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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 1月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-01-02 Wed. 19:39:55
Aries Horoscope for January 2019
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller
January 2019
Dear Reader,
In this letter, I have written a free essay, below, called An Introduction to 2019 to give you an exciting overview of the coming year. There are lots of new trends that will offer this year a new look and feel, and I knew you would want to be filled in on those interesting details. It certainly will be a more productive year than 2018, and I will show you why in a moment.
Before you read my essay on the Year Ahead 2019 found below, I want you to know I am doing two free events in New York in January and one special keynote at the New Life Expo in Deerfield FL, near Boca Raton, on Saturday, February 2. Please come—I want to meet you!
Read More
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
If you assume your career is set and nothing much will happen in January, think again. You will hear news almost the moment you begin the month. Something extraordinary is happening, with the Sun, new moon solar eclipse (January 5), Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn all occupying your tenth house of fame and honors. There seems to be little chance of things going along as they were—change is in the air, but it could work completely to your advantage.
Something big is afoot this month regarding your career. You may receive a promotion or new job offer or start your own business, or you may draw a big award or favorable publicity. The environment in your workplace is likely to change, but in that fluidity, you are sure to discover an opportunity to allow you to move ahead.
The January 5 eclipse is a new moon solar eclipse, and most solar eclipses are known to open the door to a new reality. A male VIP may suddenly announce a departure, much to everyone’s surprise or shock. Eclipses take us out of our comfort zone and shake up the elements of our lives so we can gain a new perspective. They always provide truth, but when they do, the message is often glaring and nonnegotiable—never try to overturn the news of an eclipse to go back to the way things were, for that will never happen after an eclipse occurs. With so many heavenly bodies conjunct each other, you have a very powerful setup here—the conjunction is the strongest aspect possible in astrology.
If you do expand your role or earn a new title, it will come with great responsibility, for Saturn will conjoin the Sun and new moon eclipse. Pluto will be close to the Sun too, giving you an air of authority and power. Pluto will also allow you to attract the attention of a VIP to help champion your cause. Neptune will be beautifully oriented to this new moon eclipse, suggesting that if you work as a creative person, or support the creative team, you will do well. Those working with music, art, dance, theatre, movies, or other areas of culture, will do well during the first week of January.
This could be another jarring eclipse, with Uranus in an out-of-sign hard angle to both the Sun and new moon eclipse. This suggests something is about to be revealed regarding a love relationship that will not please you one bit. If you are married, your relationship is solid and not affected, but Aries who are single and dating should take note. (Married relationships are in the seventh house, but the eclipse, lighting the fifth house, puts the emphasis on new love and also brings the Sun to center stage.)
The fact that Uranus will be difficult toward the Sun and new moon is a separating aspect. If you haven’t had the courage to leave an unhappy relationship, this eclipse may do it for you or give you the impetus to finally bring your feelings out in the open.
All eclipses require adjustment as the situation changes, and you can’t go back to earlier times. That door is bolted shut by the eclipse (always), but at the same time, the change creates opportunity, and in your case, it relates to your career.
As an aside, 2019 starts on a somber note, as on January 1, Saturn will be conjunct the Sun, making some Aries readers frustrated, bored, or depressed about their career situation. The events of January 5 and the days that follow will come as a surprise and give you a chance to make professional progress. Most positive change begins with some level of dissatisfaction, which leads to change, and that leads to improvement.
Something big is afoot this month regarding your career. You may receive a promotion or new job offer, start your own business, or you may draw a big award or favorable publicity.
You are fortunate to have your ruler, Mars, in Aries, from January 1 through February 14. Mars will raise your profile, so if you’ve assumed no one noticed your contributions at work, you should see a difference in January or in early February. Mars and Jupiter will be in close conversation, so international communications and relationships with foreign people in your life should go well. If you work in the media, law, or academia, the same would be true. A lot will happen near January 5, but if you need to travel, schedule it for mid- to end of January for best results.
Venus will be in your same ninth house and receive a signal from Mars on January 11, so that would be a perfect time to take your trip, whether for love or—if on business—for profit. If you are applying for a new position, discussions about your compensation and other company benefits should go well at this time, too.
This month holds two eclipses, the second one coming as a full moon lunar eclipse, in Leo, one degree, on January 20.
This eclipse will bring a love relationship to culmination or an answer about conception. This would not be the best time to try via in vitro, for Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, will be in hard angle to the moon. The moon is always strongly involved with pregnancy, so I would advise you to wait a month. In terms of love, Uranus will bring a sudden surprise, but I can’t quite say which way things will go.
If your birthday falls on March 21, plus three days, you will feel this eclipse more directly than any other Aries. The same is true if you have Aries rising 0 to 5 degrees or have a natal planet or natal moon in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at those degrees.
Travel would be heavenly this month, thanks to the alignment of Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius on January 22. This is an exceedingly rare aspect, so take it seriously—this one can help you quite a bit. Venus rules love, so if you are attached, you could not wish for a better time to be away on holiday at a distant port.
Jupiter rules profit, so if you need to travel a long way to see a client, the meeting is likely to go well. At the same time, Mars will be close enough to add fuel to this lovely pairing of Jupiter and Venus, and because they’re in Aries, you are likely to love the outcome of events on this day, Tuesday, January 22.
That same week, on Friday, January 25, Mars, Aries’ ruler, will be in ideal angle to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. This may work out to be an even better day than January 22, which in itself is hard to beat! On Friday, January 25, your actions lead to profit or happiness. This is a great day to use for just about any purpose, from signing a document to having a first date. It’s a very happy day.
This month will have you focus on efforts to achieve a win in your career. Planets are lining up in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement and will act like loving little relatives who want you to do well. They include Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, plus the Sun and new moon, all in Capricorn.
This crown of stars—that’s what it’s called when you have so many heavenly bodies orbiting in alignment (in this case, all in Capricorn)—will create an opportunity to achieve professional prominence. If you are a nominee for an industry award, schedule an important job interview, or if you feel the time has come for a promotion, make your move early this month. Show you are a big thinker, but a practical, realistic soul, too. Capricorn is an earthy, financial sign that always thinks in terms of data and profits.
As if five twinkling planets in your lofty career sector were not enough, the universe will send a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 to move talks forward in a hurry. Saturn, in Capricorn, will be conjunct the new moon solar eclipse, so any position you discuss would give you considerable responsibility, as well as power, and put you at the forefront of your industry.
All eclipses require adjustments, so be prepared and don’t be away on a trip at this time, for you will be needed to sort out details that will come to you. It looks like a major management official will announce a departure, leaving everyone in your department—or the entire company—surprised or in shock.
Neptune will be angled well to Saturn and the new moon on January 5, so if you are investigating new opportunities (which is good, you should), any new job discussed now would give you plenty of room to add your imprint and creativity. It is also a job you are likely to remain at for a long time, for it will have growth opportunities. As one female Aries said to me recently, “I don’t do well in middle management. I want to be on top.” That is such an Aries statement! That’s why Aries does make it to the top—it is where they are meant to be.
Also aiding you in your quest for major career recognition, Mars is newly minted in Aries from January 1 and will help you gain in favor from VIPs from now until February 14. That’s plenty of time to get your foot in the door of a VIP who can recognize your talents and to get the publicity for work well done.
Romantically, you are sitting pretty, too. Venus and Mars will be in perfect sync on Friday, January 18, making this one of the most affectionate days of the month. Aries will feel this especially, as Venus will be in fire-sign Sagittarius, and Mars will be in fire-sign Aries. So far, so good, but clouds will be gathering in the background, as you will soon see over the weekend.
By that I mean the full moon lunar eclipse, in Leo, is coming up on Sunday, January 20, which is an emotional full moon on steroids. It will put the emphasis on a romantic interest or on pregnancy, or focus you on a child or children you may have. Uranus, in its’ last degrees of Aries, is in a position of completion and will challenge the Sun and full moon, most likely bringing a financial crisis you’ll need to instantly address. This financial matter may involve a family, a real estate matter, or a relationship with a love interest or a child.
Even so, Venus will combine energies with Jupiter at this time (to peak January 22), but will spread its soothing effect over the full moon, too. It looks like you will be at the airport flying to a distant point for fun or work. Venus and Jupiter will capture the attention of Mars in Aries too, and bring happiness. Any expense you might incur at this time would be worthwhile.
Jupiter and Venus rarely meet—the next such four-star day will be November 24, 2019, but by then, Mars won’t be involved. Make use of January 22 by being out and about, for you are likely to find love and happiness, so you can rise above pressures that may or may not arise near the eclipse, January 20.
As you edge to the close of the month, you have another stellar day, January 25, when your ruling planet, Mars, will reach out to Jupiter. This is a rare aspect where the action (Mars) leads to profit, growth, and happiness (Jupiter). You can’t get any aspect better than this!
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-01-02 19:39:55
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