看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 11月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-11-03 Tue. 23:09:11
Aries Forecast for November 2015
By Susan Miller
The first two weeks of November will be glorious, and you would be wise to schedule your most important appointments and social activities for that time. You will find the coming month quite a change from October, which might have been stressful and frustrating, partly due to Mercury in retrograde, which finally went direct October 9 but that returned to original strength by October 27. October was also difficult partly because of the witch of a new moon October 12 that caused havoc for many people. I hope you were the exception, dear Aries!
November opens with Venus conjunct Mars, a classic aspect known for divine romance, creativity, and for encouraging the start of new love. Both planets will fall in Virgo, indicating that love may bloom, or you may have an exciting meeting about a creative idea that you love at work. This energy will spill over to November 3 too, so you have two days when energy will be high, and so very positive.
A few days later on November 5, you can have a special meeting with a VIP about possibilities for a promotion and more money through salary or better company benefits. The area of perks and benefits will be very strong for you, so you may gain through receiving a bonus, commission, or special fees. If you cannot negotiate the salary you want, switch the conversation to the possibility for being approved for better company benefits.
If you need to set a date for an important meeting, make it in first two weeks of November. I like November 6, too, because Jupiter will conjoin the transiting moon, and on the same day, Mercury will be in agreement with super-creative Neptune, making it a day when your imagination will soar.
A beautiful day for love and romance will arrive next, on November 10, when the mighty Sun will send a missive to Jupiter. This could be your best romantic day of the month, and I say this because the mighty Sun rules your house of true love, and if you are single and do meet someone new, it will be likely a person somehow connected with your work. The person might work for your company, or you might call on this person as part of your job, and instantly feel exceptionally good chemistry exists between you. November 10 will ALSO bring strong, positives financial developments.
The most important date to remember is November 11, the date of the new moon in Scorpio, 19 degrees, for it is one of the best new moons of the year. All new moons open a path, and this one is filled with opportunity. Jupiter, the good fortune planet, which has been quiet recently, will assist this new moon. Not to be outdone, Pluto will help too, from his perch in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. This new moon will light in your sixth house of workaday assignments, the place Jupiter is currently visiting.
The universe will underscore the theme that you are due for an increase in either salary or better benefits like solid health insurance, matching funds for college or graduate school tuition, the key to the executive gym, or hot meals provided by a chef when you work late. (When I worked at Time Inc. as my very first job out of college, the company provided amazing hot meals for their reporters). All those types of benefits are worth quite a bit of money, if you had to buy them yourself.
If you are self-employed, the new moon of November 11 may bring you lucrative new business in the ten days that follow. If you are employed by others, you will get the kind of assignments you have hoped all year to get assigned, ones that will demonstrate that you can handle more complex, high profile projects than you have in the past. You can now make a name for yourself. Higher-ups will be cognizant of your performance, and this will count later, after the new moon, in several months, on January 9, when you may get a substantial promotion or prestigious new title.
Your health may now go on a better track as a result of the same new moon of November 11. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and happiness, but is also is known as the great healer. This would be the ideal new moon to address any kind of medical or dental matter. Jupiter's support of this new moon will see to it that you are cared for gently and if you have pain, your medical professional may be able to alleviate it, or even cure you so you won't have to suffer anymore.
If you have any sort of health concern, address it now, in the days that quickly follow November 11, while you have Jupiter to help you. As said earlier, Pluto is also involved, and is called the planet of regeneration and renewal, so it would be a shame to miss this opportunity that you will get from this, one of the sweetest new moons of the year. You will have ten days in which to act AFTER it arrives.
Venus will glide through Libra from November 8 to December 4, in your partnership house, all month, which is good news for a smooth and silky relationship with your partner. The exception to the rule will be November 23, when Venus will go head to head with Uranus - this is not a day to bring up any controversial subjects with a romantic or business partner, for you could trigger a world war quite innocently and wonder what you said that turned out to be such a hot button. This date will be a Monday, but be careful about what you say and do over the weekend of November 21-22 too.
Mars will enter Libra too this month on November 12 to stay until January 3. This will calm down the crazed work at the office - things will simmer down to more manageable terms. Also, with Venus AND her lover Mars in your seventh house of partnership, you should be working in team situations. You won't have total control, but on the other hand, others may come up with good ideas that you like, and as they say, two heads are better than one. In your case, there may be many more than two heads (yours and one other) - you may be working with an entire room of people in your team, but somehow, this month, it all works to your advantage.
The full moon in Gemini 3 degrees falls on November 25, which, in the United States will be Thanksgiving Day, the start of a four-day weekend. Experts say this has become a huge travel day, the biggest in the year here in the States, and for you, it appears you will be on the road, too, even if you don't live in the US and don't celebrate this family holiday. You won't travel far - your destination is likely to be only within 500 miles of your home base, but you will enjoy the change of scene. If you are doing the cooking, or charged with any other responsibilities, be careful not to take on too much - ask for help. Saturn will directly oppose this full moon, suggesting it will be a strenuous day for you, and you may feel completely exhausted after this day is over.
If your birthday falls on March 23, plus or minus five days, you will be most affected by the full moon of November 25 and of Saturn's actions on that day weekend.
This is a popular weekend for doing holiday shopping, but with the Sun conjunct Saturn, and the Sun in hard angle to Neptune, you may not get the bargains you hope to be getting. If the item you are searching for is expensive, do some comparison shopping on an app or Internet. Some retailers raise the price just prior to the holiday shopping period and then "reduce" it to normal price and say it is on sale. You see my point.
The Sun rules your house of love, so with Saturn, the cold icy planet, conjoining the Sun on November 29, a fiery star, you have the meeting of fire and ice. This would be a dreadful day for love and fun. If you can avoid being together, that may be the best solution. I feel the entire period from November 24-29 could bring edgy feelings in love, so don't do or say anything that could invite angry or hurt feelings to surface.
Backtracking a bit, on November 26, the first of three disputes between Saturn and Neptune will take place. (This is nothing like the long-term row of Uranus and Pluto - THAT caused suffering throughout the world in recent years.) In contrast, this aspect will simply urge you to be realistic. Saturn is the planet of realism, and Neptune, the planet of dreams and creativity, and no two planets could be more different in the areas they rule. Neptune may make you see things in glorious terms, but Saturn will urge you not to wear rose-colored glasses.
Ah, this is hard news to transmit, as I prefer seeing the world in rosy terms. However, if you are seeing a situation or relationship as better than it really is, or as having more potential than is ever likely to be realized, being too influenced by Neptune's dream can hurt you. It's my job to make sure you are protected, so I had to mention this aspect. It will occur again two more times, June 17 and September 10, 2016. Three passes by the same two planets on the same subject usually denotes that a transformation or enlightenment will occur in you and the rest of us (no matter what sign we happen to be). See what you are thinking about when you come to the end of November.
In closing, I wanted to remind you that your best day for love will be November 10, when the Sun and Jupiter are in conversation for you, dear Aries! Attached couples will have the edge, but keep your head down and out of the line of fire in matters of the heart on November 23 (and over the proceeding weekend, November 21-22) when Venus in Libra will oppose Uranus in Aries. If you are careful to avoid those dates, you can have a very happy November!
At work, things will be insanely busy, but you are doing superb work, and you managed to attract the attention of key higher ups with your consistently fine performance. VIPs have pegged you as an emerging star, and in months to come, you will be moving quickly up the ladder of success. Next January will be a breakthrough career month for you, so aim to do your best work now, and keep polishing your resume. This month, your ruling planet, Mars, will orbit in proximity to Jupiter in the first week, so you'll be competitive and on top of your game. (Mars and Jupiter met on October 17 in perfection, but are still within orb.) November 10 will be a standout day for an interview, presentation, or performance review.
In terms of finances, you are now ending a long and difficult period when you were continually concerned about money, taxes, and debt, but that period officially ended when Saturn left Scorpio in mid-September. It takes a while to see the difficulties lift, but you are now getting clues that your finances are about to improve dramatically. You probably are waiting for the other shoe to drop, sending you back to those horrible tight cash flow days, but that won't likely happen, so you can relax and exhale.
The new moon in Scorpio on November 11 at 19 degrees will bring news of additional cash that you'll earn, and it seems to be connected to a creative project that you will soon dig into. Again, you'll easily impress clients and higher ups. This new moon would be the perfect time to make application for a loan or mortgage or to show your business plan to venture capitalists. When it comes to money, you will be golden just after that new moon arrives and for ten days thereafter.
In love, Venus and her lover Mars will make a rare conjunction on November 2, lighting up the sky brightly - be sure to look up at the heavens that night. You will be spending a lot of time at the office, and that's precisely where Cupid may use his bow and arrow on this day or the following day, with a co-worker who has become smitten with you and will catch your eye in the office. This person may be in research or IT, a writer, editor, or proofer, or one who works in emergency medicine or in a hospital as a medical or lab technician.
Mars will shift to Libra on November 12 and remain there until January 3. This means you will have to work collaboratively with others and not try to take full control, whether in love or at work. Working collaboratively is not easy for an Aries, for at heart, you are a leader and like to take full control. The saving grace will be that Venus will also move into Libra (although not in precise conjunction with Mars) from November 8 to December 4, and will soften the experience of working closely with others. Charm will get your far, and with Venus there, others will be interested in hearing your point of view.
You may think about taking a trip near the full moon of November 25, possibly to see family for entertaining, but if you need not go, stay home. Saturn will orbit close to both the Sun and Mercury, making the trip arduous, possibly due to weather conditions and delayed flights. Or, it may be that your partner may have a health or career concern at the time. You both seem to be on edge, which will not help the situation. Your toughest day for love, when you will feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders, will be November 29, when Saturn will move over the Sun. If you are entertaining over this weekend, ask friends and family to bring a dish to lower your stress - you'll have too much to do.
The first of three aspects involving Saturn (objectivity) in hard angle to Neptune (dreams and fantasy) will occur on November 26, warning of the importance of being realistic. (The next two meetings of these two planets will arrive in 2016 on June 17 and September 10, then not again until September 2033.) Rare aspects are powerful, for they deliver a message we that we are not used to hearing, so we notice it, learn from it. The more practical and realistic you can be in coming months, the more winning your projects and relationships will turn out to be.
For Dates to Note: Please watch my November TV show broadcast. You can get your special dates, with explanation.
Here is the link to use: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-11-03 23:09:11
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