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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 3月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-03-02 Wed. 23:17:16

Aries Horoscope for March 2016

By Susan Miller

The eclipses are back, and although you may be saying to yourself, "Oh no! No more eclipses in my sign or the sign that lies 180-degrees from mine, in Libra! I have had enough!" Indeed you have, dear Aries. Eclipses come in families of signs, so you were feeling the Aries-Libra family since late 2013. Libra is important to you because it is found 180-degrees from your birth date.

The first eclipse in that family of signs dates back to October 18, 2013, and affected Aries born near April 19. In 2014 one monstrous full moon eclipse came by on April 15 in Libra (affecting you if that was near your birthday), followed by the October 8 lunar full moon eclipse in Aries (affecting those born near April 8). Then, in 2014, you had another two eclipses, a lunar full moon eclipse April 4 and the first new moon solar eclipse of the series that came by on September 27, 2015. If you were born in late March, the eclipse just listed affected you. Now the very last eclipse in this series is due March 23, a lunar eclipse in Libra 3 degrees. If you look at the list, you will see almost all are full moon eclipses. Any eclipse that falls on or very close to your birthday (within four days) would speak directly to you.

While you would not feel every one of the Aries-Libra eclipses that I listed, you would have felt some of them, and that is why I listed all of them for you - does one date jump out at you? Full moons tend to bring an ending to situations and relationships, so dear Aries you've been through a period - starting in October 2013 - where life may have brought a series of chapters that ended. You likely had a lot of adjustments to make and you did - you are finished with almost all tests. As tough as this past period might have been, you cleaned your slate and can gradually redirect and reinvent your life to your liking now. Trust that you will create a much more fulfilling life, as soon as you are done cleaning out the cobwebs. After the March 23 eclipse occurs this month, you will be done, and you won't have any more eclipses in the Aries and Libra series again until 2023. (On the home page of my website, look under the Astrology Zone logo and you will see "Eclipse Dates" to see the ones that are coming up from now to 2024.

My list of eclipses starts in 1994 so that you can look back over the years to see the ones that have already occurred. This way you can see if any of those dates were important to you. Eclipses repeat in sign and degree every 19 years, so the ones that are coming up now are very similar to those in 1997. Can you recall anything important that started in 1997? Just above my list of Eclipse Dates under Astrology Zone's logo on my homepage, you will find my essay "Eclipses: A Guide to Coping with Them," which I feel would be very helpful for you to read too.

Let's look closely at the lunar full moon eclipse that is coming March 23. Compared to the ones you have already dealt with earlier, since late 2013 in the Aries-Libra family, this eclipse will likely bring a positive result. I say that because Mars is your ruler, so the position of Mars at this time will reveal much, and happily, Mars will be in fine position to bolster the effects of this eclipse from his perch in your ninth house. The ninth house covers foreign travel, immigration matters, international trade and relationships with people based far from you, the media, court cases, and academia. All these areas glitter for you, and may give you a clue for the areas that can bring help or good news if you need it to counter any unexpected news that might come up.

The March 23 eclipse will fall in your seventh house of committed partnerships, so it will bring your attention to your partner, in love or business. Something is reaching culmination, but it appears you want to see closure or at the very least, a development, and you will have that.

Venus rules Libra, and this is an eclipse in Libra, so Venus' role in this eclipse will be important. Venus is found in the house of secrets and is conjoined with Neptune, the planet that conceals information at times. (Often I like Venus with Neptune - it can be very glamorous - and it might be for you this time. I am concerned that both Venus and Neptune will be in hard angle to Mars, suggesting information will surface that someone has tried to conceal from you, that you never saw or previously misunderstood. Or, it may be that a secret of yours may come out. When news comes out, it can be a shock, but keep reminding yourself that it's better to have vital information than not. Remember - your guardian planet, Mars, is friendly! This bodes well for you in the overall scheme of things!

Let's now go to the top of the month and see what else is going on this month.

First, on March 5, Mars will enter Sagittarius and be set to stay not the usual six or seven weeks, but nearly seven months, until September 27, 2016. This suggests the areas I had mentioned earlier when I referred to the ninth house (three paragraphs above this one), including long-distance travel, will become a dominant theme. Mars in a fire sign like yours will be a big plus to you because your energy will blend well with Mars energy. The catch in this situation is that Mars will go retrograde from April 17 to June 29, and that will completely slow your progress. Mars is the energy planet that helps us excel in competitive situations, but with Mars out of phase, you will have to supply the heavy lifting. We are all in the same boat, so don't feel alone in this. Because Mars is your ruler, you may change your mind now and then about a course of action you are planning to take. You will have the time to do so when your schedule changes.

In addition to the full moon lunar eclipse March 23, we will have a solar new moon eclipse March 8 in Pisces. A new moon eclipse is less emotional than a full moon eclipse. In fact, most new moon solar eclipses bring wonderful news and open a new path to an entirely new opportunity. If you could see your chart, you have a gathering of many twinkling stars in your twelfth house of intuition, so your hunches will prove remarkably accurate. This same house is the house of solitude, so you would likely see your best productivity when working alone, behind closed doors.

With this eclipse, you may have interaction a doctor or dentist, or find you are in a hospital or visiting a friend or relative in the hospital. (Don't be concerned, as it might be for good reason, such as if you visit your friend who needs to fix a problem with his knee or if your friend has delivered a sweet little baby.) The twelfth house is the house that the ancient astrologers called the house of confinement, and that house is lit up for you with many planets. Places of confinement would include hospitals, rehab centers, physical therapy facilities, nursing homes, and even prisons. (That latter category does not seem to be in the realm for you, dear Aries.) You may also decide to see a therapist to work out something that has troubled you, and that, too, would be a wonderful idea.

This full moon will receive support from Pluto, which indicates a boost to your career is due near March 23, but there will be an obstacle that you will need to work out, due to the position of Saturn. Saturn's position suggests you will need to be realistic and practical to deal with the situation. Be ready to assume more responsibility if offered to you or asked of you. This is a complicated new moon, for Pluto in Capricorn in your reputation and career prestige house will be in hard angle to Uranus in Aries, so you will have to expect something unexpected to arise concerning your career. This is par for the course, for eclipses teach us the value of being resourceful and flexible, and show us how necessary it is to adjust to changing circumstances.

Solar eclipses bring new opportunities, so no matter what news you get, there will be gold embedded in that eclipse - your job will be to find it. Pluto's friendly stance suggests you can use all that happens to catapult yourself to a higher level or to show VIPs there is more to you than meets the eye. You are in a transformative phase, and soon the caterpillar that they see is about to turn into a magnificent butterfly.

One of my favorite days of the year for you will come up this month on March 16. On that day, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your workaday assignment house will send a shimmering beam to Pluto in your house of fame and honors. Something you do on March 16 will add a jewel to your crown, dear Aries. When Jupiter is involved, money cannot be far behind, too. I love this day. This is a rare day that has the signature of success written all over it. It's special, so use it to accept a new job, launch a new product or service, sign a contract, or begin a new job. Anything you start on this day should bring enormous success - far greater than you expect.

Once you get to March 25, your professional progress will slow, for Saturn, the planet that runs the engine of your tenth house of fame, will go retrograde from that date until August 13. This won't be a retrograde that will affect you as strongly as when Mars will retrograde. Planets that orbit close to earth (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) will always have the strongest influence on all of us.

For love and romance, your best part of the month will be the first half, while gentle Venus tours Aquarius, until March 11. Watch March 2, when Venus will make your charms more visible, thanks to Venus' collaboration with Uranus. Single or married, this day is for you.

Once Venus moves to Pisces and conjoins Neptune on March 20, if you are single, you may have a fun first date, especially if you decide to go to a museum exhibit, to hear a concert, see a ballet, or go to the movies. This can be a highly romantic day, so make the most of it.

When it comes to travel for any reason, do so in the week that follows March 26 when the Sun, by then in Aries, will receive a boost of energy from Mars, your ruler. You may be ready to fly away on a trip this weekend or preparing to go soon. It's the right idea. Other areas of gain include legal matters, and those involving academia and broadcasting or publishing.


A crowd of heavenly bodies - including the Sun, new moon, Mercury, and Neptune - will be squeezed into your twelfth house in the prescient sign of Pisces in March. This will make you extraordinarily intuitive, so listen to what the small voice within will tell you, for it is there to protect you.

This month will bring two eclipses, a solar new moon eclipse in Pisces on March 8, and a lunar eclipse in Libra, a full moon, March 23, the latter one likely to affect you more. Eclipses bring unmistakable signs of change and the only option will be to go forward, not backward to former times. It appears you may start a project you will need to keep secret as a result of the first eclipse, March 8. It may be an endeavor that you do for business, for with Pluto so kindly positioned, it appears you will be chosen for this venture by a highly placed power VIP. If your endeavor is a creative one, it seems you will not have to keep it secret. In that case, it appears you will concentrate intensely on the project, the reason why you will decide to work in solitude. All indications are that you will be successful at this assignment, so give it all you have to give.

It is also very possible, perhaps even more so, that you will discover information that had remained hidden from you, either because you never asked about it, or because others did not want you to know about the matter.

The March 23 eclipse will focus you on a relationship that you either start at this time or need to make a decision about soon. The relationship is likely to be romantic in nature, but it is possible it may refer instead of a close, important business alliance. If you do meet someone new, it appears to be through the introduction of a friend rather than on a dating site online. You may want to consider meeting in an establishment where you won't be seen together for privacy. Your guardian planet, Mars, will be in supportive angle to this eclipse, so all indications are that final results of this eclipse will be positive. There's a big likelihood that you will travel.

At the same eclipse, March 23, Venus will conjoin Neptune, a very glittering, glamorous aspect. It is possible that this eclipse - and in the two weeks that follow - you will be excited by what occurs, but don't let your imagination run away with you, as things may be SO romantic, you may get carried away. If you keep your feet on the ground - Saturn, watching from his perch in Sagittarius will make sure that you remain realistic - you will enjoy the spark of new love, and do fine.

Mars, your guardian planet that has a mission to take good care of you, will be in friendly Sagittarius all month (starting March 5), jazzing up your travel sector. You may be heading to the airport to take a distant trip. The weekend of March 26, when Mars and the Sun will be in sync, will be your best time to go. The travel theme that is just starting up this month will mark the beginning of a long trend, running from now through almost of September. You may want to get a new, chic suitcase - you'll get good use from it.

Other days this month that also may be important for you includes March 2, when Venus will receive glittering vibrations from electric Uranus. This is a day when Cupid may be standing behind every tree, ready to zing his famous arrow. Look your best.

My favorite day for you will be March 16, when Jupiter (gifts and luck) and Pluto (influential people) will send a signal to each other, bringing the everyday work you are doing to the attention of a top level VIP who will single you out as a star in the making. Watch March 16, and plan something big for that day, for it's a rare day when the force will be with you.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-03-02 23:17:16
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 263 
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