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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2017年 3月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2017-03-01 Wed. 23:23:11
Aries Horoscope for March 2017
Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan
March 2017
Dear Readers,
Your sympathetic response to my announcement last month about the end of my TV show of two years was heartwarming...
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
As March opens, you will have a chance to breathe and to feel your shoulders relax. You will have time to think about your coming birthday year, so do a bit of creative daydreaming, for doing so could be fun. As an Aries, you are always very cognizant of the importance of using time well, because your ruler, Mars, makes you frustrated when things begin to stagnate. This is the loveable quality in you, for you are always full of ideas, always thinking of new ventures to start, and you are always so enthusiastic about what you are doing. This passion is what fuels you and is the reason others want to support you. One of your most engaging talents is your ability to build the ultimate dream team that gets results.
As you begin March, Mars is still in Aries, a holdover from February, but will soon leave. Once Mars moves out of Aries and into Taurus on March 9, you will lose the powerful advantage Mars has been giving you in February, and Mars will not return to Aries until January 2019. You would be wise to use the first eight days of March to your advantage. Your energy will be high, and you will be so persuasive that could light a nation to your cause.
When Mars, your ruler, moves to Taurus from March 9 to April 21, you will spend money, and also, with the influence of Taurus, you will become more practical and realistic about your finances, specifically about how you save, spend, or invest. In a way, when it comes to money, you will act a bit more like a Taurus than a risk-taking Aries, and perhaps be eager to find a way to build a nest egg for the future. Ask your accountant about possible tax breaks that you may qualify for if you put some of your money into a special retirement account – you may be pleased with her advice.
Last month’s eclipses are over, but you might feel the effects of those eclipses this month but only IF you didn’t notice important news surfacing last month. I say this because, in some cases, an eclipse will deliver news one month to the day later (plus or minus five days). The February 10 full moon lunar eclipse highlighted your love life, say, by bringing a decision about someone you have been dating, or, if you have not been dating, to meet someone new. If you are seriously attached, you may be discussing a pregnancy, a child you have now, or a creative project that is reaching a final stage.
The February 10 eclipse was in Leo and quite favorable for making a good decision or for seeing an exciting development. Even if you say that eclipse was not good because you broke up with my partner on that day, I reply, don’t be too quick to pronounce the February 10 eclipse a bad eclipse. Eclipses kick up dust and at the time they occur, is hard to see the long road ahead. Let time pass. I feel it was a very positive eclipse for you, doubly so if your birthday falls within five days of April 12. See what comes up. Venus and Mars will be orbiting in proximity in the first week of March too, always a sign of considerable magnetism.
In the first half of the month, your intuition will be working on a high scale. Planets stacking in your twelfth house will allow you to have a kind of night vision, giving you the ability to see what others cannot. Trust your instinct, even if you have no real facts to back them up – the facts will surface later, but you seem to have to make decisions now. You can do that, because you are being given this advantage during a pressure-free period.
Planets in the twelfth house can also bring other opportunity, through seeing a therapist about any fear or reliance or addiction you might have on any substance or food type that you would like to be free of, once and for all. The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, and this is where your breakthroughs can come with some effort from you.
The full moon in Virgo will appear on March 12 too, and this new moon will light your sixth house of health and fitness. You may feel that it’s time to get back on an enjoyable fitness routine after an absence. Good idea. If you start now, in only four to five months, you will be turning heads on the beach and feeling on top of your game. This is also a great time to see medical professionals including your dentist or eye doctor, or for scheduling an annual exam, or having those occasional tests you know you need to do.
This full moon of March 12 will be in hard angle to Saturn, the teacher planet, so you may be taking on new project, one that will come with considerable responsibility and many moving parts. You will need to concentrate on tiny details, and so it would be a good idea to have a right-hand person review your reports or manuscripts for accuracy and grammar. This same new moon will allow you to hire new recruits, not only for your workplace but also at home, as a personal assistant, a gardener, housekeeper, nanny, or other person who can make your life easier.
The April 26 new moon will be your best, most favorable point in 2017 for instituting any number of ways to increase your income.
Venus will go retrograde in Aries this month from March 4 to April 15 but even after Venus regains direct motion, Venus will take until May 18 to ramp up to full strength. While Venus is retrograde, it is not the time to make any radical changes to your appearance. You CAN get regular trims to your hair, or if you color your hair (this includes you, my male readers), you can continue to do touchups. What I will caution you not to do is to take any radical steps, such as to change your hair from dark to platinum blonde, or men, to impulsively shave off your beard. If you feel like getting a more modern pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses, and you don’t really desperately need a pair, then wait, but if you DO need a new pair, by all means buy them. Anything having to do with your face is Venus in Aries territory.
March, April, and most of May is not the time to schedule plastic surgery, or extreme or experimental dermatological treatments. Do not have a face lift or go for Botox injections. It’s best to simply follow along on routine grooming. If you might want to try a new, expensive skin treatment that you would use at home but that you’ve never tried before, you might want to wait on buying those products until May, too. Special skin care gadgets that you see advertised on late night TV might be valuable to try and work for you, but it would be best to buy those items in late May, not now.
Venus rules two areas in your chart. The first area has to do with your seventh house of marriage, so it has to do with your relationship with your steady sweetheart or spouse, but it could instead focus you on a close business associate. (The seventh house rules any one-on-one relationship that is contractual in nature.) In terms of a relationship, this might find you deliberating about how you want the relationship to proceed. Venus retrograde will allow you to put brakes on the alliance if you feel the relationship has been moving ahead too quickly. Or you may be thinking of ways to create closeness with your romantic partner or to be on the same page as a business partner. If you feel the relationship is going too slowly or stagnating, you will have to decide how to fix that too. Only you can decide what to do, but Venus will give you the time to decide what feels right, without any pressure on you.
In terms of salary, this month would not be the time to ask for a raise because your solar second house of money is ruled by Taurus, and Taurus is ruled by Venus. Even though Venus will not yet be back to full strength next month, you can try for your increase after the new moon of April 26. The April 26 new moon will be your best, most favorable point in 2017 for instituting any number of ways to increase your income. You can petition for a raise, or if self-employed, increase the prices you charge for your fees, goods, or services. Or, you can do a self-promotional or advertising campaign for your business, beginning immediately after April 26. That would be the right time to begin.
Now let’s go back to focusing on March – we have a new moon in Aries at 8 degrees due on March 27, but it will be a somewhat mixed outlook. This new moon will be in hard angle to Saturn, indicating an obstacle or that you will need to take on a new responsibility. Pluto is at 19 degrees Capricorn, too far from the new moon at 8 degrees Aries – an 11-degree difference is considered out of orb. However, Pluto and Jupiter are in perfect square (90 degree) positions, and at the same time Jupiter at 19 degrees is opposition Uranus in Aries, 25 degrees, considered close. This means that your need for freedom will be very strong, with a restlessness for something to happen, soon. You will see these aspects being played out on the world stage, with people of all sides of political persuasion voicing opinions. In your life, you will simply find it hard to wait for things to happen, but you need to be in sync with the tempo of the planets, for railing against things will be futile.
Saturn in hard angle to the Sun could mean that obligations at work will come in the way of your love life. If you met someone new lately, or if you are dating seriously, you might find it harder than usual to find time to have fun together. Saturn likes you to work, not play, but this theme will start up at the very end of the month, so you can have fun in early to mid-March.
The good part about this new moon is that Uranus, Mercury, Venus, the new moon, and Sun will all be in Aries, giving you quite an advantage. While you may experience obstacles as a result of this new moon, you will be able to come out ahead. Having a crowd of planets in Aries matters!
March 29 will be a good day to sign a contract or to make a lasting promise. I chose that day because Saturn will be in comforting angle to Mercury.
One day not to have an interview, make a new business launch, or go on a first date would be March 17, when Saturn will be in hard angle to the Sun. This is an aspect of hard work and sometimes, burden. It’s also not the right day for surgery, but if you have an emergency (especially if it involves a bone or tooth), you must go to get help immediately.
All in all, this is a productive month, but keep in mind that Mercury will go retrograde from April 9 to May 3. Get as much done this month as you can, with the aim of not coming up too close to April 9, because you will always feel the oncoming retrograde before it actually officially happens. Yes, it is true that Venus is retrograde, so we will all hear from employers and clients they have no money in their budgets. This is a temporary situation that should clear up by May.
Last month, and possibly the month before, was a month when change was likely to take place, because two eclipses came by, both friendly, including a lunar eclipse on February 10 and solar new moon eclipse February 26. All eclipses, even happy ones, require adjustments, because eclipses are one of the universe’s favorite ways to create change.
As you begin March, you will still have the privilege of Mars, your ruler, in Aries until March 9. If you have a plan to initiate something truly important, do so in the month’s first eight days. This timing applies to starting an important relationship too, in love or business. You will be ultra-magnetic and persuasive, and others will want to follow you wherever you go. Mars will be orbiting close to Venus in Aries, a rare event, in very early March too, indicating that your sex appeal will reach new heights. If single, circulate but keep interaction light. It’s not the time to get heavily involved with anyone just yet. Venus will begin to retrograde on March 4 and remain that way until April 15. Venus will take time to reach former strength – until May 18.
So be conservative before rushing into a relationship without knowing one another well. Also, avoid making any big changes to your appearance, for with Venus retrograde, you may not like the results. Of course, you can keep up grooming, but it’s not the time for dramatic changes to your hair color or to schedule plastic surgery. Collect advice, build a folder, and take time to decide on your choices later. Once Venus goes direct, this planet of love and good looks will stay in Aries until June 6 and will be in the best position for you from May 18 to June 6.
In love, while Venus is retrograde, you may go back to an old lover to see if you both can make a go of things again. Honestly, the deck is slightly stacked against that happening, but you can get closure, and you may beat the odds. Do not take any permanent romantic steps at this time – let love unfold slowly like the petals of a flower. If you can, delay an engagement until the end of May. Despite all this talk of Venus retrograde, you will have fun. Mars in Taurus will blend beautifully with Venus in Aries, due to what astrologers call a mutual reception, making each planet work like the other’s buddy and even changing roles with each other. You will be catnip to admirers, so stay confident, mix and mingle, but by all means, take your time.
The full moon in Virgo on March 12 will emphasize your fitness and health, and you may find you will reach a personal best in athletics or as you work with your trainer, or the full moon may bring good news about a medical test that your doctor administered. If you are prescribed a new medicine, ask about possible side effects as Neptune’s position at the full moon may fog results. If a test result seems “off” ask to have the test done again. Health matters will now reach a final point.
You will also find that you are working on a deadline at the office, and will finish it within the four days that follow this full moon March 12. This project has lots of detail, so you will have to slow down and make sure your piece is well researched and double checked for accuracy.
With four planets stacked in your twelfth house mid-month, you might be feeling unusually prescient, so follow those hunches. Your intuition will be given to you to protect you, and will give you night vision to clarify a puzzling situation. Aries is not typically known to have psychic episodes, but this month you may. Write down an important dream if you have one, and find a friend to dissect it with you to get to the meaning.
The new moon on March 27 has your name written all over it. The Sun, new moon, Venus, Uranus and Mercury will be in Aries – that is remarkable, for that adds up to having half our solar system cruising in your sign – and those heavenly bodies will put you in the lead. You will have control over events and relationships, and things will likely go your way. This could be a landmark month, for Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is now in your marriage house, and you may be making a promise to the one you love, such as to get engaged or wed near your birthday. If you are already wed, you can draw up an exciting blueprint of a future goal with your one-and-only.
There is more to cheer about. Starting earlier, on March 9 through April 21, Mars, your ruler (always an indicator to where your attention will be drawn), will be in practical Taurus, and because Mars will contact Pluto in your house of fame, you will be impressing VIPs with your work and vision. You may see more money in your paycheck too, as a result of this aspect, and your title may be expanded as well. (Mars and Pluto will be close enough to be in significant aspect at month’s end, and will hit perfection on April 6.)
You seem to have it all this month, dear Aries. With Venus and Mars in your sign in early month, you will be catnip to admirers.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2017-03-01 23:23:11
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