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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 1月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015年01月01日 Thu. PM 10:15:37

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller

Aries Forecast for January 2015

By Susan Miller

You want to start the year brand new, and indications are you very well might! The end of December brought an excellent phase for your career, but if you say, "Not so much," it may be that top VIPs were talking about you and putting you on the short list of stars in the making. Take a moment to think about the career-related conversations you had in December - you may have planted seeds for impressive professional growth. Some Aries readers did hear news, while others may have to wait a little longer. If you are actively looking for a new position, it appears your efforts will pay off, either with the situation you are thinking about or another one. The first few days of January will continue to be special for professional progress, so keep up efforts!

Your physical residence or the welfare of a family member will draw your attention within four days of the full moon, January 4. This full moon will be in Cancer, 15 degrees, with harsh Uranus (planet of unpredictable, surprising events) at odds with the Sun and new moon, and also a very difficult vibration from Pluto in Capricorn, indicating at the same time, a top level person or adversary at work (or in the place you had hoped to join) may be difficult. You will feel quite pulled between your public and private life at the time, and you may need to make an important decision concerning your home or a family member. Most likely this family member would be one of your parents (or a person you think of as a parent), and since it is about the moon, it would be a female, such as your mother.

Fortunately, full moons bring closure and definitive endings, but they tend not to linger with their messages. They deliver the news - boom - and then they are gone. Full moons like this one can be highly emotional, but they do settle things or reveal certain truths. If you have to make a decision, you are likely to make a solidly wise one, for Mercury (thinking objectively) and Saturn (long-term planning) will be elegantly angled to one another. Mercury will help you keep your thinking clear while you sort out options, and Saturn will help you make a decision that sticks.

If your birthday falls on April 4, plus or minus five days, you will likely feel this full moon. If that birth date is yours (or close to it), clear your calendar and be available to speak to anyone who may need to speak with you. If you have your natal chart, have a look at it. If you see that you have a natal planet at 15 degrees Aries (plus or minus four degrees), that planet will be sensitized and you will feel this full moon more than your other Aries friends.

Mars goes into Pisces on January 12 and that's important to know, for Mars is your ruling planet. When you hear me talk about Mars, you may want to pay special attention, for it will mean more for you than for other signs (except Scorpio, the sign that shares Mars as one of their rulers too). Until now, Mars has been in the social sign of Aquarius since December 5, and although you will have a social new moon January 20, a new phase is introduced simultaneously. At times this month, you will crave more privacy and a chance to unwind. Perhaps you need a rest from the holidays, for they demand much from each of us, even if your celebration turned out perfect. Treat yourself to quiet time - a hike in the countryside, a walk through a museum alone, or time for prayer or meditation. You will have a big year ahead, so between January 12 and February 19, spend time thinking about what you'd like to achieve by this time next year. Once Mars enters Aries on February 19, you will be on your skateboard, moving at the speed of light, with no time to rest! Use the time you will get in the second half of January to catch your breath.

There is another possibility that you will attend to a health situation that needs to be addressed. You seem to be mixing with medical personnel, perhaps for yourself or on behalf of a friend or relative. You may finally attend to your tight hip by going to physical therapy or see a dentist about that one tooth that gives you trouble occasionally.

Here's a sparkling day to ring in red: January 14. Mercury will be in fine angle to Uranus, making it a day when conversation will bubble up, and ideas will come to you easily. You'll be articulate and vibrant, unexpected and compelling. Give a speech or write an important letter, report, or manuscript. You might want to go on an interview on this dazzling day. Your thinking will be razor sharp, dear Aries. It is also possible that you will gain much from a talk you attend this day, such as a book signing or lecture at a neighborhood community center.

Remarkably, this golden day (January 14) will be repeated January 27, when Mercury will again contact its "higher octave" Uranus. What does this "higher octave" term mean? Mercury rules witty, sharp thinking, and Uranus takes the thinking of Mercury to evolve it into Uranus' realm of true originality and innovation - Uranus is the planet of genius.

You may decide you need to make new friends and contacts, and to that end, reach out to a professional or social organization to widen your circle. Good idea. The new moon of January 20 will be at 0 degrees Aquarius, making it the ideal time to look into joining groups of any kind, including charities or humanitarian organizations, or even political clubs to help a candidate get elected. Again, at this new moon, Saturn will be on hand to help you make long lasting ties. Any time after January 20 would be a fine time to go to a convention, tradeshow, seminar, or other meeting where people of like-minded thinking meet. You may also (or alternatively) want to get much more involved with social media.

If you were born on March 21 plus four days, you will feel the results of this new moon quite noticeably.

Mercury will go retrograde on January 21 until February 11, but you may find it a relief. Think of it as a free pass to slow down. Meetings will be postponed, so your schedule will open up. This time, Mercury will retrograde through Aquarius, suggesting you may link with a friend that you've not seen in a long time. That's always fun - Mercury urges us to go back, look at the people you know and would love to see again, and then make an effort to find that person.

I will admit that Mercury retrograding in Aquarius suggests that you will find one or two of your electronic items that you've had for a while may go on the fritz. Aquarius rules all newly invented forms, including electronics, so if parts are wearing out, you will know about it. If you got new software in December, install it early in January, staying as f-a-r away from the start of Mercury retrograde as possible. You will start to feel the slowdown from Mercury retrograde beginning January 5, and we are all in the same boat.

Socially, you may have one radiant day, January 13, when Venus, now in Aquarius, in your friendship house, will contact Uranus, planet of surprise. This day may bring an unexpected invitation to a party, or if you are single, your friend may offer to introduce you to someone new. This friend would know your type, and go out of her way to help you find love, but occasionally, friends can surprise you, so keep an open mind.

If you are in college or graduate school, or work in publishing or broadcasting, you may have a meeting with an experienced person who is much older than you on January 23. This person may give you advice that you find enlightening, and be words you'd like to ponder a bit to see how that advice fits your life.

At the end of the month, January 30, Mars will work beautifully with Pluto. This is an important day for you, for you will feel your inner strength and find confidence to do something you may have been hesitant to do. If you recall, Mars is your ruler, so you are being named in this configuration. Use this day, a Friday, to have an important meeting where you don't want to waffle - be strong, dear Aries! You will be on January 30.


Most people will enter early January in a sleepy state, but not you. Much to your surprise, major career opportunities were stirred up at the end of December, and only a lightning-quick response from you in the first days of January will allow you to win the dream spot you have in mind. Mobilize to capture your favorite offer, if you haven't already done so late last month. You have superb aspects to take all that is rightfully yours before your competition even notices that these offers are real and lucrative, and must be jumped on immediately.

Your physical home or, alternatively, one of your parents - most likely your mother - will need your quick attention at the full moon, January 4. Both Uranus (unexpected developments) and Pluto (powerful authority figures) will press hard on this full moon, possibly making you feel tense when you hear news. You will have to quickly adjust to the residential or family situation that is emerging, but at the same time, keep a self-centered boss or client happy too, which won't be easy. This full moon may trigger a cascade of emotion, but by mid-week, you will feel calmer and a sense of peace will come upon you. It seems you won't have much time to think, but Mercury and Saturn will help you make a long-lasting decision - do what you need to do so that you can move on.

With Mars, your ruler, moving through Aquarius during the first half, until January 11, your friends will be helpful by giving you wise advice and assistance. From January 12 until February 19, you may interact with medical personnel who work at a hospital, rehab center, nursing home, physical therapy center, or other place of healing. On January 15, you may feel frustrated that you'd like to swing into action, but will be blocked in doing so, due to Mars and Saturn at odds.

Your friends will begin to play an even more prominent role in your life after the new moon in Aquarius, January 20. Saturn will be watching from his perch in Sagittarius, supporting all that you do with friends, and suggests your plans will bring long-term gain. Make an effort to make new friends, and if you belong to a club, attend meetings. You may hear something or meet someone who will provide a tip that is not yet public information, and prove to you that your efforts have been well spent.

With Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, in your house of true love, your biggest strides in 2015 will take place in matters of the heart. Watch for two happy days: January 13 and 14, when first, Uranus (surprise) in Aries will reach out to Venus (love) and the following day, to Mercury (news, talk, text). Two great days!

Mercury will be retrograde in Aquarius from January 21 to February 11, and although it's a phase that will require you not to make major commitments, nor to buy electronic equipment until the retrograde is over, when you will experience delays, you nevertheless may enjoy a bonus from Mercury you won't expect. Aquarius rules your house of friendships, so it's possible that you will meet up with old friends you've not seen in ages, and that you may want to do something together with them in the future. You may run into old pals on the street or in other random ways, and that's always exciting.

The month will end on an exciting note: On January 27, Mercury and Uranus in Aries will cook up surprising, out-of-the-blue upbeat news. Then, just three days later, on January 30, Mars, your ruler, will have a friendly conversation with Pluto, indicating a confidential interview with a VIP could lead to a major career opportunity. Wow.

Dates to Note for Aries:

The full moon on January 4 may be stressful regarding your home or family member or your physical home (or other property you may own). It's unlikely you will see this news coming. Pluto will be at hard angle too, so at the same time, a VIP may be very cold and difficult, and you may have a tough full moon, plus or minus four days.

Mars will enter Pisces on January 12, bringing you a chance to rest and collect your thoughts until February 19. On February 19, Mars will enter Aries, and you'll be on the go.

January 13 brings surprising social fun - if a friend calls with an idea of something to do, accept!

January 14 makes you a wizard at speaking and thinking. If you go to an event, conversation will bubble up to an exciting pitch. The same aspect will recur on January 27, only at that time, Mercury will be retrograde.

On January 15, your ruling planet, Mars, will be blocked by Saturn, so you won't be able to get the approvals you want. Wait for better days.

The new moon of Aquarius on January 20 will be a happy one and help you meet new people. Circulate! New friends will bring you more new friends, and if single, possibly a new love interest. They also will have tips for you in matters of career.

Mercury will retrograde from January 21 to February 11. You will start to feel the oncoming slowdowns as soon as January 5.

You may have a meeting with someone older than you on January 23 who has great advice for you, due to Saturn in fine angle to the Sun.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-01-01 22:15:37
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 380 
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