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看板 Rockets
作者 標題 Fw: [外絮] 20120921 火箭官網林書豪Q&A
時間 Wed Sep 26 22:02:08 2012
※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1GNBZy1_ ]
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 20120921火箭官網林書豪Q&A
時間 Sat Sep 22 02:59:06 2012
Q&A With Jeremy Lin
Rockets.com goes one-on-one with the club's point guard, discussing advanced stats, crunch time approach and sustained success ...
Rockets.com goes one-on-one with the club's point guard, discussing advanced
stats, crunch time approach and sustained success
Jason Friedman Rockets.com
Jason Friedman 火箭官網記者
HOUSTON - With training camp less than two weeks away, Rockets players are
already back on the Toyota Center practice court, working to get ready for
the upcoming season. To find out what they’ve been up to this offseason,
Rockets.com’s Jason Friedman will sit down with each player over the days to
come to discuss what they’re working on, what their goals are, and how they’
ve been spending the summer both on and off the court.
Taking his turn in the hot seat today is point guard Jeremy Lin. What follows
is a transcript of their conversation.
Q&A With Jeremy Lin
文╱Jason Friedman 譯╱noral (轉載請徵得同意)
JCF: Believe it or not, I only want to talk to you about basketball. And
I’d like to start the conversation by discussing the importance of pattern
recognition in point guard play – or that of any other playmaker for that
matter. I assume it goes without saying that the faster one is able to
recognize defensive looks or subtle player movements and what they mean, it
can only enhance one's ability to pick apart a defense, whether you're a
point guard or a quarterback. What does that concept mean to you and how does
it apply to your duties as a playmaker?
JCF: 不管你信不信,今天我們只談籃球。一開始,讓我們先從解讀陣型談起吧。
JL: Especially being in a pick-and-roll league, the first thing you have to
look for and recognize is figuring out what kind of coverage the defense is
in. Now your strategy at that point changes based on the type of players you
have around you – are they shooters, slashers or post-up players? – that
can really change the equation, but it all starts with that initial
recognition and the faster you can do so the better. That’s what I’ve got
to get better at actually.
JCF: Well I assume it’s just like anything else: regardless of whether you
have a natural gift for recognizing certain types of patterns or not, you
still need reps in order to get to where you want to be. As a young player,
how do you make up for a lack of experience?
JCF: 那我再假設一件事:不管你是不是有特別的天賦、擅長解讀某種陣型,
JL: I’m going to make mistakes, I just have to be able to learn from them as
quickly as possible. To learn faster, I watch film of myself and other good
point guards, and then breaking down my mistakes and really analyzing them
and seeing where I could have made better decisions. I think you definitely
need your reps but how fast you learn I think is really up to the player in
certain ways.
JCF: So when you go back and look at the film of your play last year, what
are you critiquing and what are you specifically picking apart?
JCF: 那當你回去看上一季的影片,你最不滿意、最想挑的毛病是什麼?
JL: Definitely I find myself in the air too much. I need to stay on the
ground and not get caught in bad situations. I have to cut down on lazy
passes. Coach McHale calls them “same plane” passes where it’s one spot
and I just fire in a direct line; I have to use more deception and different
angles. Then I just have to solidify my left hand and dribbling and keeping
guys from reaching in. Those things accounted for most of my turnovers last
JCF: You mentioned you watch film of other players as well – who are the
guys you are watching? There are obviously a ton of great point guards in
this league right now and certainly there are lessons to be learned from all
of them, but are there a handful you focus on the most?
JCF: 你提到會看其他球員的錄影帶,是哪些球員呢?聯盟中有許多優秀的現役控衛,
JL: I’ve watched everybody and some of the names might be shocking, but the
thing is every point guard does something better than me, so the key is
learning from whatever that is. Players that I’ve watched – the obvious
ones: Chris Paul, Deron Williams, Steve Nash, John Stockton, Gary Payton. And
then you can go on to the ones who have very specialized skills: Juan Carlos
Navarro and then Chris Duhon and Raymond Felton. They do things that are
really, really good and better than me that other people might not see.
我看過的控衛名單裡,想當然耳會有的是:Chris Paul, Deron Williams,
Steve Nash, John Stockton, Gary Payton。
還有一些有過人專長的控衛,如Navarro, Duhon 還有 Felton。
JCF: I’m curious, what do you feel guys like Duhon and Felton do better than
JCF: 我很好奇,你覺得 Duhon 和 Felton 有哪些長處比你強?
JL: Quick reads. If they draw two, they get rid of it quick. I tend to hold
onto the ball too long. They read the floor and there’s a certain type of
pass where they pick it up real fast and fire it – they’re great at that,
and that’s something I needed to learn and see. You can’t always go against
a double-team; once you’ve drawn it you’ve done your job and the question
becomes: How do you get rid of it to the right person? They’ve done that
really well.
JCF: You talked the other day about tailoring your workouts so that you can
improve your left hand and also improve your ability to make quick, efficient
decisions. What did you do specifically to make strides in those areas?
JCF: 你前幾天提過,你的訓練有特別量身打造,針對左手加強還有如何做出
JL: I just worked on different types of passes, trying to be able to pass as
well with my left hand as I do with my right. That would open a lot of things
up. Then in terms of reading the floor, we’d simulate situations in my
workouts where I come off a pick and work on certain passes so that I hit my
teammates right in their shooting pocket. Little things like that.
JCF: This goes back to my initial question about pattern recognition: What
sort of visual cues are you looking for when you begin the pick-and-roll?
JCF: 這正好回到我最初的問題,關於陣型解讀:你會尋找什麼樣的契機,
JL: The first thing I do is locate where my guys are set up to see if they’
re in the right place, and then I’m looking to find any possible holes in
the defense – if the defense isn’t where it’s supposed to be, or if a
defender’s feet are in an awkward position. I’m looking for any way to
expose that, any holes that I can attack, or quick passing lanes that I can
fire through.
JCF: Do you pay much attention to advanced stats at all?
JCF: 你關心進階數據嗎?
JL: A little bit. Mostly just my advanced stats.
JCF: So you’re probably familiar with your Synergy stats then. In
pick-and-roll you did well, your isolation numbers were off the charts …
JCF: 那麼你可能對自己的 Synergy 數據蠻熟悉的。你在擋拆時做得很好,
JL: Catch-and-shoot was low ... Yeah, we broke all that down this summer and
that’s what we used to kind of structure my workouts. One-on-one defense,
things like that. There were some workouts where it was just all defense;
defending guys off the close-out and things like that. We like to get
creative with our workouts.
林:但接球投射不怎麼樣…… 是啊,這個夏天我們把這些一一拆解,
JCF: Well I wanted to ask: This team as currently constituted appears best
suited for an up-tempo style. Yet your advanced stats from last year would
seem to indicate you really thrive in half-court situations. Now I know we’
re working with a rather limited sample size here, so I wanted to ask about
your own personal comfort level when it comes to playing transition versus
half-court basketball.
JCF: 我還想問:這支球隊目前的陣型似乎最適合快攻。然而你上季的進階數據
JL: I love the transition. I was surprised that my transition numbers were
off last year because traditionally I’ve been a good transition player. I
like to play fast. I like to get it on the go and just run with it, make
plays quickly and get the ball up very early in the shot clock.
JCF: So you don’t think those numbers are necessarily indicative of the
player you are or are going to be?
JCF: 所以你不認為這些數據能夠代表你是哪一種球員或可能變成哪一類球員?
JL: I think they tell a lot of the story but they don’t tell all of the
story. I think it would be silly and naïve not to listen to the numbers but
I think it would also be silly to make that everything.
JCF: After you signed with the Rockets, did you spend much time thinking team
strategy in terms of how you might utilize and play with your new teammates?
JL: I didn’t really think about it too much just because I think in order to
do that you have to really know your teammates well and I didn’t know most
of them. Now that I’m getting a feel for them while we’re working out, I’m
trying to figure out who likes the ball where, what they’re really good at,
when to give them the ball, when not to give them the ball, what types of
plays are really effective – that sort of thing.
JCF: Well I know it’s incredibly early, but are there any observations that
stand out so far that you’ve been able to make?
JCF: 我知道現在還言之過早,但到目前為止,你有沒有觀察到什麼特別之處?
JL: Omer, people don’t give him enough credit for his offensive ability. He’
s known for his defense but he’s not bad offensively. I think he’s
surprised everybody. That’s the biggest thing so far. I haven’t been able
to see the rookies play enough yet to draw any firm conclusions.
林:Omer (Asik),大家太低估他的進攻能力了。他以防守著稱,但進攻也不差。
JCF: This is a random question and a reference that almost certainly is way
before your time, but if some sort of Scott Bakula-esque Quantum Leap
situation were about to unfold thirty minutes before a game and, God forbid,
I was about to assume control of your body, what would you tell me beforehand
to make sure I was able to competently do a decent Jeremy Lin impersonation
during the game? Basically, in the dumbest way possible, I’m trying to ask
how you think and approach the game.
JCF: 這是個隨意的問題,而且你太年輕了可能不懂這個哏。
JL: I would just say be confident and just stick to what you’re good at –
so just attack, attack, attack. For me, it’s playing for God; not worrying
about anything else, not worrying about everybody watching, or the reporters
or the general managers – just playing the game and letting it be
free-flowing and natural. I think that’s what I try to remind myself.
JCF: Has your approach to the game changed one iota in the past year?
JCF: 你的比賽方式和上季有什麼差別嗎?
JL: I don’t think so. I hope not. I haven’t had a game in awhile but I hope
JCF: Did you ever notice it changing during crunch time? Did the added
pressure, stress and excitement have any effect?
JCF: 在最後的關鍵時刻,你有察覺到什麼改變嗎?更大的壓力、負擔和興奮之情
JL: In crunch time it’s all about winning. My mentality then is just about
making plays. There’s not too much that really goes on in my mind during
crunch time besides the fact that I just have to make a play to get my team
up one by the time the buzzer sounds. It really just depends what my role is.
That play might be a rebound or a steal or a hockey assist – just whatever
it takes. I think that’s true for the whole game but there’s definitely
extra focus on doing those things at the end.
JCF: Does the fear of failure enter into the equation at all during those
moments? Or is it something that merely manifests itself as extra motivation?
JCF: 在關鍵時刻,失手的恐懼會有影響嗎?或者那反而是額外的動力?
JL: I don’t really think about the fear of failure during game situations. I
feel like once you’re in the game you just think about the game.
JCF: So when you were rising up to take that shot against Toronto or all the
plays you made late against the Lakers, you weren’t thinking any differently
than you do in any other situation?
JCF: 所以你對多倫多暴龍投出絕殺球,或是對湖人第四節的所有戰術,
JL: Well if it’s the last shot and I have the ball in my hands, I’m just
focused on getting a quality shot up and hitting it. You have to hit that
shot. There’s definitely a little more sense of urgency then than during the
rest of the game, but I think the concepts are still the same: attack, be
aggressive and play your game.
JCF: In those last second situations when you have the ball in your hands, do
you want to take the shot yourself or is your primary focus just getting a
good shot for your team, period.
JCF: 在那些終場倒數時刻,球在你手中,你會想自己投籃,或是替球隊找到一個
JL: In the Toronto situation, it was take the shot. But in most situations I
just want to get a good shot for me or a teammate. I’m not a big believer in
shooting a bad shot at the end of the game. I’d rather have somebody shoot
an open shot than have me shoot a bad shot.
JCF: Is that just your personal philosophy or is it because you’ve seen
research that would lead one to believe that’s the ideal way to approach
end-game situations?
JCF: 這是你的個人信念,還是你看過研究,讓你相信這才是處理比賽最後時刻的
JL: I think that’s just the way you should play basketball. There’s usually
a good shot and there’s usually a bad shot within every possession. The more
you get the good shot, the higher the probability that you’re going to win.
JCF: Why did you say that the Toronto situation was different for you?
JCF: 你為什麼說暴龍那場的情況有所不同?
JL: Because they weren’t doubling me, so it was a good shot. It’s not a
good shot if you’re going one-on-two. But if they play single coverage that
obviously changes things. In the Toronto game I waved off the pick-and-roll
because I didn’t want to give them an opportunity to double. So if you’re
one-on-one, just get a quality shot up. I think most players in this league
will get a quality shot in a one-on-one situation.
JCF: Let’s wrap up by playing fill in the blank: Personally, this season
will be a success for you if …
JCF: 讓我們用填充造句來結束這次訪談吧!
JL: If we as a team can work as hard as we can, but also to build the right
culture – that would be a success for me. Obviously we want to make the
playoffs. But if we don’t make the playoffs, if we’re close to making the
playoffs but we had a lot of adversity or injuries or different things that
we had to get through, and we still manage to establish a good culture and
build and get better – I think that’s a success.
JCF: What constitutes a good culture?
JCF: 怎麼樣才叫做好的球隊文化?
JL: Hard work, ownership and responsibility, unselfishness, sacrifice and
integrity. That’s where any sort of sustained success has to start.
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※ 轉錄者: noral (, 時間: 09/26/2012 22:02:08
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