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※ 本文為 way7344 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-23 18:56:48
看板 LoL
作者 llabc (糸色ㄒ弋石包云鬼)
標題 Re: [情報] 千呼萬喚始出來patch note
時間 Wed Apr 18 12:21:44 2012

: New Skins in the Store
: Reaper Hecarim
: Blood Knight Hecarim


: Hecarim, the Shadow of War

: Warpath (Passive) – Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage
: equal to a percentage of his bonus movement speed.
戰爭之徑 (被動) - 客家人忽視單位碰撞並且將額外跑速轉換成AD

: Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.
暴怒之擊 - 客家人對鄰近敵人使用順劈斬造成物理傷害

: Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short
: duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those
: enemies suffer.
恐懼之魂 - 客家人造成對鄰近敵人造成魔法傷害,並且debuff持續時間內,敵方受到

: Devastating Charge - Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for a short
: duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional
: physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the
: ability.
破壞之襲 - 客家人短時間內得到額外的跑速,下一次攻擊將造成額外傷害並擊退敵人,

: Onslaught of Shadows (Ultimate) - Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges
: forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he
: finishes his charge, dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies
: causing them to flee in terror.
屠戮之影 - 客家人召喚靈魂騎士並向前突進,對線上被踩到的敵人造成魔法傷害,並在

: Annie
: Pyromania now works like other charged passives (activating a spell with the
: stun no longer builds a charge, but number of charges required to energize
: reduced to 4 from 5)
安妮 - 當被動的暈發動時那一發技能不會疊被動。

: Akali
: Base armor increased to 20 from 17
: Base health increased to 530 from 510
: Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks
: or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
: Fixed a bug where Twilight Shroud was not applying assists properly
阿卡莉 - 基本AR由17提升為20
         修正R點高後,充能時間不會跟著改變(R集一發需要25/20/15 sec)
         以及冷卻時間不會改變(CD 2/1.5/1 sec)直到集滿3發。
: Gragas
: Updated recommended items
酒鬼 - 推薦物品改變。

: Graves
: Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage could cost mana and go on cooldown
: without firing
葛雷夫 - 修正R花了MP並且進入CD但是沒有發射的bug.

: Irelia
: Fixed a bug where Irelia was reducing the duration of Blinds and Silences by
: too much
: Fixed a bug around failing to fire any extra Transcendent Blades
伊瑞莉亞 - 修正莉亞對沉默跟致盲減免太多的bug。

: Jax
: Relentless Assault (Passive) will now stack even if Jax's attack misses or is
: dodged
賈克斯 - 修正R的被動,現在就算miss或是被閃避也會疊。

: Karma
: Fixed a bug where Mantra's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or
: cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (2)
卡瑪 - 修正大嬸R的充能時間不會隨著CDR的提升跟著改變直到填滿(2層)的bug
                            (大嬸的R哪裡來的new rank.....riot你唬我啊!!)
: Kayle
: Divine Blessing
: Heal amount increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 45/85/125/165/205
: Movement Speed increased to 18/21/24/27/30% from 15/17/19/21/23%
: Movement Speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
: Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/65/70/75/80
凱爾 - 神聖祝福(w)

: Kog'maw
: No longer regenerates health in Icathian Surprise
寇格魔 - 死掉之後的自爆蟲狀態不會回血了。(有差嗎?!)

: Janna
: Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is
: channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)
: Monsoon
: Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350
: Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000

珍那 - Q現在擊飛的高度也會隨著集氣時間提高。原本固定擊飛高度固定100,



: Leona
: Sunlight now has a new particle
: Zenith Blade hit box increased slightly to match the animation
: Fixed a bug where Sunlight could occasionally cause double kills against
: targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)
蕾歐娜 - 被動調整。
: Lulu
: Fixed a display error for Lulu's passive - passive now correctly states how
: much damage Pix is doing.
: Fixed a bug where Pix could remain helping an ally after it had returned to
: Lulu.
: Fixed a bug where Lulu was taking damage credit while Pix was aiding an ally.
露路 - 修正露路被動說明文的顯示錯誤,現在會正確的顯示小皮當前的傷害。

: Lux
: Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10
拉克斯 - 修正E的冷卻時間為10秒。(原來11秒是個bug?)

: Malphite
: Fixed a bug where Seismic Shard's Movement Speed was lost if the target died
墨菲特 - 修正Q偷到的跑速在目標死掉之後會消失的bug.

: Miss Fortune
: Fixed a bug where effects like Guardian Angel broke Strut until she died and
: respawned
好運姊 - 修正一些特效像是復活甲之類的會造成被動失效,直到死掉從溫泉重生的bug.

: Mordekaiser

: Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser could cause minions to attack themselves.
魔鬥凱薩 - 修正魔豆造成的怪物互擊。

: Orianna
: Command: Attack mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70
奧莉安娜 - Q的耗魔從50/55/60/65/70減少為固定50。

: Sejuani
: Arctic Assault mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
: Glacial Prison cooldown reduced to 130/115/100 seconds from 150/130/110
史瓦妮 - Q的耗魔從70/80/90/100/110減少為70/75/80/85/90

: Swain
: Ravenous Flock upkeep cost reduced to 5/6/7 from 5/7/9
: Basic attack frame speed increased
斯溫 - R的維持耗魔從5/7/9減少為5/6/7。

: Teemo
: Move Quick cooldown reduced to 17 seconds from 22
: Fixed a bug where Noxious Trap's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks
: or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
: Fixed a bug where Teemo's 'Toxic Shot' was doing less damage than intended at
: higher attack speeds.
提摩 - W的冷卻時間從22秒減少為17秒。

: Tristana
: Tristana will now attempt to immediately attack champions targeted by
: Explosive Shot or Buster Shot.
崔斯塔娜 - 炮娘現在會直接攻擊E或是R的目標。(公式:E'=E+A,R'=R+A)
: Vladimir
: Fixed a bug where Vladimir could occasionally be hit by projectiles while in
: Sanguine Pool
弗拉迪米爾 - 修正噴血鬼有時候變血池還會被一些雜七雜八的怪東西打到的bug。

: Yorick
: Fixed a bug where Ravenous Ghoul failed to heal Yorick before leveling up
: Decaying Ghoul
約瑞科 - 修正E在升級W之前治療無效的bug。

: Ziggs
: Fixed a bug where Hexsplosive Minefield's slow effect was displayed higher
: than intended.
齊格斯 - 修正E的緩速效果中,技能說明比實際上高的bug。
      (也就是技能說明E slow 20/25/30/35/40%,但是事實上沒緩那麼多)
: Zilean
: * Time Warp mana cost reduced to 80 from 100
: * Chronoshift mana cost reduced to 125/150/175 from 200 at all ranks

鶺鴒 - E的耗魔從100減少為80。

: Items
: Atma's Impaler Health to Damage conversion lowered to 1.5% from 2%

: Doran's Blade Health reduced to 80 from 100

: Doran's Ring Health reduced to 80 from 100

: Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3.

: Wit's End combine cost increased to 700 from 550 (total cost increased to
: 2150 from 2000)

: Last Whisper will now show up as a Pickaxe upgrade in the item shop

: General

: Champion XP/Gold Rewards
: Champions gain more experience for killing higher level champions (especially
: 2 or more levels) but less experience for killing lower level ones
: Maximum bounty for killing a champion on a long killing streak increased to
: 600 from 500
: Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations
: with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total
: experience than solo, up from 26.1%




: HP and MANA regen rates are now displayed on your HP and Mana bars

: Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default (instead of L)

: Monster regeneration sigils now restore up to 40 mana (from 30)

: Added floating status text (for example "Snared!") to some spells that were
: missing it (like Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze), and removed it from
: displacement effects that didn't need it (like Gragas' Explosive Cask)

(就是像被牛頂飛的knock back之類被CC技打到頭上會跳的那些字啦)

: Fixed another bug causing double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian
: Surprise)

: Added the rules for making a Summoner Name to the Summoner Creation screen
: when new accounts log into PvP.net for the first time

: Features

: Animated Combat Text
: Added animated text for all damage done
: Damage is now colored depending on what type of damage it is.
: Physical Damage = Red
: Magic Damage = Purple
: True Damage = White

: Legacy damage text can be enabled via the options menu.
: Added animated status text for CC effects and immunities
: Death Recap is now colored based on the damage type done
: Interface Options reworked to support new floating combat text.
: Fixed a bug where damage text would sometimes linger on the screen

: Announcement System

: Improved the priority and responsiveness of kill announcements

: Larger multi-kills will now take priority over smaller multi-kills by the
: same player (the smaller multi-kill will be dropped)

: The ACE! Announcement should now be more responsive
: Added first-pass animated kill announcement banners for Multi-kills and First
: blood

: PvP.net features
: Added first win of the day status to the summoner profile.

: Added a search function to the custom games list. Searches can be performed
: by game name or host name.

: Runes

: Lesser Mark of Warding, Mark of Warding, Greater Mark of Warding Magic Resist
: reduced by 20%

: Lesser Glyph of Warding, Glyph of Warding, Greater Glyph of Warding Magic
: Resist reduced by 10%

: Lesser Quintessence of Warding, Quintessence of Warding, Greater Quintessence
: of Warding reduced by 11.1%

: Lesser Glyph of Insight, Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Insight Magic
: Penetration increased by 20%

: Lesser Quintessence of Insight, Quintessence of Insight, Greater Quintessence
: of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 15%

: Lesser Glyph of Potency, Glyph of Potency, Greater Glyph of Potency Ability
: Power increased by 20%

: Co-op vs. AI

: Added Sion Bot and Vladimir Bot

: Improved bots' target acquisition while near enemy towers to reduce amount of
: tower diving
: Improved bots' logic for assisting each other
: Bots now properly purchase elixirs after finishing their item builds
: Fixed a bug where bots would sometimes randomly path toward the enemy base
: The difficulty level of Co-Op Vs. AI games will now be displayed in the End
: of Game screen after each game
: Added the ability for the host of a Custom Dominion game to add bots to the
: game



最後感想:Kog你是要送人家幾個double kill!!??

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
chjimmy     :翻譯推1F 04/18 12:23
fufubird    :凱爾的W是從2.5->3秒吧?2F 04/18 12:24
WiNdexEX    :股票看久了  紅綠會看反  a_a3F 04/18 12:24
bob780605   :飛斯:為什麼你的PASSIVE比我好QwQ4F 04/18 12:26
k1728391    :靠為啥AP上升MR下降阿5F 04/18 12:27
joy159357   :凱爾根本就是在死一次而已吧= =6F 04/18 12:27
toaykoyo    :常看美股就不會了XDD7F 04/18 12:27
squall0963  :好像混進奇怪的東西了 鶺鴒...8F 04/18 12:29
chjimmy     :原來美股用色跟台股相反?(真的不知道)9F 04/18 12:29
※ 編輯: llabc           來自:         (04/18 12:30)
link515     :蕾歐娜好萌的感覺 0.010F 04/18 12:29
c0705       :台灣跟其他國家相反11F 04/18 12:29
potionx     :美股比台股久多了吧...12F 04/18 12:29
Raynor      :凱爾錯了 是2.5s=>3s buff了13F 04/18 12:30
gary63122   :推~~~~~~~~~~~14F 04/18 12:30
jackalin2002:推~客家人15F 04/18 12:33
※ 編輯: llabc           來自:         (04/18 12:34)
joy159357   :感覺OP莉亞人一多就沒辦法CC= = 放了跟沒放一樣16F 04/18 12:37
ChampionYe  :看到客家人還以為真的是為台灣推出的咧= =17F 04/18 12:38
dontkillme  :扣隔膜當然有差....才不會瞬間死兩次=  =臭蟲..18F 04/18 12:39
mark0912n   :莉雅已經不OP了...19F 04/18 12:41
octopus1991 :利亞已經完全爛掉了20F 04/18 12:42
mark0912n   :還有伊瑞R會被Jax反擊風暴閃掉要不要改阿...21F 04/18 12:42
mark0912n   :完全爛掉...倒是沒這麼嚴重啦...
henrygod    :Leona <333323F 04/18 12:45
kerry0496x  :一旦op角被nerf  版上總是會說得跟世界末日一樣@@24F 04/18 12:48
kerry0496x  :但跟真正杯劇的角色比起來  還不算差
TWemperor   :大男大女都要冷凍了 上路藍寶和吸血鬼會更強26F 04/18 12:55
octopus1991 :上路藍寶真的很誇張強27F 04/18 12:56
imbturtle   :符文一改 上路AP又更猛了28F 04/18 12:59
Jackalxx    :那時候吸血槍被nerf也一堆人喊說上路AP悲劇了啊www29F 04/18 12:59
Jackalxx    :才這點改動根本不會毀滅大男大女
callmedance :我只看到udyr一天比一天慘,被動拔掉+末日削弱31F 04/18 13:00
Raynor      :有什麼好冷凍的...0.5%在HP3000也才差1532F 04/18 13:02
Raynor      :末刃也不過就多幾隻兵的錢
w3160828    :會出末刃的將狗表示...34F 04/18 13:03
henrygod    :個人是覺得不痛不癢 不過符文改動會讓上路AP前期變強35F 04/18 13:03
kerry0496x  :不過吸魔劍和吸魔大劍會更常出36F 04/18 13:03
henrygod    :                     根本沒啥差 跳錢不是跳假的37F 04/18 13:04
kerry0496x  :對大男大女的出裝變化是有促進效果38F 04/18 13:04
usoko       :150差了2個眼 對jungle來說是很大的影響39F 04/18 13:05
kerry0496x  :會逼得我去變化出裝  而不是死背40F 04/18 13:05
Raynor      :                     只好多殺一個人再回買41F 04/18 13:05
TWemperor   :差15差多少你知道嗎? 加成AD從嗜血等級變BF等級42F 04/18 13:18
TWemperor   :我在已經不玩要買終末的大男了 只玩JAX和新吉德
TWemperor   : 現在
lightshield :lia真的被改太多了 為什麼要這樣對她...45F 04/18 13:34
jeffreyshe  :樓上對ire的叫法真特別46F 04/18 13:35
kindless    :IRE真的要被我gg了 跟以前比起來覺得好難對線47F 04/18 13:42
silveriii   :gg的用法越來越多元了48F 04/18 13:44
lzetn       :我的第一隻英雄ire終於要完全走入歷史了...49F 04/18 13:47
iljapan61   :gg= good game ,不是在結束時說這場打得好嗎~囧50F 04/18 13:47
lzetn       :從有6300幾乎玩到30都在玩她T^T51F 04/18 13:48
rosso0922   :客家人根本深淵魔阿....就像是kass=破魔師一樣52F 04/18 13:48
comebuy01   : 增加更煞氣的多重擊殺跟第一滴血公告XDDDDDDDDD53F 04/18 13:49
evildark    :前幾天wickd鱷魚才被op利亞打爆...54F 04/18 14:10
TheMidnight :Ire又被捅一刀了...55F 04/18 14:15
kerry0496x  :越來越需要技術  就代表打慣op打法的玩家會棄玩56F 04/18 14:22
wafone      :Ire是之前過太爽了 現在這樣剛好而已57F 04/18 14:31
virus13     :反正被冰的又不只她  無感覺了58F 04/18 14:32
TWemperor   :的確不只他 AD大男大女都要被冰了59F 04/18 14:38
TWemperor   :一堆低端的被打爆都哭哭說大男聯盟 事實上根本不是
TWemperor   :如果是大男聯盟 那為什麼各服的高端都是MAIN中上路?
TWemperor   :說錯 是MAIN中下路
behigh      :單上也很多人MAIN阿63F 04/18 14:42
Lio41       :哥有四多藍 現在就是菜~~~64F 04/18 14:51
ckp4131025  :其實之前有統計過main上路的真的有比較少65F 04/18 16:02
ckp4131025  :不過最少的是SUP
zoeysui     :連殺公告那邊應該是說同一個人一次殺5隻67F 04/18 16:02
zoeysui     :他不會再從double喊到penta,而是只有公告penta
lbowlbow    :ww表示烏迪爾你還混的太好了…69F 04/18 16:07
Ekmund      :哇靠 大改 終末跟多藍都nerf orz70F 04/18 16:09
glenye123   :我喜歡從單雙 雙殺 三殺 四殺 喊道胖達kill 很屌的感71F 04/18 16:31
bt222       :終末1.5%哭巴少阿72F 04/18 16:33
louis123321 :終末太少了吧...根本超不想出了...XDDD73F 04/18 16:36
ckai1983    :砲娘OP74F 04/18 16:37
findstone   :http://ppt.cc/qj9o 大男改弱 那我不就....75F 04/18 17:00

※ 看板: way7344 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 149 
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