※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-26 01:12:07
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 尼克四人一起在比佛利山莊的牛排館吃飯
時間 Mon Jun 25 22:42:54 2012
The New York Knicks put on a full court press this weekend to kiss the ass of
their #1 free agent --Jeremy Lin -- with Coach Mike Woodson wining and dining
the point guard at a fancy Beverly Hills steakhouse ... and TMZ has the
Woodson -- who just took over the team at the end of regular season -- seemed
pretty chummy with Jeremy as the two exited Mastro's Steakhouse in Beverly
Hills ... one of the best (and most expensive) restaurants in town.
But Woodson didn't come alone -- Knicks stars Carmelo Anthony and Tyson
Chandler joined the two for dinner.
Lin -- who broke out as a superstar last year -- becomes a free agent in just
a couple of weeks ... and Woodson has already announced that he wants Jeremy
to be his starting point guard next season.
So what does it mean for Lin? Money ... lots and lots of money ... and steak.
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◆ From:
推 :推啊!!(艸)超溫馨1F 06/25 22:44
→ :然後記者就喜歡見縫插針製造新聞www
→ :然後記者就喜歡見縫插針製造新聞www
→ :這個媒體據說是毒舌派...就像台灣被狗仔逮到的新聞^^4F 06/25 22:47
※ 編輯: ab12 來自: (06/25 22:49)→ :影片中LIN好像嚇一跳有記者,武僧還護著他離開5F 06/25 22:51
※ 編輯: ab12 來自: (06/25 22:52)推 :會問不意外啊 不問才意外吧XD6F 06/25 23:01
→ :而且這問題應該會開始纏他一輩子了 Orz
→ :而且這問題應該會開始纏他一輩子了 Orz
推 :只能說希望瓜堅持住繼續打開心球9F 06/25 23:04
→ :不希望看見他喜愛籃球的心情變調
→ :不希望看見他喜愛籃球的心情變調
→ :台灣的蘋果能力也不差啦 XDD11F 06/25 23:04
→ :如果蘋果和壹週刊進軍美國不見得比TMZ差 XDD
→ :如果蘋果和壹週刊進軍美國不見得比TMZ差 XDD
推 :搞不好喔 動新聞實力堅強 XD13F 06/25 23:10
→ :我有朋友曾做過壹週刊特派員他說為了追新聞可以幾天不上床睡14F 06/25 23:14
→ :壹週刊對表現很好的特派員薪水也很優渥~六位數字 XDD
→ :壹週刊對表現很好的特派員薪水也很優渥~六位數字 XDD
→ :其實我也相信蘋果的實力XDD 只是可能要加強一下英文能力XD16F 06/25 23:17
推 :http://www.ctitv.com.tw/news_video_c17v72930.html
→ :原來之前林就被跟拍過... TMZ真的...
推 :http://www.ctitv.com.tw/news_video_c17v72930.html
→ :原來之前林就被跟拍過... TMZ真的...
→ :Michael Jackson驟逝....= =+ What the fu...?!19F 06/25 23:55
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