作者 cececcc (加油Let's go)
標題 [閒聊] G2.FNC公開夏季訓練安排及戰績
時間 Mon Jul 29 22:06:08 2024

G2 GM:https://x.com/RomainBigeard/status/1817866397290029392


63 days: 32 scrim days, 14 game days, 6 off days and a trip to Riyadh. It was
intense, we gave it all, we got rewarded for it.
You can challenge the gameplay this weekend, yes. We played far from perfect,
but we played better than them, and that's what matters at the end of the
day. A lot of learnings from the last week of practice and stage games. Great
resilience and team spirit from the players.
The most fun part the year is about to start, to battle!





Summer Split scrims + officials results

Just for clarification:
- Days written in red are "red blocks" where we used a different scrim
method. Results are always FNC - enemy team.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: cececcc 2024-07-29 22:06:08
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cfw7M3Z (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1722261974.A.0E3.html
cornsoup: 跟TES打訓練賽 4-1 0-2回家 XD1F 07/29 22:10
nadleeh: 這才是訓練賽戰神吧2F 07/29 22:12
cornsoup: FNC更誇張 跟GEN團練0-4 正賽TL0-2 隔天陪FLY0-13F 07/29 22:16
※ 編輯: cececcc ( 臺灣), 07/29/2024 22:19:05
hwer7850: SK被當狗扁qq4F 07/29 22:22
lucifiel1618: 他們竟然屌虐T1+TES,這你敢信5F 07/29 22:23
hasroten: 團練開大 比賽回家 笑死6F 07/29 22:29
cornsoup: 突然發現G2人真好 敗部決賽前還陪BDS團練7F 07/29 22:30
kevin50263: 很好奇歐洲要怎麼跟亞洲團練 ping不會爆炸嗎8F 07/29 22:31
cececcc: 能跟亞洲隊伍團練那段時間是因為EWC阿~9F 07/29 22:33
a125g: 石油盃?10F 07/29 22:33
jacklinjia: 石油杯拉11F 07/29 22:35
Chanlin01: TES 4-1 怎麼被2-0送回家 訓練賽戰神喔TPA 3:0 C912F 07/29 23:05
stopstopit: 我猜是g2訓練賽還是拿自己擅長的玩,然後TES是在練13F 07/29 23:27
fayjai94888: 阿怎麼實際打是那樣點點點15F 07/29 23:30
SKTDoinb: G2去年訓練賽暴打NRG還不是被送回家16F 07/29 23:32
jeremylouee: 比賽當訓練賽打,訓練賽當比賽打,這就是G217F 07/30 00:46
Haruna1998: 訓練賽戰神!18F 07/30 07:36
a1216543: BDS-A? 見鬼了19F 07/30 08:18
sk100: 電狼也…20F 07/30 10:19
tung3d37: 可能就是因為屌打才放多面小砲 結果直接被2-021F 07/30 10:21
Yuebaitw: 經典訓練賽戰神22F 07/30 10:22
Flyroach: G2就標準的訓練賽一直玩一直贏的陣容吧,然後對手訓練賽都會放,大賽就Ban了,G2就GG了
像去年世界賽似乎他們達瑞文一直贏,後來所有人都去Ban達瑞文,結果G2就真的下去了23F 07/30 11:35
koko85271348: BDS-A這麼猛喔27F 07/30 12:50
rhox: 訓練賽本來就是要練不擅長的東西,誰跟你認真打28F 07/30 17:02
HyperLollipo: 我猜訓練賽只打前期,但G2常常中期送一波大的29F 07/30 19:41

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