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作者 標題 [情報] CLG Announcements
時間 Sat Dec 29 02:15:35 2012
CLG.EU 不續約,本月約到期 (哭哭
CLG.B 解散(老消息)、Link115加入當替補
Aphromoo 加入當Support
CLG辦比賽 CLG Premiere Series
Hotshot媽跟CyberBob辭職、Kelby "SAYOCEAN" May當GM、
Mark "Garvey" Candella 當Director of Business Development
原文: (某些連結目前無法使用)
Burbank, California, December 28th, 2012 – Counter Logic Gaming (CLG), one
of the world’s premier professional gaming organizations today announces a
sweeping array of changes forthcoming as the organization prepares for 2013,
Season 3, and beyond.
Partnership with GGWP Apparrel and Launch of new CLG Clothing Line
Today CLG is excited to announce its partnership with GGWP Apparel, a premier
eSports clothing line. GGWP Apparel will act as the official distribution
partner of all CLG clothing. CLG merchandise can now be found on the CLG
section of the GGWP Apparel website, or through the store link on the CLG
In addition to this, CLG is preparing to launch its new clothing line for
2013. CLG’s Art Director, MaTTcom (creator of AstroNautilus and Pool Party
Ziggs) has come up with many new designs for the CLG line and now we need you
to help us decide which ones to print. A complete listing of the new designs
and poll for which ones will be made can be found here (LINK).
CLG Documentary
Since the end of the Riot’s Season 2 World Championships, the CLG
documentary has been in full schedule post production. After lots of hard
work, we are happy to release the second trailer for the documentary which
includes the final release of the full length feature.
CLG: The Season 2 Story Trailer (LINK)
The documentary will be free to anyone who wishes to view it, but we will
also be accepting donations here(LINK) to help recover the costs of producing
the film. The director of the film, Max “s0r3” Sims, will also be doing an
AMA on reddit the day of the documentary’s release.
CLG Premier Series
Along with the release of the CLG documentary, CLG is also excited to
announce the CLG Premier Series, a North American tournament produced by Well
Played Productions in coordination with CLG.
CLG Premier Series Trailer
As previously discussed (in this reddit thread), the CLG Premier Series (CPS)
will be a 16 team tournament with entrants decided by the North American 5v5
Premade Ladder. Teams have until Friday, January 18th at 11:59 PM PST to
climb the ladder in order to qualify for the tournament. The tournament will
begin with group stages on Monday, January 21st with matches continuing until
the tournament concludes on Sunday, January 27th. CLG will be donating the
initial prize pool of $10,000 but all future installments of the tournament
series will be dependent on revenue generated through viewership and
sponsorship revenue generated by each of the series respective previous
installment. All revenues will be made public and all proceeds derived from
the CPS will go towards funding future productions of the series so long as
it continues. You can find more information about the tournament at its
website, http://wellplayed.org/cps
Most regrettably, Counter Logic Gaming today announces that its brother team,
CLG EU, has elected to not re-sign with the organization when their contracts
expire at the end of December. While CLG gave its best efforts to retain the
team, in the end, it was not able to compete with the offerings of other
“While I am sad to see CLG EU leave, I understand their position and the
wonderful opportunity that has been presented to them” said George “
HotshotGG” Georgallidis, Co-Founder and President of CLG. “In their time
with the organization, Snoopeh, Krepo, Yellowpete, Froggen, and Wickd have
proven themselves to be one of the most consistent and formidable teams in
the League of Legends professional scene. I am proud of what they have
accomplished; grateful for the value and honor they brought to CLG; thankful
for the time we spent together as teammates and friends at events, in Korea,
at the gaming house in California; and excited to see them continue to
develop and grow not only as players, but as people. Good luck in Season 3
and beyond!”
In their time with the organization, CLG EU earned 10 top 3 finishes
including wins at DreamHack Summer 2012, Lone Star Clash 2, and Corsair
Vengeance Cup. The team also placed 2nd in Azubu The Champions Summer 2012
and 3rd/4th in Riot’s Season 2 Finals.
CLG Black and Link115
Counter Logic Gaming today also announces the official disbandment of its
second North American team, CLG Black. Due to differences in aspirations of
members amongst the team, CLG Black has decided to disband.
“CLG Black was originally recruited as a practice partner to help develop
our team and eventually compete with the other top teams in North America”
said Steve “Chauster” Chau, who plays the Jungle role on CLG. “While it
is unfortunate they can no longer remain together under the CLG banner, I
recognize great talent in them individually and know they will find success
on other competitive teams in the future.”
CLG would also like to announce however that Austin “Link115” Shin, CLG
Black’s former mid player, will be joining the main squad officially as an
alternate player and will be moving into the CLG house in Burbank with the
rest of the team.
CLG Prime/NA and Aphromoo
With no other teams retained under its banner, CLG Prime now officially
returns to the original Counter Logic Gaming name. In addition to this, CLG
is also excited to announce the addition of Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black to the
CLG roster. Aphromoo will be the new starting support player for the team,
filling the role vacated by Locodoco.
“Time to get down to business,” said Aphromoo about joining CLG. “Being
given the opportunity to play support for CLG makes me a little giddy because
I will be able to play a role I am most comfortable in, coming from a healer
for seven years in World of Warcraft. I will be putting in hard work to
master support coming from playing AD carry so much, but with being under CLG
I will have the proper tools necessary in order to become the best support in
the world. I am happy!”
CLG Management
CLG is also undergoing some changes in its roster on the business end. Today
we announce the resignations of Helen “RealMomGG” Georgallidis as Chief
Executive Officer and Robert “CyberBob” Del Papa as Chief Operations
Officer. CLG has also promoted Kelby “SAYOCEAN” May to the role of General
Manager and brings on Mark “Garvey” Candella to serve as Director of
Business Development for the organization.
“As CLG prepares for Season 3 and beyond, I feel we stand before a new surge
in the popularity of eSports.” said George “HotshotGG” Georgallidis,
Co-Founder of CLG and Captain of CLG. “Helen and Robert have both done
great jobs preparing the company to be poised to not only survive, but
flourish in the coming eSports climate.”
“CLG is well positioned for continued growth and profitability and now is
the time to hand things over,” said Helen “RealMomGG” Georgallidis. “I
wish to thank our sponsors, the people within the organization and our loyal
fans for their support and the unforgettable memories of the past year. I am
proud of the players and their commitment to excellence, their passion for
their profession, and their clear goals to try new things. I look forward to
their continued success and achievements in 2013.”
“Working for Counter Logic Gaming has been a dream come true” said Robert “
CyberBob” Del Papa. “Though we had our growing pains, I believe that the
organization has proven itself to be one of the most successful names in
eSports. The players and the staff behind the scenes have worked so very hard
to delight our fans and elevate the legitimacy of eSports as a whole. I will
sincerely miss all of the players and staff, but it's time for me to move on.
I wish CLG the best of luck in the future, and I have tons of confidence that
the organization will continue to prove itself to be one of the best around.”
Ms. Georgallidis and Mr. Del Papa are relieved by Kelby “SAYOCEAN” May and
Mark “Garvey” Candella. Mr. May and Mr. Candella will be working in tandem
on all aspects of the organization in order to perform CLG’s management
needs, though each will have a primary set of responsibilities. Mr. May has
been promoted to General Manager and will focus on operations, financials,
and talent management/coaching. Mr. Candella joins the organization as its
Director of Business Development and will focus on sponsorships,
partnerships, and company relations. Mr. May and Mr. Candella join the
current executive management team of CTO/Co-Founder, Alexander “Vodoo"
Beutel and President/Co-Founder, Mr. Georgallidis.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :QQ1F 12/29 02:16
→ :不續約是什麼意思@ @2F 12/29 02:16
推 :打不過EU只好不續約3F 12/29 02:16
推 :eu怎麼了4F 12/29 02:17
推 :cry cry5F 12/29 02:17
推 :EU不續約...所以要改名? 沒可能解散吧6F 12/29 02:17
推 :所以EU要獨立還解散?7F 12/29 02:17
→ :會不會是eu不想和clg有金主要簽他們= =?8F 12/29 02:17
推 :說好的CLG系列呢Q_Q 好吧 至少不是HS退休9F 12/29 02:17
推 :clg.eu到期 所以佛跟他們要找另外的贊助商?10F 12/29 02:17
→ :又或者和s3的隊伍命名有關係?11F 12/29 02:17
Reddit的消息好像是 Azubu要簽某隊、文章內是說提出的Offer比不上其它公司的Offer
Reddit在猜就是Azubu 簽下
推 :印象中EU一開始也有別的名字?12F 12/29 02:17
推 :不續約@_@13F 12/29 02:18
推 :EU是CLG這塊招牌僅存的亮點了,戰績不差人氣旺感情好14F 12/29 02:18
推 :e...u...15F 12/29 02:18
→ :EU QAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16F 12/29 02:18
推 :那這樣S3不是要去riot打嗎? anivia.eu17F 12/29 02:18
→ :................18F 12/29 02:18
推 :EU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19F 12/29 02:18
→ :是EU那邊不想續約還是CLG不肯簽?20F 12/29 02:19
→ :假如Azubu要簽那黃派的台服改名很合理21F 12/29 02:19
→ :不會吧..阿豬樸.eu?22F 12/29 02:19
推 :我寧願哈下退休也不要EU解散= =23F 12/29 02:20
推 :clg eu 不續約??? oh!24F 12/29 02:20
推 :WTF!!!25F 12/29 02:20
推 :反正eu 很容易找到人簽吧26F 12/29 02:21
推 :Link115滿強的 只是待的隊伍比賽都打不好就是了...27F 12/29 02:21
推 :CLG系列一下子就少了兩隊啊...28F 12/29 02:22
推 :Team DDOS29F 12/29 02:22
→ :幹~~~~如果ˋ真的是azubu eu 不好聽拉><~~~~~~~30F 12/29 02:22
→ :TPA.EU gogo31F 12/29 02:22
推 :這樣會改成Azubu.eu嗎 = =32F 12/29 02:23
推 :azubu eu33F 12/29 02:23
推 :\EUA/\EUA/\EUA/\EUA/\EUA/\EUA/34F 12/29 02:23
推 :Believe CLG.eu was offered a contract from Azubu35F 12/29 02:24
→ :CLG.eu要是真的變成Azubu.eu的話還真不習慣36F 12/29 02:24
推 :崩潰 !!!!! 我愛clg的logo ~~~~~不~~~~~~~~~~~37F 12/29 02:24
→ :azubu的隊服好醜呀
→ :azubu的隊服好醜呀
推 :CLG看要要走入歷史了39F 12/29 02:25
推 :變成Azubu.eu真的很哀傷..不過說真的eu比na強太多了40F 12/29 02:25
推 :CLG想簽EU 只是報價比不上別人 再會了 CLG.EU Q.Q41F 12/29 02:25
→ :看來哈夏財務狀況開始吃緊了 一次放掉兩隊42F 12/29 02:25
推 :很期待Azubu簽下eu以後,eu移地訓練43F 12/29 02:26
→ :期待原本的CLG.eu學會韓流打法
→ :期待原本的CLG.eu學會韓流打法
推 :CLG真的要再見了...45F 12/29 02:26
推 :不知為何覺得有點哀傷...變成阿珠部系列更是...@@47F 12/29 02:27
→ :他在S1是唯一一顆明星才賺那麼多 現在光環很黯淡了..48F 12/29 02:27
→ :NOOOOOOOOOOOO 不~~~~~~~~~佛根~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~QAQ49F 12/29 02:27
推 :當初簽進clg人氣飆高 佛根第一次開台破萬還興奮50F 12/29 02:27
→ :的在FB發布消息 但人往高處爬~有更好條件 只能祝福
→ :的在FB發布消息 但人往高處爬~有更好條件 只能祝福
推 :真的是想哭... 真的52F 12/29 02:27
推 :啊福羅要當sup了,DL的sup?53F 12/29 02:28
→ :感覺CLG系列逐漸走入歷史了54F 12/29 02:28
→ :只能安慰自己好險不是哈下結婚 (?55F 12/29 02:29
推 :我個人覺得阿弗羅比DL生猛耶...56F 12/29 02:29
推 :EU的人氣跟實力都不輸NA阿 好可惜...57F 12/29 02:29
推 :阿福羅感覺比賽就烙賽58F 12/29 02:29
推 :那個安慰法只對貓大自己有用吧XD59F 12/29 02:29
推 :阿福羅比賽沒打好過...60F 12/29 02:29
→ :老實說 現在NA開台除了HS 其他都很悲劇阿...61F 12/29 02:29
→ :網頁進不去,是被塞爆了嗎62F 12/29 02:29
→ :(只看AD表現的話63F 12/29 02:30
推 :沒差吧,EU就算不續約也會有人要。64F 12/29 02:30
→ :aphro離dl還有段距離.. 以他們對到的比賽來說65F 12/29 02:30
推 :CLGEU......AzbeuFroggen......崩潰66F 12/29 02:30
推 :比較喜歡EU...但變成Azubu系列真的令人想哭= =67F 12/29 02:30
→ :比較好奇不續簽是NA還是EU的意思68F 12/29 02:30
→ :你去看一下兩邊對上的慘況就知道為什麼阿福羅願意69F 12/29 02:30
→ :去當sup
→ :去當sup
→ :黑牛不要去當啥sup拉.........71F 12/29 02:30
→ gn02118620 …
推 :QQ73F 12/29 02:31
推 :還是變成TPA.eu如何74F 12/29 02:31
推 :CLG只剩EU能看了阿...75F 12/29 02:31
→ :等等...是azubu要簽喔= =76F 12/29 02:31
→ :Team Froggen DDos77F 12/29 02:31
→ gn02118620 …
→ :變成韓國隊真的是不習慣 wtf?79F 12/29 02:32
推 :會偷看地圖 會轉頭 還會DDos 都給他們玩就好啦lol80F 12/29 02:32
推 :不續簽是因為另外一邊給的比較好81F 12/29 02:32
推 :偷看地圖 轉頭 DDOS 害我大笑XDDDDDD82F 12/29 02:32
※ 編輯: Solid4 來自: (12/29 02:34)推 :不續簽是因為價錢談不攏83F 12/29 02:33
→ :雖然當初組復仇者聯盟EU得時候 好像沒啥人看好84F 12/29 02:33
推 :所謂的阿珠部三大絕?85F 12/29 02:33
→ :不過CLG EU的表現真的猛過NA太多86F 12/29 02:33
推 :CLG人生87F 12/29 02:34
→ :不續簽似乎是EU的意思,CLG想簽但比不上Offer88F 12/29 02:34
推 :阿豬捕的隊服...好像是卡其衣耶 真難想像EU的人穿...89F 12/29 02:35
推 :Azubu是韓國公司?90F 12/29 02:35
推 :爆掛!!! Krepo說他們要去TSM.......他自己講的91F 12/29 02:35
推 :Azubu有公子要護駕呀~(喂)92F 12/29 02:35
→ :似乎CLG網站流量炸掉中,原文以補上。93F 12/29 02:35
推 :EU那邊不續約95F 12/29 02:35
→ :黑切bro表示:我錢比你多? 好像不太可能?96F 12/29 02:35
推 :Azubu是德國公司 只是都簽韓國隊97F 12/29 02:36
→ :不過Krepo一邊喝酒一邊講,不知道可信度多少....98F 12/29 02:36
→ :去tsm也總比跟公子當兄弟隊伍好..99F 12/29 02:36
推 :krepo說的話持保留態度lololol100F 12/29 02:37
推 :TSM.eu101F 12/29 02:37
推 :cat0405表示:潮爽的不是HS結婚A_A102F 12/29 02:38
推 :Krepo的實況也炸了嗎,我打不開 TAT103F 12/29 02:38
推 :好難過ˊˋ104F 12/29 02:38
→ :是德國公司 這樣想起來會好很多吧= =105F 12/29 02:39
推 :AZUBU 系列的話... 崩潰 雖然還是會支持 zzz106F 12/29 02:39
推 :無感www107F 12/29 02:39
→ :貌似是TSM....108F 12/29 02:39
→ :我希望是Azubu...109F 12/29 02:40
→ :TSM????? 哈哈哈哈 幹笑死我咯110F 12/29 02:40
推 :連WICKD都在fb上面打tsm 真不知道是不是開玩笑xd111F 12/29 02:41
推 :兩個來源證實了,看來就是TSM112F 12/29 02:41
推 :TSM簽下來的話 那上面說Azubu要簽的會是哪隊@@?113F 12/29 02:42
推 :韓國人觸手入侵ing114F 12/29 02:42
推 :難怪黃派的台灣ID改成 Azubu開頭的名字 可能成真囉?!115F 12/29 02:42
→ :TSM???胖虎的生意經比HSGG還強???竟然能搶到?117F 12/29 02:43
推 :\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM/\TSM118F 12/29 02:43
推 :不會是TSM啦 TSM只是一小隊隊伍119F 12/29 02:43
推 :Krepo:TSM will be our next sponsor120F 12/29 02:43
推 :TSM????? WTF???????121F 12/29 02:43
→ :沒了EU CLG除了北美賽事還能看嗎 /_\122F 12/29 02:44
推 :他們都承認了阿 如果沒有在TROLL的話..123F 12/29 02:44
推 :聽說連SV都在實況上證實了,先來練習吧 \TSM/ \TSM/124F 12/29 02:44
推 :他喝醉了啦125F 12/29 02:44
推 :不是說不能兩隊CLG名字 拆開正常 之前WE不就這樣126F 12/29 02:44
推 :如果黃派說去TSM的話可信度比較高一點XD127F 12/29 02:45
→ :BTW 如果LINK是取代JIJI的話 CLGNA會變強非常多..128F 12/29 02:45
推 :好吧 是TSM的話...HS因該要噴血了129F 12/29 02:45
→ :佛根臉書:TSM130F 12/29 02:45
推 :只有黃派能信 其他人感覺都會troll131F 12/29 02:45
→ :看起來有點像在troll,等正式消息吧132F 12/29 02:46
推 :這時候打TSM讓人更感覺在TROLL 還是等正式消息133F 12/29 02:47
推 :等正確消息! EU的人都會troll134F 12/29 02:47
→ :TSM eu...不可能吧...clg聽到tsm買走會不會吐血= =135F 12/29 02:47
推 :我猜會有CRS.eu136F 12/29 02:48
→ :froggen說TSM,代表TSM gg137F 12/29 02:48
推 :froggen說要有光,就出現了光芒138F 12/29 02:48
推 :除了Link替補 Aphromoo sup更令人期待 xd139F 12/29 02:48
推 :Kerpo不是都喜歡隨便說說嗎XD140F 12/29 02:48
→ :Crs.eu剛好剛重組,可以把CLG.eu整組買走141F 12/29 02:50
推 :froggen肯定來戳的XD TSM SUX142F 12/29 02:50
推 :TSM_Froggen143F 12/29 02:51
推 :曼谷EU勒?144F 12/29 02:51
推 :EU走了那CLG真的就沒什麼好期待的了.......145F 12/29 02:51
推 :CLG明明近況就不錯 aphromoo感覺也比loco好146F 12/29 02:52
→ :硬要說,他們可是現階段的北美王
→ :硬要說,他們可是現階段的北美王
推 :wickd也打TSM TSM了 到底是TROLL還是認真來 讓我們148F 12/29 02:52
推 :clgeu比na強應該是事實 但是na也沒這麼不堪啦149F 12/29 02:52
推 :CLG.na 跟eu在IPL5打到同樣的地方 兩隊哪會差很多...150F 12/29 02:53
→ :yellowpe沒講都不算數,現在講的三個都是最會亂的XD151F 12/29 02:53
→ :除了pete以外eu其他人全都滿滿的troll魂lol
→ :除了pete以外eu其他人全都滿滿的troll魂lol
推 :XDDDD 講話沒信度真可憐153F 12/29 02:54
推 :我也不知道NA為啥會被酸成這樣xd154F 12/29 02:54
→ :他們曾經就很欠酸阿 畢竟有hs跟之前的放話DL155F 12/29 02:55
→ :然後成績又普普。但現在hs乖乖回去之後到是還好
→ :然後成績又普普。但現在hs乖乖回去之後到是還好
推 :因為以前得NA是#1 後面跌下來又一堆抓馬157F 12/29 02:55
推 :會被酸一切都是賽後態度的問題158F 12/29 02:55
→ :說起來,放話是獲得人氣的好手段 但當失敗的時候159F 12/29 02:55
→ :正確評估隊伍的實力跟單純的看衰應該還是要分開來160F 12/29 02:55
→ :自然會成為被酸的點。反正CLG人氣沒跌多少161F 12/29 02:56
→ :S2換籤時wickd+snoopeh發言超惡搞的 再加IEM拍片戳XD162F 12/29 02:56
→ :所以其實沒差就是了。163F 12/29 02:56
→ :如果因為單純想酸就貶低這隊伍的實力感覺有失公允164F 12/29 02:56
→ :鄉民想酸時在乎公允嗎?165F 12/29 02:57
→ :也不算貶低,他們的確曾經有過好幾個月不怎麼樣阿166F 12/29 02:57
→ :hs換位置之後大概驚奇兩個禮拜 然後就一直爛到回top
→ :不過我也同意以近況來看CLG Prime沒這麼不堪
→ :hs換位置之後大概驚奇兩個禮拜 然後就一直爛到回top
→ :不過我也同意以近況來看CLG Prime沒這麼不堪
→ :我也覺得hs這樣對vb很糟糕 但是clgna現在並沒有多差169F 12/29 02:58
→ :但大概也只是普普而已XD170F 12/29 02:58
推 :我也沒貶低的意思 只是因為NA自己就比賽各種老馬 XD171F 12/29 02:58
→ :我覺得是小輸eu一點啦 個人看法xd172F 12/29 02:58
推 :這時候喊TSM 我相信是Troll!173F 12/29 02:58
→ :IPL5只有可惜而已174F 12/29 02:59
推 :TSM的財力應該跟CLG沒差距太大吧 Azubu比較有可信度175F 12/29 03:00
推 :yellowpe 剛在stream被問了是不是TSM EU176F 12/29 03:12
→ :他回應there is nothing to deny now
→ :他回應there is nothing to deny now
推 :黃派是德國人 德國人都很一板一眼 ..178F 12/29 03:14
推 :沒整個CLG簽下去 看來azubu也知道na...179F 12/29 03:14
→ :WICKD也說現在什麼都不能說 但是他們五個會繼續一起180F 12/29 03:15
推 :當事人都說是tsm 其他看戲的拼命說不是 =.=181F 12/29 03:15
推 :當事人中比較正經的幾個表示不能說啊...182F 12/29 03:16
推 :因為他們幾個很少在FB上會認真發言183F 12/29 03:16
推 :Krepo說TSM就表示不是真的 pete都說不能說了185F 12/29 03:18
→ :我為麼會打成krepo..Froggen才對
→ :咦不對 TSM是wickd在喊
→ :我為麼會打成krepo..Froggen才對
→ :咦不對 TSM是wickd在喊
推 :大事froggen跟krepo不能信188F 12/29 03:19
推 :等黃派說才是真的!!189F 12/29 03:21
推 :要讓EU願意過去的福利190F 12/29 03:23
推 :竟然都沒有人在意阿佛魔當sup的消息XDDDDD191F 12/29 03:27
→ :CLG Sup本來就是Nhat跟Aphromoo的決鬥 Aphro進有徵兆192F 12/29 03:36
→ :所以相對來說不驚奇,,Link也是,講好久了
→ :所以相對來說不驚奇,,Link也是,講好久了
→ :感覺Link115是準備補jiji的樣子 jiji加油阿~~194F 12/29 03:37
推 :Link倒是本來有說打算繼續學業不玩e-sport的195F 12/29 03:38
→ :最後忘了小消息 CLG.NA名字回復到CLG196F 12/29 03:38
→ :嗯 會答應加入是有點意外,但Chauster也表示過如果
→ :Link願意加入,CLG會毫不猶豫的給他板凳位置
→ :嗯 會答應加入是有點意外,但Chauster也表示過如果
→ :Link願意加入,CLG會毫不猶豫的給他板凳位置
→ :CLG會毫不猶豫的給他板凳位置 XD199F 12/29 03:43
推 :不是有人遇到黃派改名azubu在台服?200F 12/29 03:50
推 :azubu在IPL爬的比na還低201F 12/29 03:52
→ gn02118620 …
推 :無所謂,去哪一隊只是換名,我支持的是玩家不是隊名203F 12/29 04:20
推 :準備歡迎佛根加入公子騎士團204F 12/29 08:39
推 :原文看起來是hotshot給個不夠好XD205F 12/29 10:01
推 :Froggen仍然會試圖說服我,我應該看動漫。 XDDDD207F 12/29 11:32
推 :EU解脫了!208F 12/29 14:19
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 96
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