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※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-06-19 17:02:31
看板 Gossiping
作者 Anddyliu (安滴滴)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 蔡英文登上TIME的封面了!
時間 Fri Jun 19 06:03:35 2015

※ 引述《devilmen (devilmen)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《yabition0411 (最初的夢想)》之銘言:
: : https://instagram.com/p/4E5cQqK6yU/
“TIME's new international cover: Tsai Ing-wen could lead the only Chinese democracy — and that makes Beijing nervous. Photograph by Adam Ferguson…” ...

: : TIME雜誌的instagram
: : 不過蔡英文這樣感覺好兇
: : 沒有什麼柔和感XDDDD
: : 旁邊留言好多強國人崩潰
: 電子板出了,有帳號才能看全文
: http://time.com/3926330/the-next-president-of-taiwan/
'The Next President Of Taiwan' - TIME
That’s how Tsai Ing-wen refers to herself. 
 But will the island’s voters agree? ...

: 我突然看得懂英文了~XD

世界唯一民主國家, She Could Lead The Only Chinese Democracy」。蔡主席是繼印度


She Could Lead the Only Chinese Democracy
And that makes Beijing nervous

Cover Story: Championing Taiwan
Presidential front runner Tsai Ing-wen wants to put the island’s interests

‘The Next President Of Taiwan’
That’s how Tsai Ing-wen refers to herself. But will the island’s voters

Emily Rauhala / 台北報導 Adam Ferguson / 攝影

Tsai Ing-wen is making breakfast. The presidential candidate cracks five eggs
and lets them bubble with bacon in the pan. She stacks slices of thick, white
toast. It’s a recipe adapted from British chef Jamie Oliver, but the
ingredients, she can’t help but say, are pure Taiwan. The meat comes courtesy
 of Happy Pig, a farm near her spare but tasteful Taipei apartment, the bread
from a neighborhood bakery. She offers me an orange. “Organic,” she says,
in English. “And local, of course.”

再把一片片白色的厚片土司疊起來。料理手法學自英國名廚傑米奧利佛(Jamie Oliver)

This is not an average breakfast for the 58-year-old lawyer turned politician
running to become Taiwan’s next President—most days she grabs a coffee and
books it to the car. But it is, in many ways, oh so Tsai. The Taipei-raised,
U.S.- and U.K.-educated former negotiator wrote her doctoral thesis on
international trade law. As a minister, party chair and presidential candidate
 (she narrowly lost to two-term incumbent Ma Ying-jeou in the 2012 race), Tsai
 gained a reputation for being wonky—the type who
likes to debate protectionism over early-morning sips of black coffee or
oolong tea.


Now, as the early front runner in Taiwan’s January 2016 presidential election,
 her vision for the island is proudly, defiantly, Taiwan-centric. Tsai says she
 would maintain the political status quo across the strait with
China—essentially, both Taipei and Beijing agreeing to disagree as to which
represents the one, true China, leaving the question of the island’s fate to
the future. But Tsai wants to put Taiwan’s economy, development and culture
first. While Ma and his government have pushed for new
trade and tourism pacts with Beijing—China accounts for some 40% of Taiwan’s
 exports—Tsai aims to lessen the island’s dependence on the mainland by
building global ties and championing local brands. “Taiwan needs a new model,
” she tells TIME.


Whether voters share her vision is a question that matters beyond Taipei.
Taiwan is tiny, with a population of only 23 million, but its economy—powered
 by electronics, agriculture and tourism—ranks about mid-20s in the world by
GDP size, with a GDP per capita about thrice that of China’s. Ceded by China
’s Qing dynasty to Japan after the 1894–95 First Sino-Japanese War, colonized
by Tokyo for half a century, then seized by Nationalist forces fleeing the
Communists at the end of the Chinese civil
war, Taiwan has long been a pawn in a regional great game. It is a linchpin for
 the U.S. in East Asia alongside Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, and,
most important, it’s the only real democracy in the Chinese-speaking world.
“This election matters because it’s a window into democracy rooted in Chinese
tradition,” says Lung Ying-tai, an author and social commentator who recently
stepped down as Culture Minister. “Because of Taiwan, the world is able to
envision a different China.”


Taiwan’s politics irritate and befuddle Beijing. To the ruling Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), Taiwan is the province that got away, a living,
breathing, voting reminder of what could happen to China if the CCP loosens
its grip on its periphery, from Tibet to Xinjiang to Hong Kong. Beijing is
particularly wary of a change in government from Ma’s relatively
China-friendly Kuomintang (KMT) to Tsai’s firmly China-skeptic Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP). When Tsai ran for President in 2012, Beijing
blasted her, without actually naming her, as a “troublemaker” and
“splittist”—CCP-speak reserved for Dalai Lama–level foes. “A DPP
government means uncertainty for cross-strait ties,” says Lin Gang, a Taiwan
specialist at Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s School of International and
Public Affairs.


To the U.S., which is bound by the Taiwan Relations Act to come to the island’
s aid if it’s attacked, Taiwan is a longtime friend and unofficial ally,
though the strength of that friendship is being tested by China’s rise.
Washington worries that Taiwan’s people, especially its youth, are growing war
ier of China, and that any conflict between the two might draw in the U.S.
“What this election has done is crystallize the changes, the shift in public
opinion,” says Shelley Rigger, a Taiwan scholar at Davidson College in North
Carolina and the author of Why Taiwan Matters. “I don’t think cross-strait
relations are going to be easy going forward, and that’s not something U.S.
policymakers want to hear.”

牽扯進來。著有《台灣為何重要》(Why Taiwan Matters)一書的美國北卡羅來那州戴維
森大學(Davidson College)教授任雪麗(Shelley Rigger)說:「這場選舉讓所有的改

The KMT has yet to formally nominate a candidate for the top job, but the
favorite is Hung Hsiu-chu, the legislature’s female deputy speaker. Nicknamed
 “little hot pepper” because of her diminutive stature and feisty manner,
Hung, 67, would be a contrast to the more professorial Tsai should she get the
 KMT’s nod. “I don’t think [Tsai] is a strong opponent,” Hung tells TIME.
Yet the DPP’s choice, who has already started pressing the flesh islandwide,
is spirited too. “People have this vision of me as a conservative person,
but I’m actually quite adventurous,” she says. And possessed of a sharp
sense of humor—when I compliment her cooking, Tsai looks at me with mock
exasperation: “I have a Ph.D., you know.”


Tsai grew up in a home on Taipei’s Zhongshan Road North, a street named after
 Taiwan’s symbolic father, Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese revolutionary who helped
overthrow the Qing and co-founded the KMT. Her own father, an auto mechanic
turned property developer, was of the Confucian kind: he encouraged her to
study hard but also expected her, as the youngest daughter, to devote herself
to his care. “I was not considered a kid that would be successful in my
career,” says Tsai.


After attending university in Taiwan, she studied law at Cornell in New York
because, she says, it seemed the place for a young woman who “wanted to have
a revolutionary life.” From there she went to the London School of Economics,
 where she earned her Ph.D., also in law, in less than three years. “That
pleased my father,” she says. When he called her home, she obliged, returning
 to Taiwan to teach and, in 1994, to enter government in a series of high-
profile but mostly policy-oriented roles in the Fair Trade Commission,
National Security Council and Mainland Affairs Council.


Even close supporters say Tsai was, and perhaps still is, an unlikely
politician, especially for the DPP. Taiwan’s opposition party was forged in
struggle and led by veterans of the democracy movement—a fight Tsai mostly
missed. The Kaohsiung Incident in 1979—a human-rights rally that was
violently broken up by security forces, galvanizing the democracy movement—
took place while Tsai was overseas, cocooned in the ivory tower. If the
archetypal DPP operative is a bare-knuckle street fighter, Tsai is an Olympic
fencer—restrained and precise.


She stepped into the spotlight in 2008, becoming party chair when the DPP found
 itself booted from office, with its chief Chen Shui-bian, the outgoing
President, later convicted of corruption. While she possessed a deep knowledge
 of policy, Tsai did not then seem like a leader. “She used to sort of hide
behind me when we went door to door,” recalls legislator Hsiao Bi-khim, a
longtime colleague and friend. “People compared her to a lost bunny in the
forest, with wolves surrounding, both from within the party and outside.


After an unsuccessful 2010 mayoral bid, Tsai ran for, and also lost, the
presidency in 2012. Jason Liu, a veteran DPP speechwriter, says now that the
campaign did not “sell” Tsai well enough. The ideas were strong, but the
delivery left “distance between her and the voters.” Ironically, it was not
until her concession speech that Tsai seemed to connect emotionally with
Taiwan’s citizens. “You may cry,” she told the tearful crowd. “But don’t
lose heart.”


A lot has changed since 2012. Eleven hours after making eggs, with a policy
meeting, a cross-country train ride and a harbor tour behind her, Tsai is
addressing a couple hundred students at a university in the southern city of
Kaohsiung, a DPP stronghold. She’s in lecture mode, at ease, talking about
her party’s economic plans: stronger regional links and a focus on innovation
 to support small businesses. “How many of you went to Taipei for the
Sunflower protests?” she asks in Mandarin. At least a third raise their hands.


Taiwan’s students were once seen as apathetic. But during spring last year,
Taipei was swept up by thousands-strong demonstrations over a services pact
with China. Student and civic groups worried that the deal could hurt Taiwan’s
 economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure from Beijing. They felt it was
pushed through without adequate public scrutiny. The Sunflower Movement, as it
 came to be called after a florist donated bundles of the blooms, grew into a
grassroots revolt, culminating in the March 18 storming of the legislature.


The movement was grounded in questions of social justice. Since coming to
power in 2008, Ma has argued that cross-strait commerce is the key to the
island’s fortunes, signing 21 trade deals. Yet young people in particular
wonder if the deals benefit only Big Business on both sides of the strait.
They say rapprochement with Beijing has left them none the richer, and agonize
 over the high cost of housing, flat wages and the possibility of local jobs
going to China. A sign during a protest outside the Presidential Palace on
March 30 last year captured the mood: “We don’t have another Taiwan to sell.


The emphasis on quality of life, and not just macro-indicators, is good news
for Tsai. Her vision for a more economically independent Taiwan did not sway
the electorate in 2012 but may now have stronger appeal. The KMT, bruised by
the Sunflower protests and then battered by fed-up voters in midterm polls
last fall, is trying to remake itself as a more populist party. Timothy Yang,
a former Foreign Minister who is now vice president of the National Policy
Foundation, the KMT’s think tank, says the party stands by its cross-strait
record. But even Yang, a KMT stalwart, is keen to address the issue of equity:
 “The benefits of this interaction with mainland China should be shared with
the general public.”


Tsai should easily carry traditional DPP support: much of the south, the youth
 vote, and those who identify as Taiwanese and who are not a part of the
elite that came from China after the CCP victory in 1949. The DPP’s missing
link is Big Business, which supports the KMT and closer ties with the mainland,
 where many Taiwan companies are invested. Tsai recognizes that this is a
constituency she needs to woo but doesn’t seem clear as to how, beyond saying,
 “Our challenge is to produce something that is sensible to both sides
without being considered as a traitor to the friends we used to be with when
we were an opposition party.”


That will be hard. The KMT has long argued that it, not the DPP, is best
qualified to run the economy, which, corruption apart, did not do well under
Chen. Tsai’s supporters concede that many citizens feel the same way—that
the DPP can be an effective opposition but not administration. “The KMT has
always portrayed itself as more suited to guide the economy,” says J. Michael
 Cole, a Taipei-based senior fellow with the University of Nottingham’s
China Policy Institute and a senior officer at Tsai’s Thinking Taiwan
Foundation. “There’s this stubborn perception that a DPP government would
be bad for business.”

主管寇謐將(J. Michael Cole)說:「國民黨把自己描繪是一個更適合主導經濟的政黨。

It’s a narrative that the CCP backs and may well float as the campaign
progresses, either directly, in China’s state-controlled press, or
indirectly, through, for instance, its connections in Taiwan’s business
community. “Beijing is going to want to make a point through all sorts of
channels, including Big Business, that cross-strait relations will not be as
smooth if you vote a government into power that has not accepted the foundation
 that has underpinned developments of the last eight years,” says Alan
Romberg, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center, a Washington, D.C.,
think tank.

史汀森研究中心(Stimson Center)資深學者容安瀾(Alan Romberg)說:「北京將會透

Beijing has never been receptive to a DPP government, but it is particularly
negative now. Since coming to power in 2012, China’s leader Xi Jinping has
proved himself to be more assertive and nationalistic than most expected, a
man not eager to compromise. Last September he told a delegation from the
island that China and Taiwan might be one day be reunited under Hong Kong’s
“one country, two systems” formula, which is rejected by both the KMT and
DPP and, surveys consistently show, the vast
majority of Taiwan’s people. This May, Xi warned again about the danger of
“separatist forces”—a comment widely interpreted as a swipe at the DPP.


Cross-strait relations are managed according to the so-called 1992 Consensus
reached by Beijing and Taipei (then also governed by the KMT), a formula the
KMT’s Yang calls “a masterpiece of ambiguity.” Under the 1992 Consensus,
both sides acknowledge that there is only one China, but without specifying
what exactly that means. This, Yang says, has allowed the KMT to move forward
on bilateral trade, transport and tourism without being forced to address
whether “one China” is the China imagined by
Beijing or by Taipei.


The DPP has long promoted de jure independence. The first clause in its
charter calls for “the establishment of an independent sovereignty known as
the Republic of Taiwan,” not the Republic of China, Taiwan’s official name.
This platform resonates with the DPP base but is increasingly untenable given
China’s economic clout and growing power on the world stage. While the first
DPP presidency under Chen was hardly a break from the past, it did see a
cooling with Beijing. Things warmed again under Ma.
Lin, the Taiwan expert at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, says Tsai is somewhere
 between Chen and Ma: “If she wins the election, she will not pursue Taiwan in
dependence. But she will not promote the development of the cross-strait
relationship as Ma Ying-jeou did.”


Tsai stresses that she will not alter the politics between Taiwan and China,
but she is vague about whether she will repeal the DPP’s independence clause.
 And unification? That, she says, “is something you have to resolve 
democratically—it is a decision to be made by the people here.”


Hung, Tsai’s potential KMT opponent, says the DPP flag bearer needs to
clarify her stance on cross-strait relations. “People ask her, ‘What is the
status quo?’ and she can’t say anything specific,” says Hung. The KMT’s
Yang offers a metaphor: “Before you harvest, you have to plow the land,
transplant the seedlings, fertilize; all the work … has been done by the KMT,
 and yet they are going to harvest the crop?”


Tsai believes she will win that right. Several days before I return to my
Beijing base, over Taiwan-Japanese fusion in Kaohsiung, Tsai is quietly
confident that she will gain the trust of Taiwan’s voters and secure victory,
 whatever Beijing might think. She puts a final piece of tuna on my plate. It’
s from Pingtung County in the south, where she was born. “Go back to Beijing,
” says Tsai, “and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.

—With reporting by Zoher Abdoolcarim, Gladys Tsai and Natalie Tso/Taipei




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Warnerting: 吱吱1F 06/19 06:04
RedCarRet: 漢皇建設哭哭,河景豪宅被說成是小公寓2F 06/19 06:07
johnnyguava: 最後一句霸氣3F 06/19 06:07
g6m3kimo: 黨工滾啦4F 06/19 06:07
gogo5: 嗯嗯啊啊似英九,家財萬貫敵勝文,唯一支持菜英文5F 06/19 06:08
qqqmmm: 推6F 06/19 06:09
g6m3kimo: 黨工崩潰7F 06/19 06:10
RedCarRet: http://is.gd/RbKQ898F 06/19 06:12
g6m3kimo: 黨工眼紅 開始酸房子了 這麼大一片為台灣爭光 黨工眼中9F 06/19 06:13
g6m3kimo: 只看到房子 還活在29失敗的陰影 想替勝文出一口氣
g6m3kimo: 悲哀阿
g6m3kimo: 快下去領五百 也許總統大選之後永遠都領不到了 ㄎㄎ
ttykimo: 推推13F 06/19 06:15
ttykimo: 穩健的論述 高度爭議統獨問題要回到住民自決
gogo5: 繼續讓讀法律的當總統就對了啦!!~~15F 06/19 06:17
gogo5: 法律出身女英九,含金湯匙女神D, 唯一支菜英文
ttykimo: 樓上你還好吧17F 06/19 06:20
lesnaree2: 把付費雜誌的內容公開 這樣可以嗎18F 06/19 06:21
gogo5: 支持菜英文有錯嗎?19F 06/19 06:22
chihchan: 柱柱上週刊王 (勝)   空心菜上TIME(負)20F 06/19 06:23
wsx26997785: 感謝翻譯! 讓台灣能脫離一黨資訊 接收第三方不同報導21F 06/19 06:24
bill6613: 幹最後一句太霸氣了!!洪秀柱根本被海放22F 06/19 06:25
wsx26997785: 寫的真的很棒 很中立客觀不帶有情緒性 真正的媒體人23F 06/19 06:27
denyy555: 付費內容公開可能可以用學術研究閃過吧, 它不是整本公開24F 06/19 06:27
b2481: 感覺這個翻譯頗專業,先推再看XD25F 06/19 06:27
polaris920: 霸氣霸氣26F 06/19 06:27
Cactusman: 推27F 06/19 06:27
wl2340167: 感謝翻譯28F 06/19 06:28
cabii: 加油29F 06/19 06:28
qqqmmm: 連勝文馬英九的法律成就差蔡英文太遠了30F 06/19 06:29
vini770803: 同樣的訪問 好奇洪會怎麼說 感覺洪沒什麼內涵和深度31F 06/19 06:29
vini770803:  只會賣228的可憐還有我沒打過美珍嗎XD
Cactusman: 洪大概會說她沒打美珍吧33F 06/19 06:31
wsx26997785: 他只翻臺灣報導沒翻整本吧? 且也沒拿來金錢交易34F 06/19 06:32
yudofu: 空心柱:抓到了!台獨候選人幫美國佬煮飯丟人現眼。35F 06/19 06:33
wsx26997785: 雖然感覺上很對不起這記者36F 06/19 06:34
msj2287: 最後一句真的霸氣37F 06/19 06:34
l2272: 翻譯一大串 辛苦了! 最後一句霸氣!38F 06/19 06:35
vyjssm: 空心菜:斯文優雅,空心柱:粗鄙低俗39F 06/19 06:35
peter123456: 把付費的文章公開感覺不太妥 但翻譯的不錯40F 06/19 06:36
arctic: 翻的不錯41F 06/19 06:36
wsx26997785: 不管這沒體人還是原PO翻譯 真的都很不錯42F 06/19 06:37
wsx26997785: 更正是是媒體人 打錯字XD
coldsheep: 這種叫低調的霸氣嗎...已經外露啦lol44F 06/19 06:39
wsx26997785: 不過他策略很不錯 低調為重 主要是提出政見吸引民心45F 06/19 06:40
wsx26997785: 不過跟中共融在一起的大企業 真的不知該怎麼辦才好
wwk: 推47F 06/19 06:41
area41gold: 推48F 06/19 06:42
Argyris: 超有強國總統fu的、反觀小夫媽、像是在菜市場討價還價的49F 06/19 06:43
b2481: 推最後一句! 雖然那個記者到時後一定不敢講XDD50F 06/19 06:43
Argyris: 大嬸!51F 06/19 06:43
TohnoMinagi: 推用心翻譯,感謝分享52F 06/19 06:44
KillerMoDo:53F 06/19 06:44
hadoo: 推用心翻譯,感謝分享54F 06/19 06:45
wsx26997785: 蔡可能這4年有前輩及大師調教跟歷練 把等級上升了55F 06/19 06:46
MaBumblerQQ: 感謝翻譯56F 06/19 06:47
fifanan: 小英向前衝!57F 06/19 06:47
fushing: 蔡英文的等級一直比其他政治人物高吧58F 06/19 06:49
fallenseraph: 最後一句XDDDD59F 06/19 06:50
fushing: 就像馬九一直都很爛 只是以前大部份人不知60F 06/19 06:50
wsx26997785: 八卦是他4年前落敗演講 也感動到對面來臺2661F 06/19 06:53
frank0771: 推翻譯62F 06/19 06:54
coolda: 好強的翻譯63F 06/19 06:54
fushing: 其實我覺得陳水扁的市長落選感言比較經典64F 06/19 06:55
BeYaaaaaaaa: 推推感謝翻譯~65F 06/19 06:56
badkidXD: 哭哭66F 06/19 06:56
sodacheer: 推很棒的內容和翻譯!最後一句的霸氣讓人熱血沸騰了!!67F 06/19 06:58
ACDC69: 衝啊啊啊啊68F 06/19 07:02
kaosps2: 辛苦了69F 06/19 07:02
whynotwhy:70F 06/19 07:03
oaoa0123: 專業71F 06/19 07:05
charmingred: 霸氣!72F 06/19 07:06
senstivewu: 推翻譯!73F 06/19 07:07
hydronephros: ugly leader74F 06/19 07:07
cba5530: 推翻譯75F 06/19 07:07
groundmon: 推76F 06/19 07:08
tikusa844: 推77F 06/19 07:09
Pegasus170: 果然蔡的等級夠高,且最後一句超霸氣的!78F 06/19 07:09
HYNO: 最後一句帥慘了!79F 06/19 07:09
TKFOOD: 最後一句霸氣80F 06/19 07:09
soiyu: 推81F 06/19 07:10
mfj102501: 感謝翻譯大神82F 06/19 07:11
anna11428: 推83F 06/19 07:11
Iamhihi: 拜金84F 06/19 07:12
Iamhihi: 推神翻譯 推最後一句 霸氣十足
PTT0000: 最後一句霸氣啊!86F 06/19 07:12
hadoo: TIME來訪問了還是空心 空心蔡能強一點嗎87F 06/19 07:14
Peteroo: 專業推88F 06/19 07:15
Butcherdon: 太棒了89F 06/19 07:15
mythLin: 推90F 06/19 07:16
apman: 最後ㄧ句真的霸氣!感謝翻譯!91F 06/19 07:17
patoo: 選個水母的人在那邊鬼叫....92F 06/19 07:17
powerdream: 相較之下,銹蛀只能上Kmt的黨報93F 06/19 07:17
gobbynya:94F 06/19 07:18
basicnet: ***********米國認證**********95F 06/19 07:18
basicnet: ***********米國認證**********
jaeomes: 最後一句讚97F 06/19 07:18
Orzer: 洪一中:妳上的了週刊王嗎? 嘖!98F 06/19 07:19
lexptt: 推翻譯99F 06/19 07:19
tinyredO3O: 推>//////<100F 06/19 07:19
teddy72: 感謝翻譯101F 06/19 07:21
peine: 推認真102F 06/19 07:21
eva19452002: 幹,害我想喝烏龍茶和黑咖啡了103F 06/19 07:22
turgnev: 重點在國會,總統已經贏了。104F 06/19 07:22
c7683fh6: 我不認為蔡英文是一位強勁對手XD 這句話應該是蔡說的吧105F 06/19 07:23
wsx26997785: 小英除了有學問外還會煮菜 紅一中會煮菜嗎?106F 06/19 07:24
yuta02: 一轉眼又過了3年...真的剩下最後一哩路.......107F 06/19 07:24
LABOYS: ㄏㄏ,美國阿爸挺誰,還用問ㄇ108F 06/19 07:24
Fongin: 一邊一國109F 06/19 07:25
susu1028: 感謝翻譯110F 06/19 07:25
tokyoto: 這文章的結尾寫得真棒111F 06/19 07:25
dearjohn: 馬英九還不快一點致上賀電?蠢馬英九洗洗睡吧。112F 06/19 07:26
goodtour: 完整版113F 06/19 07:26
entay: 翻譯的真好,中文的文字精準度好高114F 06/19 07:27
yuta02: >//////<115F 06/19 07:28
lkmotoping: 這個翻譯水準讓人下跪啊116F 06/19 07:28
anice100: 推翻譯!117F 06/19 07:28
tomrun168: 推  小英加油118F 06/19 07:28
victoryman: 跟中共融在一起的大企業 這不就說明買辦企業 以經逼統119F 06/19 07:28
FIRZEN45: 奧林匹克級的劍術家…  形容得很到位啊120F 06/19 07:28
mmjoe: 阿扁當年不也上封面,然後呢?121F 06/19 07:28
s20030126:  最後一句好帥XDDDDDD122F 06/19 07:31
tokyoto: 然後就當選了啊 TIME不會登雜魚上封面的123F 06/19 07:31
KillerMoDo:                        就當總統啦 還然後咧124F 06/19 07:31
victoryman: 選後一定要先關掉用行政命令偷渡的賣台政策像海貿會等125F 06/19 07:31
evilove: 翻譯的真好!126F 06/19 07:32
TIGER228: 推127F 06/19 07:32
ttykimo: mm你是要說蔡接下來就穩當選了吧128F 06/19 07:32
aston0610: 讚129F 06/19 07:33
maxn86: 推130F 06/19 07:33
greatgatsby: 原po是專業翻譯嗎?131F 06/19 07:33
bakaka: 小英加油132F 06/19 07:34
HansLee: 翻譯很好易讀133F 06/19 07:34
yuta02: 雜魚戳到我笑點XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD134F 06/19 07:35
neil: 好翻譯麻糬135F 06/19 07:37
bryant1228: Push136F 06/19 07:38
neverbelieve: 神父在推文裡137F 06/19 07:38
leione: 太感謝了!!!138F 06/19 07:39
oiea: 讚讚讚!米國認證139F 06/19 07:39
hrpe: 推翻譯140F 06/19 07:39
kis28519: 最後ㄧ句真的霸氣!感謝翻譯!141F 06/19 07:39
leione: 翻的好棒!!!142F 06/19 07:39
adifdtd: 你一定打很久  辛苦了  感恩143F 06/19 07:40
gn01921390: 老爸是土地開發商...恩...144F 06/19 07:40
konner: 辣椒柱表示你有上過周刊王嗎??145F 06/19 07:41
a5b4c3d2e1: 讚146F 06/19 07:41
qwop8765: 逃避共產黨的國民黨勢力給"佔領"!?原文真的這樣寫?147F 06/19 07:42
killla: 令人感動的政治高度與格局! 完全打趴小丑條啊劑148F 06/19 07:42
Tenging: 小弟粗淺從來沒看過TIMES 幹!他們作者都在寫小說膩149F 06/19 07:43
Tenging: 把蔡英文寫得跟海賊王紅髮跟白鬍子一樣有屁用
konner: 不是說柱阿姨有請網軍!快點出來表示些啥麼阿?151F 06/19 07:45
Tenging: 蔡英文最厲害的強項都沒被寫出來吧152F 06/19 07:45
mramos6796: 推推153F 06/19 07:46
Lia: 英文用的是"seized" 自己去查吧154F 06/19 07:47
killla: 這ㄧ集的《TIME》一定要買回來珍藏一下155F 06/19 07:47
hengyi: 推156F 06/19 07:48
cocabell: 9.2: 抓到了!小英用自己的筷子夾菜給別人 不衛生 退選157F 06/19 07:48
Pmking: 這翻譯和原文都令人動容啊158F 06/19 07:48
cocabell: 啦159F 06/19 07:48
saul17: 推 小英一定要當選 台灣才有救啊!160F 06/19 07:49
cocabell: 對這篇經濟的論述不大認同 阿扁時代的經濟明明就比馬狗161F 06/19 07:50
cocabell: 好太多了
awesomeSS66: 華人世界唯一民主國家163F 06/19 07:50
gyboy74: 哈哈哈164F 06/19 07:50
linch416: 打我臉打夠了沒 看689.2崩潰就是爽165F 06/19 07:51
loonety: 謝謝翻譯166F 06/19 07:51
kengoptt: 推!167F 06/19 07:52
conrad6868: 推168F 06/19 07:53
daieiso: 讚169F 06/19 07:53
oceanman: 新加坡是華人世界獨裁國家?170F 06/19 07:57
AbbeyJien: 最後一句太帥啦!!!!171F 06/19 07:58
wxyz111: 感謝翻譯,週刊王封面也是很爛上的,要先住屎坑過172F 06/19 07:58
chiyaki: 一定要贏173F 06/19 07:59
hu6111: 臭蛆都快氣瘋了XDDD174F 06/19 08:00
ihatechina: 內文不錯~ 小英加油!!!!!175F 06/19 08:02
pei284424: 最後一句真的霸氣!!!176F 06/19 08:02
jmwang40: 這是一場米國與強國的戰爭(咦)XDDD177F 06/19 08:02
j0928875963: 最後一句霸氣!!178F 06/19 08:03
bigbearlin: 感謝179F 06/19 08:04
Naphthalene: 翻得很棒180F 06/19 08:04
bbaad: Chinese Democracy 有點保守的說法181F 06/19 08:04
bdmizar: 幹,感謝您的翻譯,小英低調的霸氣182F 06/19 08:05
eightman: 沒其他意思,但這樣PO沒有著作權的問題嗎183F 06/19 08:05
bewitchsky: 推184F 06/19 08:05
linein: 蔡英文強調她不會改變台灣和中國之間的政治關係,但對於是185F 06/19 08:08
linein: 否撤回台獨條文卻是依然維持模糊(台獨呢?還不是維持馬英
lovetina:                   龍太厚......呸.....不要臉的東西!!!187F 06/19 08:08
linein: 九現狀)188F 06/19 08:08
bloodruru: 小英這規格真高 XD189F 06/19 08:08
pig726: 黨工與689準備崩潰中190F 06/19 08:09
h41615: !!!191F 06/19 08:09
Gvant: 推192F 06/19 08:10
ayaerika: 小心記者會偷喔193F 06/19 08:11
jovialian: 反觀柱柱根本廢渣。194F 06/19 08:14
AkumaII:195F 06/19 08:14
snower06: 感謝翻譯~轉貼臉書196F 06/19 08:14
tuutu: 推 專業翻譯197F 06/19 08:15
ayaerika: 那些真的懂的 蛆蛆 早就嚇死了 哈哈198F 06/19 08:15
ianna: 感謝翻譯199F 06/19 08:15
zergtide: 3Q200F 06/19 08:16
Pegasus170: 感謝翻譯,借轉臉書。201F 06/19 08:17
rickcoo: 推小英202F 06/19 08:17
Gritty5566: 1203F 06/19 08:17
owee: 推 翻譯辛苦了204F 06/19 08:17
Dannyx: 推205F 06/19 08:18
hoij79627: 翻譯超好!206F 06/19 08:18
wadx1035: 洪秀柱好像沒什麼專長的樣子207F 06/19 08:19
vingfing: 格調的確不同208F 06/19 08:21
leocat: 推霸氣。新加坡不是獨裁國家,是家族企業209F 06/19 08:21
WeGoYuSheng: 柱柱專長:罵人 拉人 打人 甩巴掌 裝猴子210F 06/19 08:21
slowwater: 推翻譯211F 06/19 08:23
yankee50103: 希望蔡主席上任後可以徹底掃除一切跟中國有來往的企212F 06/19 08:23
rainrein: 唯一支持小英213F 06/19 08:23
yankee50103: 業,台灣人可以沒有錢但不能沒有身為台灣人的硬頸精神214F 06/19 08:23
mocca000: 推215F 06/19 08:26
groundorder: 可以轉貼臉書嗎?希望可以跟朋友分享這篇好文:)216F 06/19 08:26
exelop: 左手領18%,右手批18%~~~能有什麼期待217F 06/19 08:27
a8017700: 新加坡獨裁有意見?218F 06/19 08:28
pipiayin: 小白兔長成大獅子了219F 06/19 08:28
deadlyweapon: 翻譯辛苦了,小英跟台灣加油,大家要小心KMT的爛招220F 06/19 08:28
STE23: 推221F 06/19 08:31
kakashi71: 這翻的太專業了~222F 06/19 08:32
sunstar1988: 這才叫記者啊! 功課做很足的報導!!!!223F 06/19 08:32
tatata: 1949年中國共產黨勝利後來自中國的精英份子? 不就魯蛇群224F 06/19 08:34
tearsong: 感謝翻譯225F 06/19 08:35
sharonest: 推,翻得真好226F 06/19 08:36
llplp: 翻譯超強!!227F 06/19 08:36
jmwang40: 翻譯專業!謝謝!228F 06/19 08:38
vn509942: 後面有一段論述錯了 KMT根本不懂治國,只懂斂財。229F 06/19 08:38
ck517: 這一集會被中國封殺....230F 06/19 08:38
vn509942: 澎風柱完全無特別能力,只是喊話大聲,不誠實的武鬥派。231F 06/19 08:39
dick70043: 秀柱除了大聲罵人,講的出什麼東西嗎?232F 06/19 08:39
sky093851248: 蔡英文不是早就放棄18趴了嗎?233F 06/19 08:40
LAKobeBryant: 前面幾段哪裡有講到國家?234F 06/19 08:40
keiok: 翻譯不錯,給推!235F 06/19 08:41
chou3321: 感謝翻譯 辛苦惹 最後一句太讚啦XDDDDDDDDDDDDD236F 06/19 08:43
joesarira: 感謝翻譯237F 06/19 08:44
kennethlin: 讚啦 蛆蛆竄逃238F 06/19 08:44
JeanSijhih: 台灣加油!239F 06/19 08:44
gaddafi: 感謝翻譯、排版。清晰、翻譯的很好。辛苦Po文者了,感謝240F 06/19 08:44
playoffmogi: 這翻譯可以直接在報紙上發表了吧!241F 06/19 08:46
boggae: 反統!!!!242F 06/19 08:46
presto286: :243F 06/19 08:47
qn: 台灣加油244F 06/19 08:47
p90ep90e: 付費雜誌...245F 06/19 08:47
victor33: 爽啦246F 06/19 08:48
jeross: Ing Ing der247F 06/19 08:49
danieo:248F 06/19 08:49
s3122762120: 幹...翻譯太猛啦!!!!249F 06/19 08:50
SilverFox: 反觀,,,,台灣記者…250F 06/19 08:51
bengowa: 幹 真的反觀鬼島一堆抹黑記者251F 06/19 08:52
Lydia66: 92共識是 "a masterpiece of ambiguity" ←戳到我笑點252F 06/19 08:52
edjoneseve: 推253F 06/19 08:52
mobilx: 推 台灣記者快來抄喔,看看真正的記者長什麼樣子254F 06/19 08:54
smallsmile: 感謝翻譯 推255F 06/19 08:54
yao75317: 推翻譯    駐板記者爽到了 ?256F 06/19 08:54
jevix: 採訪和翻譯都好用心~美國人都懂1129崩盤的始末,就kmt不257F 06/19 08:55
jevix: 懂 還更加惡化往中國靠~
smilepro: 讚 ~等著這期寄來好好收藏259F 06/19 08:55
DeepImpact: 推啊260F 06/19 08:56
jung011841: 推翻譯261F 06/19 08:58
OlenG: 內戰結束時國民黨勢力給佔領 抗議 我們課本說是合法接管耶262F 06/19 08:59
boogieman: 170樓竟然不知道新加坡是獨裁國家 娘子快來看奇葩!263F 06/19 08:59
nfsong: 低調的自信!!!!!!!!!!!!264F 06/19 09:00
Ratalie: http://i.imgur.com/JylNTCa.jpg 周刊王才是王道265F 06/19 09:01
Ratalie: http://goo.gl/am1sxb 洪:馬英九本身的政策沒問題266F 06/19 09:02
Ratalie: 投給洪一中就是支持馬英九267F 06/19 09:02
sobigbird: 小英最後一句超級無敵帥!268F 06/19 09:03
Lomax: 誰快把柱柱姐的報導翻成英文出來對抗呀~269F 06/19 09:04
ask865134: 最後一句超霸氣啊啊啊!!270F 06/19 09:05
chinick1478: 推271F 06/19 09:06
wario2014: 幹,小柱子67了啊,有夠老的272F 06/19 09:06
kanging: 推最後一句273F 06/19 09:07
q13461346: 翻譯推  最後一句超猛!!274F 06/19 09:07
fetoyeh: 這篇寫的真是仔細275F 06/19 09:09
pili761003: 『1949年台灣被戰敗的國民黨佔據』276F 06/19 09:09
GJman: 辣椒永遠只能當陪襯品而已277F 06/19 09:11
goddarn: 洪一中格局完全輸了,連B咖都不如278F 06/19 09:11
collector:279F 06/19 09:12
smart1989: 推280F 06/19 09:12
zeanmar: 感謝翻譯281F 06/19 09:13
aoi: 推。感謝翻譯282F 06/19 09:13
yargy: 美國中國都覺得他上  兩岸會變麻煩  爽啦283F 06/19 09:14
MasCat: 這篇戳到蛆的g點惹284F 06/19 09:15
crossover103: 帥氣285F 06/19 09:15
kenro: 蠻不錯的內容286F 06/19 09:16
Ayenyen: 各種霸氣287F 06/19 09:17
ncc1412: 謝謝翻譯 辛苦了288F 06/19 09:17
adsop: PUSH!!289F 06/19 09:20
kyle200111: 蔡總統好!290F 06/19 09:20
terry1043: 先替記者謝謝你翻譯291F 06/19 09:23
akanokuruma: 推292F 06/19 09:25
tokei927: 689.2崩潰~~~293F 06/19 09:26
a258558: 翻譯推!超霸氣啦!!!!294F 06/19 09:27
lmf770410: 感謝翻譯295F 06/19 09:28
kokonoe: 感謝翻譯,最後一句熱血霸氣!296F 06/19 09:30
douou: 小英!!297F 06/19 09:32
xamnime: 感謝翻譯298F 06/19 09:32
UniAH: 謝謝原po翻譯!很棒的報導299F 06/19 09:32
datoking: 推!低調的自信300F 06/19 09:32
mdkn35: 整個霸氣301F 06/19 09:33
kuaiphoto: 推翻譯!!!302F 06/19 09:35
aph860212: kmt最會拼黨的經濟了303F 06/19 09:36
Ivogore: 這翻譯有點神......304F 06/19 09:40
oosakeoo: 最後一句霸氣305F 06/19 09:42
annie588670: 翻譯推!超霸氣啦!!!!306F 06/19 09:42
jessica5230: 推,感謝翻譯307F 06/19 09:43
lorries: 推用心,翻譯水準極高!308F 06/19 09:43
Granadilla: 辛苦了 翻譯的超棒 記者也寫的非常好309F 06/19 09:43
kw003266: 週刊王才是王道啦310F 06/19 09:44
yuhurefu: 推 謝謝翻譯311F 06/19 09:45
as960625: 最後一句有點帥312F 06/19 09:46
tending: 網軍P 2!313F 06/19 09:47
wendyhahaha: 推314F 06/19 09:47
tzuchun0214: 推315F 06/19 09:47
v2007v2007: 猛猛的316F 06/19 09:48
double21: 新加坡選舉之前可以把反對黨告到失去參選資格XD317F 06/19 09:49
audi9999: 罷氣!!!318F 06/19 09:49
wow5050: 帥!319F 06/19 09:50
Gnome: 太霸氣惹!!!320F 06/19 09:50
tienfei: 在歷史這一刻,我有投票權真好321F 06/19 09:50
Shaorune: 推翻譯~322F 06/19 09:54
thankyoualot: 感謝翻譯323F 06/19 09:55
acont: 最後一句帥氣阿~看看她的資歷就覺得空心柱連邊都摸不上324F 06/19 09:55
Mayday0109: 推~~超霸氣的一句325F 06/19 09:56
Dreamkids: 最後一句 呵呵326F 06/19 09:56
mos47: 感謝翻譯,最後一句很棒327F 06/19 09:56
busweetstar: 最後一句超有自信328F 06/19 09:57
wmja4387: 最後一句實在太霸氣了!怎麼能不愛蔡總統?!329F 06/19 09:58
RitsuN: 翻譯得很好330F 06/19 09:58
Puribaw: 幹…這真的太有霸氣喇!阿文掰,我要把票投給小英了331F 06/19 09:59
amani168: 最後一句不錯332F 06/19 10:00
Puribaw: 小英確實是和一般民進黨不太一樣,忽然有點期待她的作者333F 06/19 10:00
sxoao: 內容棒334F 06/19 10:00
Puribaw: *為335F 06/19 10:00
jaxson: 國民黨敗了嗎?別講的好像勝券在握。336F 06/19 10:01
powerkshs: 霸氣!337F 06/19 10:02
allloveme: 感謝翻譯338F 06/19 10:03
snsdakb48: 謝謝翻譯339F 06/19 10:04
k14134: 推!340F 06/19 10:05
andyapple: 推!341F 06/19 10:05
moonineasy: 霸氣342F 06/19 10:05
cho860928: 感謝翻譯343F 06/19 10:06
fju402392: 神翻譯R344F 06/19 10:07
iecdalu: 洪秀柱那種格局格調,實在low345F 06/19 10:10
smallx4321: 爽阿!!!!!!! 加油!!!!!!!!!!!!346F 06/19 10:11
zeldalin: 看完了,讚!347F 06/19 10:11
bearking2: 「then seized by Nationalist forces」時代雜誌認證的348F 06/19 10:12
bearking2: 「國據時代(1945-2000)」以後請多多推廣
bonesoda: 翻得真好啊~350F 06/19 10:13
windai: 推推 這期要買xd351F 06/19 10:14
pian0214: 推翻譯!!感謝!!!352F 06/19 10:14
kunfome: 感謝 信苦了353F 06/19 10:16
ttecat: 謝謝翻譯!臺灣加油!捍衛民主,主權獨立!354F 06/19 10:17
c8c812345678: 唯一民主國家卻無法加入聯合國  這個世界真可愛355F 06/19 10:18
dafo: 最後ㄧ句真的霸氣356F 06/19 10:20
LoveU1314: 感謝翻譯!!!!!辛苦了~推最後一句的霸氣!!!!!蔡總統好!!357F 06/19 10:21
yojhi: 寫的很好 這才是記者好嗎!358F 06/19 10:22
yojhi: 感謝翻譯!
headsouth: 結尾超霸氣 我都被震懾了啊!360F 06/19 10:23
zilong: 感謝專業翻譯361F 06/19 10:24
gwjhs112: 蔡真的變更加霸氣惹362F 06/19 10:25
c60789: 推363F 06/19 10:25
loguchon1: 感謝翻譯!!364F 06/19 10:27
nsaids: 被照抄惹~這翻譯功力實在高365F 06/19 10:27
SHIU0315: 推~~~~366F 06/19 10:28
B4after: 太強拉~~~367F 06/19 10:28
ncawiner: 感謝翻譯 救了菜英文368F 06/19 10:28
nctugoodman:   自稱實心,本質卻是空的  罵人空心,那人卻是實的369F 06/19 10:30
pro33342: 蛆蛆崩潰370F 06/19 10:30
tomchow76: "台灣的下一任總統曾經為妳服務過。"  罷氣!!!371F 06/19 10:32
OoJudyoO: 最後一句好霸氣XD372F 06/19 10:32
pigmouse: 感謝翻譯   不過會不會被記者整個抄阿373F 06/19 10:32
c568221: 推翻譯374F 06/19 10:34
REALJOINGO: 翻譯好棒375F 06/19 10:36
SeTeVen: 最後一句,國民黨會說:驕傲的兔子376F 06/19 10:36
bowcacayy: 蔡總統好377F 06/19 10:36
forsalama: 翻譯得太棒了!感謝!378F 06/19 10:36
SeTeVen: 他們玻璃碎滿地就會開始斷章取義靠背來靠杯去379F 06/19 10:37
rakokuou: 感謝翻譯380F 06/19 10:38
duxxlux: 先說清楚保持現狀是國與國,還是一個中國吧,不要表面喊381F 06/19 10:39
duxxlux: 一套,私底下做的跟KTM一模一樣
STi2011: 推383F 06/19 10:39
Samael:384F 06/19 10:41
tigerzz3: 感謝翻譯 看了好感動 時代認證KMT佔台灣啦 幹你娘KMT385F 06/19 10:41
kebede14: 翻譯超棒 小英加油386F 06/19 10:41
pomelozu: 原文跟翻譯都超棒!! 最後ㄧ句霸氣~387F 06/19 10:43
joyc06u6: 謝謝翻譯!! 小英霸氣!!388F 06/19 10:46
yoyoasd: 推389F 06/19 10:47
hankower: 霸氣390F 06/19 10:49
mmarty: 感動391F 06/19 10:49
SmartSolomon:392F 06/19 10:49
tnpeter: 唯一支持蔡英文393F 06/19 10:52
elsa50320: 推394F 06/19 10:52
buchholiz: 已哭395F 06/19 10:54
lovelyhan: 最後一句霸氣!396F 06/19 10:57
Jexpect: 推啦397F 06/19 10:57
c10177: 金感夏398F 06/19 10:59
greg11321: 洪秀柱超沒格調:「我不認為蔡英文是一位強的對手」399F 06/19 10:59
xxyxx: 辛苦了400F 06/19 10:59
kevinaa: 這是亞洲版還是國際版??  亞洲版不少明星都有401F 06/19 11:00
ShareLife: 感謝翻譯,拿來當學習教材。402F 06/19 11:02
leptons: 感謝翻譯403F 06/19 11:04
dian9: !!!謝謝翻譯!!404F 06/19 11:05
Enfys: 最後一句太霸氣惹405F 06/19 11:09
nosweating: 謝謝翻譯!406F 06/19 11:10
renji1231: 翻得好棒!謝謝翻譯407F 06/19 11:10
OoJudyoO: 洪的一句話 就顯示她的低水準408F 06/19 11:11
MatsuzakaLee: 感謝分享! 翻譯很專業!409F 06/19 11:12
jamesadobe: 辛苦了 翻的超好410F 06/19 11:12
holyhelm: 第一段的橘子....有暗喻嗎?411F 06/19 11:13
hereiam1022: 推最後一句,感謝翻譯&記者。412F 06/19 11:14
rinsoukan: 推翻譯!!!413F 06/19 11:15
a126sam01: 翻譯不錯414F 06/19 11:18
littleredhat: 高度整個就不一樣~415F 06/19 11:18
silvia6: 感謝翻譯!416F 06/19 11:19
wolfwayne:417F 06/19 11:19
sherry1312: 感謝翻譯!418F 06/19 11:20
yuzukineko: 推翻譯419F 06/19 11:21
noworneverev: 最後一句猛420F 06/19 11:24
KaedeRed: 推421F 06/19 11:24
webberhan: 推422F 06/19 11:25
kkenex: 推423F 06/19 11:26
holyhelm: 小英甚麼時候這麼霸氣了424F 06/19 11:28
sid300: 超霸氣  洪只會靠謾罵別人來壯大自己  格局差太多425F 06/19 11:30
devil40528: 推翻譯426F 06/19 11:31
Poleaxe: 最後一句霸氣!427F 06/19 11:33
milulite: 謝謝翻譯!非常專業428F 06/19 11:33
a3504121: 推429F 06/19 11:33
tiramisu44: 一堆出來看不下去,狂崩潰欸 哈哈哈哈哈哈430F 06/19 11:34
lovegloria:431F 06/19 11:34
kbten: 推432F 06/19 11:34
wangjoker: 推433F 06/19 11:35
starmiau: 翻得真好434F 06/19 11:36
lipsred1006: 幹最後一句實在霸氣啊啊啊435F 06/19 11:38
asole: 我這一票是你的了436F 06/19 11:42
beyonf: 好帥,已高潮437F 06/19 11:42
dufflin: 哩金有心!438F 06/19 11:42
feedback: 推439F 06/19 11:43
Carrarese: 推翻譯440F 06/19 11:43
ghjh41123: 感謝翻譯!!!推441F 06/19 11:45
huanshon0615: 最後一句霸氣442F 06/19 11:47
ohno91: 感謝翻譯 辛苦了443F 06/19 11:47
Crauser: 推,內文並不完全都捧蔡英文,也有指出目前DPP面臨的議題444F 06/19 11:49
zx126126987: 有神父wwwwwwwwwww445F 06/19 11:49
gwboy: 霸氣推446F 06/19 11:51
a1s2d342001: 翻譯推447F 06/19 11:52
linbay5566: 推448F 06/19 11:53
vul310: 推~449F 06/19 11:53
trying10: 推!!450F 06/19 11:54
njrmp: QAQ 不知道為何 好感動451F 06/19 11:54
tel5149: 是金黃色的霸氣452F 06/19 11:56
YOSO8601: 推小英453F 06/19 11:57
cheinly: 推454F 06/19 11:58
betabei: 推455F 06/19 11:58
OrdinaryMan: 推翻譯456F 06/19 12:00
GiantStone: 最後一句猛457F 06/19 12:04
leione: 回前面的推 這是國際版啦, Time的instagram都寫了458F 06/19 12:17
leione: international cover
siahlin: 感動460F 06/19 12:17
jay0215: 最後一句霸氣!!!461F 06/19 12:20
luluffy: 推462F 06/19 12:21
apple90101: 翻譯的很好,謝謝463F 06/19 12:24
zenki324: 感謝翻譯,最後一句霸氣!464F 06/19 12:25
xyz168: 無論如何回家投票,補刀KMT~465F 06/19 12:27
mithuang: 洪的格局真的被海放466F 06/19 12:31
wht810090:467F 06/19 12:33
wht810090: 翻譯辛苦了 是說文章的內容頗平實啊
tsuruka: 謝謝翻譯!! 看完已感動469F 06/19 12:35
nmchen: 一個蛋吃不夠 你有沒有吃五個470F 06/19 12:38
MAYDAYJJ: 馬的 最後一句有點屌471F 06/19 12:40
eagle0917: 翻譯品質很不錯,最後一句頗霸氣!472F 06/19 12:46
windgaia: 翻譯太專業了!!用字簡潔優美~473F 06/19 12:50
weimr: 推....474F 06/19 12:52
mra2284: 謝謝翻譯 時代記者也海放台灣記者475F 06/19 12:58
e761031: 感謝翻譯!!!!476F 06/19 13:09
AWPER: 感謝原po 蔡英文真霸氣!477F 06/19 13:12
heroe: 魚是海上捕的,小學生月考寫錯誰負責?!478F 06/19 13:12
lisababy1202: 推啦!479F 06/19 13:13
HermesKing:480F 06/19 13:14
MingXi: 謝謝翻譯481F 06/19 13:18
fallen1: 太棒了  謝謝翻譯482F 06/19 13:19
ylilain: 推483F 06/19 13:20
minbyminby: 好專業的翻譯 (拜)484F 06/19 13:23
leftalston: 推485F 06/19 13:24
MermaidFA: 感謝翻譯486F 06/19 13:26
ss1107: 推487F 06/19 13:36
GYdecision: 推488F 06/19 13:38
jimmysquidy: 這 才 叫 記 者                 台霉根本垃圾製造商489F 06/19 13:43
attitudium: 感謝翻譯490F 06/19 13:43
wolfwayne:491F 06/19 13:47
gew571: 連魚的來源都如此吹毛求疵...真的是小學生會堅持的...492F 06/19 13:48
hua0207: 感謝翻譯493F 06/19 13:51
cheerjanice: 推!494F 06/19 13:52
herman1110: 神串留名495F 06/19 13:54
tpn: 看到最後一句搭配封面照,讚496F 06/19 13:55
Waitaha: 推497F 06/19 14:21
cdpicker: 超霸氣!!!498F 06/19 14:23
cdpicker: 感謝翻譯
nina713: 推翻譯!500F 06/19 14:32
bank1000: 最後一段是在討好記者嗎?501F 06/19 14:33
traipse: 一堆崩潰渣猛噓 XDDD502F 06/19 14:39
elephanting: 推503F 06/19 14:41
eas06u4: 推504F 06/19 14:42
heyshi: 推505F 06/19 14:49
VincentQQ: 翻得真好506F 06/19 14:50
summertea: 一流的記者跟一流的翻譯呀!!!507F 06/19 14:54
vimeo: 推508F 06/19 14:57
lovermk520: 推~感謝翻譯這麼棒509F 06/19 14:58
starW: 感謝翻譯!510F 06/19 14:59
yumorning:511F 06/19 15:07
kk9517: 最後一句太霸氣了..512F 06/19 15:21
weboau: 感謝翻譯513F 06/19 15:22
mtdas:514F 06/19 15:25
ujchou: 正在學英文,所以想請教翻譯者為何being wonky=學院派?515F 06/19 15:30
HappyboyEric: 推!!!!516F 06/19 15:35
azure5209: 推專業翻譯!517F 06/19 15:38
ucieric: 英文全文看完,中文翻得很好518F 06/19 15:47
smonkey: !!!!!!!!!!!!!519F 06/19 15:49
newstarisme: 翻得不錯520F 06/19 15:50
zxp930110: 好文推!!! 我邊看邊起雞皮疙瘩521F 06/19 15:56
zxp930110: 感謝翻譯
hankhui3175: 感謝翻譯   小英加油   全力支持小英523F 06/19 16:05
hankhui3175: 加強與世界的連結 扶持台灣品牌 降低對中國過度依賴
southducky: 推 謝謝翻譯525F 06/19 16:07
hankhui3175: 推推推526F 06/19 16:07
hankhui3175: 文中最後一句霸氣    推推推
w235: 推翻譯528F 06/19 16:14
JamieWu: 推翻譯 小英最後一句好霸氣XD529F 06/19 16:19
c06072001: 推推530F 06/19 16:27
jajoy: 最後是真的嗎 ?好有自信531F 06/19 16:54

※ 看板: traume 文章推薦值: 12 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 35179 
※ 本文也出現在看板: MANGROVE Gossiping PttHot
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( ̄︶ ̄)b smallfish, Sam101, win2000ps2, Frank168, HeresMyPotat, j1992624, Lighthouse, kenn 共 8 個人 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2015-06-19 09:24:32 (台灣)
  06-19 09:24 TW
2樓 時間: 2015-06-19 09:27:43 (台灣)
+4    (編輯過) TW
有沒有脫褲捏奶奶的空心柱 也上TIME的新聞 ?
3樓 時間: 2015-06-19 09:34:47 (台灣)
+3 06-19 09:34 TW
4樓 時間: 2015-06-19 09:45:34 (美國)
  06-19 09:45 US
5樓 時間: 2015-06-19 09:47:13 (台灣)
  06-19 09:47 TW
中國可以再用力的用那些慣老闆幫忙做負面宣傳, 宣傳越多台灣人的反感越大. 這些買辦和舔中企業早就是票房毒藥, 柯 P 選上台北市長及六都被翻了五都就是明證. 中國的紅色威脅利誘已經不是特效藥. 甚至連在中國的台商都逐漸看穿中國的技倆漸漸將產業移出中國, 東南亞 中南美 南亞都已經布局. 現在只剩下爛黨的部份成員 9.2 趴 還有慣老闆集團才會繼續對中國買單. 面向全世界的經濟是必須的.
6樓 時間: 2015-06-19 10:05:24 (台灣)
  06-19 10:05 TW
7樓 時間: 2015-06-19 10:32:15 (台灣)
  06-19 10:32 TW
8樓 時間: 2015-06-19 10:32:25 (台灣)
  06-19 10:32 TW
9樓 時間: 2015-06-19 11:14:40 (台灣)
  06-19 11:14 TW
10樓 時間: 2015-06-19 11:23:30 (台灣)
  06-19 11:23 TW
11樓 時間: 2015-06-19 11:27:09 (台灣)
  06-19 11:27 TW
12樓 時間: 2015-06-19 11:35:51 (台灣)
  06-19 11:35 TW
gogomako 轉錄至看板 MANGROVE (使用連結) 時間:2015-06-19 11:38:37
13樓 時間: 2015-06-19 11:40:48 (台灣)
  06-19 11:40 TW
小英的等級真的不是蓋得  這篇文章寫得很好 把台灣最主要問題都點出來了
14樓 時間: 2015-06-19 12:01:10 (台灣)
  06-19 12:01 TW
紅蛀蛀: 我幹麻登時代雜誌
15樓 時間: 2015-06-19 12:27:52 (台灣)
  06-19 12:27 TW
16樓 時間: 2015-06-19 12:31:43 (台灣)
  06-19 12:31 TW
17樓 時間: 2015-06-19 12:37:54 (台灣)
+2 06-19 12:37 TW
柱柱姐 別怕 你們還有汪報 還有中時
18樓 時間: 2015-06-19 12:45:51 (台灣)
  06-19 12:45 TW
(若是..)豬豬 : 妳回北京告訴我們的領導 我一直在為你們服務 沒有我就沒有ECFA及服貿!
19樓 時間: 2015-06-19 13:15:37 (台灣)
+4 06-19 13:15 TW
20樓 時間: 2015-06-19 13:32:53 (台灣)
  06-19 13:32 TW
已經看到這咖... 捏奶掐喉脫褲,
21樓 時間: 2015-06-19 13:33:51 (台灣)
  06-19 13:33 TW
22樓 時間: 2015-06-19 14:02:25 (台灣)
  06-19 14:02 TW
2016希望全國同心 一起支持蔡英文 為台灣開創新局
23樓 時間: 2015-06-19 14:31:41 (台灣)
  06-19 14:31 TW
24樓 時間: 2015-06-19 14:51:40 (台灣)
  06-19 14:51 TW
holla 轉錄至看板 Primula (使用連結) 時間:2015-06-19 15:54:37
holla 轉錄至看板 Primula (使用複製) 時間:2015-06-19 15:55:07
25樓 時間: 2015-06-19 15:58:40 (台灣)
  06-19 15:58 TW
26樓 時間: 2015-06-19 16:57:05 (台灣)
+1 06-19 16:57 TW
27樓 時間: 2015-06-19 17:10:47 (台灣)
  06-19 17:10 TW
28樓 時間: 2015-06-19 18:05:27 (台灣)
  06-19 18:05 TW
小夫 他媽耶!!!!  有夠像的!
29樓 時間: 2015-06-19 18:34:00 (台灣)
  06-19 18:34 TW
30樓 時間: 2015-06-19 18:36:49 (台灣)
  06-19 18:36 TW
31樓 時間: 2015-06-19 20:20:20 (台灣)
  06-19 20:20 TW
32樓 時間: 2015-06-19 20:30:34 (台灣)
  06-19 20:30 TW
老娘登周刊王和華爾街日報 +1
33樓 時間: 2015-06-19 21:52:33 (台灣)
  06-19 21:52 TW
seized by Nationalist forces fleeing the Communists at the end of the Chinese civil war.
34樓 時間: 2015-06-19 23:56:58 (台灣)
  06-19 23:56 TW
35樓 時間: 2015-06-20 02:47:33 (台灣)
+1 06-20 02:47 TW
36樓 時間: 2015-06-20 02:59:32 (台灣)
  06-20 02:59 TW
37樓 時間: 2015-06-20 03:11:16 (台灣)
+1 06-20 03:11 TW
最後一句滿霸氣的 但我不喜歡藍綠怎辦 宋出來選啦!
38樓 時間: 2015-06-20 05:54:56 (台灣)
+1 06-20 05:54 TW
39樓 時間: 2015-06-20 08:30:22 (台灣)
  06-20 08:30 TW
博客來-TIME 時代週刊 06/29/2015 第22期
TIME 時代週刊 06/29/2015 第22期 ...
40樓 時間: 2015-06-20 15:20:50 (台灣)
  06-20 15:20 TW
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