看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 1月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-01-06 Wed. 11:57:35
Aries Forecast for January 2016
By Susan Miller
January will have a slow, quiet entry into 2016. That leisurely pace may be just fine with you, for the year-end holidays might have been strenuous for you, with plenty of shopping, dressing up, seeing family and friends, cooking, eating and drinking, balancing work and possibly child care too, and tending to email and a host of other routine things you usually do in your everyday life but still have to juggle at holiday time. Trying to fit in your regular routine while you make room to create and enjoy the traditions of the holidays can be challenging. Now, Mercury will be retrograde from January 5 to 25, so your pace of life will creep along at a snail's pace.
As you enter January, be content to watch the snowflakes fall gently and in silence on the landscape or cityscape. Before the virgin snow is spoiled with footsteps, take a brisk walk in the cold, crisp air. If you live in a warm climate, where sunshine pours on you like liquid gold at this time of the year, enjoy the pink sand beach. When you watch television of blizzards in other parts of the world, smile and realize how lucky you are to have toasty warm toes and healthy color to your face.
This month will emphasize your career in a big way. By January 9 you will have four heavenly bodies - the Sun, new moon in Capricorn 19 degrees, Mercury, and Pluto - lighting your tenth house of fame and honors. We call this a crown of stars, and it will bring brilliant attention to your career. The January 9 new moon, influential in the ten days that follow the new moon, will bring a few troubling cross currents. Capricorn is an earth sign, so it will be of paramount importance that you remain practical, reliable, and unemotional, all the qualities that Capricorn brings to the table, even when you don't feel like showing any of those qualities. Ah, dear Aries, we are all under this influence.
The new moon will conflict with Uranus in Aries, giving you an impulsive need to be free and untethered - even rebellious - but it seems if you find yourself feeling this way, you may be reading the situation incorrectly and may be overreacting. Even before you get to the new moon of January 9, you may feel restless as soon as January 7 and be tempted to tell a VIP exactly what you are thinking, and it wouldn't be pretty. Count to ten, dear Aries. Sometimes the universe wants to teach us patience and the need to breathe deeply before we do anything rash. Instead of talk, keep telling yourself things WILL improve. The give-and-take of January will give you a chance to show your ability to work as a team member and garner respect and admiration from others, especially VIPs.
I like that Pluto will conjoin the new moon in Capricorn on January 9, for it suggests that someone VERY high level will be favoring you and going out on a limb to see you do well, even if you are not aware of this person's support. If you asked for a raise before the holidays, you may hear the answer back now, but you may be told that you will need to wait a few months before your raise can kick in. Venus rules your second house of earned income, and in early month Venus will be conjunct Saturn, so the money that would come to you would arrive slowly, assuming you do get approved.
You seem to be concerned about cash flow, and with the need to spend for the holidays, the crunch may feel particularly tight. Dear Aries, this is a temporary condition. You have to get through the coming seven weeks, while your ruler, Mars, now in your eighth house of credit, loans, insurance, venture capital, and so forth, will be forcing up balances on your credit card or bank loans, from January 3 to March 5, 2016.
That sounds terrible, but while the Red Planet moves through your eighth house, it will pick up stellar aspects along the way, such as on January 18, when Mars will beautifully interact with Neptune, and you'll hit a home run with a creative idea, project, or, if you are an actor, win critical acclaim with a performance you put on at the time. Mars in your eighth house will give you the impetus and determination to find ways to make more money, and also to get taxes done sooner rather than later - you will have the entire month of February to polish off your calculations.
I will admit that with Mercury retrograde all month, you'll be coping with delays, redo's, false starts, changes in direction, or worse, clients who have no sense of direction. It may help to know that when Mercury is retrograde, the frustrating delays that come up affect everyone in the same way, so everyone will be in the same boat.
The upside of Mercury retrograde in your house of career is that you may finally get the green light to proceed on a project dear to your heart that had previously been put on hold. Going back to the past - sometimes projects that were started years ago - is always fortunate at these times of the year. Or, you may say that your client or boss had dismissed an idea but will now become more interested in revisiting that idea, and give you a second chance to present your case for it, perhaps with a twist or two to make it more viable. Again, being practical will be the key to success in January.
This month would not be the time to choose a new electronic item with the gift card you received over the holidays to that exciting electronics or computer store. Hold off, dear Aries - you will have the very finest month possible to shop for electronics in February, after the new moon in the electronic sign of Aquarius on February 8.
Now let's turn to one of my favorite parts of January. You have a gorgeous string of days that will span the middle of the month, with each of the following three days bringing different kinds of goodies to you: January 12, 13, and 14.
The first day, January 12, Venus (love), by now in Sagittarius, a fire sign that blends perfectly with yours, will link to Uranus (surprise) in Aries. What a great day for cupid to unexpectedly zing his arrow to you. This will be true for all signs, but especially for you, dear Aries. It doesn't matter if you want to have fun with your steady sweetheart or spouse, if you are single and hope to meet someone new - this day is for you!
January 13 brings my favorite day of the month - a four-star day - when Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in Virgo and your house of day-to-day work projects, will set up a direct beam to the crown of stars in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. Wow! Not only that, to unlock the pinata's gifts, you have that powerful new moon BEFORE this day of January 13. You may say, what's the difference? Why does it matter that the new moon comes first, a few days before this four-star aspect? The answer is that the new moon opens a previously locked door of opportunity, and even though this new moon is not perfect and will present an obstacle or two for you to get over, Jupiter will be your bodyguard. It looks as though you will score a big victory on or in the days that approach January 13. This time the number 13 will be VERY lucky for you!
This same day, January 13, will not only be special for your career, when you pull out all the stops, but it will also be sensational for your love life too. Keep that in mind! If you want a child and have had problems in conception, see a fertility doctor on this, one of your happiest and most fortunate days of the season. Or, apply to adopt a child, which will also be favored. Lastly, I ALSO love this day for procedures in health, or for finding a new doctor, specialist, dentist, coach, or trainer to help you become your personal best. Discuss a concern, or simply go for the gold. On this day, health is a 10 on the scale of 1 to 10.
The last day of the trio will be January 14, when Mercury (news, travel, communication, contracts) will be in divine angle to Jupiter. You seem to have everything working for you, dear Aries! Take a short trip, present to clients for new business, or send in an application for something important to you, such as a mortgage or for admission to a college. This day has the moon void of course (8:31 AM PST to 6:49 PM PST), which means the moon is sleepy and not very helpful, so to catch the strongest vibrations of January 14, act the day prior, January 13. You see how I have to monitor the entire sky. Whatever you need to do on January 14, do it on January 13.
I will ask you not to travel on January 20 and January 31, when Mercury (travel) is in exact conflict with Uranus in Aries (unpredictable outcomes). It's apt to be an exhausting, frustrating day, either day, when the entire reason for the trip gets negated. You may find, for example, that the person you traveled to see will be called away, or that your plane will be late due to weather difficulties. If you opt to stay another day, things may go better the following day. January 8 seems to be an arduous day for travel too, but with Venus conjunct Saturn, you would be productive, even though you'd have to work very hard to achieve it!
Here comes my favorite news for you! Love will be bright and beautiful at the tender full moon in Leo, 3 degrees, January 23. This date falls on a Saturday and will be just perfect for attending a party where you might have that fateful meeting with your one true love. If you are attached, you'll have a chance for private time together in one of the most tender full moons for romance of 2016. You must plan something special.
I will say that Mars and the full moon of January 23 won't be getting along, suggesting two things: be careful not to let spending get away from you, for later you might feel stressed about paying the credit card bill. (There will be ways around this problem, so don't lose heart - knowing ahead of time that money may go through your fingers will help a great deal by keeping you alert. Another little warning: Mars' position shows is that if you suddenly become very smitten by someone new, take your time before you get physical - let the energy build over several days or weeks. Trust me, it will be worth the wait. Saturn will be somewhat helpful, although a bit far away mathematically (10 degrees), so Saturn will try to add a measure of stability to your new found love. That's a good sign.
The month will end on a happy note. Mercury will go direct on January 25. Always allow a few days beyond the day Mercury goes direct to allow Mercury to normalize his orbit. In truth, Mercury will not regain his former strength until February 15. I add that piece of news for the astrological perfectionists among us. I admit sometimes I need to know this date, because if the venture is important, wait until Mercury is direct to take action. However, if the venture it is VITAL to your future, you will have the MOST energy possible from Mercury from February 15 onward. If you are ready to roll a little sooner, say, February 9 or 10, that's close enough, and you will have that gorgeous new moon next month to help you.
I want to remind you to see my 30-minute TV show on the Internet. In my January forecast, I give you a general peek of the Year Ahead 2016. You can always see my show free, with global access, any time that is convenient for you. Go to this link: http://bit.ly/1eTnXol
For my really big, detailed forecast by sign, each one lasting 22 minutes for each sign, go to Healthwire.FM, and buy the video I did in collaboration with Deepak Chopra and Martine Dubin, Chairman, CEO, and Executive Producer of www.Healthwire.FM. This TV show with a digital platform has beautiful production values and will cost you US $1.00 to own. I suggest you get one for your Sun sign and one for your rising sign too. You can buy the entire bundle for $9.99 to share with family. As the year progresses, you will always be able to go back to the show to check certain dates. Go to http://healthwire.fm/healthwire.php Or, go to www.Healthwire.FM and look at the menu that says "Choose your Shows" - mine comes right up.
If you don't know your rising sign, start the year off right by ordering a color illustrated book, perfect bound, called My Personal Horoscope, that I will write custom for you. This 65+ page book is made possible by print-on-demand technology. It will take a little over two weeks to receive your copy, and it will cost US $55.00 plus shipping. You need only do your natal chart once, for your chart will never change, so this is a wonderful keepsake. I offer several versions, but I urge you to choose the book for a natal adult horoscope chart, with the yellow and deep blue-purple cover.
When you order, you will need to supply your precise time of birth to the minute, and your day, month, year, and city of birth. If you don't know the precise time of your birth, I can't be as accurate, and the rising sign cannot be calculated. In that case I default to sunrise, and you will know where your other planets were on the day you were born. Check to see if your mother had a baby book where she may have recorded the time of your birth. Also check the Hall of Records or Bureau of Vital Statistics where birth records are stored by your municipality. You need the handwritten birth certificate, not the computer copy - if it costs five dollars in the US, it's the wrong certificate. It should cost a bit more. For more information, go to www.SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com
This will be one of the most important months of 2016 for your professional advancement. Mercury will be retrograde in your tenth house of prestigious career success almost all month, from January 5 to January 25, suggesting that a VIP that you worked with some time ago, or an offer you didn't take a while back, could now present a new situation that represents the right time, the right job, the right compensation, with you as the precisely right person to fill it.
Going back to past relationships and situations is fortunate during a Mercury retrograde phase. Investigate any professional offer that brings you back to the past and allows you to either improve on all you did, or now allows you to find ways to make more of all that you already built. The pace of January will be slow - don't push against the delays or press for answers for any of the approvals you will need. This will be especially critical to keep in mind if you're interviewing for a new position or are ready to launch a new product or service. Let nature take its course, as delays will benefit you. You will have more time for yourself as your schedule gets rearranged, and after a hectic holiday season, you may be grateful for a slower than usual pace.
Your best day for matters related to health, fitness, and for generating well-paying assignments or new business, when Jupiter will be in ideal angle to the Sun, will be January 13. With Mars going through your eighth house, you seem to have been through a financial drain, but it is possible to increase your earned income this month if you make the effort to find those opportunities. Expenses won't taper off until early March, so it will be worth searching now for ways to make more money and have fun with the new assignments you find at the same time.
Two other days to circle in red will be January 12 and 13, although of those, January 12 is far stronger. Both January 12 and 13 will be stellar for news about work AND for fabulous progress in matters of the heart!
Travel may be difficult early in the month - avoid planning a trip near January 8, when Saturn will conjoin Venus. It would not be an ideal time for a carefree romantic trip, but a trip taken for a work purpose may be strenuous but productive. January 20 and 30 are also not days to travel, for you are likely to be stuck in the airport, sidelined on the road, or waiting for weather conditions to improve.
Life should be bright and beautiful at the full moon weekend January 23. Jupiter will be in the wings to see that you have a memorable romantic experience, so be sure to design an evening for that Saturday if you are attached. If you are single, ask a friend so make an introduction for that day, or go out to dinner with friends and see what happens. Nothing will happen if you stay home, but that's not your style anyway! You are the adventurer of the zodiac, so look your best, and venture out.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-01-06 11:57:35
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