看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 11月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-11-02 Fri. 12:09:24
Aries Horoscope for November 2018
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller
Dear Reader,
Tomorrow, I fly to San Diego to give my Year Ahead 2019 weekend seminar at the La Costa Resort & Spa in nearby Carlsbad, CA. I am doing a cool Yoga + Astrology 3-day weekend from November 2-4 with Alanna Zabel of AZIAM Yoga. Neptune will be trine the Sun, denoting extreme harmony and spirituality, making this the perfect weekend to recharge. This will be a calming weekend where we will set our intentions for the New Year 2019.
I will speak on Friday and Saturday evening, both talks different and very detailed, with plenty of time for Q+A. Men are invited too, of course—this would make a fabulous couples weekend.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
If you are in sales or expect a sum of money to arrive in one large chunk, you will likely see it this month, just after the new moon on November 7 in Scorpio, 15 degrees. The money you may receive could represent a bonus, commission, cash advance, royalty, licensing fee, or an insurance claim payout. It might be a sum sent from a government program, wired by a venture capitalist, or arrive as university financial aid or a scholarship. On the other hand, the money you receive might represent a court settlement, such as from a negotiation or court verdict, similar to what might happen in a divorce. The amount of the check should please you.
Good fortune Jupiter is currently in your eighth house of “other people’s money.” As wonderful as this sounds, this is the last week you will have Jupiter in this house for a decade. Jupiter is at the end of his visit, having first come to this part of your chart in October 2017, so this week would be perfect for discussing company benefits, a raise, or to hammer out a deal. Pluto in Capricorn will make a fine greeting to the Sun and new moon from your house of fame and honor, a powerful aspect that suggests that you would do well. Mars is in conflict with the new moon, but that should not affect you. Pluto has the right of way here, as he is the modern ruler of Scorpio, the sign of the November 7 new moon.
Coincidentally, Neptune will be the strongest planet making a positive aspect to the Sun and new moon (within a tight degree of the new moon), suggesting that if you are in the arts, it seems that a creative venture you did, or soon will do, could also be the source of generous income.
You have had Jupiter in this part of your chart since October 10, 2017, so it is likely that you did well financially over the past year. You may have earned more money than you’ve ever seen before. You may have had higher expenses than ever before too, such as for taxes, as only one example. Whatever it was, the expense may have surprised you. You have since become used to the new situation, and your outlook for earnings, as you move forward now and in years to come, will be strong.
On the day following the new moon, November 8, Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck, will enter Sagittarius, your ninth house, for the first time since November 2006 to December 2007. Jupiter will be in a fire sign, a sign that blends beautifully with your Sun in fire-sign Aries, indicating you will love the effect Jupiter will have on you from now on. Astrologers call this Jupiter trine the Sun, meaning Jupiter will be 120 degrees from your birth Sun, a heavenly aspect, indicating rare and special breaks that will propel you forward and upward in an exciting way. Jupiter will remain in Sagittarius, your ninth house until, December 2, 2019—a period of 13 months. I will list all the areas of life that the ninth house rules, but I will also say first that when you have the most benefic planet of the zodiac in ideal angle to your Sun, your health improves and your outlook on life does too—you will see that life will look exceptionally sunny.
Hosting Jupiter in Sagittarius for over a year in your ninth house is such good news, for it portends exciting, adventurous travel is due for you sometime in the months to come. It looks like you will visit a country you have never seen but always hoped to go to. If you say you have children and you can’t imagine going on an international trip, or that you have a responsible job that would never allow you to take time off to travel far, I say Jupiter works in marvelous, magical ways. You may win a trip in a contest, or your boss may send you abroad. Your mother may ask you to accompany her to Istanbul or to Rome and will pay for most of your expenses. Miracles happen when Jupiter comes knocking.
There are other areas that will glitter for you. Publishing and broadcasting ventures shine brightly. You may get a chance to publish your book, become an editor at a top publishing house, or be promoted to supervising producer on an award-winning show. You may produce your own podcasts, or publish your own e-book. Alternatively, you may be the subject of terrific publicity. You get the idea—when it comes to the media, your outlook is exciting and positive.
Legal matters will also benefit you. Whether you need to bring a case to court or want to file a trademark or patent, you will find that the legal system will begin to work for you from now on (after November 8). Similarly, if you hope to go back to university to complete a degree program, send your application immediately, and ask for financial aid or a scholarship to help with the cost—you are likely to get one or the other.
With Uranus in the last degrees of Aries, degrees of completion, if anyone has ever held you back, you will bravely break those bonds, and no one will ever hold you back like that again. If the past has held a grip on you, you will take off that burden like an old winter coat. Let gravity slip it off your shoulders to the floor. The past is over. Step into the golden light, as you have quite a bright future now.
To be sure you get the message that this month is indeed special, the universe is sending one of the very best full moons of the year, Thursday, November 22 in Gemini, 1 degree, to fill your house of short-distance travel. This date falls on the US holiday of Thanksgiving, so while lots of people usually travel over this weekend in this country, you certainly will be one of them, rather than hosting relatives at your place. Seeing your sister or brother will be a highlight of the weekend.
This full moon in Gemini will be in a sign that blends ideally with yours, and it will be especially sweet, because Jupiter will be within two degrees of the Sun, indicating that you may have some exciting news related to the ninth house where Jupiter is located (have a second look at all the topics listed above). In addition, you may have a deliciously social time (within four days of this date), and it might turn out to be quite a romantic weekend, too. I say that because the Sun rules your fifth house of true love, and with Jupiter sending golden beams to the Sun, the sky’s the limit. This full moon could turn out to be quite memorable for you in the best way possible. Aries born on or near March 21-24 will get a double dip of pleasure.
If you are in the publishing business, you may finish a manuscript or major project within four days of the full moon, or you may see your book go to press in the last week of the month, an exciting prospect.
Venus is still retrograde, a holdover from October 5, but that’s about to change on November 16. The problem is that little brother Mercury, the clown of the solar system family of planets, will choose November 16 to go retrograde until December 6. Once we get to next month, it will be the end of all these retrogrades, which have made us all feel like we have been walking through glue. If you hoped to shop for holiday presents this month, you can, but refrain from buying electronic items—buy those after December 6 (and even then, I would leave a space of days before taking action). Do not sign anything when Mercury is retrograde—the contract would only need to be renegotiated later, because your conditions and priorities are changing, and if you sign, you may say, “Oh, no! Had I only known.”
Mars is still moving through Aquarius as the month opens, but will soon slip into Pisces on November 15. This means the first two weeks should be social, but as you get to the second half of November, you may want more time to yourself. If you had a very active social life in October, you may be ready for a little rest. The exception will be over November 25-26, when your social life could be quite heavenly. (I’ll write more about these days in just a bit.)
Mars in Pisces will be perfectly oriented to Saturn in your tenth house of fame, so it’s certain you will continue to bat home runs in your career. Before long, management will tell you that you are their most valuable player—that will become evident for the VIPs in your company or industry, or you, by early January.
By November 6, Uranus will retrograde back into Aries, but only to the last degrees, going over the Sun of Aries born April 18 and 19 for the only time in your life. (Aries born prior to April 18 have already felt this influence, as Uranus has been in Aries since 2010.) Because Uranus takes 84 years to revolve around the Sun, you will never have Uranus in Aries again in your lifetime. If this is your birthday, you will be announcing something startling and new, surprising friends and family, sometime between now and March 6, 2019. That is the date Uranus will enter Taurus and remain there for the coming seven years. It seems you are about to undergo a lifestyle change, and it appears to be initiated by you, quite bravely and confidently.
With Uranus in the last degrees of Aries, degrees of completion, if anyone has ever held you back, you will bravely break those bonds, and no one will ever hold you back like that again. If the past has held a grip on you, you will take off that burden like an old winter coat. Let gravity slip it off your shoulders to the floor. The past is over. Step into the golden light, as you have quite a bright future now.
I have saved the biggest news of the month for last—the luckiest day of 2018 will appear this month on Sunday, November 25 when Jupiter aligns with the Sun, and the goodness of this day will spill over to Monday, November 26. All the areas you and I discussed that are covered by the ninth house, including international relationships and distant travel, the media, academia, and the legal system, will be your dazzling areas of gain. Choose one of these days to make a big initiation and watch that seed transform into a Jack-and-the-Beanstalk plant, growing so high it could touch the sky.
November is a headline month of 2018, for Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Sagittarius, a fire sign like yours, dear Aries. Jupiter is everyone’s favorite planet, for he brings a bushel of opportunities, and further, he is the only planet that will also show you how to take advantage of the gifts he has for you.
Long-distance travel is one of several benefits, and if you say you have no funds to go, Jupiter will provide the means—a kind boss who needs you to travel overseas to see clients, with four-star accommodations and a handful of extra days to explore the city. Perhaps your mother will want to have a family vacation, with her providing air tickets and hotels, and off you go on the adventure of a lifetime. Or, you may win a trip on a TV game show or Internet sweepstakes contest. Jupiter works in enchanting ways.
Alternate gifts that Jupiter might have for you after the new moon arrives November 7 include the chance to finish your college degree or to go to graduate school. International relationships will be fortunate for you too, whether through the importing and exporting of ideas, goods, services, or the cultural arts. If you work in the media, your influence may expand through writing for foreign publications or by having your books, a blog, website, or apps translated into different languages. Alternatively, you may produce pieces for television in overseas markets.
The day before Jupiter leaves Scorpio for the coming 12 years, November 8, a new moon will give you a chance to fund a dream, such as to get a mortgage to buy a house, or a business loan to start your own business. While you will always have ways to be approved for large sums, this new moon will make it easier for you to do so. Powerhouse Pluto will be in the ideal position to help you, so watch for support from a highly placed VIP.
Short, quick travel will be in the cards at the full moon November 22, plus or minus three days. You seem to be seeing family, and if so, try to keep conversations smooth, avoiding controversy. Mars, your ruler, will be in conflict with four heavenly bodies—the Sun, the new moon, Mercury, and Jupiter. Mars will be making you and those around you sensitive and quick to react to the smallest comment. Don’t accidently start a meltdown—stay diplomatic.
The biggest news of all will be about the alignment of good fortune Jupiter to the mighty Sun, creating the two luckiest day of the year, November 25-26. This meeting of these two luminaries will occur in your ninth house, which encourages international travel, academic goals, legal cases, and projects in the media. Use one of these days to travel abroad, hand in a manuscript, or have your column appear in a foreign language. Use one of these two days to take an important exam to gain a credential, defend your thesis, file a patent, or publish your book. Seeds that you plant on November 25 or 26 in one or more of these areas will grow sky high like those in the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Venus has been retrograde since October 5, but will turn direct on November 16. In this position, Venus will ask you to look back to see how your relationship could be improved. You may have to discuss a problem with a partner you love or with a collaborator at work. The problem seems to keep coming up without resolve. Things may reach a breaking point on November 30, when Venus opposes Uranus to exact degree. With Mercury retrograde too, from November 16 to December 6, you will have a superb chance to readdress the problem and finally find a new way to remedy it.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-11-02 12:09:24
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