作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)
標題 [情報] Thiem:我邀Big3來我的退役儀式,沒人回
時間 Fri Oct  4 14:16:19 2024

Dominic Thiem reveals no member of Big 3 has ‘contacted’ him after sending i
nvitations for his farewell party

Dominic Thiem reveals no member of Big 3 has 'contacted' him after sending invitations for his farewell party
Dominic Thiem will retire later this month and sent invitations to the Big-3 for a farewell party. They haven't replied to him yet. ...


I invited Federer, Nadal and Djokovic to my farewell party. Nobody has contact
ed me yet.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Wojnarowski 2024-10-04 14:16:19
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c_uWrUE (Tennis)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1728022581.A.78E.html
sunsun881207: 呃 就不熟阿1F 10/04 14:18
JasonL77: 找小Z那些都還比較有交情2F 10/04 14:23
linyi781227: 老人不看訊息不是很正常嗎(?3F 10/04 14:27
graphict: 已讀不回……4F 10/04 14:28
qqq12380: 別說Big3 邀請我我也不要5F 10/04 14:30
IvnGoran: 記得豆不是挺欣賞他嗎6F 10/04 14:33
alan1231005: 不懂為何要公開這件事7F 10/04 14:35
myskyid: 等級差太多 有在社群祝福就該偷笑了8F 10/04 14:40
peanut7516: 五樓哪輪得到你9F 10/04 14:55
sky79717: 尷尬10F 10/04 15:09
qk3380888: 我明年生日也要邀Big311F 10/04 15:29
shargo: 這個講出來 不是更糗?還是他當玩笑自嘲12F 10/04 15:30
a11011788: 笑死 好悲13F 10/04 15:54
zaimush: 費納都是要收出場費的14F 10/04 16:16

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