作者 Guis (Water Water)標題 [新聞] 比利時航空將退役A330neo機隊時間 Tue Jan 23 19:46:35 2024
[媒體名稱] Simple Flying [新聞日期] 2024/1/22
Air Belgium To Retire Its Airbus A330neo Aircraft
Belgium's debt-ridden Air Belgium recently made Belgian headlines after a
local court extended its Judicial Reorganisation Procedure (PRJ) by another
four months, delaying refunds for nearly 11,000 passengers. Now, it has
emerged that the airline is facing operational constraints with both its
Airbus A330neo fleet and its employees, according to a report by L-Post.
Airbus A330neo troubles
Air Belgium is reportedly planning to retire its Airbus A330neo fleet. The
airline has two examples in service, comprising OO-ABF and OO-ABG.
OO-ABF has been grounded in Brussels since an incident occurred back last
summer. On August 21, 2023, the aircraft was en route from Brussels to
Johannesburg but had to divert back to the Belgian capital due to a hydraulic
pump failure in flight. Upon landing, metal debris was found in the engine.
The aircraft has remained inactive ever since, and it has become a familiar
and stable site among aviation enthusiasts and travelers at Brussels Airport.
L-Post says that issues with the engine have contributed to the retirement of
Air Belgium's aircraft.
應該是條件沒談好~ 他們另一架OO-ABG也濕租出去了...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Guis 2024-01-23 19:46:35
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bhwSV4h (Aviation)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1706010399.A.12B.html
※ 編輯: Guis ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 19:49:24
→ acomp: RR的包1F 01/23 19:50
→ taxlaw1991: A330neo要重演787+RR的大規模停飛嗎3F 01/23 21:20
推 KW96: 不會的,四阿哥最會選飛機了,怎麼可能選錯4F 01/23 21:46
→ js52666: 不然你要買波音?????5F 01/23 22:45
→ iqeqicq: 真正的比利時航空Sabena已經解散了
現在換布魯塞爾航空變成比利時載旗航空6F 01/24 00:47
→ Guis: 沒錯,但Air Beigium也只能翻譯比利時航空吧8F 01/24 10:56
推 miname: Sabena全名應該要譯成薩本那比利時航空,而且兩家營業時間完全錯開的,都叫比利時航空沒問題吧9F 01/24 11:18
推 gitans: OO-ABG好像租給了波蘭航空專門飛華沙紐約航線11F 01/24 14:13
→ Guis: 正確喔,租給LOT12F 01/24 15:01
→ odkmse: Trent7000就是Trent1000啊13F 01/24 17:22