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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 12月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2019-12-03 Tue. 14:38:13

Gemini Horoscope for December 2019

May 21 - June 20
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

I am bursting with excitement, for December will be one of the sweetest, most joyful months of 2019. I can’t wait for you to read all I have to say. It will be a month that has almost everything, including a solar eclipse (no worries, this eclipse will glow with benefits for every sign), a move of Jupiter, the good fortune planet, to a new sign, and a very rare, glorious aspect December 15.

I am excited to announce two new appearances, the first in New York City on Friday, December 6 and one, a month later, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, on January 4, 2020. I will appear in Los Angeles at the Conscious Life Expo in February and will post that information shortly.

Here is the information about my New York and Dallas appearances.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You are about to experience a financial bonanza, and as you read your December report, you might shake your head and say, no, how could that possibly be? The amazing part about what is coming in the next few weeks and into January is that you may not have any hint that you are moving into quite a bit of money. This month will be dotted with important dates, each of them building on the one that came before to make sure you see your bounty. This won’t be money you earned necessarily, but money you are given. I will now explain.

On December 2, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Capricorn and present you with the best aspects you’ve seen in over a decade. This benefic planet will remain in Capricorn for 12 months, until the end of the coming year, December 19, 2020. Jupiter will occupy your eighth house of other people’s money, which is the part of your chart that brings money not through salary, but other means.

You are likely to see a large, one-time sum of cash through a commission, royalty, licensing fee, big year-end bonus, or a large fee for a special project you worked on in 2019. You could receive more than one of these large checks throughout the year. In this sense, the money that comes could be based on your performance—but there will be other ways it could arrive, too. You may work on a side project on weekends that could bring in a lot of extra cash, as one example.

You might win big on a TV game show thanks to the trivia you know or the wise strategy you use to play the game. Company benefits come under the eighth house and are another source of valuable gain. You might receive a generous health insurance package, a greater number of vacation days, or paid family leave, say, to help a parent or to spend time with a newborn baby. You may be given equity in the firm if you were an early hire or be offered a special year-end bonus. Benefits like these can be worth quite a bit.

You may receive an inheritance this year or be the top winner in a charity raffle. If you are in court over a dispute or to enforce a contract, you are likely to win big. If you are trying to divide property in a divorce or receive back child support in 2020, you are likely to be successful. This year, you may receive a large tax refund in one sum that you can save or use to pay down debt. You may have enviable financial aid for college tuition or even a scholarship. If you put in a claim for an insurance provider, you might be thrilled to see the response—and the generous amount your insurance company covered.

    The coming solar eclipse on December 25 will be so powerful and magnificent for your financial life, I think you should invest in a few scratch-off lotto or charity raffle tickets. Buy them on December 24 (Christmas Eve) or December 25 (Christmas), for Uranus—the planet of surprise—will be in Taurus, in perfect angle to the Sun and new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn, your house of funding from outside sources. You never know where your luck will lie—buy just a few.

Keep in mind that the good fortune you experience will be in place through 2020. The difference is that this month, December 2019, and into January 2020, will be especially strong for seeing an influx of cash. Jupiter will join Pluto (power), Saturn (long-term gain), Venus (happiness and luxury), and the mighty Sun in your eighth house, and all will stay through 2020 (except for Venus, which will leave December 19, and the Sun, January 20). That’s a large amount of planetary energy to help you, and you will see the difference.

In addition to that awesome planetary support, we have a sweet, encouraging solar eclipse (a new moon) in Capricorn at four degrees on December 25. Solar eclipses are very powerful and come with the strength of three new moons rolled into one. This is exciting! As a note to those readers who are curious: in the US, the eclipse will fall on December 25 and later, on December 26, in countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia. South America is fairly close to the same time zone as the US.

Eclipses often bring landmark moments that we long remember and which change the course of our lives. Some eclipses are positive, and some do not bring welcome news, but all indications are that this particular solar eclipse of December 25 will open a new path for you and is one you will likely embrace. In your case, dear Gemini, having more money will give you options to take advantage of you’ve not had before.

The eighth house is the place in the chart that represents money you need to fund a big dream, and it is typically money beyond what most people have in reserve. So, for example, if you want to buy a house, you would need a mortgage from the bank, and if you plan to go to college, you would likely need financial aid. If you have children, you may hope to leave them a legacy someday. Most parents have a will, for without one, should anything happen, the government will take much too much from your estate, leaving far less for your children. In these examples, you see the need for preparation and paperwork. This is the area that will glow so brightly for you.

If you are self-employed or need money to invest in your business, your bank or a venture capitalist will likely give you the funds to start-up or expand, without the often too-stringent terms. Of course, all astrological trends relate to all that you’ve done before the aspect forms. If your credit rating is high, you will have more luck than you would if it is low. Still, in a year when your financial interests glow so brightly, you can go to an advisor and put together a plan that will allow you to boost your credit rating over time. I know many people who have done exactly that and found their financial life to be easier as they move forward, with lower interest rates than they had imagined.

Now let’s go through the month and look at all the aspects. As you read this, keep in mind that your brightest aspects for money will come in the second half of the month.

In the meantime, before you arrive at the second half, the first date to note will be the full moon in Gemini at 20 degrees on December 11, plus or minus four days. This full moon is a vital one, for it will bring something that is dearly important to you to fruition. Gemini is a communication sign, so you may see your column printed or the book you’ve worked hard on published. You may give a significant speech or finish editing a blockbuster novel.

You might take a trip of a lifetime, possibly for work, or else for the pure pleasure of seeing and learning about a culture that interests you. You only have one full moon a year in your own sign, so this will be a key moment.

This full moon might be quite romantic, so you might agree to become engaged on Christmas, Chanukah, or New Year’s. The end of this month, after December 19, will be your most romantic time—but I am getting ahead of myself.

Neptune will be in hard angle to that full moon and Sun on December 11, so if you are about to sign a contract, wait until later in the month to do so. I like December 27 the best for signing papers, but I will give you additional days if you cannot wait that long. December 19 or December 22 will be good days, too.

If your birthday falls within five days of June 10, you will feel this full moon directly, and the same is true if you have Gemini rising at 20 degrees or an important planet in the first house at that degree, or either your ascendant or a planet within five degrees of 20 degrees. If you have a natal planet in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius within five degrees of 20 degrees, then that planet will be lit up brilliantly—take note of what happens.

All month, Mars will circulate in Scorpio, so that ensures you will be working hard in December. Co-workers may have lollipops and candy canes dancing in their heads, but not you—you will be concentrating on tasks that have to be done. That’s fine! It’s nice to have a job and be so valued by higher-ups. You will still find time to enjoy the season.

Mars will be in support of three different planets this month, so I will list them for you now.

On December 13, Mars will contact the artistic, creative planet Neptune in your house of honors, awards, and achievements. This could be a day of applause, praise, and possibly an award or excellent publicity. Neptune has been retrograding for months but went direct on November 27—now you can make big progress. This is a great day for making a presentation or having a meeting, for the result is likely to be a boost to your reputation and career.

Mars will work with Saturn on December 19, a great day to finalize an agreement about an important venture. You are likely to make an excellent deal.

On December 22, Mars will link with Pluto. Astrologers consider Pluto the higher octave of Mars, taking the qualities of Mars to an entirely new level. Both are high energy planets that bring passion, courage, and drive. Mars expresses energy outward to the world, while Pluto expresses energy inward (to transform oneself), the way a caterpillar transforms itself into a butterfly. In your case, Mars is in Scorpio, your workaday sixth house of current assignments, and Pluto is in your eighth house of other people’s money. You might receive a generous bundle of cash. The sixth house is also the house of health and the preventative measures you take to stay well and strong, while the eighth house, in addition to being the house of money, is also the house of surgery and payments given to you, or to the doctor on your behalf, through an insurance payout on a claim.

You might have a procedure on December 22 that is fully covered by your insurance company. It is always wise to call your insurance company ahead of time to check on what you can expect, to be sure. They like it when subscribers call them. The transformative effects of Pluto will go far to help you heal, and Jupiter will go far to help you cover the costs.

Now let’s go to one of the most glittering moments of the month—an exceedingly rare aspect that will involve Jupiter in a perfect trine to Uranus. A trine is the greatest possible harmony with another planet, at 120 degrees. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and currently based in your financial eighth house, will be working with Uranus, the planet of surprise, now based behind the scenes. On this day, or in the days that surround December 15 (plus or minus two days), you may receive quite a bit of money, or a very valuable gift, quite unexpectedly.

Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Libra, an air sign, when the United States made the exciting moon landing on July 20, 1969. A similar aspect to this (Jupiter trine Uranus) is coming now to inspire in us all a sense of joy, hope, and optimism. Some sort of lucky financial surprise is likely to come to you, and as is the trend this month, it will be completely unforeseen.

If you want to buy a charity raffle ticket or scratch-off lotto ticket (so you can control the date you find out if you won, namely, December 15), don’t buy dozens of tickets. If you are destined to be lucky that day, you need not spend a lot. I have no idea which area will bring you cash. With Uranus involved, the planet of all things unexpected, it’s hard to know from where your luck will emanate. Jupiter is in your eighth house, so I can say that I feel you will receive remarkable financial news or support, and it will come out of the blue. I have another great day for you to buy your tickets—December 24 or 25.

Another powerful day for your financial life will be the coming solar eclipse on December 25. Again, I think you should invest in a few scratch-off lotto or charity raffle tickets. Buy them on December 24 (Christmas Eve) or December 25 (Christmas), for Uranus—the planet of surprise—will be in Taurus, in perfect angle to the Sun and new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn, your house of funding from outside sources. You never know where your luck will lie—buy just a few. On top of that, the Sun, new moon eclipse, and Jupiter will all conjoin, and you stand to gain more money. This is simply remarkable. You may receive a valuable gift, such as jewelry, or a gift of stock or cash at this glorious time of the year.

On December 27, we have the Luckiest Day of the Year, when Jupiter will align precisely with the Sun. The Sun rules your third house of writing, speaking, publicity, editing, research, and other communication arts, so you may receive a very exciting phone call, text, or another message about how well you are doing. You may also have a new assignment. The moon is the natural ruler of your earned income/salary sector (second house), so you will likely hear good financial news on this day as well.

Let’s now look at the very last week of December. On December 30, your ruler Mercury will receive a silvery, electric, and happy vibration from Uranus, and by then, Mercury will have moved into your financial eighth house. Again, even more financial news will be on the way. Mercury also rules travel, so you might take a spontaneous trip at the last minute to ring in the New Year.

On December 19, Venus will move into highly compatible Aquarius, to stay until January 13. This is wonderful—Venus will be in the perfect sign for you, just in time to celebrate the holidays. You will turn heads with your powerful magnetism. Wow, dear Gemini, what a fantastic outlook you have for December. You certainly seem to exit the month richer than when you started it. This fantastic trend will continue, so it won’t stop at December’s end! In fact, you will have the Midas touch all year, but especially in December and January.


The month may bring you such a large financial bonanza that at times you may wonder if you are dreaming. As you move closer to the end of December, news about money will keep becoming bigger and better for your finances.

Soon you’ll need to decide how best to manage the influx of cash, perhaps with the help of your experienced, seasoned financial advisor. Your glowing financial outlook now and in 2020 will be due to the rare arrival of Jupiter to Capricorn on December 2, for the first time in twelve years. This planet of good fortune will remain with you throughout 2020, until year’s end, December 19, 2020.

You may be doing savvy year-end tax planning, too. Start gathering your receipts to give to your accountant if you haven’t done so already. Because your money outlook is so upbeat, you might qualify for several legal deductions now. If you have been meaning to put your savings into a retirement account or write a will, this would be an ideal time to organize all your paperwork. Do so now, while you have the motivation because soon you will become busy with your career.

A confidential meeting could lead to an incredibly lucrative offer on December 15 (plus or minus two days), lifting your spirits and showing you that indeed, your ship has finally come in. This financial stroke of luck will be due to the collaboration of Uranus and Jupiter in a rare aspect that won’t repeat until October 2028, but by then not to affect finances, because it will fall a different place in your chart.

Your most important date this month will be when the new moon solar eclipse will arrive on December 25, and this eclipse will practically open the door to a previously bolted shut vault, almost magically. You will see that even more money will be rolling in, and you will think back to times when you seem to have gone through a drought and never knew when the rains would come. The answer is now, dear Gemini.

You will have even more good news. A day to circle in red is December 27, the Luckiest Day of 2019, a day that will mark the alignment of the Sun and Jupiter. This could be a day you will win a charity raffle or scratch-off lotto game, so why not give it a try? There is no need to empty your bank account buying lotto tickets, for if you are lucky, you are lucky—it seems money will find its way to your door at year’s end, but I cannot tell you exactly the source. It is worth buying a raffle ticket or two or a few scratch-off lotto tickets—and scratch them on December 15, 25, and 27.

Romantically, if you have been dating a long time, you may receive or give a diamond ring or other valuable piece of jewelry on the full moon, December 11, plus or minus five days. This full moon is more about feelings than about a gift—you may become engaged or married in this happy, passionate month.

A message you receive on December 30 should have you excited—Mercury, your guardian planet, will receive shimmering vibrations from surprise-a-minute Uranus. This month seems chock full of unexpected, exciting moments.

If you are not dating, you, too, are in luck, with Venus in Aquarius from December 19, 2019, to January 13, 2020, an air sign like your Gemini sign. This will add magic to this holiday season, just in time to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-12-03 14:38:13 (台灣)
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63 
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