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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 6月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-06-01 Mon. 16:45:08

Aries Forecast for June 2015

By Susan Miller

June is a solidly strong month with enough sweet aspects to keep you happy. The month starts out on June 2 with a big full moon in Sagittarius, 14 degrees, big as a pizza pie in the sky. This full moon will arrive with a glittering beam from good fortune planet Jupiter in Leo (now at close to 17 degrees), and within range of a very upbeat Uranus in Aries (now at 19 degrees). Uranus rules surprises, so there's a good chance you'll receive sweet news out of the blue at this time. You may travel far and wide, possibly spontaneously, or be arriving home after a long trip to a foreign country. Full moons bring closure, so you may now wind up an exciting creative project or be given the approval to start one, possibly involving a publishing or a broadcasting assignment.

If you have initiated a legal case, whether to seek justice on a matter important to you or to register a patent or trademark, you'd likely get the final verdict or key papers of authority at this time. If you are working on an immigration matter, you will finish up actions concerning citizenship, a passport, green card, or visa. If you have applied to attend college in the next semester, you would be wrapping up plans to go or to graduate. All these areas are exciting parts of life, so chances are, you will like the results of this full moon. Your sister or brother (or possibly cousin) may come to visit you, or you may visit her, or you may be on the phone together more often than usual.

If your birthday falls on April 3, plus or minus five days, have Aries rising at 14 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or a natal planet found in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius within a five-degree range of 14 degrees, you will benefit most from this full moon.

Next, beginning June 5, you will have a string of six fantastic days tumbling toward you, one day after the other, with each better than the next! This is unusual, and you will enjoy those days. Here is what I see:

On Friday, June 5, Mars, your ruler, will reach out to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, making this Friday evening the perfect time to head out of town for a fun weekend. The transiting moon will quickly move into Aquarius, a lovely placement for you, for an air sign like Aquarius would fuel your Aries fire element - in other words, air makes your creative fire element burn more brightly. Your charisma will be high - you will virtually sparkle.

If you go with a loving partner, with the full moon of June 2 falling close to this weekend, feelings between you and your partner will be passionate. It looks like you might have a touch of cabin fever, so plan a little adventure that will allow you to escape to a new setting that is not too far from home. This weekend will brim with fun. If you are a writer, devote quality time to your craft, for with three planets in Gemini, the work you turn out will have the potential to be excellent.

On Monday, June 8, the Sun and Jupiter will be in perfect sync, a "trine" position. (Trine comes from the word "triangle" where both planets are 120 degrees from one another - the most harmonious aspect possible.) Here you will wow a VIP with your amazing creativity. If you have a great idea, you can go out on a limb and present it - you may just hit the nail on the head and be hailed as a rock star.

On Tuesday, June 9, Mars, your guardian ruling planet, will reach out to Uranus and unlock a plethora of happy surprises. Nothing will go as you expect on this sunny day - instead, everything will likely work out to be even better. Additionally, while everyone of every sign will enjoy this day, Aries will enjoy it more, for your ruler, Mars, will be involved.

On Wednesday, June 10, the Sun and Uranus will be in friendly conversation, boosting your professional reputation at work in a big way. A big-wig has been impressed with your work, and may go out of his way to help you get ahead. You may not be aware of this person's help, at least at this point. (This person would be a "he" because the Sun always points to a masculine authority figure in your life.) Jupiter will always give you more than you imagined possible and more than you would ever ask to receive - Jupiter's job is to spoil you with happiness.

On Thursday, June 11, Mercury will go direct after having been retrograde since May 21. Finally you will see life's tempo pick up, and in the coming weeks you will not have the delays and mix-ups you did in May. You can buy an electronic item, appliance, or a car soon, but wait a few days before you do, allowing a space of a few days from June 11 for safety. (If you can wait all the way until June 27, so much the better, but I realize you might not be able to wait THAT long. I am waiting until July 27 to order my Apple watch, even if I have to wait weeks on the Apple backlist. I want this purchase to be perfect!

On June 14, Saturn will back into your financial solar eighth house of credit, loans, taxes, inheritance, college financial aid, and similar types of funds. Your cash flow may tighten up, but only for thirteen weeks, until September 17. Think back to the financial talks and meditations you had last November-December 2014. If you didn't finish off that financial matter, you will get a second chance to do so now, in coming weeks. Be careful with money, as you may rack up debt at this time, but happily this will be a temporary situation.

If you are pitching investors for venture capital, it will become harder to get funding with Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn will require that you submit a great deal of paperwork, with annoying amounts of backup, so don't become discouraged. To avoid some of the frustrations, see if you can pitch your prospective investors early in the month. Admittedly, it may already be too late to apply for funding, for as talks progress, you may run into mid-month when Saturn will move back into Scorpio. It would be safer to pitch after September 17, but at that time Mercury will start to retrograde again, until October 9. You may feel stalked by Mercury out of phase, but we are all in the same boat, dear Aries.

If you are going back to an investor who gave you cash a while ago, then Mercury retrograde won't hurt you. (Note: for a full list of Mercury retrograde dates, check my home page, www.astrologyzone.com, on the Internet under my logo, not on my app, which won't have it yet until we do more coding.)

The new moon of June 16 in Gemini 25 degrees will be next, and that new moon will come brimming with gifts, like a child's pinata filled with candy and toys that will shower over you. Like any favorable aspect, you will have to show a bit of effort to unlock the benefits, but they are there for you if you try. Again, a writing or speaking engagement may come up for you, and if so, this one will help you showcase your talents. Your third house of communication and travel will hold the Sun, new moon, your ruler Mars (the action planet), and Mercury (planet of intellect and news). Uranus will be beautifully oriented to this new moon, so you will be able to demonstrate sparking originality. Aim to create something that is new and different, but also quintessentially "you."

This new moon of June 16 would be a good time to launch a publicity or advertising campaign or to have your logo for your business designed if self-employed, or to design a new social network page. Shop for new software now, and have your IT department install. My IT team used to make fun of me when I would say wait until Mercury goes direct before you put it in - now they call me for those dates. As my mother used to say, man learns through pain. They began to see that putting in software during a Mercury retrograde is never a good idea.

Simultaneously, at the time of the new moon, June 16, Mercury will orbit precisely opposite Saturn, so you will need to put in an earnest effort to see the results you want, but it will be worth your while to do so. Be sure to give yourself at least 90 minutes of concentrated effort, as scientists say the human creative cycle is 90 minutes - you can hit a breakthrough when that cycle peaks, but you will never know where in the cycle you are when you start. That's why you have to stay focused for at least 90 minutes - at some point your brilliant idea will break through.

You may also travel to a nearby city or town just after the new moon of June 16 arrives or find you have much more interaction than usual with your sister, brother, or cousin. Perhaps your sister has rented a vacation cottage and will invite you to join her at some point mid-or-late month. If you are writing a screenplay, you may join forces with a writing partner - this new moon is in Gemini, the sign that points to "two." Any project that involves telecommunications will also go extremely well, so it's a good time to design or launch that app you dreamed up.

A new moon will always open up new opportunities in the two weeks that follow its appearance, with the first days after the new moon being the strongest days.

If you were born at the end of your sign, with a birthday that falls April 14-19, you will feel this new moon directly, for it seems to be speaking directly to you. The same is true if you have Aries rising at or within five degrees of 25 degrees, or have a natal planet in Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius at 25 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

Now we come to the most wonderful, five-star day for you, June 22, when Jupiter in Leo, will receive a dazzling beam from Uranus in Aries. This aspect was to be one of the jewels of 2015. It will be repeated in December 2019, but by then Uranus will no longer be in Aries, and Jupiter will no longer be in Leo in your house of true love, so this aspect is truly one that comes once in a lifetime. This month, Jupiter will bring on great possibilities for you to suddenly find love or if you are attached, to surprise your partner with an enchanting night filled with surprise and luxury. You will feel this aspect over the weekend too, June 20-21.

Jupiter is now in your solar fifth house of true love, so you might very well have a fateful meeting at this time. In fact, this aspect due June 22 is one of the finest aspects for finding love all year, and possibly of the entire decade. Jupiter first went into Leo, the golden place for you, last July, so you may have already met someone special. Aries born April 9-19 will benefit the most from this collaboration of Jupiter and Uranus on June 22, and you will also feel the glow building over the weekend of June 20-21.

As said earlier, Aries born April 15-19 will be the most favored for finding love in June, July, and August because Jupiter is now moving into late degrees of Leo. Also, you may have a natal planet in Aries 25-29 degrees that will light up beautifully. I am splitting hairs. All Aries have the edge in matters of the heart during those months, You don't have to stress - sit back and see what happens. You'll know soon enough!

On June 24, Mars, your ruler, will move into Cancer, renewing your interest in improving your living space with creative touches. The new moon of next month, July 16, will further encourage you to add individual touches that are functional and stylish. Any time your ruling planet (Mars) changes signs, that's news, so if you need to make a change in your home, this will be your time to do so. If you have to move, you will find the best options so far this year, and more will come up July 15, plus two weeks. In fact, that may be when you are ready to act.

The weekend of June 27-28 should be magical for you, as Venus will be in Leo and in gorgeous angle to planet of surprise, Uranus. You will love the time you have away! Go!

Before I go, I want you to know July 1 brings a dazzling full moon in your house of honors, awards, and achievement - you may get special praise, a new title, or promotion. You are hitting an all-time high at work, dear Aries, so don't be on vacation on this day. On the same day, Venus will join up with Jupiter, so you may get a raise too. (Certainly you will be a money magnet at this point in the month.) This is a vital full moon for your career progress, dear Aries! That same full moon will be awesomely romantic too. Gee, can we be you during that full moon? Can we all change our birthday to be you?


You may need a break and want to take a small trip over a long weekend. Go over June 5-6-7. Mars will be in Gemini, a superbly compatible sign for you, and Mars will be in conversation with Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck. Mars is your ruler, so Mars' whereabouts is always important to you. You'll want to bring along a journal or a manuscript you may be working on, and a camera too. You will be in the mood to learn all about your environment, for you will be at your curious, experimental best.

In your career, one of the best days of the month will be June 8, when the Sun and Jupiter will work together - you may get a plum assignment or special favor from a well-known creative artist or VIP. Creatively, you will be hitting all high points, and the team will say your ideas are pure genius. With Mars, your ruler, and the Sun in lovely angle to Uranus, lots of exciting surprises are likely to surface. The second week of June will be so bountiful that you will be able to express your deepest individuality and originality easily. Will you break free and start your own business? Anything is possible. Impressive opportunities exist for you while working for others too.

Saturn will cross back into your financial house when it reaches Scorpio from June 14 to September 17, so you will have to focus special attention during this area in regard to the funds you may hold with another person or entity, such as payments on a mortgage, credit cards, taxes, an investor, or in regard to child support, as a few examples. Saturn will leave and not return until 2041, so by September, you will be free and clear of Saturn's limitations. Keeping your credit score high will become much easier for you to accomplish.

If you are single and hope to meet someone new, June 22 holds one of the major aspect of 2015. Jupiter will be in an ideal angle to slow-moving Uranus, setting up a spirit of hope, fun, and celebration. Jupiter is in your solar fifth house of true love, and individualistic Uranus will be in Aries, which means you need not be anything but yourself to have the power to attract love. Don't think you need to be "cooler" or more attractive. You are holding all aces, but you seem not to realize that, so sit back, for you might start to see what I mean once you get to June 22. Although this aspect will peak on June 22, you will feel its lyrical vibrations over the weekend of June 20-21 too. Indeed, Saturday will be particularly sweet for you.

Mars will enter Cancer on June 24 to August 8, indicating you may need to buy things for your home or to care for family in coming weeks, as your spending is due to rise. You may have planned for this, say, if you are paying for your child's camp or new kitchen appliances, but if you have no plans to write a hefty check, you may want to delay buying an expensive item just in case a big unexpected expense arises.

There is another important date for you to pay attention to: the weekends of June 27-28, when Venus in your love center will reach out to Uranus in Aries and could bring a surprise, fateful meeting. You have all the planetary help you could ever wish to help you find your one true love. If you are attached and dream of having a baby, this month's aspects will help you summon the stork.

Finally, get ready for career rewards on the full moon, July 1, when all sorts of kudos, and possibly money too, will head your way. It's a critical full moon, so be back home to experience this joyous moment - the only full moon in your professional sector in 2015.

Dates to Note for Aries:

Mercury will continue to be retrograde until June 11.

The full moon in Sagittarius on June 2 will bring up possibilities for long distance travel, but an obstacle may come in the way. Jupiter will be in the wings to help you, so keep trying. Get accurate driving directions, don't over-rely on GPS, and check hotel and appointment bookings.

If you have problems getting out of town, the new moon, later, June 16, will almost certainly allow for more trips for any purpose, including personal ones, to enjoy the warm weather.

Venus will tour Leo, June 5 until July 18, the ideal place for Venus to be for you - start improving your looks and have fun stepping out socially.

Consider a short trip over the weekend, June 5-7, for Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Leo will help have exceptional romantic fun.

June 8 will be one of your happiest days when the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Leo work together - a great day to offer a creative idea, see a VIP, or have a romantic first meeting. You can also fan the fires of existing love.

You may travel a short distance unexpectedly on June 9 or 10. These are such lucky days for you - and romantic possibilities will be high too.

Keep up on financial obligations and preserve a good credit rating while Saturn slips back into Scorpio this summer, from June 14 to September 17.

Want to fix up your home with pretty touches or order construction / repairs? While Mars moves through Cancer from June 24 to August 8 you will want to make those changes happen. If you need to move, you will likely find a space you love during this period. Wait until Mercury goes direct June 11 before you buy anything expensive.

June 22 will be a superb day when surprises are wonderful ones, and travel is very possible. If signing a contract this month, choose this day. This day could be a "10" for romance too.

June 27-28 will also give you a chance to have fun, as Uranus in Aries will be in perfect angle to Venus in Leo. Romance is in the air!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-06-01 16:45:08
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 403 
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