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※ 本文為 Balberith 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-20 16:53:16
看板 LoL
作者 magicbreaker (頂住壓力 進行反擊!)
標題 Re: [閒聊] 美服rank elo從 -18 到 1524
時間 Sun Nov 20 14:41:55 2011

 From NEGATIVE 18 to 1524 - Elo Super Guide - League of Legends Community
 From NEGATIVE 18 to 1524 - Elo Super Guide General Discussion

我只有看30分鐘粗略看過 所以有錯請溫和的指正謝謝:)

I dropped to -18 rating and went back to above 1520.
Here are tips and analysis of the system.

我從-18分打回1520 這邊我跟各位報告一些技巧並且做系統性分析

I recently dropped down to -18 rating on one of my accounts
(OTT YEAH GG) by queue dodging. Over the course of 174 games from
October 12th to October 31st, I went back up to 1524.
My record over the journey was 153 - 21 which comes out to an 88% win rate.
Of all my losses, all of them could've been won if I played with
less mistakes and made different decisions during the game.

我故意把ott yeah gg的帳號dodge弄到-18分 然後10/12-10/31之間打回1524
在全部失敗的場次內 其實如果少犯點錯誤 做些不同的決定 也許還可以打贏

Here’s my analysis, observations, and tips for the ranked system.

下面是我的分析 觀察 並給你一些小提示

Getting high Elo is repeatable.
I know of several players that would log into other people's accounts and
bring them up to gold for season 1 rewards. I dropped down all the way down
to negative 18 rating and got back up to above 1520.
Then of course there are top players from last season once again
being top of the ladder.

原來就高分的人 是可以打回高分的
我則是故意drop game到-18在打回1520
總和上面例子 所以那些上一季的頂級玩家一定可以在打回高分

In general, the games at higher ratings had more skilled opponents.
I saw last hitting get better, ability to group got better,
builds become more optimal, and a greater respect for objectives.

這些人尾刀比較準 也知道團體行動 看場合出裝備 並且比較尊重彼此的不同意見

Ranked ratings are misunderstood. 1400 is INSANELY good from a statistical
standpoint. It's the top 10% of ranked players . Even 1250 is top 25%.
Those ratings are GOOD. If you were to compare League of Legends to
Starcraft 2, 1400 and higher are diamond players while 1250 and higher are
platinum players. This isn't even counting players below level 30 and
the ones that have never played ranked. Keep in mind that Elo distribution
is on a bell curve. If you claim to be a 1700 player then what you're
actually claiming is that you're one of the top 2500 players in North America.

一直以來積分對戰都被誤解了 1400以統計學來說已經是非常的好
是個前10%的積分玩家了 就算你只有1250你也是前25% 打的很不錯了
如果拿來跟星海二比 1400就可以當做是鑽石級 1250已經是白金級玩家了

Duo queue is tricky. Duo queue boosts up ratings by a huge amount.
A 750 duo queueing with a 1600 ends up playing against 1400s,
far above the average between the two being 1175.
Elo gains are decreased as the rating difference between the two players
If one person is still on their placement boosts for ranked,
both players will receive increased Elo gains/losses.
Don't find a random person near your rating to duo queue with.
If you must duo queue then find someone you truly believe is underrated
and will be on their way up. Try to avoid having both of your most proficient
roles being the same.

雙排的人有風險 一個750分的人跟1600的排會被分派到去打1400分的場
而且兩個人elo差距越大 勝利時積分就給的越少
如果你真的要duo 你該去找 你真的相信他分數不止於此 而且還在上升的人

Optimal team compositions are different at different ranges of rating.
A support doesn't fit in well in games under 1450. It's much better to have
two people getting 40% of the cs each than one ad carry getting 60%.
Try to play what you’re best at. If you’re only a so-so at a position
then you can expect your impact on the game to be about even.
But if you’re really good at one position then you should expect your
chances of winning to much higher since you’ll have a better match up
against the player opposite of you. But if you're adamant about playing
and learning support, it is possible to carry as one.
It's much much harder though.

舉例你家ad尾刀都尾不到的時候 下路還不如兩個ad carry搶尾刀
這樣的話即使你這個位置就算只有一般水準 你就能預期金錢累積效果會比出sup好
而如果你很擅長ad carry位置 那你就很高機會打贏下路
不過如果你同伴正在學support 那只好就當成單下打吧 這樣打贏難多了

Help out your teammates while playing well as an individual.
It's really hard for your teammates to feed if you help them out.
You make them much stronger by getting them experience and gold from assists,
kills, dragons, towers, and barons.
You can get your teammates ahead of your opponents in levels and gold.
Who's more likely to feed - someone two levels and 1000 gold ahead
or someone two levels and 1000 gold behind?
Your number one priority should be to take down the enemy tower and
then moving to help other lanes take down their tower.

你也可以從助殺 小兵 ...各種東西得到很多經驗跟金錢

Make every game count. Win that first game. You win a game and you gain Elo.
But let's say you lose that first time. Now in order to get the same
result as winning that first game, you need to play 3 games total.
You need to win the next two games just to get the same effect of
winning that first game. Give every game your full effort even if you're
down by a lot because you’re going to have to work a lot harder to
increase in rating if you lose.

所以你要好好的打每一場遊戲 即使你身處大逆風 因為你輸一次就要打三場才能贏回來

Take a break after losing two in a row. Maybe it’s you playing bad.
maybe you’re not having good luck. Maybe you’re angry.
Or maybe your teammates are out to get you.
Whatever it is, you’re probably better off taking a break when your recent
track record shows that you’re not likely to win.
Remember that you need to make every game count and if you’re losing games
or coming up trading 1 win for 1 loss then you’re not making progress;
you’re actually making it that much harder for yourself the next
time you play.

連輸兩場就休息 可能因為你玩的不好 也有可能運氣不好 也許你生氣 或者你隊友有問題
管他是啥 如果你的那段時間對戰紀錄看起來不像是要贏 就最好休息一下
因為你輸了一場就要贏越多回來 你就越難以打上高分

Be positive. Don’t yell at your teammates and put them down.
It doesn’t provide anything positive. Maybe you’ll feel better but
 that teammate you just flamed at is now more discouraged and/or pissed off.
Not only is their play impacted because they’ve been discouraged but
do you really think that they want to contribute to helping
you get a win after you were being a **** to them?

心態要正面 別對隊友大吼大叫讓他們鬱卒
這不會有任何幫助 你爽了只是讓你隊友更不爽 然後搞砸整場遊戲
除了讓他們不爽以外 你覺得你大幹特幹隊友就能讓他們想幫你贏下遊戲?

I've played with 4v5s throughout my climb. They're winnable. It's
definitely hard to win them but they're very doable and statistically
you should be facing against more teams of four than playing with
them provided that you don't leave the game yourself.

我也有贏過4v5的比賽 還是可以打贏 當然是比較難 但是你自己不能先放棄

Exit queue if someone dodges. Click that x button at the top.
It's strategically better to not play with the people that were
in champion select with before someone queue dodged.
The other players now know what you plan on playing and could target picks
or bans against you. There's also the fact that someone left.
It must've been pretty significant if they were willing to take a
loss of 10 Elo rather than play with the players that they matched up with.
Maybe someone's trolling. Maybe someone is a known eager or bad player.
It's even possible that nothing was wrong and the person left
because of a more personal reason. But why take that chance if you can
sit out for two minutes and get a new batch of players that have no
idea of your strategy and for
sure didn't cause someone to leave champion select.

有人dodge就先別排 統計結果顯示這樣打贏的機會比較大
因為其他人知道你要出什麼英雄 再排進去的時候他在對面也許會想辦法對付你
此外有人甘願-10 elo還是不要排 表示對面很可能有troll或是技術很爛的玩家等等
當然有可能只是個人因素不排 但是總之遇到dodge就先停兩分鐘等到你確定你會有批
新隊友 而且也比較不太會遇到dodge的

I'm committed to helping you become a better player
if you're willing to take the effort.
I'll continue to be active in the community and League of Legends.

如果你聽我的勸 我相信這些建議可以幫你成為更好的玩家
我會繼續在lol這個遊戲社群中 發表有用的建議

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: magicbreaker    來自:        (11/20 14:48)
andyleeyuan :隊友拍拍術1F 11/20 14:45
wawa1109    :某方面星海比LOL簡單一點,就是照著流程走2F 11/20 14:46
a76842388   :1400就可以當做是鑽石級 1250已經是白金級玩家了3F 11/20 14:47
Shxt        :看多了實況就會發現."比較尊重彼此的不同意見" WTF!!4F 11/20 14:48
sos007sos   :在台服打RANK一定要抓戰犯的阿5F 11/20 14:50
※ 編輯: magicbreaker    來自:        (11/20 14:51)
mw1128      :問題是星海在實踐那些流程的過程可不簡單6F 11/20 14:51
Blitzcrank  :星海沒人可以怪7F 11/20 14:52
gcobc12632  :星海比LOL簡單 科科我笑惹8F 11/20 14:52
rr856658    :想打高EQ真的很重要..之前我看有人玩隊友玩的很差9F 11/20 14:53
rr856658    :然後他沒狂罵而是ㄧ直在鼓勵 我就覺得這種人會打上去
sawaman     :HSGG表示:11F 11/20 14:55
Narancia    :怪鍵盤爛 怪滑鼠不靈敏 怪網路差 怪隔壁老王太吵12F 11/20 14:55
pcgogoman   :星海比LOL簡單你是認真的嗎!?13F 11/20 14:55
SuperLuffy  :看是誰說的囉 蟲王說星海比lol簡單你也只能信了14F 11/20 14:56
zseineo     :照著流程走...新手剛進去是可以只練一套流程啦lol15F 11/20 14:57
zseineo     :為什麼只能信了lol
mw1128      :星海是有流程 問題是套路這麼多 每場要應用的不一樣17F 11/20 14:58
a76842388   :星海比LOL簡單一點? WTF18F 11/20 14:59
mw1128      :我可不覺得比lol簡單XD19F 11/20 14:59
a76842388   :而且星海還要手速 上手度差太多了>_>20F 11/20 14:59
abccbaandy  :星海不是沒人可以怪嗎?XD21F 11/20 14:59
pcgogoman   :打團戰的時候還是有人可以怪啦22F 11/20 15:00
wawa1109    :好吧,我個人覺得啦,讓各位見笑,不過我在第一季是23F 11/20 15:01
wawa1109    :鑽石2000分  我覺得LOL變數比較多
wawa1109    :而且我打天梯對Z T一率是3BG開礦,打P是3BG巨象
zseineo     :你也可以LOL秒鎖同一隻然後每次同一套裝26F 11/20 15:04
zseineo     :那是你自己簡化遊戲玩法...
AceID       :support可能沒辦法在1450以下的遊戲裡面出  超中肯..28F 11/20 15:05
leonsky     :wawa要表示的應該是lol是5V5的遊戲29F 11/20 15:06
leonsky     :你能控制自己不能控制另外四個隊友吧
wawa1109    :LOL是5V5,變數比1V1多,你要熟悉更多種打法31F 11/20 15:07
wawa1109    :恩  是這樣子,我表達不清楚
gcobc12632  :LOL是5V5 你爛的話可以靠隊友拯救世界 相較於星海33F 11/20 15:08
zseineo     :sc2作為一個RTS變數也不少,雖然光頭把博奕成份搞的34F 11/20 15:09
gcobc12632  :你爛就只能爛 誰都就不了你35F 11/20 15:09
zseineo     :太重了點36F 11/20 15:09
wawa1109    :恩..  我的意思如果SC專精一套流程,是可以打上鑽石37F 11/20 15:10
wawa1109    :大約一個禮拜~兩個禮拜,LOL會因為隊友的變數 比較
wawa1109    :難掌控
wawa1109    :抱歉我岔開話題了 囧
pcgogoman   :第一季或許可以 現在可能有點難41F 11/20 15:11
zseineo     :你叫那些青銅聖鬥士情何以堪42F 11/20 15:11
babylina    :SC2的S1和現在差很多喔 現在滿滿的韓國妖怪= =43F 11/20 15:11
andyleeyuan :星海比LOL簡單啊 你看SC2很強的 打LOL也沒有很強44F 11/20 15:11
mw1128      :真的都是韓國妖怪45F 11/20 15:11
abccbaandy  :LOL爬上來的最穩的方法是打爆同線,GANK其他線46F 11/20 15:11
mw1128      :andy留言太好笑 我記得上次才不知道哪篇看到 LOL高端47F 11/20 15:12
wawa1109    :青銅聖鬥士主要是沒有把流程弄清楚,個人感覺啦48F 11/20 15:12
mw1128      :好像是chaox吧 在星海是青銅 雖然不知道現在在哪了49F 11/20 15:12
zseineo     :你去星海版發一篇我覺得待在青銅的都是流程弄不清楚50F 11/20 15:13
zseineo     :好不好...lol
zseineo     :如果流程弄清楚就能上鑽石,鑽石會是前10%?
aa124816    :馬友友大提琴很強 LOL很爛 →大提琴比LOL簡單53F 11/20 15:14
aa124816    :                               ---andyleeyuan理論
kevin0125   :原文下面還有篇Q&A 也有些建議55F 11/20 15:15
andyleeyuan :大提琴跟LOL也差太多56F 11/20 15:15
cash0101    :推別對隊友大吼大叫 這真的對"勝利"毫無幫助57F 11/20 15:16
cash0101    :要罵也等結束了再罵@__@
pcgogoman   :我上次看西米玩星海覺得他爛到不行耶59F 11/20 15:17
pcgogoman   :可是他LOL超強怎麼辦
andyleeyuan :之前看WICKD玩星海 我也覺得他滿爛的61F 11/20 15:17
Dnight      :SC2難度太難了T_T手速跟不上阿62F 11/20 15:19
a127        :Sc2會感覺起來比lol變數少是因為隊友啊63F 11/20 15:22
andyleeyuan :SC2並沒有很吃微操 我覺得運營比微操重要 還有TIMING64F 11/20 15:22
donvito     :Wickd玩最爛的是...tetris battle65F 11/20 15:22
Dnight      :要變數可以去團排四大四喔>W<66F 11/20 15:22
game7895    :chaox有鑽石67F 11/20 15:33
game7895    :還是白金? 對階級不太熟 實況看到的
louis8053   :@pcgogoman  得證LoL比星海簡單XDDDDDDDD69F 11/20 15:34
goldber123  :手速高的玩家覺得LOL比較難 單兵強的覺得星海難70F 11/20 15:41
andyleeyuan :樓上還滿準的 XDD71F 11/20 15:49
t50619      :原來我有鑽石+72F 11/20 15:54
xupmc       :星海比LOL難太多了好嗎-.-  LOL  我專心看小地圖尾刀73F 11/20 16:13
xupmc       :還可以撿的不錯,星海我一看小地圖就卡人口停工兵了
larry122    :星海真的難度高太多 壓力也大很多75F 11/20 16:26
chinhan1216 :幾乎所有RTS都比LOL難 不過比這個很無聊76F 11/20 16:26
larry122    :光是看實況你就會覺得LOL的手速跟技巧比星海低了77F 11/20 16:27
petersos80  :=_=好像有鑽石 不確定 因為她的表情看不透78F 11/20 16:47
balabala56  :SC2比較好反而是沒隊友可以怪 會贏會輸都是自己打的79F 11/20 16:49

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