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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 9月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-09-04 Sun. 11:13:05
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
This month is chock-full of action, so if you’ve been restless with same old routine, you won’t be for long. Things will be changing the moment the month begins. Eclipse season is back, and the month begins on September 1 with a solar new moon eclipse in Virgo, 9 degrees, lighting your sixth house that covers health and work assignments. New moon eclipses have the power of a normal new moon times three. They are generally not emotional like a full moon eclipse would be (that comes later, on September 16) because full moons bring a culmination or ending. New moon eclipses tend to open a new path.
The September 1 eclipse is likely to bring new conditions in the office. New assignments – exciting ones that will help you evolve your expertise to a new level – will come in and make you feel as though you’ve taken a breath of fresh air. With four heavenly bodies in Virgo, you will need to be quite detailed in your work, and being thorough with all that you do will count. If you are self-employed, you will see important new business projects come through the door. Jupiter is still in his final days of Virgo and will see to it that you are well paid for your work, in terms of a salary increase in time (possibly as soon as November) as a result of the work you do now.
All solar eclipses are extra-powerful new moons on steroids, and they open a door wide to a new path and bring an opportunity for a fresh start. Eclipses tend to bring sudden news, so watch to see what happens, and look your best, because chances are, all eyes will be on you. I feel you will love the effects of this new moon because Mercury, the ruler of Virgo – and all four of the heavenly bodies filling your sixth house – are currently in Virgo, and Mercury will be conjunct Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. When the ruler of the sign of the eclipse – in this case Mercury is the ruler of Virgo – is aligned with Jupiter, that aspect becomes the most important one of all.
Not only will your work life start to bloom, but you will also do well in regard to health and fitness matters too. This would be the ideal time to join a gym, or if you already belong, to join a new fitness class or to take up lessons in a new sport. It’s also the ideal time to visit the dentist, have an annual physical exam, have your eyes checked, and do the other tests you know you should do annually or semi-annually.
While I was sitting in a doctor’s waiting room the other day, it occurred to me that how wise it was to go in for a simple visit to check in. I type my manuscripts while I wait, so I never think of my waiting time as lost time. (Actually my doctors tend to take me too quickly!) I was thinking, what if I didn’t go? What if this one little hour was to keep me healthy and help me live for many more decades? Often it comes down to that one little visit. I am so glad my children have followed my example, and as adults, we do have to set the pattern.
This month, Mercury will be retrograde, a trend that started August 30 and will extend to September 22. I would like you to read the comprehensive article I wrote on my website Astrology Zone or on my premium version of my app under Learn Astrology (and sometimes it is on the home page). It is called All You Need to Know about Mercury Retrograde, and I include upcoming retrograde dates. Briefly, Mercury is the planet of communication, commerce, and negotiation, and all those areas are weak during the retrograde. It is never wise to buy electronics during a retrograde, for you might not enjoy your purchase, or a newer model may come out soon after, and you will wish you had waited.
It is also not the time to sign papers during that time (if you do sign with Mercury retrograde, you will only need to renegotiate the deal later, assuming you even want to get into an agreement with that party again.) When Mercury retrogrades, the world is in flux, and the priorities you had before the retrograde will change afterward and it is impossible to see in precisely which way.
If the moving parts of any of the machines, electronics, or appliances you own are wearing out, you will know as you get close to the start of Mercury retrograde. You may have already seen this happen two weeks prior to the official date Mercury turns, which means you saw this happen from mid-to-late August. I truly sympathize. My flat screen TV literally blew up and scared me when it made a loud POP! My air conditioner was rattling so much I asked my building superintendent to examine it. He said, “The compressor is gone, Susan. Get a new one.”
Both my flat screen TV and air conditioner went out of commission only days prior to the retrograde. Funny, I had bought both items at the same time, only five years ago. When I went to the store to buy a new television, my TV salesman (who looked about 12 years old, but must not have been THAT young) said to me, “You bought the TV five years ago? Wow, that TV was really ancient! No wonder it blew up!” (Really? That TV looked and worked fine! Oh well, things keep happening. It’s never a dull moment around here.)
If you can, put off buying things to after September 22. Do research and make sure you are buying the right model. In New York, where I live, it is hot in August through much of October, so I had to hurry and buy a new TV and air conditioner or suffer for weeks. Fortunately, Mercury was not retrograde yet, but you and I know the same models I bought will go on sale on Labor Day (a US holiday that happens this year September 5). I could not wait – I need the TV to keep me company as I write your long reports and the air conditioner to keep me energized too. Do your best to avoid taking action during the retrograde.
The second eclipse will come as a full moon lunar eclipse, September 16, and may bring a final ending to a situation. Again, as in the early part of the month, medical people seem to be around you. You may go back to the doctor or dentist’s office to finish up a protocol of treatments, or you may come to your last physical therapy treatment. Or, you may have sought the advice of a psychiatrist, and you both may feel you’ve come to the end of the treatments, and you feel better now. Or, your dentist may have told you that you have a cavity that requires you get a crown for your tooth. A few weeks ago he may have made the mold and sent it to the lab to have it made. Chances are, it would be ready within days of September 16, so the dentist will now simply snap it in. Done!
Neptune will be very close to that eclipse of September 16, so be very careful about any drugs you might take this month. You could have a bad reaction, so if the drug is new to you, find out what the side effects might be. Alternatively, you might have problems with water in the home, whether in terms of your drinking water, a flood, difficulties with plumbing, mold, or if the apartment above yours overflows their bathtub. Be sure your landlord can get into your apartment or condo if something were to happen while you out, say, on vacation or at work.
I should mention that every 19 years eclipses repeat on the same day and degree. Of course, all the other planets were in different places in the sky, but by looking back, you might be able to remember what happened then, and get clues to what might happen now. Those eclipses happened September 1 and 16, 1997. Was that year a big one for you? If so, what themes can you recall?
When Jupiter enters Libra for more than a year on September 9, you will be the most favored of all signs for marriage.
The biggest news of the month will come on September 9, when Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, will move into Libra and your seventh house of marriage, collaboration, and serious one-on-one work from a professional. Quite simply, you will be the most favored of all signs for marriage. If you are single and not even close to getting married, you will start to meet marriageable types – people of substance. If you are already married, you will benefit from your partner in the coming thirteen months, for this trend will last from September 9, 2016 to October 10, 2017. You will see the power of this aspect at the new moon, September 30, at month’s end, for Jupiter will be playing a leading role. This is all very exciting.
As an Aries you are used to doing almost all things on your own, but in your development, strongly indicated by the position of Jupiter, you will get exceptional help from others in the coming year, both in business and in your personal life. You will learn that you needn’t do everything yourself – that there are qualified, talented people near you who are not only willing to help you, but to bring you to the next level in life.
By mid-month, Mars, your ruler, will finally be separated from Saturn, a relief, for with Mars attached to Saturn in alignment, you might have felt frozen for weeks, not sure whether to move forward or stand still. Now you can make plans and not be tortured by indecision. However, Mars will be in hard angle to the full moon, so you may have to get over an obstacle near September 16. That obstacle may involve home / family or feelings for your sweetheart or child that will cause you to feel conflicted. Or, it may be that you wish you could travel, but work will keep you pinned to your desk.
Eclipses bring big life events, so almost nothing that will happens this month will be business as usual. The last time we had an eclipse this year, it was March 8 and March 23. Think back to the March 8 eclipse – whatever happened in your life within two weeks of that date – for that event may have bearing on what happens now, on September 1 and September 16. Eclipses tend to continue the conversation and push it forward to a more advanced level. In that way, they are all connected to one another, like pearls on a necklace. However, only eclipses in the same family of signs will have further influence – the March 8 eclipse was in Pisces, just like the one September 16. (The eclipse March 23 was in Libra, but currently the eclipse family that we are experiencing now is in the Virgo-Pisces family – signs that are on the same axis, 180 degrees from each other.)
On September 10, Saturn will make a hard angle to Neptune, reminding you that your ideas and proposals must be rooted in practical, good common sense. Blue-sky ideas won’t fly right now – wait until next year for those.
On September 17, your ruler, Mars in Sagittarius will be in gorgeous angle to Uranus in Aries, suggesting you may be asked to travel very suddenly, or an international situation will pop up and bring exceptionally good news. Other areas of gain could be from academia, the courts, or the media, from publishing or broadcasting as the writer, editor, or producer, or the subject of the story.
In a month that has just about everything, I am so excited to tell you about the luckiest days of the year that will arrive on September 25-26, when Jupiter will have his annual dinner with the mighty Sun. The Sun will take Jupiter’s goodness and multiply it many times over, making these days so special! These are five-star days! Here’s how to use these days:
The Sun rules your fifth house of true love, and Jupiter rules your house of international travel and people abroad, so this weekend would be wonderful to travel with your one-and-only to a distant location that is new to you both. It would also be the time to meet someone new if you are single, or if you are attached, to see a fertility doctor if you want a baby and have had problems with conception. This house rules pregnancy, birth, and the care of children, so you might want to do something special for your child, or a child in your family. The fifth house rules creativity too, so see if you can present a creative idea on September 26, for if you do, you are likely to get generous funding, and it would likely have global appeal. This is an ideal time to launch a new business, especially if you are partnering with a firm, for the profits are likely to grow like Jack and the Beanstalk’s beans!
This month has everything, because on September 30, we will have another new moon in Libra 8 degrees (it is not an eclipse), and it will be one of the most beautiful new moons of all of 2016. This magnificent new moon will come arm-in-arm with the Sun and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, filling your house of commitment, partnership, and marriage. What a wonderful time this weekend would be to get engaged or married! If you are already committed, then it would be the right time to make plans to do something new and exciting with your partner.
Alternatively, you might want to make a business relationship official by hiring a business partner, agent, publicist, writing partner, lawyer, or even a doctor. Anyone who works with you in a one-on-one relationship would be a gem to you now. Think of something you can do to use this new moon to its fullest extent.
Be sure to see the essay I wrote on All You Need to Know about Mercury Retrograde, free on the home page of AstrologyZone.com or on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone Daily Horoscope app, the premium version (by subscription, $4.99 for one month, for a year, $49.95). Apple App Store and Google Play are my retailers for my app, and they take 30 percent, and they deserve that profit.)
All smart phones, including iPhone, Android, or Samsung Galaxy, offer my app. Search under Susan Miller and an icon with AZ will come up. When you get the app, look under Learn Astrology. Also while you are reading up on the phenomena of this month, please also read How to Deal with Eclipses, again free on my homepage of AstrologyZone.com or on my premium app under Learn Astrology. Phunware, my developer, recently updated my premium version of the app with new navigation and new features, including video, last May. I think you will like it!
Two eclipses this month will change your routine – possibly dramatically. The first, coming September 1 in Virgo, is a new moon solar eclipse will light your sixth house of work and health. As a result, the lion’s share of your attention will be directed to projects at the office. You may get a new assignment or assistant, or hire another person who will report to you. Or, your office headquarters may change, or you may be given an upgrade to the tools you use to get your job done, such as a shiny new computer or recently designed software. Eclipses are the most powerful initiator of change of any cosmic event. If you are self-employed, a new client may walk in the door and favorably change the way the industry views your capabilities, immediately and forever.
In matters of health, you may have put off your annual physical exam, but this eclipse may motivate you to set the date during September’s first half. If seeking a diagnosis with a health concern, the lab may have a mix-up; if so, ask for another test if results seem odd. Indeed, any efforts you make to become more fit and healthy will work well. In fact, this month, you’ll see far better than any results you may have seen all year, including the time near January 1, when you might have made a fitness resolution. You didn’t have the helpful aspects then you have now. Seeing impressive progress now will give you enthusiasm to do more. Jupiter will be conjunct Mercury, a sure sign that you will have much to celebrate regarding news that you receive covering your work and health.
The second eclipse, September 16, will be a full moon lunar eclipse, and bring additional emphasis to your health. This time, you will be thinking about your psychological state of mind. If you have been seeing a therapist or coach, or have been in rehab, you may now have a breakthrough that will leave you feeling happier, more balanced, whole, and relaxed. Alternatively, you may decide to have surgery to fix a part of you that you have not had time to think about. Good! The job of an eclipse is to nudge you in the right direction.
Mars, your ruling planet, is moving in strong direct orbit in your sector of distant travel and higher education, and one or both topics may be on your agenda now, too. If you travel, plan to leave over the weekend of September 17-18 and choose to go to a restful spot near water. If heading back to college, some of your classes may change or be cancelled – stay flexible and have faith that everything will work to your advantage.
Romantically, once Jupiter enters your solar seventh house of commitment on September 9, to stay thirteen months until October 2017, you will be the most favored sign for marriage or to form a lasting, prosperous business collaboration or partnership. In particular, watch September 25-26, the two most fortune days of the year, when Jupiter will join forces with the mighty Sun, and will bring you the most fortunate time in the decade to promise your love. If you are single, you won’t be left out – from now on you will meet more substantial types, and feel many are marriage material.
Venus will be in your marriage and committed relationship house all month, too, until September 24. Venus will smooth your interactions with your sweetheart or spouse, making your daily interactions fun and breezy. If you are single and hoping to find your one true love, September 19 will be a sexy, flirtatious day that will make you smile – you’ll rightly feel ultra-attractive. If you are dating seriously, the weekend of September 30-October 1 will bring the new moon in Libra, the sign of marriage, and will be one of the most harmonious new moons of 2016. In the coming year, although the accent will be strongly on marriage and will benefit those who are attached or want to marry the most, singles will do well too. If you are already wed, your partner will do exceptionally well, and the prosperity of the marriage will give you both a joyous sense of having options to plan and enjoy life more fully. Keep the faith, dear Aries – no matter what your status, your stars are shining brightly for you overhead.
Mercury will still be retrograde throughout most of the month, a holdover from August 30, and will go direct on September 22. In the intervening weeks, do your best not to buy electronic items or large kitchen appliances, and don’t make any binding agreements in your personal or professional life. Wait to act after the glorious new appears moon September 30 – you will be glad you did. That new moon is so divine that at this time you may get engaged, married, or in the business sense, officially take on a business partner, agent, or other collaborator. If you are already coupled up, you will find new goals to tackle together. The September 30 new moon is the best one of the year, so act on drawing up papers or making lifelong promises to each other. Your entire life may change soon – and very much for the better.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-09-04 11:13:05
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