看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2016年 2月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2016-02-04 Thu. 20:10:12
Aries Horoscope for February 2016
By Susan Miller
You will love February. It is one of the finest months of 2016, so make the most of it, dear Aries. Mercury will no longer be retrograde in your prestigious career sector - a situation that caused you a great deal of frustration with delays, mix-ups, forgetfulness, bad timing, and an inability to get answers from higher ups. From the start of February, you will feel better. This month will give you more than merely the lack of Mercury retrograde-caused delays - this is a positive month that has many goodies in store for you.
Your first day to circle in gold will be February 3, a brilliant day when the Sun and Saturn will be in ideal sync AND Mars and Pluto, two power planets, will be working together too. This is a day to set an appointment for an interview, presentation, or exchange of thoughts. It's a great day for your career, for Pluto is in your reputation sector, and with Mars in Scorpio in your house of other people's money, your ability to negotiate in a street smart and practical way will be remarkably effective. You can sign a contract, too, for Saturn will give you long-term gains if you do, and a comforting sense of security. There's much to be gained on February 3.
February 6 will be another wonder day, this time, a day ideal for generating ideas. Mercury, the communication planet will receive a shimmering beam from Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck. Use this outstanding day for signing a contract if making a profit is your motive. The deal you agree to on February 6 will grow like Jack and the Beanstalk's beans - straight up to the stratosphere. Also on this day, the Sun and Uranus will be in heavenly angles to each other, indicating a day when the ideas you generate will be innovative and highly original. Brainstorm!
One of the most important moments of February comes next, the new moon, February 8 in Aquarius 19 degrees, which will open a portal of ten days of energy. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, now in Aries, will sparkle and staunchly support the new moon, adding an element of surprise and delight in terms of what a friend will do for you, and regard to the new people who will now enter your life. You will also be surrounded with long-term friends and have time to reconnect. Saturn will support this new moon, suggesting you will convert some of the new people you meet quickly into good friendships. This won't happen all year, not at this level - February is your month.
This new moon of February 8 will light your solar eleventh house of friends and community events, so all sorts of invitations and options are likely to come up, some social and some humanitarian in nature. In the latter opportunity, you will have a chance to make the world a better place by raising awareness of those in society who suffer and who need help. If you are too busy to volunteer for a charity, community, or humanitarian event, you might simply run a 5K for the cure on one weekend and be able to help out that way. Another way you can use this energy is to join a club, whether it be professional or social in nature, for this is the best month of 2016 to do so. Make a focused effort to expand your circle of friends, contacts, and acquaintances. Keep in mind all new moons have a period of influence of ten days AFTER they appear - lots of time to enjoy all that will come up!
No matter what you do in February, it seems certain you will mix and mingle with friends, and you will feel an enormous change over January's sometimes frustrating and heavy emphasis on career. You'll have time to set up lunches and drinks together after work, attend parties, and perhaps take in one or two museum exhibits, a concert, or Broadway play. You will get tips about business and job opportunities by socializing, so you may find it well worth your time in another way. With Saturn in your long-distance travel sector, there is some evidence you may get on a plane this month and fly to a distant city - and be glad you did.
If your birthday falls on April 8, plus or minus five days, this gorgeous new moon will be made for you, and you will enjoy all the sweet experiences that the new moon will want to bring to you. If you have Aquarius rising, or a natal planet within five degrees of 10 degrees of Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra, you should enjoy this new moon as well.
The emphasis on Aquarius also will make this month an ideal time to buy electronics, for the new moon will be in Aquarius, ruling newly invented forms and the entire digital world. Also, now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, you can feel free to pick up that item you've had your eye on. I would suggest you shop on February 6. If you are launching new software, an app, website, upgrade to a website, change in your social media page, or other product that is part of the digital world, do so on or after February 9 or 10.
February 9 will have a sensational aspect, bringing a trine (meaning ideal harmony) between happy planet Venus and good fortune planet Jupiter. You can use this day to score a major success on the job. Your stock will rise in your company or industry, so you may be celebrating on that night. You may learn that more money is about to head your way too.
Valentine's Day weekend should go very well. Mars, the planet that is in charge of protecting your interests, will reach out to Jupiter, making you hypnotic and engaging. You'll be in a happy mood as you enter the weekend, for things will go well. It looks like you might want to be at home (especially if you have to buy, sell, or rent, or in other ways change the environment of your home. The day before the weekend starts, on Friday, February 12, your assignments will go well too, and you'll be in a happy-go-lucky mood.
The full moon in Virgo, 4 degrees, on February 22 will bring a work project to a finish within four days of this date. This is another happy moment, and you may be particularly proud of what you've achieved. Neptune will be prominent and add a note of enchantment. You may have a blind date that a friend sets up for you, or you may have a very romantic or private moment that you will enjoy, especially in that you take in the beauty of the moment. Jupiter's conjunction of the north node is a lovely indication of an important, happy event that will also coincide with this day plus or minus four days.
Two days that would be ideal for brainstorming will be February 26 and 28. On the first day, February 26, Mercury, planet of thinking, will be in sync with Uranus, planet of genius. This is a perfect day to generate a breakthrough on a creative dilemma you may have been grappling with lately.
The second day, February 28, will bring the Sun in conjunction with Neptune. Neptune is the patron planet of art, design, dance, music, poetry, and other cultural arts, so use February 28 mainly for creative efforts.
The month ends on a marvelous note - Leap Year Day, February 29 - when Venus in Aquarius will reach out to Saturn in Sagittarius. Traditionally, in the old days, Leap Year is the day women can feel to ask her partner's hand in marriage. Feel free, dear Aries women readers. I am sure my male readers will be delighted not to have to make the first move, although if that's you - you can! There is no law that says you can't. Saturn will add a feeling of comfort and security, and of course, Venus will add a note of fun and happiness.
February will be a strong, productive month that will please you in many ways. As you enter the month, on February 3 Saturn will be in ideal angle to the Sun, and Pluto and Mars will also be in sync, allowing you to make more money at work through negotiating more attractive company benefits, or if you are in sales, allowing you to reel in a large client and earn a large commission. Mars, your ruler, will be in Scorpio in your eighth sector of other people's money, the reason your negotiating position will favor you.
Mars in this financial eighth house will increase your expenses, but will also increase your motivation to make more money. February 5-6 will bring an opportunity to work on an assignment that is perfect for you, for lucky Jupiter will work with brainy Mercury to bring you the kind of work you will enjoy and that will bring you positive career attention. February 9 brings a glorious day, when Venus and Jupiter will be in superb agreement and will give you a chance to extend your reputation for excellence in your industry.
Lots of social activity will bubble up for you after the new moon of February 8. For the coming two weeks, you'll have more fun with friends and find you will go out more, even on weekday evenings. With both Saturn and Uranus in Aries supportive, you'll be able to make new friends, and may possibly join a club - this would be the very best month of 2016 to join. If you already belong to a social or professional club, look at the programs - there will be events you will want to participate in.
Valentine's Day weekend may turn out to be all you want it to be, for Mars, your ruler, will link to generous Jupiter, increasing the chances you will receive or give a valuable gift. Could that be a diamond or something from your favorite electronics store? Wait and see!
Chances to see and connect with friends will come up spontaneously during the rest of the month, adding the element of surprise. Mars will increase your spending again in the second half, so you may have to carefully track your financial flow to make sure you don't break the bank. Thankfully, Mars will move into Sagittarius on March 5, so from then on, you will see an instant drop in expenses, sure to calm your fears that you'll ever run out of cash. Venus will fuel your social life once you reach February 16 when Venus enters Aquarius, a sign that blends beautifully with yours. In the coming weeks, until March 12, you'll have many reasons to dress up and step out.
The full moon in Virgo on February 22 will bring a work-related project to a finish, and you appear to have plenty of reason to celebrate. This project may have involved music, painting, dance, or other artistic expression - Neptune, prominent at this full moon, will stir your imagination and have an uplifting effect on your psyche. The future will spark your originality, and you will grow more optimistic about reaching your goals. This full moon period (effective for four days before and after it appears) will have your intuition working on high levels, so listen to your small voice within. Your instinct will protect your interests, so listen to it.
On leap year day, February 29, traditionally - decades ago - women were encouraged to become more assertive in matters of romance, such as to propose marriage. Venus in Aquarius will be in perfect angle to stabilizing Saturn in Sagittarius on this day this month. Today we extend that tradition to men and women, with the assertion to be brave. If you want to make a proposal to your sweetheart, go ahead. The planets are acting like little angels to encourage love and a happy outcome, dear Aries.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2016-02-04 20:10:12
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