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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 11月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-11-02 Wed. 10:14:14

Aries November Horoscope

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You seem to be concentrating hard on managing your money in November. Good! This is precisely the area you’ll make the most progress. The new moon of October 30 started the trend, and you will feel it during the first three weeks of November. That new moon lit your house of credit cards, student loans, insurance, inheritance, child support, alimony, and bank loans, as well as money others owe you.

 A new moon opens a path, and this one will open discussions. If you are negotiating a new job or moving into a higher level at your present company, you might be discussing such perks as vacation days, maternity leave, your name on a space in the executive parking lot, flex time (perhaps working one day a week at home), year-end or signing bonus, company health insurance, profit sharing, and other benefits the company may offer you.

 Later, at the full moon, November 14, you will be concluding decisions, actions, and talks about your salary or savings. You may be paying bills within four days of this date. If you are involved with the arts, or if you support artists, such as an agent, producer, manager, or other role in the support team, you will do especially well at the time of this full moon because Neptune, planet of arts and creativity, will beam strong, supportive energy to this full moon.

 This month won’t be only about money, however, and that’s good news. You need fun, too, and the universe knows it, and has prepared for that for you too. Your ruling planet’s activities holds the key to what else will be happening, and in this case, Mars will move out of your career house of honors, awards, and achievement (where it’s been since September 27) on November 8. By now you’ve had enough time with Mars in your professional house to make your mark or to at least begin some important actions to raise your profile in your career. (If not, or if you hope to do more, you will get a second chance after the new moon December 28, which will be strong through early January.) It appears you’ve garnered lots of support from higher-ups, and if you ever felt under-appreciated, all has changed and it will soon be clear that you ARE valued, whether you are fully aware of this or not. You will know this truth in time.

 Mars in Aquarius will have you interacting with so many people at times you may wonder how you will get all your normal workload done. Don’t be concerned. This trend will come at the perfect time to enjoy the year – end holiday festivities: November 8 to December 19. You will be able to give the friends you’ve not seen in ages more time, and overall, you will love the change of pace.

 Mercury will go retrograde next month from December 19 to January 8, so that means no holiday shopping will be allowed for you during most of December. You will notice the bare shelves and problems with purchasing the precise item you want as soon as December 5. Consider going shopping this month, and rely on purchasing gift cards next month. If you do buy gift cards, remember to photo copy all the cards’ bar codes.

 One year, I bought a generous gift card for my daughter, Diana (also an Aries like you), and somehow, almost immediately, she was upset to find that the card was lost. I called Apple and asked if I could get a replacement for Diana, and mentioned I had the card number because I had copied it before I wrapped it up. The Apple lady was a bit surprised – “You photocopied the gift card?” I replied, “Sure, Mercury was retrograde, and I am Susan Miller, and I have a website…” She said, “Of course you copied the card! You would do that! I read your site!” The point is, it’s a good idea to go the extra mile to safeguard gifts when Mercury is out of phase. This is a long way of saying, shop now, not later; keep receipts; and photocopy what you can.


I want to draw your attention to Tuesday, November 22, a gorgeous day, when Mercury will work with good fortune Jupiter, energizing your travel house and giving you the perfect day to head out of town. In America, this date falls within two days of the coming Thanksgiving Day weekend holiday. It would be an ideal day to buy or sell, or sign a contract. A contract would bring profits. If you travel to see a client or talent, you seem to bring your boss or usual collaborator with you. Traveling for fun, personal reasons? Your partner wants to come and will be a gem.

    It seems unlikely that you’ll stay at home this month with so many planets coaxing you to expand your horizons.

 Traveling will not be as special on November 23, when Mercury will conjoin Saturn. Saturn will bring long lines, excessive delays, and possible problems with weather conditions. It’ll be a great day to make a promise or commitment, however – promises made will be promises kept and will be in place a very long time.

 Thanksgiving Day in the US brings the moon conjunct Jupiter, making for a happy, joyous holiday. Food will be delicious and bountiful – no one will be left hungry. There will be a joyful feeling – a perfect day for a holiday.

 The very best day for shopping will be Saturday, November 26 when a positively brilliant aspect involving Mercury (commerce) will be in fine, supportive aspect to Uranus (surprise). In the US, Cyber Monday falls on November 27, but I feel the better bargains will be found on Saturday, November 26. Perhaps merchants will begin having tempting sales on Saturday and continue through Monday, filling their websites with wonderful deals. Keep your antenna up. (By the way, November 26 will be perfect for traveling too.)

 More travel will likely come up for you at the new moon in Sagittarius on November 29, for you will have Mercury, Saturn, the moon, and the Sun, all crowded into the ninth house of long-distance travel. That is a LOT of energy! Saturn’s closeness to the moon and Sun suggests this will be a weighty time with important goals to complete. This, being a new moon, will set up a trend. You seem to have a professional purpose to your travels, for Saturn will be within range of being supportive to good fortune planet Jupiter, so a profitable, happy outcome seems due. This suggests you may need a partner or collaborator to help you reach the right outcome.

 Mars will be in the right position to receive Jupiter’s shimmering vibrations too at this new moon, so a friend may also reach out to you and bring good news. (Saturn will be within nine degrees of Jupiter, and Mars, eight). Jupiter will be helpful to Saturn and your ruler, Mars, allowing you to have time with friends, and at the same time, opportunity to continue to grow your career reputation. Because this new moon is about Jupiter (Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter), this is a good sign that you can make plenty of progress at this time. A new moon sets up at least ten days of influence, so this will take you through early December too.

 There may be one problem with this new moon of November 29. Neptune will be in hard angle to the new moon – to exact degree – so this might manifest in one of two ways. You may have problems with water overflow, plumbing, pipes, clean drinking water, and so forth. Or, Neptune has another side when in hard angle and is known to add confusion or disillusion in a relationship or situation. You have Neptune in the twelfth house, which could indicate someone behind the scenes is working at cross-purposes to you, possibly in office politics. I don’t want to add to your anxiety, as there is only a small chance this will happen to you.

In terms of romance, you will do best when Venus tours Sagittarius, for Sagittarius is a fire sign just like your Aries Sun. Your best weekend night for fun and love will be November 5-6 when Venus will receive a dazzling vibration from Uranus in Aries. Surprises will pop, delighting you with all that happens.

 Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is now well established in your seventh house of partnerships, making this year the best year (September 2016 to October 2017) for you to get engaged or wed, or to take on business partners or collaborators. You might find the ideal agent, manager, publicist, writing partner, business partner, or other such person. Even if you are not looking for this person, that person may come to you, on the basis of your reputation.

 You may have small expectations of how sweetly Jupiter can help you, but you will soon see that you won’t have to do everything yourself anymore. Others believe in you and will want to help you, and they will be qualified to do so. You are an independent soul, so the idea of being part of a twosome in business or romance may be new to you and might even take a little getting used to – but it will be something you will like in time.

 In the romantic sense, if you are not dating, and understandably cannot even imagine getting engaged, the good news is that you will begin to meet more marriageable types of partners in the coming months.



You will be thinking quite a bit about your finances this month. You may be wisely doing year-end tax planning to take advantage of all legal deductions, or you may be deciding on an overall budget for your holiday shopping. There is another strong possibility that you will be negotiating a compensation package at work for a new position, new title, or an exciting promotion.

 Mars, your ruler, is still moving through your tenth house of fame and honors, a place it took up at the end of September. Mars will move on to your eleventh house of friendship on November 8, so it’s very possible you will have reached the final career negotiation, where money will be your priority for discussion, including perks such as bonus, profit sharing, vacation days, and so forth, meant to acknowledge your growing status, responsibility, and influence.

You have two planets in your house of fame and honors: Venus, the planet that will be keep you popular with VIPs, and Pluto, almost guaranteeing a steady rise to the top for years ahead, provided you give all you have to give to your job. If you are interested in getting a new position or having exciting publicity about you, concentrate on that aim in the first days of November, prior to Mars’ departure on November 8. All financial negotiations and talks will end within four days of the full moon, November 14.

 With planets stacking in your eighth and twelfth houses, you will be quite prescient this month, and you may wonder where your hunches are emanating from, and why you are getting such strong feelings about things. No matter, listen to that small voice within, for it is there to protect and boost your chances of success.

This month will not just be about money and power. Migrating planets will be congregating in your ninth house of travel, university study, and the media – all lucky areas for you. This trend will be kicked off after the new moon appears, November 29. It seems unlikely that you’ll stay at home this month with so many planets coaxing you to expand your horizons. There are plenty of indications that you may be traveling for work, but if so, you’ll find time at your destination for fun activities too. Spread your wings – it’s time to fly!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-11-02 10:14:14
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 116 
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