看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 9月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2019-09-03 Tue. 11:54:21
Aries Horoscope for September 2019
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller
Dear Readers,
I can’t wait until you read September! It will be a glorious month, with lovely aspects. I was excited as I did my calculations for you and was eager to relate all the good news to you as quickly as possible. This will be a month like none other and special in ways that won’t be repeated. Everyone is being given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a breakthrough on a desire dear to your heart.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
You may be wondering how it could be September so soon. Wasn’t it just New Year’s Eve? Yes, but that was nine months ago. This year is moving fast, and September will go even faster—yet, it is just the kind of month you will love. You will need to keep up, so you may feel a little like Lucy and her best friend Ethel in the chocolate factory. In that I Love Lucy episode, the gourmet chocolates were coming down the assembly line too quickly, so instead of Lucy and Ethel wrapping each of the delicious bite-size treats, they began stuffing them in their little mouths so management wouldn’t see that they were falling behind.
It will be that busy for you in September, but no, just kidding—you will be much more organized than comedienne Lucille Ball. You’ll have five transiting planets in Virgo filling your workaday sector, so I know that to be true.
First, let me tell you this—as you reach the new month, you’ll instantly have sweet planetary cooperation between Mercury (communication) and Uranus (surprises) on September 1. This will be a fabulous day to travel spontaneously, to shop for special bargains, or to set aside time to do creative writing. Mercury and Uranus will be in cahoots, making for a joyful, fruitful day. In the US, this is Labor Day weekend, so it seems you will have plenty of fun on September 1.
Also, you will have just experienced the August 30 new moon at seven degrees Virgo, your solar sixth house of work projects, and this will strongly color the first two weeks of September. You will have the Sun, new moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus in this house—all friendly planets—and that tells me just how much you will like what you will be expected to do. Five out of the ten heavenly bodies in one house—the house which has you centered on various work projects—is half the solar system, and attests to how detailed you will need to be this month. If you have to write proposals, you will be at the top of your game.
Magically, all of these planets will be receiving shimmering, electric beams from Uranus, the planet of surprise, now positioned in your financial house, so the work you do now should have a very positive effect on your future salary and fees. Wonderful! Whether you are self-employed or work for others, your income should soon climb to new heights as a result of what you are about to do now.
If you are self-employed, you can charge a generously decent fee for this project, and if you work for others, management will be impressed, so much so that when the topic of a raise comes up, you might see an increase immediately. Moreover, the Sun, new moon, Venus, and Mars are shining golden beams directly to your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and to the ruler of that house, Saturn. Honestly, dear Aries, you simply can’t lose. It appears you are about to zoom straight up the ladder of success. Expect praise, enviable publicity, and applause for work well done.
The sixth house is also the house of health and hosts the best new moon of all of 2020 to take steps to make sure you stay fit, strong, and vibrant. With a new moon so bright and beautiful, you have a fantastic outlook for addressing health matters, so whether you need to have your annual exam or screenings, have your eyes checked or teeth cleaned, or arrange a surgical procedure, make your appointment for any time in the first half of September, which glows especially brightly for health. If you can’t schedule your appointment in the first half of September, the entire month is really great for checking these items off your list. I am splitting hairs here—go any time in September. Consider taking up a new sport and arranging lessons for it, returning to the gym and treating yourself to a package of sessions with a trainer, or going to a master to teach you meditation.
Saturn, the planetary engine for your tenth house of career, will turn direct on September 18, so watch the days that encircle this date, from September 8 to September 28, since you are likely to hear professional news that will make you want to dance on the tables. You’ll have a clue of what’s coming next, and it’s exciting!
Next, I want to tell you about two very meaningful days that will arrive together over a special weekend in September.
On Sunday, September 8, and Monday, September 9, Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned, so your actions that day could lead to long-term career security, stability, and success. Mars is in your sixth house of work projects (the area of the chart you and I have been discussing so far) and Saturn—still based in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement—will be in direct communication. Wow, the projects you do or the actions you take now, during September, will coalesce into something big that you would be proud to share with others. Venus and Mercury will also sparkle. Keep a bottle of champagne on ice handy, for after these two days are over, you may want to celebrate.
Saturn has been retrograding since April 29 in your tenth house of prestigious career success but will bolt forward on September 18. Once Saturn moves forward, you are likely to see solid evidence that all the hard work you’ve been putting into your career is about to pay off big-time. You may not need to wait until September 18, the date Saturn goes direct
Here is why—beginning September 8, Saturn will do what astrologers call starting to station—that means the planet slows down to a crawl and temporarily hangs like a lantern in the sky, not moving forward or backward but seeming to stand still relative to other planets. That planet—Saturn—will be summoning all its inner energy to change direction, a little like a cruise ship’s machinery would do in the ocean as it starts to make a U-turn. Saturn will be pulling hard on its inner engines to go in the other direction.
Stationary periods are very potent for any planet, and now Saturn will begin to station on September 8. Saturn rules your solar tenth house of prestigious career power and influence, so Saturn has a lot to say regarding what happens to you professionally. As said, Saturn will begin to station (stop and simply hang in place in the sky) on September 8 and resume normal motion September 18. Watch what happens in your career during these dates. I bet you will receive good news.
This month’s full moon, known as the Harvest Moon, will fall in Pisces at 21 degrees on September 13. This is a sweet full moon because it will almost exactly reach out to Pluto, currently in your same tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements. The tenth house is so important that in olden days, the ancient astrologers called it the house of dignity. This is the place in youre chart where your work has a lasting effect on society and your community, and that represents your leadership and final legacy someday to the world. Pluto’s involvement here shows how impressed higher-ups are with your work, and how open-minded they are to giving you more complex projects.
This full moon of September 13 will fall in the most private, hidden part of your chart, so you might be drawn to rest. If you’ve been rising early and going to sleep late, see if you can catch up on a little sleep over this weekend of September 14-15.
Mars is your ruling planet and tells me the area of life that will draw your focus. In Virgo, Mars reveals to me what you will find riveting, and that’s going to be on your workaday assignments and health matters. Things will ease up at work by the time you reach October 3, and Mars moves on to Libra.
By month’s end, at the September 28 new moon, you will start to have more quality time for your romantic partner and perhaps talk about future plans. Some Aries may become engaged, or if already married, be planning new ways to make more of your relationship and grow closer.
This part of your chart also rules business partnerships and collaborators (lawyer, accountant, agent, publicist, screenplay writing partner, social media manager, advertising agency, and the like), so if this applies to you, you might draw up plans to forge ahead on a new project or sign someone new. This is the new moon to become serious with anyone you want to align with this year. I like that this new moon is in Libra, the sign of marriage and partnerships of all kinds.
Libra’s ruler is Venus, so I am so happy to see that Venus and Jupiter will be in ideal sync on the new moon. Amazing! This means the new moon will have a wonderful effect now and for the coming 12 months on your partnerships of all kinds. The actions you take on and in the ten days after a new moon will matter a great deal, so if you have a plan to couple up in love or business, this new moon will be the time to act. Venus rules not only love, but happiness, profit, and prosperity too, so you see how perfectly this time of the year is for you to take action.
One last note: September 24 will be a heavenly day when Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Sagittarius are in lovely alignment, 60 degrees apart, called a sextile. A sextile offers you a shining opportunity, so this one would be perfect for scheduling a meeting, presentation, pitch, or to sign a contract or travel near or far. It’s also a fantastic day to go shopping. With the moon then in Leo, you are apt to find gorgeous items that flatter you and garner you many compliments, and you will likely spend a bit more than you planned, but wow, will you look amazing!
September will be a remarkably productive month for you, and it will brim with activity. You like having lots to do, and you will have a fast-moving, packed schedule. You will have many heavenly bodies that will gather in your sixth house of work assignments, including your ruler, Mars, along with Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and the August 30 new moon, which will influence your days in the first half of September. Uranus will be friendly to all those heavenly bodies, bringing new projects, and you might be surprised by how many clients and internal VIPs will choose you and only you to work on them. This will be flattering—you are the best, and they know it.
The work you do now will allow you a path to solid advancement, thanks to a collaboration between Saturn, Mars, and Venus. Most new moons have a mixed outlook, but this one will bring only happy opportunities and results. The financial compensation you will be offered as a result of your fine, detailed performance will please you. If you are working on a stand-alone project, that money will come now, and if you work for others, your excellent performance will be noted and bring rewards in time. Life can’t always be this sweet, but when it is, you must take full advantage.
This same new moon, so strong in September’s first ten days, will help you become excited about going back to the gym or resuming a more physical outdoor program. This would also be the ideal month to check in with your doctor for your annual exam or plan a consultation with a medical professional about a question that’s been on your mind. Some good news about your health likely awaits you, so go ahead, make that appointment.
Later, the full moon of Friday, September 13 will find you needing rest. Be careful about any medicines or herbs you ingest, as you could have an adverse (such as allergic) reaction. Neptune will be conjunct the full moon in your private twelfth house, causing this possibility, so before taking any new drug, ask your doctor about side effects. I am not saying this will happen only that it could happen. You seem to need to screen out social events near this date, so take it slow—follow your routine but avoid starting anything new. You might want to sleep in over the weekend.
This would be an ideal weekend (September 14-15) to daydream and to muse about a dilemma that has pressed on you, as you are likely to find workable solutions. Plot your course for the coming months, but do so alone, for by being secluded, you will be able to listen to the small voice within. At this time, you should not let others influence your thinking. Mars, your ruler, now in Virgo, will be working with Saturn in Capricorn, your career, honors, and award sector, so set aside time over this weekend for your next steps—your ideas will have stability, practicality, and considerable profit potential. The ideas you have now could earn you a promotion by year’s end.
Saturn, the planetary engine for your tenth house of career, will turn direct on September 18, so watch the days that encircle this date, from September 8 to September 28, since you are likely to hear professional news that will make you want to dance on the tables. You’ll have a clue of what’s coming next, and it’s exciting! The days surrounding any major planet’s turn from retrograde to direct almost always deliver important clues subtly, so you would have to be keyed to listening—you will hear it and see it if you pay attention.
As you move closer to month’s end, you will be thinking about working collaboratively with one or more individuals. Aries most often likes to act alone, but by the new moon of September 28, you will be working with one or more people of equal status. Don’t fret over the news that you won’t have full control at this time—your collaborator will be a good partner and compliment your work. Venus, the subject of this new moon will be in conversation with Jupiter, suggesting smooth interaction between you, with an exciting result.
Some Aries will become engaged at this new moon or in the days that follow, a heavenly time to do so.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-09-03 11:54:21 (台灣)
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