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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-10-02 Wed. 22:44:23
Aries Horoscope for October 2019
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller
Dear Readers:
I have lots to tell you! First, I will appear on both the East and West coasts in October, in both cases speaking about the Year Ahead 2020. I will do a quick description here (more is listed on AstrologyZone’s home page—just click the event you are interested in coming to), and then after I give you some details, I will tell you about something we can all do together on social media in October that will be fun, and free.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
As you begin October, you will still be under the enchantment of the new moon, on September 28, which opened possibilities in a close one-on-one relationship, a trend you may clearly see in early October. If you are dating seriously, with the strong emphasis on coupling up in October, you could become engaged or wed (or might have already done so in late September). If you are already married, you can now find ways to grow closer as the weeks and months unfold. That new moon was in the partnering sign of Libra, at six degrees.
If you are not dating or married, you may use the friendly partnering energy of that new moon to forge a partnership in business. You might sign a business partner, agent, manager, publicist, social media manager, writing partner, or new lawyer or accountant, as some examples. The new moon of late last month will be potent for months—particularly so in the first week of October—and allow you to form a strong alliance.
Any time you want to achieve a goal you cannot do by yourself, it is natural to align with another person to work together to achieve that goal or dream, so partnering (including marriage) is a seventh house matter. Mars, your ruler, will underscore this new moon’s emphasis by moving into Libra, your opposite sign, ruling your partner, on October 3, to stay until November 18.
We always have to look at the aspects surrounding any new moon, and I am especially excited about your partnering prospects because the September 28 new moon was in Libra, which is the main sign associated with forming solid alliances. Furthermore, you would need a well-placed, friendly Venus, for Venus rules Libra. Guess what? You have a beautifully oriented Venus in your horoscope, since directly on the day of that late-September new moon, Venus was in perfect angle to Jupiter, the great good fortune planet. This bodes so well for future happiness and prosperity with your partner in love or business.
On October 2-3, Pluto will finally go direct after having been retrograde since April 24. Pluto is based in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements in a long journey that first started back in 2008. Ever since, you’ve been on a fast track to career success. Whenever a big, slow-moving outer planet like Pluto turns direct, it gives clues to what elements in your life will be released from delays and start to move forward.
You have two possible areas of gain—Pluto is currently in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements, so career news will be quite upbeat in the days encircling October 2-3. Pluto is also the ruler of your eighth house of other people’s money. This might indicate a large check is on the way, such as a commission, royalty, licensing fee, or an insurance payout for a claim you may have submitted. Alternatively, you could hear that your application for an infusion of venture capital, a bank loan, or mortgage has won approval. No matter how you look at it, Pluto’s turn direct on October 2-3 will be good news. Also, there’s more help for your finances, as Venus will enter your financial eighth house, usually another sign of an uptick of income.
You will see later in my report that you need to act early in the month on all financial matters, for we have a new moon on October 27 that will not be friendly for these matters. Act as early in the month as possible.
The full moon this month will be in your sign, Aries, on October 13, at 20 degrees. It will be in perfect trine—denoting ideal harmony—with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, making this full moon an exciting one for you. Something of extreme importance to you will now come to fulfillment.
There may be one other piece of good news. The eighth house, ruled by Pluto, is the house of surgery and transformation. If you need an IVF procedure or surgery, Pluto’s turn direct on October 2-3 suggests you will finally have it done, and although there are no guarantees, your outlook is very good. Pluto rules reproduction, so IVF is favored, and since Pluto also rules transformations, a surgeon could remove all that is hurting you and return you to health. It surely bodes well for a positive outcome.
Now we turn to October 6, a time not to sign papers as Mercury will be under attack from unpredictable Uranus, and these two planets will be 180 degrees from each other in the heavens. Anything you agree to will have to be changed later or will perhaps work out opposite to your aims, so it would be best to avoid that day, October 6, by all means.
Instead, I like October 19 or 20 for signing documents, a weekend when Mercury will be in perfect sync with Pluto, and Venus will work beautifully with Saturn. This suggests any contract you sign then will remain a long time and profit would be more likely than if you signed earlier. I also don’t want you to sign any papers later than October 20 this month. You will see why later in this report.
The full moon this month will be in your sign, Aries, on October 13, at 20 degrees. It will be in perfect trine—denoting ideal harmony—with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, making this full moon an exciting one for you. Something of extreme importance to you will now come to fulfillment. Your home life, family, and matters involving children, a pregnancy, and/or your romantic relationship will shimmer under this full moon’s light. You might hear other news that will be personal to you and will also make you happy.
Pluto will also be in exact aspect to the full moon, October 13, in what astrologers call a square, which is a challenging aspect. Pluto will be at a 90-degree angle to the full moon, to an exact degree. This full moon might bring up difficulty on the job from a high-level VIP. You may feel that someone is impugning your reputation, or you may deal with an unfair demand or accusation by a pushy VIP regarding your performance or a particular incident. You might have to defend yourself, so do so gently since the full moon will amplify all your words. Alternatively, you may face a very strenuous task that will monopolize your time, but it might be because you are in line for a promotion you don’t know about yet, one that is coming by year’s end or, at the latest, in January.
You may not feel any of this, as those born within plus or minus four days of April 10 would feel Pluto.
As you see, there are two very opposite possibilities of the full moon, but life is that way. We have happy things going on in one area, and some touchy things going on in another. I still maintain that Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, in perfect angle to this new moon, will be big-time help. You can find a way to surface stronger than ever, so keep your wits about you. Here is the picture:
If you travel over the full moon weekend, October 12-13, either near or far, the trip could have a beautiful, luxurious touch that may be so much fun. In the United States, that is Columbus Day weekend, so maybe you can go somewhere. If you live outside the US (52% of my readers do), then maybe you can use one vacation day to take Monday, October 14, off.
Now we come to October 27, a new moon in Scorpio, at four degrees, that will be set up to be difficult. I need to tell you about it because I don’t want you to be broadsided by events. It won’t be an emotional time, but it may bring up a situation you need to address and will take some time to conclude. A new moon sets a path for six months, so it might take that long to straighten out.
This new moon or the days that follow would not be the time to negotiate a financial deal or to ask for a raise or company benefits. I am not a financial broker or advisor, but looking at how difficult your chart will be for your finances, I suggest you not make monetary decisions or investment at this time unless your broker advises you to do so anyway. I prefer you act early in the month before the new moon, October 27, but I do not know all the details in your life.
There are other ways you might feel this new moon. You could have an unexpected expense, or you may owe taxes or uncover a loss, such as if a partner or employee has been stealing funds from you. The Sun and moon will be under attack by Uranus, and because the Sun is masculine (ruling father or husband), and the moon is feminine (ruling mother or wife), you might receive news about someone in the family that will require you to instantly roll into action to make decisions and direct others to help. You will likely hear whatever news comes up immediately, so you might wish to keep your schedule light in the last week of October so you will have the flexibility to go in any direction you need to go.
You had a date a little bit like this opposition to the Sun and new moon last year on October 24, 2018, so you can look in your email to see if anything came up at that time. This year’s aspect will be different in that this is a new moon, not just Uranus opposition to the Sun but opposite both a new moon and the Sun, so it seems to have more importance. Take note of what happens now and see how long it may take if you do have to work on a solution
I will be coming on Twitter to find out what is going on in your life (my handle is @Astrologyzone). It is much easier for me to have discussions on Twitter than it is on Instagram, but I am on both. I can answer questions easier on Twitter, so I hope you will join me. I will come on a day or two after the new moon on October 27 to find out how you are doing.
On top of all this, Mercury will begin to retrograde on October 31 until November 20, but that means this year, you will be able to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday because Mercury won’t be retrograde anymore. We have these special shopping dates in America, and people here look forward to grabbing bargains on certain items. Every year, Mercury seems to have a hand in messing up holiday shopping, including those special shopping dates, but not this year. Retailers will be happy that fewer returns will come back at year’s end, and you, dear readers, will be happy that your carefully chosen gifts, shopped for after November 20, will likely make your family and friends thrilled and happy.
I know that Mercury retrograde can be frustrating. We lose things, we hit the return button on an email to reply all—and then realize, wait, I should not have replied to all! There were likely people on that email who should never see your reply, so be careful. If you xerox your paycheck, don’t leave the original in the copier as you grab the copy and run off—the whole department will know what you earn.
With Mercury retrograde, all our efforts involving communication need to be more deliberate. We tend to rush too much, and that’s when mistakes happen. You might have to visit the repair shop for a machine with moving parts or a computer that is on the fritz since, during Mercury retrograde, parts that have become outworn show up. Do not buy any electronic items, including a car or kitchen appliance during the retrograde. You will feel the coming slowdown that Mercury retrograde brings as soon as October 21, even though Mercury will not retrograde until October 31.
It will be a good time to go back into your ledgers to check certain income and outgo, for Mercury will retrograde in your eighth house of money. Mercury retrograde is always a happy time to reunite with friends you’ve not seen in a long time. See clients who have always supported you—these good people believe in you—and take them to lunch to say thank you.
If you want to learn more about Mercury retrograde, I have a thorough essay I wrote on the home page of my website. The title is:
“Everything You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde”
Your best time for enjoying romance this month will be over the weekend of October 12-13 when Jupiter will send all his golden beams to the Sun. The Sun is the natural ruler of your fifth house of truelove, so you might take a trip with your sweetheart. Can’t travel? Even though a VIP at work may be driving you crazy, your home life seems divine, so focus on that, for that’s where your heart lies.
As you begin October, there’s lots to do, and you need to team up with others to see it all done. Your usual way is to take the reins, but this month, you will progress further by being conciliatory, flexible, and able to work with the group’s ideas. By year’s end, you will have time to put your leadership skills to good use, but for now, be a team player and be willing to accept others’ opinions. Not only is the new moon of September 28 (covering the first two weeks of October) sending you this message clearly, but so is your ruler Mars, now touring your opposite sign of Libra.
In matters of love, if you are attached, it is time to put your partner’s needs and wishes first, and with Venus in perfect angle to Jupiter, you will do so willingly and warmly. Married Aries will experience the most bliss and will have fun designing activities and new goals to tackle together. If you are single and dating seriously, you may become engaged or married this month.
Pluto’s turn direct on October 2-3 might bring opportunity to your career, so watch the days that encircle October 2-3 for news of a promotion, exciting job offer, or favorable publicity. If you need any surgery, also ruled by your eighth house, or any procedure, you will likely find success.
You’ll like the way things go mid-month at the magnificent full moon in Aries, on October 13. Something dearly important to you will come to culmination, and it might involve romance, a pregnancy, or a child. You will care very much about all that you hear at this time, and news should be joyful. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be in ideal, tight mathematical trine (divine harmony) to the full moon in Aries.
As they used to say in Western movies, “Meanwhile, back at the ranch” (by that I mean “at work”), you seem to have a pesky VIP who will be prone to find fault in something you will do or did recently. This episode will seem unfair, and it will come near the full moon, October 13, plus or minus four days. Whenever Pluto causes a difficult aspect, it often spells unfairness, but that’s not necessarily the outcome. You can combat it, but you have to be aware of what’s going on to determine the right strategy. I can’t help you with this any further, but I will remind you that Aries born on April 10, plus or minus five days, are the only readers that will have to deal with this. (Sooner or later, we all are tested by Pluto, no matter what the sign—you are just going through this now.)
If you can travel, any trip taken at the October 12-13 full moon weekend would be quite divine. You can travel for any reason, and short distances too, but it would be best to go to enjoy romance, relaxation, and pure fun, rather than business. With good fortune planet Jupiter so friendly, you may enjoy a touch of luxury on your trip.
Get as much done in the first three weeks of October, for Mercury will go retrograde from October 31 to November 20.
Money will need tending at month’s end, for Uranus, the planet of surprise, will put considerable pressure on the Sun and new moon, both in your eighth house of other people’s money. It seems a sudden expense or tax bill may rattle you and have you scrambling for a way to bring in more money or find ways to cover it, perhaps by temporarily cutting back on something or delaying a purchase. This seems to be a six-month trend, so until you know the lay of the land, spend conservatively. If money is not on your mind, a family member, such as your mother or father, might need your attention and assistance, so stay flexible in the last week.
Coincidentally, although your love life shines so brilliantly at the October 13 full moon, at month’s end, if you are dating seriously, your relationship could go through temporary turbulence after the new moon on October 27. If you are living together, you might rethink your accommodations and possibly move so that you can lease your own space to reclaim your independence and sense of domestic calm. If you do leave, it seems to be over a disagreement about the sharing expenses and household duties. Suddenly the “cost” of your relationship seems to have risen too high, and you will both have to revisit questions raised later next month. If you are married, this is not likely—the house ruling those dating seriously but not yet committed is found in a different part of the chart.
At work, a creative idea you offer will garner applause from a top boss. Budgetary concerns may dilute your idea, however, so before you present it, be sure you can cleverly work within the known financial constraints.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-10-02 22:44:23 (台灣)
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