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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 8月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-08-02 Tue. 20:34:45

Aries Forecast for August 2016 - Susan Miller's Astrology Zone
(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

August may well be your favorite month of the year. It starts off in an exciting way, for the Sun in Leo will be in elegant angle to Saturn, so actions you make on this day will have long-term benefits. On the same day, Venus in Leo – a fire sign like yours, and moving through your house of true love – will play tag with surprise-a-minute Uranus in Aries, so you may well have one exciting romantic experience. Of all the signs, you are among those who will likely enjoy this day, August 1, more than most.

More good news follows, for on August 2, the annual new moon in Leo at 11 degrees, will appear to brilliantly light your fifth house of true love. All new moons open a portal of nearly two weeks, so this spectacular day is not special for just a day, but for an entire string of days. The actions you take at a new moon can affect you for a full year, until the next new moon in Leo has time to come by and refresh this one. This new moon is so extraordinarily friendly, that if you are single, it will work hard to help you find someone new to love. This is one of my favorite new moons of all of 2016 (and if you have my calendar, you already know that to be true)!

Unlike years past, this new moon in your romance sector is sweet in every way. You have been working hard, and the universe knows you need balance in the form of a rich personal life. If you have not been dating, this new moon will bring you one of your best chances to have an introduction to a fascinating person. Uranus, now and for a long time coming, is in Aries and will be prominent, active, and friendly. Any chance meeting will happen when you least expect it to happen. Mars, in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, will be in good angle to that moon, so you’ll be raring to go, full of energy and drive. Mars will add to your confidence too – always an aphrodisiac. The best way to improve your love life will be by socializing at parties, traveling, and participating in leisure fun activities. Alas, in other words, it’s highly unlikely that you would meet anyone at work or through your work.

The fifth house so lit up for you also rules creativity. If you work in a job where you are paid for your ideas, support creative people, or are in the creative department, then you will knock that ball right out of the park in one exciting home run. Present your ideas as close to August 2 as possible!

Of your birthday falls on March 31, plus or minus five days, you will benefit from this new moon with a double dip of pleasure. The same is true if you have Aries rising 11 degrees, or a natal planet in Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Leo at 11 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. All Aries will feel the glow, however, so even if your birthday or natal planets don’t fit into these mathematical tolerances, you still will have plenty to cheer about.

At the same time, Mars, your ruler, will re-enter Sagittarius where it was earlier this year from March through most of May, but the difference is, previously, Mars was retrograde for the lion’s part of that period, and even before April 17, when Mars went retrograde, his batteries were running down very low. It was so hard to make progress. Now Mars is moving in strong, sure orbit, and will be far more helpful to you from now on. Every one of every sign was frustrated while Mars was retrograde, but it had a larger effect on you than most because Mars is your ruling planet. Finally, you are now moving into the best part of the year, for from now on, 2016 will belong to you.

Mars will tour your long-distance travel house in August and September, so it appears you’ll be heading to the airport very soon, within a week of that new moon, August 2.

If you absolutely can’t travel, then other elements of the ninth house (where Mars is now based) will come into play. You might be getting ready to go back to college in September, or working on a media project that involves work in publishing or broadcasting. If you do work that brings you in contact with people overseas, or import or export of goods or information, you will be in your element in August and September, happy as a puppy in clover.

On August 16, the Sun in Leo will make its rare, heavenly beam to Uranus in Aries, planet of unanticipated events, spelling a day for magical and magnetic evening for romance. The Sun rules your house of love, so this is fantastic news for you. If you are single, Uranus rules your friendship house, so it might be that a friend’s introduction sets off the happy fireworks. If you are attached, flirt with your partner and have some fun together. This is a Tuesday night, but even so, make it a date night out anyway. Those attached who want a baby will be excited to hear that the first nearly three weeks of August will encourage conception.

Something else completely different could happen on August 16, and that is, it would be the ideal day to buy a computer, expensive headphones, a smart phone, smart TV, kitchen electrical appliance, or other electronic device. That’s because Uranus in Aries will be looking out for you, dear Aries, and Uranus rules electronics. Here is another reason to shop now and not put off those purchases. Mercury will go retrograde starting August 30 until September 21, a truly dreadful time to buy electronic items. Something will be off – the product won’t work properly, you may find it doesn’t fit your needs, you may doubt your judgment later in choosing that model, or a newer model may come out weeks later. It would be best to buy your electronic item or appliance now, not later. Choose August 16 or 22 to purchase your item for happiest results. Another point: never run right up to the date Mercury retrogrades (in this case, August 30), for you will feel the undertow of energy slowing you down as you get closer. August 22 is your deadline to buy anything electronic.

The full moon in Aquarius 26 degrees will keep the party going, quite literally. It falls on August 18 in Aquarius, so it appears you will be invited to a party or will be at a sporting event that involves crowds of cheering people. You might alternatively attend a beautiful charity benefit, exciting political rally, or humanitarian fundraiser, and any of these events will be fun. Again, Uranus will be active and sprinkle the days that the full moon will influence – from August 16 to August 21 – with unusually bright experiences. You must go, for this full moon will be filled with surprises.

If your birthday falls on April 12 to April 19, you will find this full moon to be speaking directly to you. The same advice would be true if you have Aries rising at 26 degrees, or a natal planet in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, within five degrees of 11 degrees (this tolerance goes for the rising sign too).

There will be one day that might prove frustrating this month, and although I would love not to tell you, here goes. It’s the day Mars and Saturn move into alignment August 24. Mars will always shout, “Go!” while Saturn always will shout, “Stop! Be cautious!” So you may feel like you are stuck, not knowing which way to go. The answer is that on August 24, you need to simply stop and think – the slower moving planet (in this case, Saturn) will always win. The question that you may be wrestling with on this day will become clarified within two days of this date, and you will be glad you slowed down to consider your assumptions and check facts. By all means do NOT sign a contact on August 24. This is also an aspect that can create mishaps, so be very safety-oriented at home and when you are out. Keep hallways and steps clear and well lit. Protect bones and teeth.

Now we come to some of the most dazzling days of the year, coming at the end of August. These are days I have been anxious to tell you about! These are the two days I spoke about in my book, for they are five-star days, delicious in every way. First, you need a little background. Both days will include a conjunction with Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. A conjunction is the most powerful of all aspects possible in astrology, as it hints at the start of a new cycle that is just starting up. Jupiter is now in his final days in Virgo and is about to pack his bags and move on to Libra next month. Before he does, he will set out two jewel-like days as gifts to you, and these are ones you may remember later, when 2016 draws to a close and you look back over the year.

The first day will be August 22, when Jupiter will combine forces with Mercury. This is a rare aspect, and you won’t see these two planets align in Virgo again for another twelve years. Mercury is the natural ruler of your sixth house of health and fitness, so here is where you may see a breakthrough, or even a miracle. You may get exceptionally good news about your health or perform a personal best in athletics or fitness if you have been working out. If you have been following a course of treatment that your doctor proposed, your condition may show encouraging signs of improving. This would be a superb day to have a medical exam, consultation, or procedure.

August 22 will have several other bonuses for you. An assignment you will be working on will go exceptionally well and may point you in a new direction that will prove lucrative. It also would be a perfect day to hire an assistant or other employee.

Mercury also is the natural ruler of your solar third house of short travel, siblings, and communication, and all these areas will glow for you. You may get special luck through a sister or brother, say, if you buy land together or open a business. August 22 would be an ideal day to do these type things, for Mercury rules commerce – buying, selling, negotiations, and contracts. Clearly, you could not find a better day to sign a contract than August 22. If you are self-employed, you can start an advertising or publicity campaign on this day, with superb results. If you are in the software or app business, plan to unveil your product on this day. Or, hire a firm to begin work on your app, website, advertising, or promotional campaign.

Finally, of course, with Mercury being the winged messenger, it would be a superb day to travel. You may have already taken this week off, and if so, you may be taking a fantastic side trip on August 22. You will love where you go, and with Jupiter present, you will likely enjoy a touch of luxury in accommodations. If you travel for work, you’ll come back smiling, with the signed contract in hand.

The next gorgeous day will be August 27. On this day, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will meet Venus in Virgo in your sixth house of work. Again a work assignment will go ever so well. This time, if you are working on a project that involves visuals and design – how it looks – then you will be humming a happy song, for everything will go right. Your relationship with co-workers will also be smooth as well, which will make everything more pleasant and happier.

This day, August 27, is a Saturday, and with Jupiter meeting with Venus on this day, it’s important to note that Venus rules your committed partnership sector. You might get engaged or married on this heavenly day. Or, if you are not ready to get married, you might promise to be exclusive to one special partner you are dating. If that doesn’t sound possible either, think about your business relationships. You may sign a contract with a partner or collaborator, or hire an expert to help you get ahead. You’d have the perfect day, Friday, August 26, the day prior to August 27, as the aspect builds and gets stronger.

Alas, as said earlier, Mercury goes retrograde on August 30 until September 21, so a work project will have to redone or tweaked in terms of the details. Make sure all the work you hand in is accurate and has been verified, with no typos and you have double-checked your assumptions. On September 1 we have one of the year’s four eclipses, a solar eclipse in Virgo coming, and on September 16, a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces. Come back next month! It is likely to be a huge month, filled with change!


Welcome to the wonderful month of August, sure to be filled with opportunity, especially in terms of love. The new moon, August 2, will be in Leo, about to shine in your house of true love, giving you your best opportunity of the year to find new love. If you meet someone intriguing, don’t spend a lot of time listening to friends’ opinions of your new date – give that person a chance to reveal his or her qualities to you before deciding. Your friends may not give you correct advice in the first two weeks of the month, so keep your own counsel. You are under stellar aspects, so let things roll – all it takes is one person to change your life. If you are dating, August will open the doors for tender experiences together. If you are married, the same is true – this is your time to enjoy one another.

In your career, you’ll be super-creative in the first and second weeks of August, so spend time working on an important project. If you are ready, present your ideas in that first week, just after the new moon, August 2. If you are making a big career decision, make it on Monday, August 1 – with the Sun and Saturn in perfect sync, you will love the choice you make. Saturn will go direct on August 13, to stay strong and direct until April 7 of next year, so you have a good long period to make major career progress. This is such good news!  Until now, for months, you may have been working hard, but not seeing the recognition you deserve. All that changes now.

If you can’t give word about your career decision until late month, you must consider that Mercury will go retrograde August 30 until September 21. If you must say yes or no in late August, do your best to wait until after September 21 to give your final answer about a career opportunity. If that is not possible, take the job knowing you may change jobs again later. (The only exception to the rule is if you would be going back to a former boss or company you worked with and loved – in that case, accept the job with no worries. Mercury is pleased when you go back to a former situation.) Late September, and most of October and November will be solidly strong months, and for you, be some of the best of 2016.

You seem to be traveling for business this month, but if you hope to take a vacation, it appears you will need to bring your laptop along to do email and to make several important calls while you are on the trip. Do you recall the old saying, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you?” For you, just the opposite will be true on August 7, when Mercury, ruler of your sixth house of work projects will oppose foggy Neptune, and might make you misunderstood by co-workers, or alternatively, you might misunderstand the directives of your client or management. You need full information

A full moon will occur on August 18 in your house of friendship. This will be a full moon that will come very close to being a lunar eclipse but missed being so on a tiny technicality. (You can Google this fact.) So August 18 is not an eclipse, but nevertheless, this full moon will show that something regarding a friendship is culminating, and will change the status of your relationship. Your friend may be getting married within five days of August 18 – you seem to be going to a fun social event. Uranus in Aries is due to bring a big surprise, so on the other hand, you won’t entirely expect what comes up, but the news will be as special and celebratory. With Uranus in gorgeous angle to the Sun and moon, you may meet someone at any elegant event you attend. If you are not going to a party, you may be going to a sporting event and enjoy screaming cheers for your team, and laugh all the way home about how much fun you had.

With your ruler, Mars, and Saturn closely aligned, within four days of August 24, be very careful of falls, possibly when traveling. These planets are in Sagittarius, ruling the hips. This would not be the time to do extreme sports – Aries loves to dare themselves to do crazy things that make the rest of us gasp, but August 24 would not be not the time to try a new sport!

The month ends with Mercury retrograde, August 30 to September 21. Wrap up talks and initiations early on, and keep your distance from the onset date of Mercury. When Mercury goes retrograde, August 30, Mercury acts like a little gremlin. He is Dennis the Menace near the “bookend” dates when he starts to go backward and later, when he resumes forward motion. Life will slow down, but that might just suit you fine.

Next month will bring two genuine eclipses, September 1 and 16, due to bring lots of changes, as eclipses are prone to do. You’ll not want to miss my forecast for September. It also brings the luckiest day of the year, as well as Jupiter’s impending move to Libra. Wow!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-08-02 20:34:45
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 176 
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