※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-27 01:29:32
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 6/24 Q&A
時間 Tue Jun 25 01:33:04 2013
- SerB confirmed the work is finishing on ingame model re-work, including
bigger polygon count for models and the possibility of shells knocking
down/destroying various stuff that’s lying on the tank (tools, boxes etc),
increasing the number of optional turrets and making various suspension/hull
types visually distinctive – the ETA is as always “when it’s done it’s
- SerB considers Redshire to be a normal map, it won’t be reworked (“You’d
only whine about another map, so what’s the point in doing that”)
- AFK tanks won’t be transferred to other players to control in the battle
(SS: yes, someone actually asked, whether he could control tanks that are AFK
for some time)
- “anti-medals” for fighting 5-10 battles in a row without dealing damage
won’t be introduced: “No, we won’t implement retarded medals – because
some “special” people would actually farm them”
- SerB commenting on the recent “Bagration” event on RU server (SS: where
Russian players gained insane amounts of gold thanks to the “miniquests”
implemented and started asking for more): “Well, I think that x20 bonus to
credit and XP event would be even better. True, after that the game would die
rather quickly, but whatever.”
- Q: “T10 Foch with camo net and camo skills is totally invisible!” A: “
Well, then start playing it”
- Q: “Arty is overnerfed, a lot of people did quit playing it, what about
that?” A: “Then don’t play arty. That’s why we did it.”
- it is possible to hit the enemy gun module without damaging it, as the gun
does have the module saving throw (see here)
- generally the developers are happy about the way the amount of arty in
battles was reduced in 0.8.6
- SerB states that if according to 0.8.6 statistics there were too few arties
left, they’d be buffed “if needed”
SerB表示如果8.6的數據顯示SPG數量太少,那「在必要情況下」會buff SPG。
- 7/42 format won’t be changed in connection with the 0.8.6 arty re-work
- when considering penetration of (let’s say) 150mm penetration shell and
150mm thick armor, in order to penetrate the armor (to cause damage) 150mm
penetration is enough, it doesn’t have to be MORE than 150mm
- T34 armor model was not changed
- SerB responding to another arty whining player: “The rebalance of arty was
done so that the amount of noobs playing it would be come lower. And judging
from your whining, the goal was met.”
SerB回應另一個哭哭的SPG玩家:「重新平衡SPG的目的是減低noob arty的數量。從你的
- the amount of arty became unwanted about a year ago and 3 months ago, the
situation forced a solution, that’s why 0.8.6 nerf happened
- VK3601H transfer to heavy tank – “when it’s done it’s done”, it was
delayed in the past, because some issues connected to the tanks tied with
3601H had to be dealt with
- one of the (less important) reasons for increased accuracy were upcoming
bigger maps
- Q: “Does massive whining of playerbase correspond with your statistics?”
A: “50/50 – either it does or it doesn’t”
- devs are still deciding what to do with the “top 3 tanks get credit/XP
bonus” event miniquest, they will check the credit inflation and will take
- there are no problems with tank or TD amounts (SS: as in, TD amounts aren’
t a problem)
- visual camo net module? devs want it, but it’s complicated to implement,
won’t be anytime soon
- Komarin will return “when it’s done”
- Walker Bulldog will come “when it’s done”
- SerB states that before 0.8.6, it was a lot easier for a bad player to play
tier 10 arty than tier 10 other classes
- SerB also states that the structure of WoT audience (players) changed
gradually, but won’t give out any details
- SerB doesn’t think the autoloader tanks were seriously damaged by the
shell changes
- SerB explains, why actions that give out too many credits (such as the last
weekend on RU server) are bad: “Inflation can also be hidden – notice the
example of late USSR. Virtual world has its own specifics (for example,
because of the increased profitability of tanks, people buy too many premium
shells and armor starts to lose importance), but credit emission control is
also necessery in it.”
- the Westfield assault mode that had the bridge repaired still has the
minimap displaying a broken bridge, this is not an oversight
- SerB considers top tiers to be “high-skill content”, because only good
players can play them without losing credits
- such events with miniquests won’t appear permanently
- Q: "All tier 10 heavies lost their meaning!"
- A: "Checked your stats, shrugged, didn't read further"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :希望模型重製後skin不需要重新畫...1F 06/25 01:42
→ :我反而每天認真的SPG的首勝 為了早點把眼中釘賣掉!
→ :我反而每天認真的SPG的首勝 為了早點把眼中釘賣掉!
推 :SPG變少超好的 剩下遇到的真的都有技術3F 06/25 01:45
推 :總而言之是在補WG以前自己挖的坑4F 06/25 01:47
推 :祖國神車阿~6F 06/25 01:52
推 :大概要 10 KV vs 10 KV 才算多吧XD7F 06/25 01:53
推 :是說 雖然比不上只打一發 但是很多T57H 尤其巴洽會喜8F 06/25 01:54
→ :兩邊合計才10台? Better BUFF KV!!!9F 06/25 01:54
→ :歡衝最前面趕著把第1管彈夾打完然後就收工回車庫了..10F 06/25 01:54
推 :唔...所以開高階車沒辦法收支平衡的是Noob…11F 06/25 01:59
→ :SerB有時候回答真的會讓人覺得他在叫人不要玩遊戲XD12F 06/25 02:02
→ :Judging from your whining, the goal was met13F 06/25 02:02
→ :這句超讚 XDDD
→ :這句超讚 XDDD
推 :最近都開九階車 覺得玩得好的八洽和T54E1 T57很少...15F 06/25 02:19
→ :T57至少還有硬度 巴洽如果不懂用真會變優先集火目標16F 06/25 02:21
→ :總的來說彈夾車雖然OP 但是也更吃技術
→ :總的來說彈夾車雖然OP 但是也更吃技術
推 :八洽開場就往前狂衝真的不懂在想啥..18F 06/25 02:22
→ :剛剛9階場也是打字死拖活脫才拉一台T54E1往前走
→ :要不然我看他都在後面黑槍 你黑個毛阿你...
→ :剛剛9階場也是打字死拖活脫才拉一台T54E1往前走
→ :要不然我看他都在後面黑槍 你黑個毛阿你...
→ :爆掉修車貴鬆鬆… 到前線去被放生就更尷尬了21F 06/25 02:44
推 :我E75都在前線晃這麼久沒死了 我不知道他在怕啥就是22F 06/25 02:49
→ :而且他那線掩護還比我多 我只有一撞就爛小木屋擋著..
→ :而且他那線掩護還比我多 我只有一撞就爛小木屋擋著..
推 :昨天打一場對面前IS+三KV....我:WTF..24F 06/25 02:50
推 :另外一點是 SPG不再是被集火優先目標 想玩的可以好好25F 06/25 02:51
→ :玩 也省得光躲反炮就飽了 不過我是屬於noob那群...
→ :玩 也省得光躲反炮就飽了 不過我是屬於noob那群...
→ :都忘記3601說過要轉重坦這件事了...27F 06/25 02:56
推 : 對面四IS+三KV orz28F 06/25 03:03
→ :3601H根本是小虎式29F 06/25 03:31
→ :滿希望有4號H型能加入
→ :3001P基本上也算重坦了
→ :滿希望有4號H型能加入
→ :3001P基本上也算重坦了
→ :3001P光噸位就不夠稱重坦了32F 06/25 03:52
推 :Serb:不爽不要玩,反正會抱怨的不會花錢33F 06/25 04:46
推 :五告雖,祖國超多怎麼不NERF34F 06/25 09:17
→ :3601 轉HT+降階+變金幣車
→ :我就能接受
→ :3601 轉HT+降階+變金幣車
→ :我就能接受
推 :毛子遊戲 祖國做強一點很意外嗎www37F 06/25 10:01
推 :3601本身是重坦的試作車轉重坦可以理解38F 06/25 10:10
→ :3001P雖然也是虎P的試作車可是那性能比較像中坦
→ :3001P雖然也是虎P的試作車可是那性能比較像中坦
→ :這哪叫重新平衡,嫌砲車多可以改分房比例阿..40F 06/25 10:17
→ :簡直是因噎廢食,那某張重坦太多,幹嘛不順便砍一砍
→ :簡直是因噎廢食,那某張重坦太多,幹嘛不順便砍一砍
推 :KV-1S什麼時候會被重新平衡呢?讓我們繼續看下去~42F 06/25 10:23
推 :那下次把KV1S改縮圈好了 重新平衡43F 06/25 10:29
→ :改成一台戰車上面,所有組員都是玩家好啦~~44F 06/25 10:47
→ :以後要找滿5個基友才能開KV-1S45F 06/25 10:48
推 :那裝填手和通訊員會很無聊耶....XD46F 06/25 10:48
→ :這時候又想到 誰願意當KV-5的無線電乘員XD47F 06/25 10:48
推 :正常的平衡,不是都看什麼使用少就BUFF,什麼使用多48F 06/25 10:53
→ :就NREF嗎?官方以為祖國車多只是愛的表現嗎?
→ :LOL也沒因為中國買下拳社就讓美猴王OP阿
→ :也沒因為RIOT是原美國開發就OP雷茲
→ :但是我還是很傲嬌的繼續開坦克,我就是對元首有愛拉
→ :http://ppt.cc/Cw9p
→ :就NREF嗎?官方以為祖國車多只是愛的表現嗎?
→ :LOL也沒因為中國買下拳社就讓美猴王OP阿
→ :也沒因為RIOT是原美國開發就OP雷茲
→ :但是我還是很傲嬌的繼續開坦克,我就是對元首有愛拉
→ :http://ppt.cc/Cw9p
→ :很傲嬌是怎樣 XD54F 06/25 11:34
推 :我就是喜歡玩嘛!!!55F 06/25 11:53
推 :以前我會說:怒柏錯了嘛!? 現在我會說:快回世紀帝國一56F 06/25 11:59
→ :代去吧(?)
→ :代去吧(?)
推 :之前就說spg高階場太多很敗興,官方現在也承認啦58F 06/25 15:45
→ :寧願noob去玩重坦還比較有趣,spg太多整場就是WoSPG
→ :一般坦克的走位會很彆扭
→ :寧願noob去玩重坦還比較有趣,spg太多整場就是WoSPG
→ :一般坦克的走位會很彆扭
噓 :結果現在變World of Heavy Tank了也沒比較好61F 06/25 15:48
→ :昨天遇到13HT VS 13HT的 剩下兩台1MT 1TD
→ :昨天遇到13HT VS 13HT的 剩下兩台1MT 1TD
→ :spg一多 在常見的arty集火點都會僵持好久63F 06/25 15:48
→ :重坦世界也在轉角換血換很久,沒人敢衝其實都差不多64F 06/25 15:52
→ :樓上以為改版前就沒有13 HT vs 13 HT嗎?65F 06/25 16:22
→ :純重坦就會嘗試性換血 有SPG就會更龜66F 06/25 16:28
→ :和13HT/15人相比,7SPG/15人對遊戲性的破壞嚴重多了67F 06/25 16:31
推 :比起一堆SPG一露頭就被轟爛68F 06/25 16:31
→ :一堆HT肌肉互搏(?)有趣多了
→ :一堆HT肌肉互搏(?)有趣多了
→ :說的也是,同意70F 06/25 16:43
推 :一群重坦一起輪流開砲 砲聲超爽的阿71F 06/25 18:01
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 94