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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 7月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-07-02 Thu. 18:00:01
Aries Horoscope for July 2015
By Susan Miller
In matters of love, the month starts out with a very special cosmic event. Jupiter will embrace Venus on July 1, a sensational vibration, just made for you, for both planets will conjoin in your fifth house of true love. Uranus, the planet of surprise, will be in Aries too, and is perfectly positioned to help Jupiter and Venus spin their magic for you.
As I told my Aries daughter, my sweet Diana, she may have an evening sprinkled with stardust on this date, July 1. You may too! Single or married, that's your night. If you are single and hope to meet someone new and special, make it a point to be out on that evening. It has taken Jupiter, giver of good fortune, twelve years to orbit into your true love sector and a year for Venus to link up with Jupiter. Make use of this enchanting and rare date night! If your birthday falls on April 11, you'll reap a double dip of pleasure.
At work, you've apparently been working at top speed, and likely impressing the power people at the top. The full moon of July 1 in Capricorn, 10 degrees, will light your house of fame and honors, and chances are, you will get considerable praise, or possibly even positive publicity. You may accept a new position or promotion within four days of this full moon, and if so, it's due to be quite a prestigious step up.
Still, there will be mixed aspects from this full moon. You may be concerned about things that are going on at home at the same time, in regard to obligations to family, possibly an older person, such as a parent who is not well or obstacles regarding finding a new living space that might make you think twice about accepting a career offer, no matter how juicy it may be. Or, maybe you are told you have made the VIP's short list for a top position you've been interviewing for lately, but you are beginning to see that the competition for the job you want has become fierce. (You tend to do really well in those situations, for you are highly competitive - just show the world what you are made of, dear Aries.)
I want to also say that the meeting of Jupiter and Venus on the same day could easily bring news of more money coming to you in your paycheck - a good sign, wouldn't you say?
On the following day, July 2, Mercury will be in ideal angle to Uranus, so you may suddenly take a spontaneous trip, and if so, things should go exceptionally well. If you are not traveling, not even for work, then this same day would be ideal for generating creative ideas. Your ideas are likely to come to you very quickly and strike like lightning. Write them down as quickly as they arrive so you don't forget any of them. The following day, Mercury will line up with Jupiter, July 3, an ideal day to write or to receive a message that would thrill you.
Mars is currently in your home sector, so you may be renewing your interest in bringing more razzle dazzle to your home, perhaps with new accessories and furniture. Or, you may paint, renovate, or do repairs you've long put off. This trend will be especially strong and last throughout July until August 8.
Your home plans may be stepped up another notch after the important new moon on July 15 in Cancer, 23 degrees. With four heavenly bodies in your home sector by then - the Sun, new moon, Mars, and Mercury - you will be fairly obsessed with getting things just right. This new moon will have a mixed outlook, however, and has a hard angle to the planet of surprise, Uranus, in Aries, so something could come up that you're not expecting, and it may rattle you. You may suddenly discover you need to repair the wood on your floor when you arrive home to see you left the window open and it rained while you were gone. Some sort of untoward news could come up (and I am so sorry to have to tell you this news - let's hope I am wrong).
On the positive side, Saturn will be in elegant angle to the planets in your house of home, indicating that you would have a good meeting with a banker or other financial person about a mortgage, refinancing plan, or home improvement loan or government funding grant (say, if you were a victim of a hurricane). These applications are likely to go well.
Just two days earlier, July 13, but still at play for many more days, Mercury in Cancer will be in gorgeous angle to Neptune. This will stimulate your creative flair for decorating your home or for coming up with ideas for entertaining, say over July 11 or July 18, both good days to invite friends over.
Mars will oppose Pluto on the day of the new moon, July 15, so an authority figure may take a very hard stance with you. Realize that you will have Saturn supporting you, giving you the opportunity to create a long-term solution. An older, experienced person may help with advice too. It may be that you have something going on at the office AND at home, and the two areas are both clamoring for your attention, making you feel split and confused about whom or what to give your most concentrated attention. I would say by this point of the month, it's your home that needs more of you for now.
Venus is about to retrograde this month, July 25 to September 6 (the day prior to Labor Day in the US) and will spend most time in Virgo. When Venus shuts down for her beauty sleep (and that is what a retrograde planet does, it shuts down the planet for rest), you would be wise to avoid doing anything to dramatically change your looks. This means no Botox or plastic surgery, and no radical changes in hair style or color. Men, don't shave the beard that you've had for a long time - your little children may cry for weeks and wonder where their daddy went! Your little dog many not recognize you either.
You can still conduct routine grooming or restock health and beauty aids while Venus is retrograde, but it's the dramatic changes to your looks that would be wise to avoid. Venus will retrograde partly in your love sector, so you may rethink your current relationship or go back to ask your partner to address an old problem that some time ago came up between you that has never been solved. It is not the best time to become engaged - hold off until after October 9, even though Venus goes direct September 6. (I have mathematical reasons.) Venus will also retrograde in your health and fitness sector, so you may talk with your trainer to decide why you are not progressing as quickly as you had hoped (if that's the situation), or you may ask your doctor why the pills you are taking for a condition aren't working as well as you both had hoped. It's a time to rethink certain elements in your life, especially in relation to your love life and health.
If you need to sign important papers, I'd choose July 21 if I were you, for Saturn will be in in ideal trine angle to the Sun, bringing longevity to any venture you initiate, particularly if you are thinking about your home or the purchase of property. I am enthusiastic about July 22 too, when Mercury (rules contracts) will be in the same trine angle to Saturn, and again what you start would stay in place nearly forever.
Let's backtrack again to July 25, for this date is notable for another reason, not only because Venus is about to retrograde, but also because your ruler, Mars, will be in angry (square) angle to Uranus in Aries. As you may recall, Uranus is the planet of unpredictable events. You may be tempted to tell off your psycho landlord, or to blow up at your roommate for using up all the milk and leaving an empty carton in the refrigerator. (It seems no matter how many times you tell her not to do that, it keeps happening.) You'd be justified to be upset, but think again. What you do on July 25 might easily escalate into a major meltdown - everyone you come in contact with on this day will be a little fragile - so be diplomatic. Also, avoid crazy sports that have high risk for another day.
The month will end on a second full moon - a blue moon - in Aquarius at 8 degrees. You will like this moment, for it appears you will be attending an important social event, packed with many friendly people. It could be a sporting event, charity or political fundraiser, wedding, or birthday party. You get the idea. This will be a very happy moment of the month.
If your birthday falls on March 28, or within five days of this date, the full moon at month's end will be an especially important moment. The same is true if you have a natal planet at 8 degrees plus or minus four degrees, in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, or Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra.
August will be the happiest month of the year! You won't want to miss my August report.
You are certain to be on your skateboard, rushing here, there, and everywhere, for July brings not one but two full moons plus a new moon. The first full moon will be very friendly and is due to arrive July 1, and will crystalize where you stand professionally. This could easily be the moment you hoped to see - a time when praise, positive publicity, or a promotion will come to you, for this full moon, the only one of 2015, will light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. Apparently you're making exceptional professional progress, for this full moon will conjoin Pluto, revealing the power, prestige, and respect you have already earned in your industry, You've shown astute, practical judgment (Pluto in Capricorn) along with a finely functioning intuition (Neptune in Pisces) - both planets will contribute their unique gifts at this time.
July has its pressures too, however, and those will be evident mid-month. In early July, news and events going on at home or in regard to a family member will distract you from your career. Mars, your ruling planet, is now in your home sector, stirring the pot. Clearly, activities are going on in your residence, other property you own, or a matter in regard to a parent, and that situation will need just as much attention as your career, and possibly more, and over a longer period.
Not all of the home-related focus will be arduous - some might be fun. You may be making design choices for a renovation or redesign, and if so, Neptune's friendly stance in July, especially near July 13, will prove that you have a flair for decorating or entertaining, or both!
Romantically, this month your love life may suddenly burst open with delightful fireworks. Venus will have her one and only meeting with good fortune Jupiter on July 1 in your house of true love. Your work life will be demanding at the same time, so you will need to find a way to socialize after work anyway, even if you can't leave your desk as early in the day as you had hoped. July 1 is special for you for many reasons. Home, family, career and love / romance / pregnancy / children / and creative expressions are all areas for you that will be showered with luck.
By the new moon, July 15, more planets will have migrated to your home sector, but by mid-month, not all elements of your residential or family plan will click into place. This new moon will be unhappy with Pluto (money or authority figure) and Uranus (unexpected events), and you might feel stretched to the limit. The more flexible and resourceful you can remain in weeks to come, the better. The area of home, family, career, and your persistent desire for freedom will all clash in the wild crosscurrents of mid-July until you find a way to integrate these disparate, incongruent elements. You'll have to prioritize - not an easy task, as all areas of your life seem equally important to you, and others will be depending on you.
By mid-month, your home and or family will grow to get the lion's share of your attention, and this will go on for weeks and possibly months. Some elements of your plan will spin off the rails, so you'll need to make split-second decisions, while at the same time, a VIP at work might be demanding. It seems this VIP will be completely uncaring of the pressures you will be under elsewhere in your life, so don't even try to explain. You are good at putting on a brave face and placating power figures when necessary - that talent will come in handy now.
The sweetest part of your chart relates to your ability to find new love, so it will be imperative for you, if single, to socialize this month, especially on July 1, but at other times too. If you have already found the person for you, events in July will bond the two of you closer in a powerful way and show you just how deep the love you share can be. You may be surprised.
Your favorite social moment in July will occur on July 31, the month's second full moon, when a group of planets will convene in your fifth house of true love, including Venus (love), Jupiter (good fortune and happiness), Mercury (news), and the Sun (the place you will shine). At the same time, the full moon in Leo July 31 will light your friends / events / people sector. You may be invited to an important social event, one that will be lyrical and luxurious in every way. Many friends will be in attendance, as well as new people you will want to meet. The guest you are likely to encounter will be idealistic with a humanitarian bent and many will work for the common good. Go, for this event has the likelihood of being an evening so magical, it will be positively inspirational.
If you meet someone new after July 31, enforced separations may mark the early part of the relationship, as Venus will go retrograde starting July 25 until September 6. It may be that your new love will need to travel a great deal, work in another city, or take important qualifying exams and never make it out of the library. Be patient. By the fall, things will improve dramatically.
Dates to Note for Aries:
July 1 brings Venus and Jupiter together in Leo, a great time for love.
The same date, July 1, may bring superb financial news about your growing salary, for Venus is the natural ruler of your second house of earned income.
The full moon in your career sector on July 1 will show you where you stand in your career - news could make you jump for joy.
If you are decorating your home, the lovely interplay between Mercury and Neptune will spice up your creativity on July 13.
The new moon in your home sector July 15 plus two weeks will bring a lion's share of your attention to your home. Still, your work will be demanding, and your need to think about family or your home space will split your attention.
July 2 and July 3 will be great days to take a spontaneous trip. If you can't get away, then use these days for writing or brainstorming for new ideas - you will be capable of coming up with winners.
July 6 won't be the day to ask for favors of a highly placed executive.
Venus will go retrograde from July 25 to September 6. This is not the time to change your looks dramatically by cutting your hair or coloring a completely different shade (women) or for a man to shave or start to grow a beard. The results won't be what you had hoped.
The month will bring another full moon, July 31, and bring on a fun social event not to be missed - you will find yourself among many friendly faces, and the event itself may be quite luxurious or different in a major way. It may be that you are at a sporting event, charity function, political fundraiser, friend's wedding, or birthday party.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-07-02 18:00:01
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