※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-15 12:32:52
The Famous San Diego Chicken and little chickens - YouTube
The world famous San Diego Chicken teaches some young chickens to pee on an umpire.
The world famous San Diego Chicken teaches some young chickens to pee on an umpire.

Philly Phanatic, Phillies vs Marlins - YouTube
Some wacko mascot friend of the Phanatic eats an umpire....then spits him out.
Some wacko mascot friend of the Phanatic eats an umpire....then spits him out.

Fish Mascot Eats Worker (Original) - YouTube
Enjoying our night watching Corpus Christi Hooks. The Zooperstars show up and entertain the crowd for the night.
Enjoying our night watching Corpus Christi Hooks. The Zooperstars show up and entertain the crowd for the night.

Come on! 別爭了 快點比賽
Phanatic urges umps to start game - YouTube
7/30/13: The Phillie Phanatic gets upset that the game hasn't started and lets his frustrations be known to the umpires Check out for mo...
7/30/13: The Phillie Phanatic gets upset that the game hasn't started and lets his frustrations be known to the umpires Check out for mo...

Damn ! 沒騙到
Best of Benny the Bull! - YouTube
Another season of high-flying dunks, crazy dance moves and non-stop comedy from Benny the Bull is in the books! Re-live some of the most memorable moments fr...
Another season of high-flying dunks, crazy dance moves and non-stop comedy from Benny the Bull is in the books! Re-live some of the most memorable moments fr...

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※ 編輯: newstyle 來自: (09/14 23:21)
※ 編輯: newstyle 來自: (09/14 23:25)
推 :小雞的蠻好笑的 身高好像還有刻意安排 大到小.2F 09/14 23:23
Famous SD Chicken vs Barney - RailCats, U.S. Steel Yard - YouTube A video shot by NWIMe.com at the U.S. Steel Yard in Northwest Indiana on 8-18-2010. The Gary SouthShore RailCats hosted an event featuring the Famous SD Chic...

推 :雞真的超好笑的5F 09/14 23:30
推 :吉祥物就是要這樣玩才好玩6F 09/14 23:40
推 :吃人的蠻好玩的7F 09/14 23:55
推 :朱佬真的是每看必笑8F 09/14 23:56
推 :Phanatic還蠻有喜感的9F 09/15 00:08
推 :廣島跟費城的有血緣關係嗎?10F 09/15 00:54
推 : 有 就是芝麻街那家公司設計的11F 09/15 01:28
推 :Eat it~Eat it~Just Eat It~12F 09/15 02:08
推 :穿著布偶裝後空翻+地板動作超強的13F 09/15 06:25
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 269
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