※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-28 22:40:19
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 8.10 ASAP
時間 Thu Nov 28 18:59:16 2013
This time it’s with Stanislav “Veider” Kargin. In 8.10 there will be
Japanese tanks and reworked maps. Here we can see the reworked El Halluf
(with a hill in the middle)
這次是Veider做介紹,8.10會新增日本線跟重製地圖,我們可以看到重製的EL Halluf
- all Japanese tanks will have good mobility and good rate of fire, but not as
high calibers as those on other tanks of same tier
- Japanese tanks will have good depression (-15 on average)
- the top tier STB-1 tanks has some pecularities, but in general it resembles
the Leopard 1, it will have a very tough turret – around the mantlet the armor
will be cca 240mm thick, it’s mobile and it will be capable of hulldown
頂車STB-1會有些特點,但是整體上來說類似豹1,他會有個很硬的砲塔 - 砲盾周圍會有
- Japanese medium tanks will have good mobility, good depression, good guns but
poor armor
- all Japanese tanks are based on real life vehicles, built either in series,
or as prototypes
- the developers started developing Historical battles already, Japanese will
be there too
- Karelia was reworked, it is more flat now, added more cover in the middle and
changed the camping spots
- Mines were somewhat reworked, especially a part of the rock near the village
- Steppes were also reworked (one side had advantage when coming to the eastern
lower side, this was levelled)
- graphics were changed too (different fog, lighting, cloud shadows – watch
the video, hard to describe
畫面也有改變(不同迷霧,光影,雲的陰影 - 影片中有)
- in Mission window, event discounts will be shown as missions
- added the penetrability of destructible object with penetration loss
- in upcoming patches, gameplay and improved graphic features will be added,
for example turrets being ripped off:
- other parts like boxes etc will get ripped off tanks by fire too
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :M4:放開我!讓我去屠殺日本車!1F 11/28 19:12
推 :61式的包子比較大 STB-1還好2F 11/28 19:18
推 :STB-1我實在看不出來炮盾是哪個部分_(:3 」∠)_3F 11/28 19:23
→ :日本車俯角平均-15度,comet不用活了4F 11/28 19:37
推 :日本中坦會有不錯的機動?!大概是逆天的履帶適性吧5F 11/28 20:48
→ :應該是履帶適應性不錯 影片可以看到STB-16F 11/28 20:48
→ :履帶轉向也蠻棒的 不過裝甲這樣也不太能上去狗
→ :履帶轉向也蠻棒的 不過裝甲這樣也不太能上去狗
推 :車庫裡的comet都要流下眼淚了8F 11/28 21:21
→ :仔細看砲管根部有一小圈 那邊就是炮盾9F 11/28 21:37
推 :虎1:大哥,前面有日本車要開炮嗎?10F 11/28 22:02
→ :虎王:.....這樣好像是作弊
→ :虎王:.....這樣好像是作弊
推 :阿虎用撞的大概就撞贏日本車了12F 11/28 22:32
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 84
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