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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2017年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2017-10-01 Sun. 21:29:12

Aries Horoscope for October 2017

Mar 21 - Apr 19
A Note from Susan

September 2017

Dear Readers,

I have so much news to share! Do you remember that my director…

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

As you begin October, you are certainly working hard and being appreciated more than you know. Mars, your ruler, is in detail-oriented Virgo, so you will find you need to concentrate strongly on the task at hand and not let anyone or anything interfere with your thought process. This will only continue for three more weeks, until October 21, and then it appears that your load will lighten considerably. You may be at the finish of a very important project that started last month, possibly as early as September 5. I am happy to tell you that at the start of October, you are halfway to being done.

All you are doing is being noted, too. At the very start of the month, Mars will be in perfect sync with Pluto in your house of fame and honors, and a few days later, October 5, Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, will be aligned in your house of work projects, showing you how much your work is being valued by not only higher-ups but co-workers and subordinates too.

The full moon in Aries 13 degrees is also on October 5/6. (Note: The full moon will appear late-night on October 5 on the West Coast, and on October 6, in the wee hours of the morning the next day on the East Coast, and subsequently, the full moon will appear throughout October 6 in Europe and beyond.)

This full moon in Aries will bring something of enormous importance to fruition at this time, plus or minus four days. It could be about virtually anything, but it’s so dear to your heart that I can’t tell you precisely what it is – but you know. At the same time, a VIP may be pressuring you quite a bit. Have your armor on and see what comes up. Be diplomatic – you won’t want to undo all the good you have been doing all month. If your birthday falls on April 2, plus or minus five days, I feel you will notice the effects of this full moon within days it appears October 5-6.

I feel you will fare well at this time, however, because any full moon in Aries would put Mars in the lead, and as said, Mars will cuddle up to Venus at the same time the full moon is appearing, protecting you, your reputation, and the way your work is being viewed by the people who matter to you.

This will be a big month because on October 10, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will change signs, and move into Scorpio. Jupiter is a wonderful planet, for is job is simply to make you happy, and he asks for nothing in return. This will be the very first time you have hosted Jupiter in Scorpio since October 2005 through November 2006, a period of thirteen months.

The place that Jupiter will set up shop will be your solar eighth house of other people’s money, which covers a wide area. This is generally the house that allows for dreams to be funded, for it rules the large sums of money you would need to borrow (or be given) to grasp that dream. If you want to go to college, you might want to apply for a scholarship or student loan. If you have a solid idea for a business, you might seek venture capital, or a loan or line of credit from the bank. Taxes fall in this house, so you might get a good tax refund. If you want to buy a house, you may go to the bank for a mortgage. This planet of goodness, expansion, and profit will again stay a period of thirteen months, in this house from October 10, 2017 until November 8, 2018.

This is financial area of your chart that will glow brilliantly for you, so if you do need money, you must not hesitate to apply for it. Other areas of gain include court or divorce settlements, division of assets at the end of a business, child support, inheritance, a generous insurance payout, money from a pension, prize winnings (including being a contestant on a TV show), or valuable gifts that you will receive. To be clear, the eighth house, so lit up for you, is not the house of salary – that would be the second house – although at times you will feel some spillover from the eighth house of other people’s money into your salary house. This is because houses opposite each other on the horoscope wheel often ping energy and benefits from one house to the other across the skies, in a 180-degree line.

If you work on commission, royalty, licensing fee arrangement, or bonus, you should do well this year. Perhaps you can work on a compensation package that will be part flat fee and part commission, or negotiate a year-end bonus. This area of your chart also rules perks – vacation days, flextime, matching tuition funding, a great health insurance policy, and so forth. You can be creative this year in your negotiations if you can’t quite get the salary you want. You might suggest that you be granted one or two of the company benefits listed (or others you can think of) that are valuable to you.

The new moon on October 19 will appear in Libra, 27 degrees, in your committed relationship sector, ruling marriage and all kinds of business collaborations and formal partnerships. You might find that this is a bit of a complicated new moon. On one hand, the Sun and new moon are cuddled close to Jupiter, which is wonderful. Jupiter will want to help your home situation, your love life, and if you have one, a committed relationship in love or business. However, Uranus at 27 degrees is precisely opposed to this new moon, creating quite a ruckus, and could create a very jarring event. Uranus is known for creating shock, and it would come from an area that you would not be thinking about or see coming in a financial way – have a look at the areas listed.

    The eighth house where Jupiter will enter on October 10 is a financial area of your chart. From October 10, 2017 through November 8, 2018, you will become a money magnet.

This new moon reminds me of its twin, the difficult full moon of April 11, which caused stress to some, but not all, readers. That full moon back in April this year was at 22 degrees Libra, very close in degree to the one that will happen this month. If your birthday falls on or after April 14, you felt it last April and if your birthday falls on April 14-19, you will notice this new moon. A new moon is less emotional than any full moon (that was back in April), but a new moon has a longer tail. By that I mean, you may need six months or longer to fully figure out what to do about what comes up.

If you have any natal planets at 27-29 degrees, you will feel this month’s new moon in a way that will give you pause, and you will have to think of precisely how you want to handle the topic that comes up. This new moon is especially focused on Aries born April 17-19, any year.

A week later, in this upside down month, we have the luckiest day of the year, October 26. By then the Sun will be in Scorpio, and so will Jupiter; on this fantastic day, the Sun will multiply the goodness of Jupiter many times over. This day will be great for buying a charity raffle ticket, a scratch-off lotto ticket (where you can control the day you would win – it has to be October 25 or October 26 or October 27, giving the luckiest day of the year a plus or minus one day).

There are many other ways to use these sparkling days, October 26, plus or minus one day. On the luckiest day of the year you can apply for a mortgage, buy or sell a house or condo, choose the contractor you will use for a renovation, buy or sell furniture, or sign up with Airbnb. It’s also the right time to apply for aid if you have been a victim of a hurricane or other natural disaster.

Also, on your luckiest days of the year, use these days to interview for a job or to negotiate your compensation for a new job. You can sign a contract, ask the bank for a line of credit, apply for a scholarship, or reassess your investment with your advisor. You can also use these days to travel because Jupiter will work to expand your horizons. You can even use these days – especially October 27 – for a first date, and that includes a first meeting in a coffee shop.

Halloween falls on October 31, a Tuesday, when the transiting moon will be in Pisces, indicating this year the costumes will be highly imaginative. What a great day for going to a party after work, or if you get invited to a party over the proceeding weekend, on Saturday, October 28, the moon will be in Aquarius – a really special spot for you. You’ll have plenty of fun, and will be surrounded by warm old and new friends.


The month starts off with Mars and Pluto in perfect sync. Once and for all, you can prove your worth, for the quality of your work appears to be reaching new heights of excellence, impressing higher-ups, co-workers, and those who report to you, too. With planets in earth signs, your ideas will are rooted in practicality these days, so your business smarts are shining through.

When it comes to love, you might find October to be a bit uneven. The month certainly starts out great. Sexy Mars, your ruler, will be snuggling up to Venus in your workaday sector. If single, you may have your eye on a person who works in your company as a writer, copywriter, researcher, editor, or other person in communications, including software development, telecommunications, information technology, marketing, or public relations. It’s a good time to trust the sparks you feel and to gently hint that you’d be open to having coffee or a glass of wine after work.

The extraordinary alignment of Venus and Mars that will happen on October 5 will be the same day as the full moon in Aries, October 5, and amplify your emotions and put the spotlight on you and your desires. Yet, be careful because Pluto – suggesting a higher-up or client – may be demanding and even critical of your work, an odd occurrence, considering how well liked you are and how smoothly your career is apparently proceeding. Keep your focus, for Mars, your ruler, will be so beautifully angled to Venus that by using charm, you can win the day.

The new moon of October 19 will show up differences between you and the one you love, and you may be rocked by what you hear in the days that follow. Still, if you clear the air and discuss things thoroughly, over time you may be able forge a stronger relationship.

By October 22, Mars will move into Libra, giving you more time to attend to your one-and-only. If you are not attached, if you have a business collaborator, agent, coach, or other such person, you will be more focused on that person. Generally, with Mars so far from your Sun, follow the lead of others for the time being, for any attempt to steer things so that they go only your way will not work out well. Cooperation is the keyword to remember. This situation is temporary, and you can smooth out differences in time.

Financially you will likely be thrilled with your income from now on, for good fortune Jupiter, the good fortune planet, has just moved into your eighth house of other people’s money for the first time since late 2005-2006. Your efforts to fund a big, expensive dream is edging closer than you might assume, so fill out the application for the money you need. You can get financial aid for college or graduate school, get venture capital for a new business with a well-written business plan, or find you are able to buy your first house or condo. If you already own property, you can renovate your present space. You will have thirteen months of Jupiter’s financial help, so you can see your dream materialize.

You also might earn a large bonus or commission, be awarded a major insurance payout, or even win a fortune on a TV game show. You will be a money magnet until November 2018, so if negotiating a new job or promotion, if you can’t get the salary you want, look to company perks as the area where you will do remarkably well. This kind of payment may more than compensate you for the salary you might not be able to negotiate.

One day to circle for proof of your good luck with financial talks will be when Jupiter aligns with the Sun, October 26, the luckiest day of the year (allow a plus or minus one day). Although October 26 will be the luckiest day for everyone, each sign will experience luck differently. For you, dear Aries, the outcome translates to a generous sum of money to fatten your bank account.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2017-10-01 21:29:12
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 143 
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