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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 06:56:26
Aries Horoscope for February 2015
By Susan Miller
February starts out sprinkling sugar and spice over everything. The gorgeous full moon, February 3, will be in Leo and shower your solar fifth house of love with golden vibrations. You are due for a fabulously romantic evening, within four days of this date (before or after). Leo is the sign of luxury and fun, so it looks like Valentine's Day is due to come early for you! This full moon is at 15 degrees Leo, a strong degree as it falls in the middle of a fixed sign.
Uranus, in charge of surprises, and is gliding in Aries and will be just beautifully oriented to this full moon February 3, so whatever happens over this full moon will be completely unexpected, but in a way that will tickle you pink. You need to keep your sense of adventure with you on this day, for you will love the results if you are open to possibilities. Best of all, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will conjoin this full moon too, adding joy, luxury, and happiness. It's been a long time since I have seen a full moon THIS happy! If you are attached, you will get lots of attention from your partner, and if you hope for a baby, news on this day is due to be celebratory.
If you work in a creative field, you may also see a creative project finish, and in the best possible way. This day, and the days circling it, is simply outstanding. If you need to present an idea, do so on this full moon. February 2, the day prior to the peak of the full moon, might be ideal for a presentation, because the Sun and Uranus will be in ideal sync, and the group you are presenting the idea to will be in the mood for a radically new idea. If you need to sit down to think of new ideas and concepts, alone or with your team, you will find that brainstorming pays off. Your concepts will have the potential for blockbuster success, so take yourself seriously.
This full moon falls at 15 degrees, so if your birthday falls on April 5, plus or minus five days, this full moon will speak directly to you. The same would be true if you have a natal planet within four degrees of 15 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius; you will have lots to celebrate too.
Last month, Mercury was retrograde, starting January 21, but will go direct on February 11. Mercury was sliding backward in Aquarius, ruling electronics, so you may have had to go to see a repair person at some point this month. Also, Aquarius rules your friendships, so hopefully, an old friend has come back into your life, and you are having a grand time catching up. You won't be subject to the delays, backtracking, and indecision of executives that you had to deal with in January, not once Mercury goes direct February 11. If you need to sign a contract, wait until at least February 11, but I would suggest an even longer time period after that date to be sure all systems are go for you.
Most of the month, Mars, your ruler, will be touring your twelfth house of the subconscious, until February 20, sharpening your intuition. This is a time to closet yourself inside so that you can hear your small voice within, for it will not let you down. You will be amazed how on-target your instinct is during the first three weeks, so you will want to heed it.
Things will get very busy once Mars enters Aries on February 19, and the following day, February 20, Venus will enter Aries too. Venus loves to be with her lover Mars, but the universe usually sends them separately to far flung parts of the universe, so all they can hope to do is to gaze at one another on clear start-studded nights.
This month changes that, for your gold-star day will be February 22, when Venus and Mars, both in ARIES (!) will meet and embrace. This will be a Sunday, but you will feel the enchantment a day earlier, on February 21. Remarkably, the moon will be in Aries on February 21, making it a perfect weekend date. This year Valentine's Day is so-so, so I would suggest not getting too hung up on this day for lovers - for you, love comes in a rush on the February 3 full moon (plus or minus four days) or on February 21-22.
You might want to take a quick getaway for days near the ones I mentioned - go with your sweetheart or spouse. If you have no one to date or be with, that doesn't seem to be a likely situation for long - someone is sure to notice your charms this month. With Venus in your sign from February 20 until March 16, it would be a great time to improve your looks and your wardrobe. You won't have to try too hard to find the perfect selections and professionals to help you look your best. With Venus and Mars working so hard for you, you will be catnip to your admirers! Although everyone will enjoy this weekend for one reason or another due to Venus and Mars in sync, you will enjoy it much more, as both planets will be in Aries.
If your birthday falls on March 23, you hit the jackpot, for both Venus and Mars at 2 degrees will coincide with your Sun. However, there's hope if that's not your birthday! If you have a natal planet at 2 degrees Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, you will do just as well and have plenty to celebrate too as a result of the gorgeous linking of two lover planets. You see how important it is to know your natal chart?
(See SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com for information on natal charts - I can write an entire 65+ page illustrated book for you about your chart. Takes about two weeks - it's printing on demand, so your book is written by me just for you and no one else. )
The new moon comes next, on February 18, at 29 degrees 59 minutes, just a hair's breadth from Pisces at 0 degrees. This is a "cusp" new moon, helping almost all signs born at the end or very beginning of their signs. (If your birthday falls on or very close to April 19, this new moon will energize your life in a big way.) New people will begin to pour into your life, and you will be expanding your social circle quite a bit, a trend that started last month too.
This is a time to be out and about. Go to parties, mixers, award shows, runway fashion shows, conferences, and trade shows, and get more involved in social media. The idea is to cast a wide net, for you will make valuable contacts and acquaintances. You may decide to take a post in a volunteer organization, say, on your tenants' committee, the school parents' committee, or on a charity, humanitarian project, or political club. All these areas represent areas of strong personal growth.
One day when friendship may bring responsibility, when a friend will need you to help out, will be when Saturn will be in hard angle to the Sun, February 23. Or you may find travel difficult on this day.
Finally, February 25 and 26 should be lovely days. Mars, your ruler, in Aries, will be in perfect angle to Saturn, the planet of stability, and the Sun and Neptune, the planet of creativity, will bring on an enchanting, other-worldly glamour. If you want to go out tonight, do - it's your night to have fun.
You have a tender, romantic full moon to brighten your house of true love the minute the month opens, on February 3. This full moon is sure to bring happy, affectionate surprises galore, thanks to a shimmering beam from Uranus in Aries. If you are single and hoping to find someone new, this full moon will be your fairy godmother. You won't be able to guess what romantic episode is likely to transpire at this full moon, for Uranus is the planet of all things unexpected - be open to the serendipity. Additionally, as if this full moon could possibly be any better, jovial, generous Jupiter will be conjunct the full moon, so it seems you'll be treated to luxury - a wonderful dinner in a four-star restaurant with someone special, an invitation to a fabulous celebration party where your host has spared no expense, or a trip to a stunning locale where the accommodations are first-rate. Those are a few examples, but you get the idea. If you are dating, feelings will crest. If you are alone, you won't be for long. What a wonderful way to begin 2015!
Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius since January 21 and will go direct on February 11. This suggests that you may be taking your favorite electronic to the repair shop. Don't be tempted to replace the item quickly but instead wait until you get to a few days past Mercury's turn direct. In another way Mercury will affect you, Mercury will retrograde in your friendship house, so the upside of this phase will be that you are likely to run into an old friend you've not seen in years, and it will be fun reminiscing.
That's not all - socially things will pep up very soon. Friends are due to play a bigger role in your life after the new moon February 18. This new moon will be conjunct Neptune, boding well for any creative or artistic effort. However, don't sign papers after the new moon as Neptune may fog facts. If you rush to put your signature down on the dotted line, you may not notice a clause that may come back to bite you later. Saturn will be in hard angle to the new moon too, suggesting that if you agree to something at this new moon, or in the ten days that follow, you may be living with this situation a long time, possibly forever. It would be difficult to distance yourself from this agreement, so ask your lawyer look things over first to make sure all is in order. If the matter has to do with love, such as whether you want to move in together and perhaps give up your apartment, poll your friends and family first for advice.
From February 1 to 19, your ruler, Mars, will be in Pisces, stimulating your memories, making this the right time to decide on which parts of your life you'd like to keep as is, and which parts you know you need to change. You may also see patterns now in your own behavior that you'd like to avoid if you are single and dating - this month will give you a golden chance to get on a better path. This phase of Mars started last month, on January 12, so you may have already seen this trend influence you. Mars in Pisces encourages solitude, to think, pray, or engage in a creative project. If you meditate, or would like to learn how to meditate, this would be an ideal time to investigate this practice that is said to reduce stress and bring about a peaceful inner state and greater balance.
Life will become more vibrant after Mars moves into Aries for the first time in two years on February 19, energizing you, and making you practically driven to launch a venture or relationship that you have in mind. Astrologers say that actions taken when Mars is in your own sign have a far higher success rate, simply because you won't take "no" for an answer. You will go to the mat to grow your venture. As an Aries, you have never liked the concept of "Win or lose, it's how you play the game." No, Aries wants to win while still playing by the rules - to you, your motto is "Failure is not an option," and in late February Mars in Aries will be fueling your determination. If you are athletic, you may now score a personal best, and if you are in an athletic competition after February 19, you may win.
Romantically, having Mars in Aries will make you unforgettable and highly magnetizing to admirers, and you will be noticed. Mars will imbue you with confidence and make you more attractive too. Get ready to step out and meet new people. Moreover, Mars' lover, Venus, will tour Aries too, starting February 20, and continue to shower you with her gifts of beauty and charm until March 16. These two planets, Venus and Mars, always want to be together, as they are the cosmic lover planets, but rarely are in each other's arms, as the universe sends each to far flung places in the solar system, too far away to touch. All they can hope for is to gaze at one another across a star-studded sky.
This month, however, Venus and her lover Mars will conjoin in each other's arms in the constellation of Aries (!) over the weekend of February 21-22. This is a very rare event, and one you will want to celebrate. You will be completely irresistible to at least one person who will become captivated by you. If single, plan to go out over this weekend, and if attached, plan a very special weekend together; weave a tapestry of love.
Dates to Note for Aries
Get ready for a divinely romantic full moon in Leo, February 3, plus or minus four days.
Mars will remain in Pisces until February 19, increasing your intuition.
After Mars moves into Aries, February 19 to March 31, you will be moving at the speed of light. That's when you will want to launch something new at work!
Venus will glide in Aries from February 20 to March 16.
Mercury started to retrograde last month, from January 21 to February 11.
The new moon February 18 will set off lovely fireworks in your most social sector. Make new friends, join clubs. Meet as many new people as possible.
Put a gold star on February 21-22, the most romantic weekend of the month, possibly of the year. If Valentine's Day comes early (within days of February 3 or later, over this weekend of February 21-22, rejoice! You don't need a greeting card holiday to celebrate your love. Singles have an outstanding chance to meet someone new!
February 25-26 are two very happy days. Mars will signal Saturn, giving longevity to all you do on February 25. Also, Neptune will link to the Sun, bringing increased creativity. Don't sign a contract on these days - these are days to dream big and come up with new ideas. February 26 has lots of sweet aspects too. Enjoy these days!
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 18:56:26
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