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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 12月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-12-03 Tue. 14:23:05

Aries Horoscope for December 2019

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

I am bursting with excitement, for December will be one of the sweetest, most joyful months of 2019. I can’t wait for you to read all I have to say. It will be a month that has almost everything, including a solar eclipse (no worries, this eclipse will glow with benefits for every sign), a move of Jupiter, the good fortune planet, to a new sign, and a very rare, glorious aspect December 15.

I am excited to announce two new appearances, the first in New York City on Friday, December 6 and one, a month later, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, on January 4, 2020. I will appear in Los Angeles at the Conscious Life Expo in February and will post that information shortly.

Here is the information about my New York and Dallas appearances.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

December and January will be glorious months for your career, for as you enter this period on December 2, good-fortune Jupiter will move into Capricorn, your tenth houses of honors, awards, and achievements for the first time in over a decade. Jupiter will remain here for 12 months, until December 19, 2020. You are due for a major professional breakthrough, and it doesn’t matter what level you are on now or the industry you work in—the universe has come to your door and will now start to give you a big boost. Every Aries will be included in this breathtaking trend.

Two years ago, starting on December 19, 2017, Saturn first entered your same tenth house of career reputation. You find this house at the very pinnacle point of your chart, where you would see the number 12 on the face of a clock. You may not have been aware, but over the past two years, higher-ups have been testing your skills. You were under this test because VIPs believed in you, but they wanted to see how you performed under pressure. The past two years certainly have not been easy, but you learned a great deal—for proof, think back to where you were professionally in 2015, 2016, and early 2017, and see how far you have come. You still have another year with Saturn, until December 16, 2020, but future challenges will pale in comparison to those you faced in the past two years. The third year of a Saturn visit is generally the easiest, and with Jupiter at your side in that house too, I am sure I will hear you say, “I got this!”

Your test focused on your skills, judgment, and how you could perform under a variety of circumstances, along with your ability to relate with other executives and clients, and if you were in a managerial position, how you worked with teammates and if you encouraged and developed subordinates. There was plenty to learn, and you were being asked to meet new, higher standards. If you worked hard, at the exclusion of almost everything else—for that is what Saturn requires—and you were a solid team player, then reward will come in 2020.

You may have already seen reward over the past year—and assuming you still want to get ahead—you have much, much more success to come. Believe it or not, the achievements of your past will be small in comparison to what’s coming at some point in 2020, and very possibly as early as now, in December, or next month, in January. This is a year when your professional dreams can come true, so aim high, and if applicable, let influential people know your goals. As is always the case in astrology, it will be up to you to show your desire and intent. Think about what you’d like to happen next in your career. If the phone were to ring right now, what would the person be offering you? What would make you excited to do?

During early December, think about what is important to you. A solar eclipse is coming (all solar eclipses are new moons), and they are known to open a pathway, and because eclipses speed timetables, a professional breakthrough seems to be coming quickly.

    A new moon solar eclipse is due on December 25, one that will be as sweet as sugar. Indeed, this may be the best gift Santa has ever given you—namely, a new position or title, more responsibility, power, and respect from the people who matter to you. If you are self-employed, a dazzling new assignment from a new or ongoing client could suddenly come through. What more could you want? This is fantastic!

A new moon solar eclipse is due on December 25, one that will be as sweet as sugar. Indeed, this may be the best gift Santa has ever given you—namely, a new position or title, more responsibility, power, and respect from the people who matter to you. If you are self-employed, a dazzling new assignment from a new or ongoing client could suddenly come through. What more could you want? This is fantastic!

The Christmas Day eclipse of December 25 will be one of the most memorable and significant periods of the year for your career, and it will trigger so much more to come in 2020.

Just after the eclipse, you have another amazing day: The Luckiest Day of the Year, December 27, when the Sun and Jupiter meet. The conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun this month will happen in your professional tenth house, adding even more sparkle to your career. Your outlook for amazing change and lucky breaks at work is absolutely extraordinary.

Let me backtrack a moment, for you will enjoy a different professional day before the Christmas Day eclipse arrives. Take note of what happens on December 15, when Jupiter and the Sun will receive electric, silvery vibrations from surprise-a-minute Uranus. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, now in your house of honors, awards, and achievements, will link to Uranus in your second house of earned income. It looks like a raise or bonus will come to you out of the blue, and you will receive it because of your fine performance over the past two years. The timing of this event on December 15 falls on a Sunday in Los Angeles, but it will fall on Monday on the US East Coast, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Watch all the days that span December 13 to 17 for happy financial news related to your career.

As a note about December 15 and the days that surround it, this rare aspect will not happen again until October 2028, and by then, these two planets will not link your financial house of earned income and career. Although it will be the same aspect, it will hit completely different parts of your chart. Jupiter trine Uranus, linking your income and reputation, is one of those once-in-a-lifetime aspects—so very special.

Mars, your ruling planet, is found in Scorpio, your eighth house, increasing your spending. Still, Mars will be very friendly to Neptune, the planet of the creative arts, so if you work in entertainment, are an artist, or support the work of artists (say, as an agent, editor, or producer, as some examples), you will be in a good position to generate lucrative ideas.

If you’d like a change of scene to celebrate the holidays with family or friends, you will have several superb opportunities to travel. Last month’s new moon of November 26 opened a path for you to pack and go at the end of November or the start of December. Also, at the full moon of December 11 in Gemini, you could find yourself on the road heading to a nearby city. I realize most people travel near Christmas or New Year’s, but your travel seems to come earlier in the month.

If at the full moon of December 11 in Gemini, should you choose not to be on the road, you may have other areas that light up. If you have a contract to sign at this time, you likely have an open pathway, assuming your lawyer has had time to look over the document and has given you the nod. Neptune will be in hard angle to the Sun and full moon, so don’t skip the step of conferring with your lawyer—two pairs of eyes will be necessary at this time. If you can wait to sign on December 27, that would be wonderful—Jupiter’s closeness to the Sun suggests a very profitable outcome. If you’re not concluding a deal or contract, you could have your sister or brother on your mind.

Now let’s look for your social life and possibilities for love and romance. All month, Venus, the love-me planet, will be in Aquarius from December 19 onward, a perfect placement for you to have fun. Venus will be gliding through your eleventh house of parties, friends, and new people who come into your life. It seems you will have an invitation to at least one—if not several—gatherings to celebrate the holiday season.

Guess what? There is more good news about your love life in December!

When you come to the Luckiest Day of the Year, December 27, as said, the mighty Sun will meet with Jupiter, the planet of happiness and good fortune, and amplify the effects of Jupiter many times over. The Sun may be moving through your tenth house of career, but the Sun also rules your fifth house of truelove—in fact, that area of the chart encourages the sparks of new love. Plan to be out and about on December 26 and 27, for these will be superb days for romance and for meeting someone new to start a long-term relationship. (On December 26, the aspect will be growing in strength, so catch the wave the day before December 27.)

Additionally, the fifth house rules pregnancy and the care and enjoyment of children, so if you are hoping for a baby and the timing works out, spanning from December 20 until January 2, this will be a fortunate time for conception. If you have children, it’s a time to joyously be together and to surprise them (perhaps with an outing) and play with them more than usual.

Finally, December 27 will be an outstanding day to work on a creative project or to show it to the world. It’s also a great day to sign a contract—I cannot think of a better day, for if you sign on this day, you are likely to see profits grow from your endeavor.

Are you hoping to go out for New Year’s Eve? The moon will be in Pisces, conjunct Neptune, so if you do go to a restaurant or attend a party, it will have a heavenly, other-worldly setting, quite beautiful and romantic. Pisces lights your twelfth house of privacy, so if you’d rather create your celebration at home, that would be a perfect idea. Stock up on flowers, a chilled bottle of champagne, and candles, and revel in your love as you ring in the New Year, 2020.


Your first indication that your professional luck is suddenly about to glitter will arrive on December 15, when Uranus, the planet of surprise, will reach out to benefic Jupiter in your prestigious tenth house of fame and honors. Uranus is in your earned income area, so not only will you likely hear good news about your rising professional status and influence, but also the compensation that would come with any new job or assignment will please and surprise you. The best part? All this will likely come to you completely out of the blue.

Jupiter will enter Capricorn this month on December 2 to stay until December 19, 2020, and will be responsible for much professional good fortune. In the coming year, Jupiter will provide career-related rewards beyond your wildest expectations. Additionally, other planets are quietly lining up in the same part of your chart—your professional tenth house of prestigious advancement—including Pluto and Saturn. All you need is the Sun and a new moon to release the goodies these planets have for you. Remarkably, you will have the perfect new moon on December 25 to make all this happen, and it will be for the first and only time this year.

The new moon set to arrive on December 25 is not just any new moon but a powerful solar eclipse, making it three times as strong as a regular new moon. You should feel its weight and benefic effect immediately. This gorgeous new moon will bring you a reward or career opportunity for something you dearly want to happen, for it will open a door that will allow you to make a bigger name for yourself. The planets will all be in place during the week between December 25 and January 1, so that week might turn out to be the most important for your career in over a decade. Do not be away on vacation at that time. The solar eclipse of December 25 will set the tone of what’s to come too, especially in the first half of January. Put the champagne on ice!

Mars will meet with Neptune December 13, indicating a day when you may see profit related to a creative project, perhaps something artistic or musical. On December 19, Mars will contact Saturn, which will help you build a strong sense of financial security. On December 22, Mars will be in conversation with Pluto, indicating more good news about salary, bonus, benefits, loans, mortgage, or venture capital that may come your way.

You could enjoy exciting travel for part of the month too, thanks to a friendly new moon that already appeared late last month on November 26. More indications of travel could happen within four days of the full moon of December 11. If you can pack and go, your trip will work out to be heavenly. Jupiter rules your ninth house of travel and will be in an especially jolly mood, sprinkling unexpected fun and warmth everywhere you go.

In a month that has everything, you might meet the love of your life on the Luckiest Day of the Year, Friday, December 27, when Jupiter will align precisely with the Sun. (This won’t happen at all in 2020 but will on January 28, 2021, in a completely different sign.) The Sun rules your love life, so be out and about. It’s also possible you will have feelings for someone who works with you in a high-level position that you would meet through your work. Or, you may travel with your sweetheart and bond closer. If you travel with a friend to a resort, you could meet someone special from your hometown. The point is, you must leave the house to make this happen.

More readers write to ask about conception than any other question—and from December 20 to January 2, you will be outstandingly favored. If the timing seems good, then try. This is a very special month

New Year’s Eve could be private, just for the two of you, or you may go to a party or restaurant with a soft and romantic atmosphere. Dear Aries, this is your month!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-12-03 14:23:05 (台灣)
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 62 
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