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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 9月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-09-02 Sun. 10:55:40

Aries Horoscope for September 2018

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller

september 2018

Dear Reader,

I have exciting news! I will do personal chart readings in the garden of the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles from September 7 through 14, 2018. I live in New York City and have been traveling to LA almost every month for several years. I have always stayed at this particular Four Seasons Hotel because it is my favorite – I call it my little piece of heaven. When I stay there, I feel like I’m home.

I love the meditation by Deepak Chopra that’s on the TV in my room, for it starts my day in a soothing, calm way. The Four Seasons’ Spa is exceptionally beautiful. I am a fan of their sensuous facials and massages.

Read More
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You’ve come through an intense summer, but September brings an oasis of calm. Ever since Mars, your ruler, went retrograde on June 26, you may have found that every project you worked on took more time, money, and energy than you expected. Mars finally went direct on August 27. On top of this, things were to slow down even more a month later, when Mercury went retrograde on July 25 and didn’t turn direct until August 18. Mercury held up contracts and important plans, and the pace will pick up, just not quite as fast as any of us were hoping.

Planets have a lot in common with people – few living things can turn on a switch and be fully ready to go after being in deep sleep. We all need a little adjustment time to ramp up to full power, and in this case, Mars was retrograde ten weeks and will gradually come back, day by day, and be fully strong by  October 8. Astrologers know this by looking at Mars’ orbit and how long he takes to go one degree. For all practical purposes, you will find September to be a breath of fresh air, when compared to the months you’ve just completed.

Mars is now in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, so something you did months or even a year (or more) ago may now earn you a coveted honor, award, or promotion sometime between September 1 and 10, the time Mars will spend in Capricorn. Good news does seem to be on the way.

Early in the month, Mars will orbit in Capricorn along with Pluto and Saturn – quite a trio of powerhouse planets in your reputation sector. If you’ve worked hard and smart, you’ll have a superb chance to raise your status in your company and your industry.

What makes this month even more special is that Saturn,  the ruler of your highest point in your chart, will go direct on September 6, after being in retrograde since April 17.

You might think, wait, Saturn goes retrograde for five months at a time? Yes, dear Aries, that’s true. All the big planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – stay out of phase from four to five months at a time, and their retrogrades cause us to reconsider our former decisions and actions to see if we can make corrections. The planets we feel most when retrograde include Mercury (communication, contracts), Mars (energy and courage), and Venus (love and good looks). We feel these planets more than the others because these three orbit closest to earth.

If you have experienced difficulty in making progress in your career or in any part of your personal life over the few past months, you now know why. The universe wanted you to spend more time improving and fixing what needed refinement on what was done before. Retrograde planets work to focus you on the past, so the universe builds in speed bumps and brakes to force you to slow down and improve your projects, performance, and relationships.

People who work in sales know that when Mercury retrogrades, it’s best to go back to past clients who have always supported you, to thank them, and to build new business together. Never take those kind supporters for granted, for they have been with you through thick and thin. You may have decided to streamline methods and procedures or put in new software. You may have also enacted personnel changes, and now, in September, you are ready to go.

    If you’ve worked hard and smart over the past year or more, you’ll have a superb chance to raise your status in your company and your industry during the month between September 1 and 10. An award, promotion, or special praise or publicity will be yours.

We will all be able to focus on the future in September, but not in October and November. Venus will go retrograde October 5 to November 16. Dealing with Venus retrograde is not as difficult as having Mars retrograde for you, as Mars is your ruler. Mars rules all strenuous undertakings that require stamina and high-octane energy to win over competition. Thank goodness Mars is moving direct now, as of August 27 last month.

Venus governs Aries’ earned income, so with Venus retrograde in October and the first half of November, you may find that payments due you will be held up then. It would be wise for you to send your invoices now rather than wait until early October. When Venus is retrograde, it is not the time to ask for a raise, or, if self-employed, not the time to raise your rates to your regular clients / customers.

Venus also rules beauty and attractiveness, so this month would be the better month to make changes to your appearance, including any improvements you would like to make to  your face, skin, teeth, or hair. Regular grooming is fine to do at any time, but radical changes to your looks would be best to do now, or put off until late December.

I love September 7 for you, when Mercury in Virgo will receive sparkling vibrations from Uranus, the planet of surprise. The surprises you receive will be joyous. On top of that, on the same day, Mercury will be supremely oriented toward Saturn, the planet of stability. Saturn has been testing you for a year, and you have two more years to go with Saturn in this, your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, while Saturn tours Capricorn. On September 7,  Saturn will be sending a gift to motivate and energize you to do even bigger things. You will know when the praise comes in that you have been doing well.

Keep in mind that Jupiter, the good-fortune planet, is heading to this same tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement in December 2019 (over a year from now) to stay until December 2020. All the hard work you are doing now will begin to pay off in a very big way, from the end of next year, December 2, 2019, until December 19, 2020. You might assume no VIP is noticing, but they are – in a big way – and you have a huge role coming as a respected leader in your field.

Now let’s talk about the stellar week of September 9 when the new moon will be in Virgo, 17 degrees. This new moon will be one of the finest of the year, chock full of goodies. This new moon will bring lovely aspects from both Jupiter and Pluto, suggesting news about career and money is likely to be quite fabulous for you, dear Aries. If you are negotiating compensation for a new job, you may receive very generous company benefits and a possible year-end bonus, stock options, or equity in the firm. Performance-based earnings will be the most lucrative.

Virgo, the place of the new moon, rules your sixth house of work, so new projects will come flowing in, and business will be brisk. A new and lucrative assignment is about to come up, and it appears you will love what you need to do. I’m excited to tell you that the most divine golden triangle will appear in the heavens, indicating mid-September will be a time of supreme harmony, linking Mercury in Virgo to Saturn in Capricorn, your tenth house of fame and honors. Mercury and Saturn will each send beams to the third point of the triangle – Uranus – which is in Taurus. Extra cash will likely come as a surprise. This is a glorious new moon – work leads to awards or solid publicity and to more money for you, too.

This new moon will also be the ideal time to get back to a fitness routine. You can make it different, such as to take up a new sport, sign up to a new gym, or treat yourself to a package of training sessions. Many people begin their new healthy workout on January 1, but if you don’t have a new moon in your health sector, it will be harder to make progress. Of course, you need a superb new moon, not a wicked one, and not all new moons are sweet. This one, however, will be a peach. Buy yourself some new sneakers and workout clothes to get motivated to work out with a sense of purpose. You will see rapid progress, now that Mars is moving direct.

If you were thinking of adding a little furry pet to your household, you also have the right moment to do that, after the new moon of September 9. The Virgo new moon rules routines and habits, as well as small domestic pets. This would be the ideal time to go looking at the pet store or animal shelter for one that seems to say, take me home! If you have a pet, pay your dear little animal more attention. Buy him toys; take him to the veterinarian (go just after September 8), and spend more time playing with your little cat or dog.

Mars will move back into Aquarius on September 10, to stay until November 15. Mars certainly has been busy in your chart. Mars first went into Aquarius on May 15, but at that point Mars was slowing down and wasn’t being much help to you. He officially went retrograde June 26 and didn’t go direct until late last month, August 27. During Mars’ slide backwards, he backed into your professional house from August 12, perking up your professional sector until September 10.

If you recall, I wrote earlier that your career would be your focus in the first ten days of September, a time when lots of positive career news would be generated. After September 10, Mars will move into Aquarius, an air sign that blends perfectly with your fire-sign element, Aries, and will brighten your social schedule. Friends will want you to join them, and you will be calling them, too. You might want to entertain friends at home in September or meet them in restaurants more often. You will find it easier to get together with friends now than you have all year.

If you moved to a new city or have joined a new club this year, you may have found it hard to make friends because heavy responsibilities seem to have come in the way. Now you will enter a much happier social phase, as the new season cranks up. The first Aries to notice more invitations from friends to do things together will be those born March 21-26.

Now we come to the most fortunate days of the month for financial actions and dealings, September 11-12, when Jupiter, in Scorpio, will receive a signal from Pluto, in Capricorn. These two have been  meeting all year: January 16, April 15, and now, September 11-12. This will be their last important, supportive collaborative meeting in the form of what astrologers call a sextile, which denotes opportunity. After this, they won’t meet again until they have a monumental meeting on April 4, 2020.

If you have anything to sell, such as a piece of property, furniture, or anything else, your highest price will most likely be offered on September 11 or 12. After this incredibly profitable day, you are not likely to see a better price to buy or sell just about anything this year. This would also be a stunningly positive day to sign a contract or shake hands on a deal.

Over the weekend of September 15-16, you will have more sparkling aspects. On September 15, Mercury and Pluto will be in lovely sync. This is the perfect day to send a letter to apply for a job. It’s also the day to send your finished manuscript to your agent for publication. The following day, September 16, Mercury and Jupiter will be in supreme harmony, too. Mercury rules travel, so you could not wish for a better day to drive, fly, or go by rail to any destination you desire.

There will be a very difficult day, September 18, when your ruler, Mars, will clash with Uranus. These two have been arguing all year: May 16, August 1, and now, September 18. Their bickering will rest after this day. It’s unusual for these two powerful planets to be locked into a major clash, but after this, we all get a rest.

Everyone of every sign felt this aspect, but you had a particularly hard time, because Mars is your ruler. When these two are together, we often see raging fires and devastating earthquakes, as well as angry outbursts from people around us. The past few months certainly have been intense. Keep your distance on September 18, and by all means, do not sign papers on that day.

You can go away over the weekend of September 22-23, but keep in mind that you will be needed at the office on Monday, September 24, when a deadline looms at the full moon in Aries, 2 degrees. This is not the easiest full moon, because it has some cross currents

This full moon of September 24 will strongly affect those Aries who have a birthday that falls on March 21-23 or within three days of this date. A relationship seems to be on your mind, and something is coming to culmination. How the situation ultimately goes will depend entirely on how it has been doing all along. You might get engaged or married, or you may break up – there is no predestination here, as you will be free to decide.

This full moon has a tight square from Saturn, which is considered a deflating, difficult aspect. You will be under unusually strong pressure at work, for Saturn is in your house of career reputation. It seems likely that you will have to untangle a problem, and do so quickly.

Not only will your work life be stressful, but with the Sun under siege as well, you may see that your love life is going off the rails. You’ll have to be careful about what you say. With Mars in very good shape toward that full moon, a friend may be amazingly helpful, so listen to any ideas he or she has for you.

At the full moon, you might be offered a title that comes with more power and money. Mars, your ruler, will be supportive, so this full moon will likely bring a result you will like and be eager to take on. With Uranus supportive of Saturn, the new title you take on will cement your status in your industry now and in the future.

The month of September ends, thankfully, on a very happy note. Pluto, the powerhouse planet of regeneration and transformation, has been retrograde since April 22 of this year, and will turn direct on September 30.

Pluto has been transiting your house of honors, awards, and achievement since 2008 and will remain there until December 2025. You are being given the greatest possible chance to make a professional name for yourself between now and 2025. This will be the only time in your life that you will host Pluto in your house of honors and awards. Since Pluto takes 284 years to circle the Sun, some people never experience what you have now. Use this time to make your mark while you have such a powerful planet working on your behalf.

Also, in the last week of September, you have an excellent day to see an influential person – do so on September 27, a Thursday.

September 27 has lots of possibilities. It could also be a perfect night out with your steady date or spouse, too. The Sun in your house of marriage will receive lovely vibrations from Mars, so you might want to arrange a big dinner with friends after work.

This month will be more about superb opportunities – to be recognized in your career and for gaining new assignments that will bring you fame and more money – than it will be about romance. You are carrying a lot of responsibility these days, but Mars in Aquarius will bring a lot more social fun because Mars is now moving in strong, direct speed and building toward full energy on October 8, so the pace of life will pick up noticeably. Venus will be touring Scorpio in the sexiest part of your chart all month, another plus and testament to your charisma.

Your very most romantic days will fall on September 10, 11, and 12, thanks to the Sun’s beam to Jupiter and Pluto. Have fun, dear Aries, for these are five-star days on every level.


You’ve been running at top speed, but even you, the zodiac’s energizer bunny, occasionally need rest. You began to see just how important it was to slow down at the end of last month, at the full moon in Pisces, August 26. Mars, your ruler, turned direct on August 27, but even Mars, the great warrior planet, is feeling lackadaisical and is unable to push himself forward these days. You may feel you are running on empty, too. It will take until early October for Mars to return to full power, but in September he will be ramping up and will certainly be in much better shape than he was in July and August. Mars’ condition affects you more than most people, as you are Aries and Mars is you ruler. This is the reason you need to pay attention to what Mars is doing.

In the meantime, in September, it will be best to focus on the past, polish up previously done work by rooting out errors, and challenge assumptions, if only to play devil’s advocate with a co-worker or friend. The first week of September will proceed slowly, so you will have time to organize your next steps.

The new moon will be friendly, falling in Virgo on September 9, and from that point on, you will instantly see the tempo of life pick up. Work projects will proliferate, and you will need to craft a detailed response. Neptune will oppose the Sun and moon, but because Neptune will be harmonious to other planets, it will encourage you to take risks in your creative projects, for you are likely to win approvals.

Simultaneous to this lovely new moon, a golden triangle will appear in the heavens, linking Saturn (more responsibility or a bigger title in your career) to Mercury (news and possibly new business) in your work-a-day sector, and closing the triangle across the sky is Uranus (surprise), currently in your house of earned income, which may trigger more money for you.

This golden triangle is a fantastic aspect due in mid-September and very likely to give a boost to your income. More money will likely make its way to your door, as thanks for the excellent work you are turning out on a present project. Two solid gold days will be September 11 and 12, so use them for major career or financial talks or presentations. These days are also special for any actions you may take to improve your health and fitness – hire a trainer, see a nutritionist, or check in with your doctor. You decide.

The full moon of September 24 will fall in Aries, so a relationship (most likely a romantic one) will be the topic of discussion. Alternatively, you may hear news involving a baby or small child. Less likely, but also possible, is that you will finish an important artistic project, and if this pertains to you, your finished work will make you proud.

Whatever happens at this full moon, September 24, will test your willingness to take on responsibility in your personal life, either personally, in terms of an important commitment to a romantic partner, or to have a baby. Alternatively, you may be asked to take on more responsibility in your career, too. This full moon will clarify your thinking about what is most important to you and will be felt mostly by those born March 21, 22, and 23.

In all, September will be a big, busy month with a lively pace and lots of good things are likely to come your way. Go out into the world and see what is possible for you!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-09-02 10:55:40
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2018-09-02 11:07:19
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 99 
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