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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2017年 7月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2017-07-04 Tue. 10:32:09

Aries Horoscope for July 2017

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan

July 2017

Dear Readers,

By now you may know about my serious medical emergency involving my right eye. It began on June 20, but I didn’t think much about it…

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are about to see a major development in your career and it should be an exciting moment. The full moon on July 8 in Capricorn 16 degrees will put you in the spotlight, with applause and reward for work well done. July 8 is a weekend date, so if you don’t work on weekends, you may feel the effects of this important career-oriented full moon on July 7, a Friday, or July 10, Monday.

You may get a promotion or praise for a complex project that you handled exceedingly well. If you are promoted, you will be handing a very responsible job that includes overseeing budgets, even if you’re in a role that has not required you to deal with finances in the past. Pluto will conjoin the moon, indicating just how important your role is blossoming into, and how much influence you will soon wield in your company and possibly your industry. If you do not see that you are rapidly rising to the top this month, you almost certainly will in January 2018, when a remarkable number of six planets will congregate in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement at the very top of your chart. (This is the same part of your chart that’s lit up now, only by then – in January – it will give you even MORE cosmic energy.) Saturn is very close to entering your tenth house too, so you certainly are being groomed for more.

At the same time these exciting developments are taking place in your career, you appear to be very focused on improving your apartment or house. You might be thinking of making a move or simply having the pleasure of renovating or decorating your living space. No matter what you have in mind to do, you will find plenty of options now, so devote yourself to home-related matters. The darling new moon of late last month that occurred June 23 opened a window of opportunity that you can still take advantage of in early July.

It’s imperative that you search for solutions to any home-related goal now, before the aspects evaporate like perfume into the air and vanish. Mars, your ruler, is now in Cancer for the first time in two years and filling your house of home. Mars will remain in Cancer until July 20, so you must get cracking the minute the month begins. After all, you not only have the ideal placement of your ruler, Mars, to help you get started, but also the help of last month’s new moon, June 23, but the time on that new moon’s strength will be limited too.

If you love your living space as it is, you can decide to entertain family and friends at your home or invite strangers in if you work with companies like Airbnb who vet their clients. You can alternatively paint a room, buy new linens, replace your dishes, declutter, find the perfect roommate, or buy a new piece of furniture that is usually expensive but now, lucky you, could easily be on sale.

There is a slight indication that someone in your family might try to strong-arm you into doing something for them or to accept their dictate through controlling you in some way. I say this because as the month opens, Pluto will oppose Mars, your ruler, from the tenth house of career success to your fourth house of home. (In an aspect like this, it could be vice versa, with the domineering person coming in the form of your boss, who is rapidly turning into psycho-boss.) I would be happy to be wrong about this, so don’t worry too much. If you have a hard day as the month begins, you will know that people are under pressure and not likely themselves.

You might be thinking of taking a trip soon now, as Venus will enter Gemini and your third house of short distance travel on July 4 for several weeks, until August 26. The next day, July 5, Venus and the Sun will be in perfect sync with Neptune, the planet of romance, enchantment, creativity, and inspiration. You could not choose a more ideal time to pack and go. You are likely to benefit a great deal from being away. If you can be near water – Neptune’s domain – you would have an even richer romantic experience.

Later, in mid-month, you have another golden day, July 14, when Mercury and Jupiter will work together to make travel fun. If you are attached in marriage or an established long-term relationship, you will have the edge. With Mercury in your house of love, and Jupiter in your house of committed partnerships, this day glows for pure romance. You can travel; hand in an important written document or report; give a speech; or sign the work order for a new app, website, or other communications-oriented project. This would be a fantastic day to sign a contract.

    The most heavenly part of the month will be the love and fun that occurs in your life in the weeks that follow after the new moon, July 23.

The mighty Sun, new moon, Mars, and Mercury will all move into your fifth house of true love. Suddenly, career won’t matter so much to you – apparently, your career will be doing fine – so you can focus entirely on your love life. Remarkably, at this new moon you will have a rare golden triangle in the sky, linking Mercury in Leo (communication, and Mercury is in the love sector), Uranus in Aries (cooking up surprises for you), and Saturn in Sagittarius (stability from events, especially when traveling). This is an incredibly beautiful aspect, mathematically perfect, indicating these planets will be working hard for you to help you find love. At the end of July, you could be basking in the warm glow of love.

If you are attached, you will do well too, for you will have time for each other, and the topic of having a baby may become up. If so, the timing is ideal, and there seems to be no reason for you to wait. If you have the dear children you want, then you may be finding ways to delight and surprise your child or children in July or August.

The other bonus from Mars in Leo will be that your creativity will be on fire, so you will be wise to brainstorm for ideas. If you have a project on your desk now, you can add dazzling touches to make it stand out. Mars in Leo will continue this trend from July 20 to September 5, a good amount of time to shape your project or new idea. (In the United States, September 5 falls just after Labor Day, a major American holiday and also the unofficial end of summer. This makes it easy to remember – if you live in the US, you have the summer to work on your plan, with the idea firmed up by Labor Day. Your love life will burn throughout this phase at the very same time, too.)

If your birthday falls on March 20 or 21, plus four days, you will find this new moon brings a double dip of pleasure. The same is true if you have 0 to 5 degrees of Aries rising, the natal moon in Aries (same degrees), or a natal planet in the degrees stated in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.

If you are dreaming about changes you want to make to your home, you have an open road to make them happen now. Mars, your ruling planet, is now in Cancer and bringing you the opportunity and motivation you need to get started. The new moon of last month, June 23, may have drawn your interest, and perhaps you’ve started a vision board or box of favorite paint chips, fabric swatches, floor samples, and a collection of tear sheets from magazines to give life to your ideas. Get most of your home-related work done while Mars stays in Cancer until July 20.

A bit of a warning: On July 17, watch where you walk if workmen are leaving tools and supplies on the floor. With Mars in hard angle to Uranus, you can’t be too careful. This same aspect, alternatively, might instead be manifested not physically but emotionally, and trigger a conflict with a partner, roommate, contractor, or any professional who is helps you with your home project. On this day, easy does it. Family – specifically parents – are connected with your home too, so avoid controversial topics then too.

In terms of your career, you are about to hear big news near the full moon, July 8. With Pluto conjunct the moon, you are likely to be in the spotlight and perceived as powerful and effective. More responsibility is likely to be given to you at this time, and while you will be overjoyed to hear this news, obligations and activities going on at home will tug at you too. It appears that for now, the lure of the new professional opportunity will win out over concern for juggling all that is expected of you at home, for someone very high level has apparently taken an interest in your abilities and the promise of your greater potential. The position about to be offered to you appears to be a creative role, or one that you would work with creative people to get it done. Music, art, dance, film, and photography are prominent, as given by the position of Neptune in his natural position in the twelfth house.

You may hanker to travel, and if so, think about heading out for a long weekend starting early Friday, July 14 to Sunday, July 16. Mercury, the planet of quick, spontaneous travel, will be in ideal angle to the great benefactor planet, Jupiter. Mercury is now moving through your love sector, and Jupiter is ensconced in your marriage / partnership house, setting up a direct link between these two houses to bring you opportunity for fun and love. To top off this weekend, the transiting moon will be in Aries, so you can get all things your way.

Now let’s turn to your fantastic social life, about to start up in the third week of the month, from July 20 to September 5. (The latter date is ironically the day that falls directly after the US holiday, Labor Day). Perfect! This flurry of activity will make your summer a memorable one. In fact, you have one of the most spectacular sets of planetary aspects of any sign to find love in coming weeks. Hurry to get your home “just so” before this exciting trend starts. Once Mars enters Leo July 20, you’ll be in the right mood to meet someone special, and that is half the battle – your willing attitude will make or break this trend. On July 23, the first of two powerful new moons will light your house of romance, the next one due in August as a powerful solar eclipse. Mars will conjoin that new moon this month, giving energy and impetus to get out and live it up.

Next month, the friendly eclipses of August 7 and August 21 will take things up another notch, and will almost certainly stir up fun and love too. Watch in particular the August 21 solar eclipse, for that one will build on the events of the new moon of July 23. For now, focus on the days following the July 23 new moon, which will be made in heaven for your love life. The Sun and new moon, plus Mars and Mercury, will all be in your true love sector and likely trigger many social events and possibly an exciting introduction.

You’ve not had this much cosmic luck in matters of the heart in ages. Finally, in case you needed still ANOTHER signal that you are entering the very best period of 2017 and that August will be YOUR month for love is this: Venus will visit Leo; your best spot to sparkle brightly and to attract authentic love interests will be from August 26 to September 19. With this kind of star power, everyone will wish they were you.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2017-07-04 10:32:09
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 116 
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