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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 6月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2018-06-02 Sat. 17:23:08

Aries Horoscope for June 2018

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan Miller

June 2018

Dear Readers,

I am just coming off attending the United Astrology Conference in Chicago where I met so many astrologers from all over the world – Turkey, Brazil, China, Japan, Canada, England, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and of course the United States.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You start the month in a highly optimistic, happy mood. You may have been finishing a long trip and returning home, or completing all the details for an important journey that will be coming up at some point in June, most likely for business. Writing, publishing, and the media seem to have been an area of gain too, and you may have just finished a story, or were the subject of one.

It is also alternatively possible that you recently graduated from college or graduate school or successfully defended your thesis. That full moon of May 29 in Sagittarius was a good one for you, especially if you are a March-born Aries. That full moon was intent on broadening your scope and for bringing fresh influences into your life.

From the very start, June brings two superb days – June 1 and June 2. The first day, June 1, brings a divine collaboration between Venus and Jupiter, encouraging outstanding luck with home and family-related matters, and in regard to the money you might need to make important life changes. For example, you may need to get a home improvement loan or a mortgage, or to buy new furniture or make repairs. This same house rules your parents, so you may seek money to help a parent who needs special care for a while. If you do petition the money, you are likely to get it on this day.

On the second day, June 2, a Saturday, Venus and Neptune will be signaling each other in the most elegant way. This will be a sparkling day for romance and for luxury and pampering. You might want to entertain your sweetheart at your home – if you have been dating someone for a while, or are attached, treat your partner to a beautiful dinner. Serve up one of your gourmet specialties, and pick one that you know is always a hit. Venus is traveling through your home sector, and Neptune is in your privacy sector, so that’s why I feel home is where the heart is on June 2. If you have no special someone, June 2 would also be an ideal day for a blind date that a friend or family member sets up.

Or, on June 2, call your mother (again, the family connection) and make an appointment to go to a luxury spa together for a relaxing treatment. After, celebrate with a festive lunch or dinner.

On June 13 the new moon in Gemini will arrive at 23 degrees and will put your sister or brother in the spotlight. Your sibling may play a special role in your life now, perhaps because you are about to do something new that your sister has experience doing and can offer advice, or because you will do something jointly, like pay for a vacation rental of a cottage by the sea for a month. This new moon will light your third house, so it’s sure to emphasize close kin.

A third house new moon also suggests that overall, your days will be filled with news, with lots of phone calls, emails, texts, and meetings to attend on many fronts. A blast of energy will come through your window at that time, so with all the commotion in your life, you’ll need to stay on your toes.

Also, travel may be on the horizon after the new moon appears on June 13. Opportunities usually open up at new moons, and new conditions will bring you a fillip of optimism you will need to move forward. I like that Saturn and Uranus will still be in a remarkable collaboration, opening the door for you to increase your status in your industry and for a successful salary negotiation, too. If you are working now, you are obviously doing a great job.

    This month you may feel like the universe is asking you to spin 10 dinner plates on 10 sticks without letting any fall. You can handle this, but it will take great concentration.

The third house, where this new moon is occurring, also rules writing and speaking, so you may get an assignment that would require you to prepare an important document or manuscript, or be asked to give a lecture or speech. Alternatively, you may need to negotiate or sign a contract. You can sign, but I prefer you do so on Tuesday, June 19, your very best day of June to sign – Mercury will be in perfect sync with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune.

If your birthday falls on April 13, plus or minus five days, you will feel this new moon energy the most, but all Aries should notice something in the air that seems to be just right for you. If you have Aries rising at 23 degrees or the natal moon at that degree, plus or minus five degrees, you will be busy, too. This new moon is in Gemini, an air sign that will blend well with your fire-sign Aries element. In fact, air makes fire burn more brightly!

If you have a natal planet near 23 degrees of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you, too, will do well with this new moon of June 13. If you are told there will be delays – it’s fine, and things will work to your favor.

This new moon of June 13 could be more important to you than it looks on the surface because it is falling one month nearly to the day before the eclipse in Cancer next month on July 12. Most eclipses deliver their news on the day the eclipse arrives but not always. A smaller number of eclipses (10 percent) deliver their news one month to the day BEFORE the coming eclipse (plus or minus five days), bringing you to June 12. That’s why this month’s new moon may be packed with an important event, news, and changes.

Some eclipses deliver news one month AFTER it occurs (15 percent). That brings you to August 12, plus or minus five days, which will bring an eclipse of its own on August 11. Yes, we are entering eclipse season, and three eclipses are on the way, so many changes are due. For now, keep your eye on things that are happening this month, on or near June 12-13.

Mars, your ruler, still in Aquarius, is now slowing down to a crawl but is in a friendly place, Aquarius, which blends well with your Aries Sun. Mars is preparing to go retrograde on June 26, to stay retrograde until August 27, making that period a bad time to begin any important venture. Mars rules your sign, so you have extra reason to pay attention to this aspect.

To give you an idea of Mars’ progress, it usually takes two days for Mars to travel one degree. However at the start of June, Mars is taking 3-4 days to go the same distance, one degree. By time it gets close to retrograde, it will take Mars 12 days to go one degree (moving from June 21 to July 3). Mars is the gas you put in the car to get it to go, but with Mars retrograde, you are going nowhere – things will be stuck in glue. Rather than become so frustrated you are ready to punch a hole in the wall with your fist, let go, and realize everyone is in the same boat. Nothing of great importance will be accomplished in late June through late August.

The only advice I can give you is to get things done EARLY in June or put off until late September. I say late September because not only is Mars about to retrograde, he is locked into a fierce argument with Uranus that started in mid-May and will keep on going. I have not seen Mars do this anytime in recent memory, and it remains in a tight 90-degree square for weeks, indicating you may meet up with challenging obstacles on and off until September 18.

There is an upside – Mars in hard angle to Uranus, as will happen all the way through the coming weeks until end of September, does spark unusual creativity, so focus on crafting a good idea, but don’t launch it quite yet.

In the third week of June, you will have two outstanding days to use for your benefit. On June 19, Mercury (news) and Jupiter (luck) will team up in what is called a trine position (from the word triangle), the most harmonious aspect you can ever wish to see. Again, all home and family matters are brilliantly favored, so use this day to close on a house, sign a lease, buy new furniture, do repairs, hire a contractor or home designer, or simply go to the flea market to try your luck for that one brilliant item you need.

Later, on Friday, June 22, the Sun will be ideal angle to Uranus, planet of surprise. This is a wonderful day to be traveling, for serendipity will follow you wherever you go, and you are likely to be filled with excitement. On this same day, you may meet someone very attractive who has great chemistry with you – someone you will want to know better. This day will also be ideal for working on a creative project, brainstorming for ideas, or planning to make a presentation of an artistic or high tech endeavor. If you are an actor, choose this day to make a good impression during an important audition.

A lot will be going on in your life at month’s end, with heaps of praise and applause for work well done in your profession. There will also be a lot going on at home, in regard to your actual residence, other property you might own or rent, and/or about news concerning a family members, or actions that you are taking to improve or enlarge your family life. Let’s first focus on your career, and then home, property, and family life.

Exciting career news may arrive for you at the full moon in Capricorn on June 27. Allow a plus or minus four days. Saturn will conjoin the moon and oppose the Sun at this full moon June 27, however, indicating how much pressure will be on you to juggle home and work demands at the same time. You may feel like the universe is asking you to spin 10 dinner plates on 10 sticks without letting any fall. You can handle this, but it will take great concentration.

If you are offered a new job near this full moon, June 27, it will come with great responsibility and power, so that’s good if you are ready for that. Your love life may suffer near this full moon – there is just so much you can attend to at once, so hopefully your love partner will understand. Your partner may feel neglected, so be reassuring.

Now let’s see what is percolating at your home life in the last days of June. The most superb aspect at this full moon June 27 involves a lovely interplay between good fortune Jupiter to the Sun, found in your family sector, which is close enough to feel the golden rays. (This aspect is due to reach a peak on July 6, so the first five days of July will be equally stellar for you to make home and family decision and changes, too.)

You will also have extraordinary family support at month’s end, so if you need a favor from a parent, ask – it is likely to be granted. Additionally, if you are concerned about the health of a parent at the end of June, you will have plenty of reason for hope and good ideas of how to help.

There is more good news – Uranus, now circulating in your salary sector in Taurus at 2 degrees, will send shining vibrations to the full moon in your house of fame and honors. If you want a raise in salary, ask. It is also possible that you may get a surprise bonus or side job out of the blue, and it would pay well, too. Uranus will also speak to Saturn on your behalf, to solidify your position at work. When you are hot, you’re hot!

ALSO, Jupiter will be in gorgeous angle to Neptune all through June, suggesting that if you do creative work such as to write a screenplay; are a director, actor, songwriter, costume designer, or makeup artist; or if you strive to create award-winning commercials, this collaboration of two Titans of the solar system are working hard for you.

The advice applies to you if you work to support creative people, such as to be a casting director or represent them as an agent. Neptune will help you do excellent work so that your reputation rises skyward into the stratosphere. If you are an actor, by all means audition in June. While you are spinning those 10 dishes on sticks, keep in mind that this full moon says all your hard work will all be worthwhile.

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In June life brings many sweet choices. Certainly travel is likely to be on your agenda. The recent full moon of last month, May 29, has put your eye on distant shores. You seem hungry for new experiences and eager to take a break from obligations and restrictions of everyday life. You may have traveled in May, but the new moon of June 13will open the door to more travel during the weeks that follow. Neptune will be playing tricks and causing confusion, however, so make sure you have all your travel and hotel accommodations locked down and double-checked. If driving, have precise directions and don’t rely solely on GPS.

If travel does not appeal, satisfy your need for stimulation by taking college courses, or work on a publishing or broadcasting project that you are passionate about. You do have help – Mercury and Uranus will be in sync, helping you outwit challenges if any arise, but more importantly by helping you come up with brilliant, out-of-the-box ideas that might be untraditional but very modern and new.

June 1 and 2 will have highly romantic, pampering aspects, so be sure to use them for any purpose – a romantic dinner, or to indulge at the spa.

A stunning day to travel, write, give a speech, or to sign a contract will be June 19, when Mercury and Jupiter will combine forces. Mercury is the planet of agreements, travel, negotiation, and communication, and Jupiter is the planet of happiness, so you certainly have the ideal day to use as you like.

Improving the look and feel of your home seems to have captured your imagination, too. Venus (beauty), Neptune (creativity), and Jupiter (good fortune, money, and bargains) will work together to create a golden triangle in the sky, June 1 and June 2, an aspect of supreme harmony. Your imagination will reach new heights, so during the first week of June, while you have the element of luck on your side, try your hand at finding the perfect space, piece of furniture or other additions to your home.

Abundant money appears to be flowing in, so concern about your monthly budget is not likely to constrain your plans – in fact, you may have enough saved up to buy a house, apartment, or summer cottage. If you are in the market for a mortgage, your banker is likely to roll out the red carpet for you and give you one with attractive terms. Uranus’ signal to the Sun on June 22 is just another indication that you have the Midas touch with real estate and breakthroughs in terms of family matters this month on a surprising level.

Socially, you’ll be in high demand, for your ruler, Mars, departed from your tenth house of fame and honors, giving you more a little more free time to live life to the fullest, to explore the depths of a new relationship, and to bond with friends you hold dear.

Your mind will turn back to your career on the full moon June 27, when you finish up a weighty assignment. The pressure to produce a winning outcome will sit squarely on your shoulders in the days leading to this full moon, but as usual, you pull a rabbit out of the hat and impress one and all. You may now be given more money as a result, through commission, bonus, or company perks, all thanks to the fine performance you put in this month. You may be offered an important promotion too, or a new job, but housing and a current love relationship may become a consideration you will have to weigh in making your decision.

This full moon, June 27, will be the only full moon of 2018 in your prestigious tenth house of career achievement and honors, so clearly something big is about to peak. Your imagination will be fired up, so offer ideas that come to you, even if some of your inspirations seem a bit off the grid. You may be holding a tiger by the tail by taking business or your creative work in a fresh new direction. Aries needs always to have a chance to imprint their name on the landscape, and you are being given that now. You are quickly establishing yourself as a major industry player who deserves a seat at the table.

Mars’ orbit will weaken and go retrograde on June 26, to stay out of phase until August 27. Mars retrograde is not the time to launch any new business venture or to make attempts to prove your competitive advantage. Knowing this, you will have to work with great haste to get things sewn up in early to mid-June.

Once you get to late month, use Mars retrograde to go back to projects that were previously finished and find ways to make them better. Challenge assumptions (yours and that of others) and root out flaws that you did not see earlier. Early June and late September will your best time to make key moves in business, and in your personal life, too.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-06-02 17:23:08
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 74 
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