※ 本文為 Balberith 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-20 16:50:01
看板 LoL
作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] 美服rank elo從 -18 到 1524
時間 Sun Nov 20 15:44:13 2011
What role did you play primarily?
I played AD and bruiser top mostly. It's mostly since I'm the most proficient
at those roles and felt really comfortable winning games with them. You can
use any role except for support as long as you're good at them.
How difficult would it be to raise my elo just playing support?
It's REALLY hard. Your overall impact on the game isn't quite as powerful as
it is in more organized teams. If things are turning sour, the natural skills
of a support might not be enough to overturn it and carry like other roles
What i do not understand is, how can you be at negative elo when you have a
significant amount of wins compared to losses? can you explain this?
Queue dodging doesn't count as a loss in preseason 2 but it does make you
lose 10 rating each time you do it.
Out of curiosity, how proficient at various roles would you say you ought to
be before doing ranked seriously?
One really cool thing is that a lot of skills translate between roles. If you
can last hit well as an AD carry, you can last hit well as a bruiser or AP.
The global map objectives of towers, dragons, and barons are also the same.
So if you're really good at one role then all your other roles will be better
How often did you get games where it was just impossible to carry?
It was possible to carry every single game. I fell short in each of my
losses. But it's certainly not the same case when you're playing much better
people such as at 1600s. The amount of mistakes and cases of not capitalizing
decreases as players get better and better. Under 1500, the players make
enough mistakes for you to be able to carry the game every time. You don't
always do but it was possible. There's some bizarre cases where you could be
put in a 2v5 situation but those are soooooo incredibly rare.
How do you handle this situation - In mid-late game your team is drastically
and consistently out of position (scattered around the map), and the enemy
team is grouped on your tower?
It's pretty situation dependent. You might want to split push and even
possibly base race. You need to be a very accurate judge of how much damage
your team does vs the enemy team against towers to do this.
Excessive pings AND physically running in could help lead your team to group
up. If your teammate sees something moving toward a place and there's pings,
they're probably gonna follow.
There's also the cases where the enemy team gets too greedy and takes the
tower but then tries to get another one or doesn't leave right away. This
opens up an opportunity to chase them down and get a whole bunch of rewards -
kills, towers, Baron, inhibitor.
There's also the preventative option where you aren't scattered in the first
place. Generally, you want set objectives and planning. An example would be
that you're going to take Baron, go back to heal/buy, take a tower, take
another tower, go back to heal/buy, get buffs, get dragon, get Baron. League
of Legends is beautiful in the way that the game works. It's a continuous
flow of events that happen rather than a random team fight every now and then.
When do you think it's wise to start ranked?
As soon as you're comfortable. I've learned so much from playing in ranked
games. I wouldn't be as good of a player if I didn't start playing ranked.
You can see some interesting things in normals but there isn't quite that
same mindset of playing for the win or playing optimally. The only reason I
wouldn't recommend to play ranked right away is that you might be discouraged
if you drop into a low rating. Lack of experience can be the reason that you
lose. Some players are mechanically gifted enough that they can get away with
not fulling understanding the game. As long as you're willing to risk your
rating, go into ranked play.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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