作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] ESPN民調: Soto合約的預測
時間 Fri Nov  1 20:24:37 2024


Juan Soto's free agency arrives: Predictions, suitors, rumors - ESPN
How much will Soto get paid this winter -- and who could give it to him? Here's our early inside intel. ...


How much will Soto get?

When we projected potential Soto contracts in June, with the help of 28 MLB insi
ders, the average response already approached $500 million -- and the prediction
s were even bolder when we polled the industry again during the postseason. No s
urprise, Soto's stellar season in the Bronx and starring role this October has o
nly upped his value.

Under $550 million (3):

10 years, $500 million (Yankees)
13 years, $520 million (Mets)
12 years, $540 million (Yankees)

$550 to $599 million (3):

10 years, $550 million (Mets)
12 years, $555 million (Yankees)
14 years, $588 million (Yankees)

$600 to $699 million (7):

14 years, $600 million with opt out after five years (Yankees)
12 years, $600 million (Mets)
12 years, $600 million (Yankees)
10 years, $600 million (Mets)
13 years, $611 million (Yankees)
15 years, $630 million (Yankees)
10 years, $655 million (Dodgers)

At least $700 million (2):

15 years, $715 million, (Yankees, deferrals to a $500 million net present value)
15 years, $715 million, (Mets, deferrals to a $660 million net present value)


大聯盟官網記者Mark Feinsand也是指出


Given that Soto already turned down $440 million and is still in the midst of hi
s prime, many inside the industry expect him to sign a deal worth more than $50
million per season for at least 10 years.

The general consensus is that 10 years and $500 million will be the floor for So
to's deal, though a bidding war between big-market teams could push that to $600
 million or beyond


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-11-01 20:24:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d9CY8kw (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1730463880.A.BBA.html
carlchang092: 看起來就穩穩超過大谷合約的實際價值
只是不知道會不會想直接簽一張一路到退休的大約,還是要一張可以中途逃脫再拼更大約的1F 11/01 20:32
cplusplus426: 洋基Cashman不是很討厭超過10Y的約嗎4F 11/01 20:39
fcstone: 簽一個60M的簽兩個30M的那個效益高?5F 11/01 20:47
cha122977: 要看當時投打陣容吧 多少有邊際效應的問題6F 11/01 20:52
fan0226: 開六千萬年薪真的扯,我幾可能開不到60M/Y7F 11/01 20:52
saiulbb: 750MM/15YR 這樣夠大張了嗎XD8F 11/01 20:53
wuuman: 現金人不喜歡開10+合約啊 但他是Soto啊 so?
大谷那種MLB幾乎不可能再現的佛心約 自己求來的 就不用拿來這裡比了吧9F 11/01 21:09
oncee: 誰簽誰虧12F 11/01 21:35
krajicek: Soto會不會也來延遲付款啊13F 11/01 22:07
devilsky: 大都會趕快來一張15年8億的打爆所有人的臉14F 11/01 22:30
yw1002: 洋基留人失敗那就別想明年繼續美東了15F 11/01 22:37
colalight: 沒人猜哈波大哥QQ16F 11/01 22:44
tyrone0923: 10 years, $655 million這筆也很扯吧17F 11/01 22:46
forgetwen: 道奇應該沒錢了,就看王電火跟現金人的了18F 11/01 23:38
Nikagnef: 我猜15y/600M19F 11/02 00:00
carlchang092: 我覺得如果一次簽到退休的話650M/15Y應該有機會20F 11/02 00:06
andy0930: 誰簽長約誰盤子,看看這些年的例子21F 11/02 00:22
zxc906383: 頂級球星哪一個不是簽長約22F 11/02 00:28
carlchang092: 如果是26或27歲開始跑FA大合約的話,近年Harper跟Machado都不錯啊,
跟那些已經29、30才簽下大約的成績曲線比然後說盤不合理吧23F 11/02 00:32
NdFe35: Judge lindor都很超值 更何況超大約的大谷帶來的效益
你也可以打給波拉斯說 我不想給長約 所以出5年的合約
你不想當盤子是你家的事情 多得是能出高價的買家29F 11/02 01:42
gumaboy: 來梅子32F 11/02 02:04
duo131: 想看道奇簽SOTO33F 11/02 02:08

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