看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 11月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2014年11月02日 Sun. AM 09:47:30
Aries Forecast for November 2014
By Susan Miller
November may turn out to be a major month for scaling new heights in your career. In late October, Mars, your guardian planet, moved into Capricorn to brilliantly light your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement for the coming six weeks. As you enter November, Mars will be orbiting close to Pluto, making you quite a force to be reckoned with. Any career position you discuss would certainly represent a step up from the position you held previously. Interviews should go exceedingly well, for your experience and practical smarts seem to fit perfectly with the job at hand.
The full moon of November 6 in Taurus falling in your salary sector in fine angle to Pluto and Mars indicates you'll be able to find accord on your compensation fairly quickly. You seem to have been concerned about cash flow, and with three planets in your house of credit, loans, mortgage, and student loans, things will improve by late December, so you only need find a workable way to bridge your finances through November and December.
One of your favorite days will be when benefic Jupiter contacts Mercury, the planet that governs your true love sector, Saturday, November 1. It's your day, when almost anything you do together brings happiness.
On November 12, Mars in Capricorn will be at sharp odds with Uranus in Aries, so someone may push all your buttons, but don't be provoked. This is a hot aspect, but once unleashed, it's anyone's guess which way things will go, and later you won't be able to backtrack. Keep a low profile.
As you get closer to Thanksgiving, you seem to be among those who will be packing your bags and heading out of town. Not all zodiac signs will be able to travel, but you will, and quite far, too. The new moon, November 22 will coax you to go, and with a plethora of planets in Sagittarius, your sense of adventure will be piqued, so there will be no reason to stay home. You may go for a variety of reasons, not just to see family, and when you do, you'll be able to find ways to combine work with time with your sweetheart. Trips taken at month's end will be somewhat strenuous, as it appears you will have a goal to compete, indicated by the position of Saturn. Or, it may be that you may be concerned over the health of a man in your family, possibly your father, stepfather, or a favorite uncle. You will want to be with your beloved relative.
Dates to Note for ARIES
Luckiest days for luck but also for other purposes in your life: November 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 26, and 27.
November 1 would be delicious for a short trip, for giving a speech, having an interview, or handing in a written document.
If you have an important, high-level job interview coming up, set it for Monday, November 3, when the Sun and Pluto will be in fine agreement. You'll shine!
Present your case for a raise quickly after the full moon of November 6 arrives - it's the best one in 2014 for increasing your income.
You will be feeling very powerful on November 10. Mars, your ruler, will conjoin Pluto, a great day for a job interview or for giving a presentation.
Be careful when Mars in Capricorn has a dispute with Uranus in Aries on November 12, a tough day for a job interview or for calling to find out if you got the job. Leave a bit of space around this day. It's the hardest day of the month.
When Saturn conjoins the Sun on November 18 you may have a hard time paying a bill. You seem exhausted too, so don't overdo.
The new moon of November 22 may bring opportunity for distant travel; to form new international relationships; to explore chances to gain from higher education, the media, the courts and legal matters; and can, if necessary, solve an immigration / visa / green card / passport matter. This new moon will require effort or sacrifice due to Saturn's strong presence.
If you sign a contract on November 25, when Mercury and Saturn conjoin, you will be in that contract a very long time.
A sweet day for love will be November 26 when Venus in Sagittarius will receive a shimmering beam from Uranus in Aries.
Venus will be in Sagittarius from November 17 to December 10, a great time to buy new clothes, makeup, and fragrance, and to have your hair freshly styled.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-11-02 09:47:30
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2014-11-02 09:51:07
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