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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2017年 1月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2017-01-02 Mon. 12:20:56

Aries January Horoscope

Mar 21 - Apr 19
Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

After the hustle and bustle of December, you’ll appreciate the slow and gentle start that January will offer you. Like tiny white snowflakes falling on a freshly fallen snow, or sunshine glistening on a quiet, pink sand beach, setting up dazzling sparkles, as if the beach were sprinkled with tiny diamonds, the silence of your environment may be beautiful, as well as soothing and rejuvenating. You may slip into the New Year easily, hardly noticing that something has changed – the year. It may occur to you when asked to date a check, but aside from that, you seem very relaxed and enjoying the low-key environment.

Mercury will still be retrograde for another week, but this time, during the time this planet of thinking, perception, and communication is napping, it could turn out to be good news. You will not have to return to work or your usual routine by hitting the ground running. You can ease into your schedule at your own pace, without anyone demanding too much from you.

Mercury retrograde until January 8 means you should not spend that holiday cash or gift card just yet – wait until Mercury turns direct, and even then, you may want to take your time. It is never wise to buy an electronic item, a car, or appliance during the time Mercury is out of phase. It is also not the time to sign a contract or to even give your verbal final answer during this time – wait! Mercury may go direct January 8, but will not be back to former strength until January 28. If you are anxious to get going, you need not wait all the way to January 28, but you should give January 8 a space of as many days as you can muster before shopping or making a big decision.

Mars, your ruler, will be in reflective, meditative Pisces, so this is not a month to forge ahead with big plans the minute January begins. Spend time tweaking your plans and re-examining your assumptions. Through March, I would rather see you do creative daydreaming, musing about your future, because if you can see a better future for yourself, you can live it. Imagine your life as a movie, with you as the protagonist. What will our hero or heroine do next?

Experts say the more you can imagine yourself in a future situation, in a setting that holds a near-cinematic scene, down to the tiniest details, the more likely you will be able to make the dream a reality. For example, if you want your own business, imagine yourself sitting at your desk in your home office or a rented office space, with the computer you’ll use at your fingertips, the pens you’ll have on hand to write with, flowers, and scent of those flowers in your vase on your desk. Imagine the precise chair to your desk, the carpeting, the window, and the quality of the light. You get the idea – detail is the key to seeing your future life become a reality.

In the first week, when Mars and Neptune will be close, open your mind to new ways of thinking and others’ concepts and opinions. It is s superb time to focus on a creative project to hone it behind closed doors, without the intrusion of prying eyes. The new moon that fell at the end of December (December 29) was filled with good vibrations. It was in ideal angle to Mars, your ruler, Neptune planet of creativity and the arts, and close to Pluto. You will now find yourself in a period of enormous career reward for all the work you put into your area of expertise during the past two years.

If you read my forecast in December, you know that Mars close to Neptune has a downside too – since these two planets are close January 1, know that Neptune (alcohol, drugs) and Mars (force, haste, and action) don’t mix. Don’t text and drive, and don’t drink and drive. Be careful. Wear your seat belt even if you are in the back seat and have a designated driver if you are attending parties in early January. Or, order a car service to take you home – you have plenty of choices on that score.

With the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury all filling your most prestigious tenth house of career fame, honors, and achievement as thanks to the recent new moon, December 29, you are very close to a victory in January. You enter 2017 either with fabulous career news that was delivered in December or news you will get very shortly in early January. The outcome of this encouraging career new moon will depend largely on what you did to advance your stature in the past two years. A career opportunity will be presented to you, and if you are hoping to start the year with a prestigious position in a new firm or a promotion in your present firm, it all seems very likely. When it comes to getting praise, January is your month.

With Mars and Neptune in your twelfth house, initially you will have confidential meetings that you would need to keep under wraps. Don’t talk too much about your career plans or possibilities to family, friends, and acquaintances, for you might inadvertently invite competition.

    In January’s first week, with Mars and Neptune orbiting close, open your mind to new ways of thinking and to others’ concepts and opinions.

Your home will take your concentration at the January 12 full moon in Cancer, 22 degrees. Do you want to sign another lease or move to a larger space? Or, earlier did your space need repairs, a new coat of paint, or a measure of remodeling? Any jobs you ordered done by workmen (or that you will do yourself) will conclude at the full moon. Yet this full moon has a difficult aspect between unpredictable Uranus in Aries and forceful Pluto in Capricorn, causing a surprise situation to arise that you had likely expected. It may be that your workload is heavy and that you won’t be able to deal with the demands of your boss or client while you deal with your home or family-related situation.

Your rising career status is also entering into the home equation, and may you feel conflicted about how to juggle both at the same time. All full moons have an area of influence of two days before, and four days after they appear, so that is when you are apt to make your final home-related decision for your future. See how you feel. If you are not poised to do anything home or property-related, then you may be making a decision about a parent’s care. (Or, for the care for a person you think of as a parent.) I will agree that it is due to be a tense time, and you would most likely have to brace for news if you have a birthday that falls on April 11, plus or minus four days.

Life will brighten gloriously once you get to the new moon of January 27-28 in Aquarius, 8 degrees, which is also the Chinese New Year of the Rooster (a good way to remember the date). This new moon will allow you to have a much bigger social life. So much of what happens will be delightfully unexpected, for this new moon won’t speak to any planets directly but will soon move toward a sweet angle to Uranus in Aries and a friendly Jupiter in Libra. This new moon lights your house of friends and to engage in social events with groups of people who have similar interests to yours. If you were thinking of joining a club, this would be the time to do it – January’s end or early February.

In the days that follow January 28, you may be able to take steps toward a long-held dream you’ve long hoped to capture, for this, your eleventh house, is also called the house of hopes and wishes. It’s a positive new moon that should give you a lighthearted feeling and joyfully coax you out of the house to see friends and to be open to make new ones too. It’s the perfect time to go to a party or give one, and also, professionally, to expand your circle of contacts by going to a trade show or seminar.

Alternatively, you might want to join a charity effort this month, either on a large or small scale, for the moon in Aquarius would encourage you to find a way to help a segment of society that may have been overlooked or that is suffering. You might do it on a large scale, such as to become chairman of a committee, or on a small scale, for example, to participate in a 5K run for the cure. Your timing would be perfect.

If your birthday falls on March 28, plus or minus four days, you will feel the benefits of this new moon in a big way. The same is true if you have Aries rising, or a natal moon or natal planet at 8 degrees in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, plus or minus four degrees. You, too, will see happy developments.

The other exciting development at month’s end, on the same day, January 28, is that Mars will enter Aries. Once Mars is in your sign, you’ll be ready to tear out of the gate and run with projects dear to you. No more waiting! Mars graces your sign every two years, and usually stays 6-7 weeks, so Mars will be in your sign from January 28 to March 9. This shows just how important February will be for you – it may work out to be one of the biggest months of your year. In February we also have two eclipses, and the one February 10 should be very favorable for you. More about that next month! (The other eclipse February 26 won’t hurt you at all, but the on February 10 is one you’ll notice more, and likely enjoy more.)

Romantically, next month will be a far better time for your love life than January could ever be. You have decisions to make now and tasks to complete. Wait until February to transform your social life and to enjoy present love or find new love.


As you enter January, four heavenly bodies are twinkling in your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement, including the mighty Sun and new moon, powerhouse Pluto, and newsy Mercury. The new moon of last month, December 29, kicked off this sensational career trend, so if you want a new position in another company, or hope for a promotion or a title with more responsibility in your present job, this is the time to let VIPs know you are open to talks. Part of any new job you take will be to oversee budgets, because the planets in Capricorn are associated with large global companies and massive budgetary appropriations. Of all the coming months of the New Year, the first half of January represents your very best chance to move up the ladder of success.

Mercury will be retrograde as you begin January – a holdover from the date Mercury started this trend December 19 – and will regulate its orb January 8. Mercury is in your career sector now, so you may have experienced delays in completing projects lately, but things will speed up soon after January 8. If you had asked for a promotion in December, the answer should come to you in the second week of January. This is the right month for great career news.

Your home may be your focus at the full moon, January 12. Don’t have an overly packed schedule at this time – a home or family-related matter will need your quick attention, and it won’t be anything you would see coming. Fortunately, Mars, your ruler, will be in helpful angle, allowing you to solve or settle whatever surfaces. Uranus and Saturn will work together too, allowing you to find a long-range solution.

Friends will surround you after the new moon arrives January 27-28. You may be invited to a large party or charity benefit, or you might attend a lecture populated by many attendees. Alternatively, you may go to a trade show, conference, sporting event, or other gathering that will draw people together for a common interest or cause. With Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, in such sweet angle to Saturn, you will have a chance to make a new friend. Be open and friendly to those you meet – you will be received in kind.

Romantically, the cosmic lovers, Mars and Venus are orbiting in close proximity in your behind-the-scenes sector, not in conjunction, but close enough to be significant at month’s end. A good friend may set you up on a blind date, and if so, you may find great chemistry exists between you and your date – you both might be off to a good start.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2017-01-02 12:20:56
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 170 
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