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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 5月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015-05-01 Fri. 20:54:10
Aries Forecast for May 2015
By Susan Miller
As the month takes off, you are thinking about your finances, paying bills, and getting all the financial tasks you need to do off your desk, including taxes if you asked for an extension. While you are into looking at calculations, review all your insurance needs to make sure you have coverage for your evolving needs. Also, check in with your broker to see how your retirement account is performing. If you don't have a retirement account, you can open one on May 6 when Pluto will work with the Sun, and no matter how small an amount you put in, it will continue to grow. Ask your accountant about tax advantages you might qualify for by contributing to your retirement account each year.
If you are negotiating a settlement of some sort, whether in court, or with a soon-to-be-ex, the full moon of May 3 in Scorpio 13 degrees will help you finalize your agreement within four days of this date. This full moon will be in good angle to Neptune and Pluto, but in difficult angle to Mars and Jupiter. If in a negotiation, don't let a burst of enthusiasm to get things done (at long last!) cause you to give too much away to the other side.
If you are negotiating with your company for a new benefit, like health insurance or the key to the executive gym, Pluto will be on your side at the full moon, which means a VIP is likely to give what you want. I might add this is true as long as you ask in the first week, close to the energy of that full moon. Neptune's involvement suggests you'll do well with artistic proposals, and may make a profit from one you put forth now.
At the same time as the full moon Mercury (contracts) will oppose Saturn, so I would suggests you not sign papers at the full moon, but wait until May 6, when Pluto will be friendly to the Sun. Earlier in the week, you may not get as much money or benefits as you had hoped, as Saturn tends to limit.
You seem to have had high expenses last month, in April, but happily, your spending will calm down after Mars enters Gemini on May 11. Gemini is a much sweeter place for you to host your ruling planet, Mars. Gemini is an air sign that adds oxygen to your Aries' fire-sign element.
In Gemini, you will have a chance to travel more than you have over weekends from May 11 to June 24. You won't likely want to go too far away, but the locations you pick will be fun. One day NOT to hit the road would be Friday, May 15, when Mars will oppose Saturn, and you are likely to hit unusual problems and delays.
A very tough day to travel will be May 22, when Saturn opposes the Sun - it'll be a draining, depressing day when being tired will only make things worse because you view the world through a dark filter. You are likely to have a number of delays, or go to the wrong address, or lose something you value while traveling. On May 22, it will be best to follow along on routine activities. On the same day, if an older authority figure criticizes you, take what is helpful from what you hear, but don't be crushed. You will likely overreact. In just a day or two, you will feel much better!
Your best weekends to plan an overnight trip will be May 9-10 (Mother's day in the US is May 10) and on May 23-24. The full moon next month on June 2 (allow a plus or minus four days) will encourage you to travel too, and that trip would be quite divine thanks to support from good fortune Jupiter.
You may find that between May 11 and June 24, you will have much more helpful interaction with your sister or brother. Gemini rules siblings, and you will have a number of Gemini planets in the third house, which also rules siblings (and cousins too).
Venus will move into Cancer on May 7 to June 5, marking a wonderful time to add new touches to your home decor to freshen it up. If you are working on a big home-related project, Venus will help you make great design decisions, including the right wallpaper, paint colors, tiles, and surfaces.
Keep in mind, however, that this month, Mercury, the planet ruling communication, negotiation and commerce, will go retrograde from May 18 to June 11. That would not be a time to shop for expensive things, and certainly not appliances or electronics. If you need a new computer, smart phone, or the Apple watch, get it now, not on or after May 18. The more space you leave from the date you buy the item and the onset of Mercury's turn backward (May 18) the better. Never try to outrun Mercury retrograde by rushing out to a store the day before the retrograde, for example this month, on May 17 - we always feel Mercury's characteristic slowdowns ten days prior to the actual turnaround date. Don't by new furniture or mattress, or any other expensive item that is difficult to return during the retrograde. It's safest to get what you need in the first week of May, or wait until after June 11.
The new moon this month will fall in Taurus, 27 degrees, and, that's the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. This new moon will oppose Saturn. Usually the annual new moon in Taurus is the perfect time to ask for a raise, because the new moon (beginnings, initiations) will light your house of earned income. You only get one of these new moons a year, so make your pitch for an increase in the days that quickly follow May 21. If you are self-employed, you can try to gently raise your fees, or search for new business, which is likely to come in if you "beat the bushes" for business. Saturn will oppose the new moon, so keep your expectations sensible, as Saturn tends to either limit what you can negotiate, or make you work very hard for the money.
If you are working for a company that is seeing falling profits, and you are turned down for a raise at this time, you may want to switch jobs. Working for a successful company is an entirely different experience than working for one that is struggling. If you are self-employed, you will have to work a little harder on self-promotion, though advertising, publicity, calling former customers who have always loved working with you, by sending out direct mail postcards with an interesting image, or by other means. Your efforts would pay off if you start your campaign after May 18, the new moon. Call your former clients, rather than new ones, as Mercury retrograde will help you reconnect to past successes.
As the statisticians say, we get 80 percent of business from 20 percent of our list of clients. (The same rule applies to clothes or shoes in our closet - we wear 20 percent of our inventory over and over, and that one-fifth gives us the most pleasure and lowest cost per wearing for the money we spent.)
With Mercury retrograde, if you get an offer for a new job, try not to accept or start until after June 11. The exception to this rule is if the offer comes from someone you had worked with in the past - a former boss, for example, or a company you worked for and loved, and would like to return to now. If you take a new job, with no ties to the past, you will likely find that the job description will change once you are there or is not at all what you were told you would be doing, and the difference won't please you.
Romantically, you will still have Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, residing in your fifth house of true love, a fantastic aspect that has been in place since July 2014. Jupiter is getting ready to leave this part of your chart on August 11, so it's important to circulate as much as possible while you have such favor from Jupiter. Jupiter won't be back in your fifth house of love again until June 2026. While you will find love in the intervening years, having that fateful meeting may not be as easy as it would be now. For any astrological aspect to work, you have to show your intent to the universe by doing your part at the time the aspect is at play. Be out and about, and be like Jupiter, open and accepting of a wide variety of people. If you set up too many qualifiers and barbed wire, it will be harder to meet your soul mate. You may think you know whom you want to date, but love is surprising - let some randomness into your life, and you may be surprised at the type of person you fall head over heels with now!
Jupiter in Leo and surprise-planet Uranus in Aries are now within orb of a harmonious "trine" linking your individuality (first house) with true love (fifth house). That is one of the best aspects possible for being hit by a thunderbolt when meeting someone new, and it will hit to exact mathematical perfection next month, over the weekend of June 20-21. Alas, nothing will happen if you stay home or shutter yourself in your office! You have Mars to help you find all the right words - and come across quite witty and funny - when you meet that new person, thanks to Mars in Gemini.
If you are attached, the eclipse of April 4 in Libra, ruling your close partner, has spoken, and if it brought jarring news, you have had time to reflect and deal with it. All eclipses require some level of need to adjust, from mild to extreme. Your business or marriage partner may still be on your mind as you enter May. This month, a greater-than-usual emphasis will fall on money that you hold jointly, such as with your spouse, or with an investor, banker, credit card, or mortgage company, or that you owe in taxes. Pluto, ruling big money, and Venus, ruling money too, will be friendly, so talks should go smoothly.
Saturn, the hard-driving planet that teaches the need to be practical and realistic, is heading back to your joint money house from June 14 to September 17. For best luck, try to complete talks now, in May, especially since Mercury retrograde is on the way. If talks have to go to June through September, keep expectations realistic and scaled down, or resume talks after Saturn leaves your money house September 17.
This month will be solidly about money, for an opening to find a new source of revenue will occur at or within two weeks after the new moon appears in Taurus, 27 degrees, May 18. New moons almost always open a portal of opportunity. If you feel you're due a raise, ask quickly after this new moon, for the money you receive may be the best you are able to glean for a year or more. Ask your boss what increase would be considered just - Saturn, active again, will help you secure that figure, but not a penny more, so think out your presentation. Mercury will go retrograde May 18 to June 11, too, so look back and go over your finest achievements for the firm in the past twelve months and point them out.
This month your toughest two day will be May 15 and May 22 when your health will be less robust, and a key relationship will be at its most difficult to navigate. These will not be days to bring up touchy topics. If you need surgery or a procedure, do so May 6 when Pluto's regenerating force will go the distance to help you.
Your very best day for a having a fine career interview or taking decisive professional action would be May 6 when Pluto will be in ideal angle to the Sun. VIPs will open their doors and give an honest listen to your ideas, and may also fund them.
Fan the fires of love after your ruler moves into Gemini, a lovely sign for you, for Mars will coax you to travel nearby to a sunny resort where you may bond closer to the one you love, or find new love by simply showing your face to the world. Best weekend to go? May 23-24 would be divine. See Dates to Note for more days to circle on your calendar.
Dates to Note: Aries
The full moon May 3 will bring a financial matter to your attention. It's time to pay bills and re-examine how you spend, save, earn, and invest.
Venus will enter Cancer May 7 to June 5, an opportunity to brighten your home with new touches.
On May 6, the Sun and Pluto will be on the same wavelength. See an authority figure about your career.
Mars will tour Gemini May 11-June 24, increasing your ability to travel and have fun while out of town. Mars is your ruler, so its activities are worth double the strength for you. You may also interact more with your sister or brother in coming weeks.
May 15 brings a push-pull - Mars says, "go" while Saturn says "stop!" Saturn will win, so proceed slowly for a few days. This is not a day to travel.
Saturday, May 16, brings Venus in ideal angle to Neptune - you can come up with beautiful fashion choices for new things to wear.
The new moon in Taurus on May 18 will bring a chance for you to find ways to ease a cash crunch. Selling things you no longer need on an auction site may be one idea.
Mercury will go retrograde May 18 to June 11 in your house of finances. If anyone owes you, send gentle reminders so you can get paid.
May 22 will be a very tough day, when the Sun (fire) will oppose Saturn (ice). It will be exhausting and may even be somewhat depressing. These two will square off in travel houses, so it's not a day to hit the road. If you are criticized by an older authority figure, take what is helpful to improve your performance, but don't let it get you down. You will feel better in a day or two!
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-05-01 20:54:10
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