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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-10-02 Sun. 22:47:49

Aries October Horoscope

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

Someone near you is about to be very, very good to you, dear Aries. This month brings the most beautiful new moon of all of 2016, falling in Libra, 9 degrees, on September 30 and to be strong for eleven days in October. It will fall in your seventh house of all kinds of partnerships and collaborations. When two people come together for a common goal, that’s a seventh house matter, and that is the area of your chart so lit up now. The person who may team up with you can come from anywhere in life. Of course, the type of partnership that comes to mind first is a romantic engagement or marriage of two people in love. If you are already married, you should find that your partner does well, that the marriage has prosperity, and that you both have more options of things to do and goals to set – ones that you didn’t have before – and you both will be very happy. It would be a grand year to plan a baby.


This year, now that Jupiter is in Libra, as of September 9, you are the most favored of all signs to wed, to enjoy a happy marriage, or to set up a serious business collaboration between now and October 2017. If you expect to wed in early October (or just did on September 30), you have chosen the very best point in over a decade to promise your love forever. This new moon comes with the Sun and Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. The new moon occurred late day September 30, so as you begin October, you are benefitting from this magical vibration.


You don’t have to be getting married or already be married to take full advantage of the new moon that occurred September 30. That new moon will provide you with a portal of energy that will last ten days, and any kind of close, committed collaboration can be lucky for you now. Here are some examples of people you might regularly work with on a one-on-one basis: It could be you are taking on an agent, manager, publicist, lawyer, headhunter, real estate broker, writing partner, coach, mentor, business partner, accountant – even a doctor can help you in extraordinary ways. (Jupiter rules, among other things, the professions associated with law and medicine.) For a partnership to be a true collaboration, both sides have to be committed to the same goal, bringing different skills to the relationship. You can find that type of union now.


When Jupiter conjoins another planet or the Sun and moon (as is happening in early October), other elements of the chart come into play. The moon naturally rules your home, so if you need to make changes there, you will discover that early October is when you will find whatever you need – a new space, new furniture, roommate – you name it. The universe is listening to you now, dear Aries. Mercury was retrograde in September, but that all changed when Mercury went direct on September 22. You can now shop to your heart’s content for such things as electronics, appliances, furniture, and other expensive items. If you were wondering when Mercury will be ramped back up to full power, that will happen by October 6.


Jupiter will be very close to the Sun too, within four degrees, and when Jupiter is near, financial news is usually strong and positive. Your partner will do well and will certainly see that you are comfortable financially too.


The final bonus you may receive from this new moon of September 30, strong for ten days, comes in terms of love. The Sun, arriving conjunct Jupiter, is the natural ruler of your fifth house of true love, so if you are single and hoping to meet someone new, by all means, circulate in the first week of October. Your aspects are truly spectacular, and if you do meet someone, it will be a person who is substantial, and someone you will actually imagine as a possible mate for you in life. Keep your feet on the ground, for Jupiter can make you a bit overly optimistic, but if you keep level and don’t rush the relationship at the start, you do have a chance at lasting love. (I often find that my women friends tend to overanalyze a new relationship, but I don’t think my male friends do that. I feel both sexes should relax and enjoy each other at the start, without expectations. Couples tend to wed after two and a half years, which is a Saturn cycle, although there are many exceptions.)

If your Aries birthday falls on March 29, plus or minus five days, you will benefit in an outstanding way at the start of October in terms of partnership matters.


Your work life will be busy and possibly quite exciting. You have Mars, your guardian planet touring your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, making this month one the most critical for progress and success in your career. This is the most assistance that you’ve seen from your ruler, Mars, all year. You first started to have Mars’ help on September 27 when Mars entered Capricorn, and Mars will continue to help you professionally until November 6. Use this time to make your mark. Mars is orbing very close to Pluto, so you will have unusual clout in professional affairs, especially those that involve interviews, presentations, or negotiation.


The full moon in Aries, 23 degrees, may bring problems on or very near October 15-16, depending on your time zone. You need to break free from some sort of oppressive situation, and you will be strong, for Uranus will be conjunct the full moons. Full moons are emotional as is, but having volatile Uranus conjunct the full moon can produce jarring news. The very areas that were good for you earlier in the month – your home and family, a love relationship, pregnancy, care for a child, or a creative project – will bring tension. I would suggest you walk on eggs around October 16, until this period passes. Often if a full moon has news for you, it will show up, one way or another, but don’t look for it. Just open the window and see what flies in.


If your birthday falls on April 12 plus or minus five days, you will feel this full moon the most. (The closer your birthday falls to April 12, the greater the intensity.) If that is you, then keep your schedule light mid-month. Do all you can to keep things calm, for if you have an argument with anyone, you won’t be able to predict how it will turn out in the end.


The month ends with a fabulously creative new moon, in Scorpio, October 30, at 8 degrees. It comes in perfect angle to Neptune, planet of creativity and mystery, and all things that we associate with Halloween – ghosts and goblins and creatures that make noises in the night – will bring fun. This is a wonderful indication that this year, Halloween costumes will be incredibly creative. If you want to win the prize for best outfit, start designing early.


This new moon will light your eighth house of other people’s money, ruling commissions, bonus, royalties, advance, venture capital, investments, inheritance, and other such funds that come to you outside of salary. This is the area that will be glowing for you at month’s end. If your job is creative or if you work directly with creative people, Neptune will see that you are compensated in ways that wills surprise you, very generously.


If you are going through a divorce or splitting funds at the end of a business, a friendly new moon like this one will help you open talks and allow you to come to a fair settlement. If you feel funds have been hidden from you, a positive Neptune will help those funds come to the surface. Keep digging.

In terms of love, Venus will move into fellow fire sign Sagittarius from October 18 to November 11, a good sign that love may be soon on the way. One day when love might NOT be as bright is you might expect will be when Venus and Saturn conjoin in Sagittarius on October 29, when love will be serious, weighty, possibly depressing, and also a day when demands of work will come before pleasure. Just after October 29 comes the October 30 new moon over the weekend, revving up life just in time for Halloween fun. By all means, let your imagination fly – the bar for the best costume will be mighty high!





As you begin October, the very last day of last month, September 30, brought a new moon that will perfume the air with love and a lovely spirit of cooperation among many in the first ten days of October. Glowing in your sector of marriage, this new moon may find you making plans with your one-and-only to get engaged or wed. It’s the perfect time to do so. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, has just arrived in this part of your chart for the first time in over a decade, blessing your commitments, whether romantic or business in nature.


Jupiter conjoined that new moon brings all kinds of blessings, including extraordinary luck with housing, with other property, or from your family. From the start of the month (your best time), Venus will be signaling Neptune, giving a glamorous mood – you’ll be showered in fairy dust. Meanwhile, the Sun rules your house of true love, and with Jupiter moving so close, you may have a tender first meeting of someone new that sends tingles down your spine.


Your career is going so well too. Mars has just entered your career area for a rare, six-week visit, in your house of fame and honors, to stay until November 8. In that time, you will have the chance to show VIPs you have the ability to handle more complex projects and are ready for a bigger role and better title. This would not necessarily be the best time to ask for a raise – this trend is about gaining status. In two months, by the new moon December 29, if you work hard and smart, you can be in line for a major promotion. If you are self-employed, you may now bring in a large, prestigious client. It appears the salary increase won’t match your handling of more responsibility until late April, possibly because of budgets. No matter – everything will get balanced out. Take the title, the money will come – later.


October 15-16 brings a tricky, mixed full moon in Aries, strong for four days before and after it appears. Tension may emerge in regard to a work project, and it may trigger a disagreement with a higher-up in your company. You appear to be pressured unfairly and will need to keep your wits about you to negotiate your way out of a tough, tight situation. This month your need to feel free from dictates of others will be especially strong. If you are in a creative field, or are in a support role to creative people, you will likely sidestep problems, for Neptune, planet of the arts, will work to help you. At the same time, at the full moon of October 15-16, Uranus will oppose the Sun, so if you are dating, you may find your partner will be acting out of character, and if you are living with a new partner, you may have problems with housing, or one of you might want to move out. This is a full moon where you might have your hands full. Keep your schedule light, listen, and say little until you can decide how all this happened to surface now.


At month’s end, the new moon in Scorpio will focus you on money –  not money you earn, but money you receive through other means, such as through a bonus, commission, inheritance, tax refund, or as a prize winning, as examples. A new moon opens opportunity, so in this case you may get more benefits from your company, such as a better rate of commission if in sales, or your bank may approve you for a loan or mortgage with attractive terms. Neptune will be friendly, so again creativity will become a big factor in your financial success.


Romantically, you will have help from Venus in Sagittarius, a fire sign like your sign, dear Aries, in an ideal position. (October 29 may not be your favorite, but the new moon will create a trend that is just perfect for celebrating Halloween with someone special.) Concerning that somewhat difficult full moon coming October 15-16, listen and think things out before you react, if only for a few hours – you may see things differently. In all ways, your social life will perk up, especially by mid-November, so be patient. You will like what is coming.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-10-02 22:47:49
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 165 
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