working out, this would be the right time to sign up at the gym or treat yourself to a package of training sessions. The full moon in Virgo could also help you make the commitment to clean eating by increasing the number of farm-to-table foods in your diet. If you start now, you’ll be beach sleek and Riviera ready in no time.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-02-02 15:10:34
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 73 
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