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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 12月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-12-02 Sun. 08:20:50
Aries Horoscope for December 2018
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller
December 2018
Dear Reader,
I have two big surprises, and I am bursting to tell you about both! I can tell you about the first surprise, below, but for the second one, I have to wait another ten days to tell you.
So that you and I can stay in close touch, I want you to know that I officially post nearly every day on Instagram @AstrologyZone. I am having fun using captivating photos on my feed and sharing up-to-date astrological information. I also post daily on my beloved @Twitter as @AstrologyZone, as well as on Facebook as Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone. As I find interesting astrological days coming up, you will be the first to know about them.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
You are about to push back the borders of your life to let in richer, more meaningful experiences. You have options to accomplish this, but one way that might be high on your list will be to travel. You are at a point where you may feel the need to break free of same old routines and heavy restraints. Now that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in fellow fire-sign Sagittarius, you have a superb chance to open up the shutters of your mind, breathe in fresh air, and build meaningful memories through new experiences.
Travel is the most popular way to clear the mind, so you might be looking at Internet sites to plan your next vacation. (This is true, even if you have never taken a real vacation and your boss keeps telling you to try it, you’ll like it.) Productivity usually climbs after a person has had time away, for the change in setting acts as a release to everyday pressures. This all comes to you through the efforts of Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck, and a gorgeous new moon, due on December 6. You will enjoy this trend all next year, until December 2, 2019.
This is actually the best year in 12 years for you to think about taking an international trip to a distant city you’ve never seen, due to good-fortune Jupiter’s position in relation to your Sun.
Can’t travel? You might alternatively transfer into the international department of your company, do import-export of goods, services, or ideas, or work with a company overseas without ever needing to leave your home, such as to write a column for an international magazine.
Of course, this is December, and many people fly home to see family for the holidays. You may assume that everyone travels at this time of the year, and that is generally true, but not all signs can get away. You, however, have an unusually strong emphasis on travel now and in future months.
Here is what is so extraordinary about this month’s new moon of December 6. The new moon and Sun will conjunct Jupiter, the planet of happiness, luxury, and financial gain. Jupiter brings lucky breaks and rare opportunities. This rarely happens, but it’s happening in December.
Jupiter will spread goodness throughout your chart, but especially focus on activities of the ninth house, ruling distant travel, higher education, the media, and more. In astrology, a conjunction of two bodies is the most powerful aspect possible, for it signifies the start of a new cycle. In this case, yours will last a year.
You can have great aspects, but without a new moon to package it and make it accessible, nothing much will happen. Hooray! You have powerful, magnificent aspects and the right new moon this month for projects and relationships to move forward with gusto. Soon you will see the new moon spin her magic. If your birthday falls on April 4, plus or minus four days, you will especially notice the effects of this new moon.
On December 20, you will likely hear joyous news concerning your home and your career at the same time. The news will be completely unexpected, because you’ll likely see a development arise from both quarters. Later, you may feel this is the best gift Santa could have ever delivered to you.
You are a fire sign, Aries, and having Jupiter tour a sign in your element (fire) is another huge advantage. Jupiter in Sagittarius will give you outstanding favor from VIPs and could bring you love and romance, good health, strength, and optimism. You will find 2019 to be a standout.
The new moon on December 6 will have other options for you to enjoy, in addition to international travel. Indeed, there will be many ways you can give your mind the intellectual stimulation you desire. One way might be to go back to university to finish your undergraduate or graduate degree or to attend a series of lectures or seminars to brush up on your specialty. Another idea, and on a smaller scale, would be for you to go to book signings at a nearby bookstore and be fascinated by all the author has to say.
Your ninth house rules publishing and broadcasting projects, too. You may be excited to write or research a book you’d like to publish soon or to work with an art director to create your own Internet blog. If you work in television, you may produce a TV segment that informs your audience of news you’ve uncovered that could use some depth of explanation—you will be the one to do it.
December 6 is a vital day. After months of dealing with retrograde planets, Mercury will go direct on this day. Hooray! There will be no more retrogrades due anytime soon.
Mercury will go direct on December 6, but be more functional as you move further away from that day. We had Mars retrograde from June 26 to August 27, and in the middle of that phase, Mercury was retrograde July 25 to August 18. We thought we were done with all the slowdowns by the time we all reached September, but no, Venus started to slow down too, and finally went retrograde from October 5 to November 16. On that very day, November 16, Mercury went retrograde again.
The second half of 2018 certainly was more about looking back to fix situations and relationships than moving forward. Venus, Mars, and Mercury are the three planets that orbit closest to earth, so we all feel those planets’ retrogrades more sharply than when other, more distant planets go retrograde. Since June, life has required much patience. Mars and Venus will not retrograde at all in 2019.
Outer planets were also in a backward slide—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. It’s a miracle anything got done, but you likely did a lot of backtracking. Jupiter went direct July 10; Saturn went direct September 6; Pluto went direct September 30; and Neptune went direct just a week ago, on November 24. Uranus will turn direct January 6, 2019, but he is the only planet still straggling behind like a pokey little puppy. For all intents and purposes, we are all out of the woods. No more delays!
This means you can shop for holiday presents now, especially ones that are electronic or are machines with moving parts, such as a car, computer, TV, or a dishwasher. This will be the first holiday season in years, that we have had Mercury strong and moving direct during the main holiday shopping season, from December 6 onward. Retailers will rejoice, for there will be far fewer returns and exchanges.
Mars, Aries’ ruler, will tour Pisces all month, so this holiday season, you’ll want to keep your socializing private and contained. You have a huge month coming in January for your career, with a convention of five planets in Capricorn, your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, plus a new moon solar eclipse in that house on January 5. The year will start off with plenty of career activity and surprises, and I feel they will benefit you. This is why I want you to partake in as much leisure fun as possible.
Mars will be in Aries next month, signaling the start of an entirely new cycle for you. You will be in control as quite the confident, decisive leader. You surely will be busy, so whenever you can slow down a little, take full advantage.
The full moon of December 22 will be in Cancer, one degree, lighting your home and family sector, and will be influential for plus or minus four days. This will be an extra powerful full moon as it is a cardinal sign near the important 0 degree, meaning it has great internal energy, because it aligns with the compass on the points North, South, East, West. The positive experience of this full moon could be memorable and lasting.
This full moon of December 22 hints you will be with your family. You may say everyone will be with family at this time of the year, but that’s not true—if you read the outlook for all the signs, each have different forecasts.
The best part of this point in the month will be that the Sun and full moon will receive sparkling rays from Uranus, the planet of surprise. Indeed, Uranus in Aries will bring a bushel of unexpected, happy events at the full moon, for Uranus will be in very tight mathematical configuration to the Sun in Sagittarius, and separately, to the full moon at one degree Cancer. Yay!
On December 20, you will likely hear joyous news concerning your home and your career at the same time. The news will be completely unexpected, because you’ll see a development arise from both quarters. Later, you may feel this is the best gift Santa could have ever delivered to you.
If you are dating, you will have one of your sweetest holidays ever (that’s because you have Uranus in great harmony to the Sun, affecting your fifth house of love). You will feel very loved in the arms of sweetheart and enveloped in the warmth of your family, too. (The moon rules your home and family.) You may discover you are pregnant, or you or another member of the family may have just given birth, or soon will. You will marvel how such a little baby can cause such joy in the hearts of everyone in the family.
If you are looking for a place to live, even though it is the holiday season, you may be relieved to find the right space. It will be one you’ll be enthusiastic to consider, so this holiday brings an overload of good news.
Speaking of good news, Mercury will orbit shoulder to shoulder with Jupiter, making travel easier and more fun than usual. If you are asked to sign papers within four days of December 22, do so, for you’ll have outstanding aspects, suggesting that the venture you agree to will likely work out better than expected, and may bring profits, too.
If you are doing the hosting of your family or friends, such as if you plan to make the holiday dinner, you will likely need help. Saturn will be present, somewhat close to the Sun, and somewhat opposed to the moon, but in a wide ten-degree spread, so Saturn is not that close, but close enough for me to think you need help.
Help may come in the form of your spouse, sister, brother, or older children pitching in to give you a hand, but if you are laughing at this suggestion, you might be able to hire someone, if you look. (You would need to pay generously for work at such an important holiday.) If you know your mate will never bring dishes to the kitchen, for example, there is no need for a mediation—just start dialing for help. You don’t want to feel frustrated after dinner at such a lovely holiday. Aries most affected by this full moon will be those born on or near March 21, plus or minus four days.
New Year’s Eve will bring Saturn conjunct the Sun, a somber aspect. I don’t want to rain on your parade, but this is an aspect that suggests you will need to work on December 31. (Many people have vital service jobs that require they work.) Or, you may feel the need to celebrate at home in a quiet, private celebration with just a few friends or the one you love. Everyone will feel this aspect, not just you, and with Saturn aligned with the Sun, it may be bitterly cold outside (in the northern hemisphere). You do have the option to travel, so maybe flying to a sunny isle for a little rest and rejuvenation would fit your needs perfectly.
This past year has not been exactly easy, with many weak, retrograde planets standing in the way of your progress. This cosmic detour stretched as far back as late June, and only began to straighten out in late August. You’ve come through a Mars retrograde (from late June to late August)—particularly tough, as Mars is Aries’ ruler—and Mercury retrograde at the same time (from late July until mid-August). You probably assumed that you were home free then, but in October and November, Venus went retrograde, and then Mercury went retrograde, too. This all added up to no progress, due to the indecision of higher-ups, changes in projects, or a great deal of frustration.
This is why, once you get to December 6, life will be so bright, and come just in the nick of time to enjoy the holidays. Finally, there will be no more retrograde planets until Mercury retrogrades throughout March, next year. Venus and Mars will not retrograde in 2019.
On December 6, the day Mercury goes direct, the new moon will appear in your distant-travel sector, and you may find a way to take a few days off to go holiday shopping in New York, Shanghai, or Milan. Or, it may be that you are interacting with various distinguished individuals who will work with you on a project, possibly involving the media. This is a broadening, intellectual influence, one that will open your mind to many new concepts, cultures, and cuisines. If you can travel to a city that requires a passport for entry, go there this month, for you have stars that are twinkling brightly in your travel sector.
Mars’ fine interplay with Neptune in December will be a divinely spiritual vibration, and in the twelfth house, so you may want to join a charity to benefit those who suffer and desperately need your help. Getting involved with your favorite charity may be the most heart-warming part of the holiday season.
One of the most outstanding aspects of the month has to do with Mercury’s coziness to Jupiter. On December 21, these two planets will bring joyous greetings, travel, communications, and luxurious accommodations (if you travel). If you need to sign papers this month, choose this five-star day, December 21.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday were both bargain shopping days that took place when Mercury was retrograde, so I asked you not to buy electronics. On this day, December 21, there appear to be some juicy sales, so keep your eyes open for them.
The full moon will fall on the following day, December 22, a day when family will gather together in a warm and wonderful way. You will want to be with those closest to you, who love you and understand you best. Uranus will add sparkle and surprise—whatever you think is going to happen won’t, and something better will. Uranus is in a very tight aspect to this new moon, so he will rule and come with bushels of goodies.
Saturn will orbit close to the Sun at this time and widely oppose the moon, suggesting you may try to take on too many tasks and become exhausted. Being tired might bring on cross feelings with your steady date or family. Enlist help, and you will have a better holiday.
Mars, Aries’ ruler, will have a wonderful plan for you, entering Aries very late in the day on New Year’s Eve, December 31, and bringing you high energy until February 14. This is a huge advantage, as everyone wants the special attention and protection of Mars, but only you will have it, for it’s your turn, giving you a considerable competitive edge.
Mars will help you start the year off with a bang, and with optimism, vigor, confidence, drive, and strength of purpose. Initiate a new venture or job in January, for the force will be with you, and I feel you will get inklings this month (December) of what is coming in January. With a new moon solar eclipse on January 5, there are sure to be changes on the job, possibly in management, but rest assured, these changes will benefit you in a big way.
New Year’s Eve brings Saturn conjunct the Sun, an indication that you need a vacation from the holiday. The Sun is fiery hot, and Saturn is icy cold—a meeting of fire and ice. It’s likely to be bitter cold out (in the North). Either plan to spend a quiet night at home with your one and only and a few friends, or fly away to a sunny, white-powdery beach and do nothing more demanding than sip iced tea and later, collect seashells.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-12-02 08:20:50
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