看板 Zastrology
作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 2月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2019-02-02 Sat. 15:15:19
Gemini Horoscope for February 2019
May 21 - June 20
A Note from Susan Miller
Dear Reader,
We have made it to February, a darling month, made all the sweeter because most of us have come through some tough tests in January, which held two eclipses (January 5 and 20) triggering one or two sudden changes. If you felt January was intense, you are not alone. I would like you to share your stories about the eclipses and other aspects on social media—each night I read every post. Please include your month and day of birth (no year necessary) so that I can see your sign and rising sign.
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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller
February has the makings of a superb month—one of your favorites in 2019. The heavy expenses and strong emphasis on finances you experienced in January are over. You may have been busy gathering reports for your accountant, among other things, and it was a good month to complete all that work. It’s time now to open the shutters of your mind, spread your wings, and enjoy life.
The first aspect that will bring a smile to your face will occur over the weekend of February 2-3, when your ruler, Mercury (the planet of communication), will link up with Jupiter (the giver of gifts and luck). Any project involving one of the communication arts would turn out exceptionally well. You might choose to write, speak, lecture, design code, appear on TV, work on your website or blog, or record your podcast. Working with a partner (mate, friend, colleague, or expert) will shower your project with pixie dust, for Jupiter is moving through your partnership sector.
Your next stellar day comes immediately after the weekend on Monday, February 4, when the new moon shines in Aquarius (16 degrees), your ninth house of publishing, higher education, and long-distance travel. So sweet is this new moon that it appears you will be traveling to at least one distant point. I can see you will likely be excited about your trip. I am not sure why you will be heading to the airport, but no matter what it is, even if you are traveling for business, you will thoroughly enjoy your time away. Keep in mind a new moon opens a portal for ten days, and the actions you take in that time will have the power to add benefits to your life for a full year.
The new moon is in Aquarius—an air sign like your Gemini Sun—so this month will stir lots of conversation, and your plans will likely shape up fast. (January brought many earth-sign planets, so last month, everything moved along slowly. Air signs, like those in February, shift the momentum to fast!)
The best part about this new moon is the shimmering beam it will receive from Jupiter, indicating that an opportunity to make money will come up. Jupiter is in your partnership sector, so a collaborative arrangement—perhaps one that splits the proceeds or profits with someone or an entity (like a company)—will work out well for you. The moon in Gemini’s solar chart rules income, and that’s the reason I feel you will see money. If you will be returning to college or graduate school in the days following the new moon, planets in Aquarius will have you riveted and enthusiastic about new concepts and ways of approaching new ideas and projects and fully engaged with the material you will be working with this month.
If your birthday falls on June 6, plus or minus four days, you are in a position to receive the very best from this shimmering new moon. The same is true if you have your natal moon in Gemini or a planet in Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra, within four degrees (of 16 degrees)—you will also love what happens as a result of this new moon.
One stellar day for career matters will be February 7, when Jupiter will contact the Sun in your travel house. You should receive good news from afar or regarding a coming trip. All kinds of work involving communication will be excellent and make you happy. This will be one of the best days of the month.
There are more reasons to be excited about early February. As the month opens, Saturn and Neptune will be supporting each other in tight mathematical aspect. You’ll find your creativity and visions for the future will be stabilized by Saturn, bringing long-term success to the projects and deals you are forming now.
If you need an electronic item, like a smartphone, computer, or flat-screen TV, as three examples, you would be wise to purchase it during the week of February 3. I particularly love February 3, 4, or 7. In March, Mercury will be retrograde all month, from March 5 to 28, and you must never buy anything electronic when the planet of communication is not available to lend you his strongest powers. Shop now, and you will be pleased with your purchase.
One stellar day for career matters will be February 7, when Jupiter will contact the Sun in your travel house. You should hear good news from afar or regarding a coming trip. All kinds of work involving communication will be excellent and make you happy. This will be one of the best days of the month. If you make a deal on this day in publishing, for TV, the Internet, a podcast, or radio program, the deal is likely to bring profits. You may also get a surprising boost from a friend on February 7, for Mars, orbiting close to Uranus in your friendship sector, will contact Mercury, your ruler. This has all the makings of a busy, lively day.
Additional happy surprises from a friend are due to come to you on Saturday, February 9, when your ruler, Mercury will receive electric, happy beams from Uranus in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, friendships, and contacts. Whatever happens will be spontaneous and unexpected. By February 12, friends will have exciting plans for you, and again, news will likely come out of the blue. As you see, you will have an entire string of days, starting from February 7, then again on February 9, and peaking on February 12 that should please you from head to toe. These will be very social days.
Mars will move into Taurus on February 14 and will light your behind-the-scenes sector for six weeks. You might go into hibernation mode while you work on research, study, write, or develop any project that will demand concentration and time alone. Some people use this energy for scheduling a medical procedure, and that would also be the right action to take.
Whatever is going on in your life, you will be more social in the first half of February and then settle in with one or two close companions in the second half—you’ll want to recharge and spend time with those who matter most to you. Rest, for when Mars leaves Taurus on March 30 and enters Gemini, you will be on your scooter, zipping along at a swift speed, all the way until May 15. That is the key time frame to make your biggest initiations in 2019, March 30 to May 15.
Valentine’s Day is on February 14, a Thursday this year, and lucky you, the transiting moon will be in Gemini. Jupiter will partner with the moon by being 180-degrees away, giving a full moon effect. Neptune will cloud reality, but isn’t that what new love is all about? This does not worry me, for Venus and Saturn are both supporting Neptune from practical, realistic Capricorn, so I see you have your head firmly planted on your shoulders. I would advise you not to make any binding commitments for now, just in case you receive a proposal you don’t expect or consider one a possibility. If you have been dating a long time and are ready, then by all means accept, but if the proposal is a surprise and you have any hesitation, you must ask for more time.
The full moon on February 19 will fall in Virgo, one degree, and light your fourth house of home and family. Something appears to be bubbling up there, and you may be excited by developments. This full moon has happy aspects. You, your parents, or a grown child may be moving. You may have a baby, or your sister or another member of your family may bring that happy news. Virgo is the planet of service, so you may volunteer to help your mother or father on something they need to have done, such as to set up autopay on their computer or help pack up boxes of items your mother or father no longer need.
You might sign papers on a lease, see contracting work end, or decide on a new roommate, gardener, housekeeper, or nanny. You may buy a significant piece of furniture or have a cleaning crew come in. You may give a room a new coat of paint or clean out closets. There are so many things you might do. At the same time, Uranus will be in ideal angle to the full moon, so you may make unexpectedly good money at this February 19 full moon, plus or minus five days. (I say that because the moon rules your solar second house of income.)
The rest of the month will be quiet, except for another golden day, February 27, when the Sun and Mars work together in a strong and powerful way. The Sun will be in Pisces, in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, and Mars will be in your behind-the-scenes sector, so it seems you will have special help from a confidential source. You may be tapped for a new position or have some other sort of career news that makes you happy. This day would be perfect for a job interview you keep secret, or for an evening with a friend after work, where you can catch up over a delicious dinner.
February will be a wildly wonderful month for you. The new moon of February 4 will be one of your very best, for it will be in the same element as Gemini—in air-sign Aquarius—lighting your mind-broadening, intellectual ninth house. You may focus on one of the following areas: long-distance travel; foreign people and places; international relationships; import-export of ideas, goods and services; immigration matters, including visas, green cards, and passports; and academic matters. You may secure an assignment in publishing, broadcasting, or online, which will go well. You’ll likely find one of these areas intriguing, and it will be the center of your attention. The heavy financial emphasis of January is quieting down, for you accomplished much and can safely turn your mind to other matters that are happier, lighter, and more fun.
Your sense of confidence will be high, and you will be eager to take a judicious risk. You are tired of living life on the margins or overthinking every step you make—it’s time to passionately embrace life and to press forward with conviction. This new moon will be like a breath of fresh air, by opening the shutters of your mind and allowing in sunny, new thinking.
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will be in ideal angle to this new moon, suggesting happiness and profit will follow. Your romantic partner (such as your spouse) or your partner in business (such as an agent, manager, lawyer, or another one-on-one collaborator) will almost certainly bring you a special opportunity this month—he or she will be golden for you. At the new moon, it’s important to note that Jupiter will support Mercury, your ruler, allowing you to forge ahead to capture a goal without the usual impediments.
Circle February 7 and February 9 as extra special for your professional interests. If you need to sign a contract or plan a major interview or event, those are your days. Let’s add February 3, when Mercury and Jupiter interact in a rare and special way.
Enact your most important initiations early in the month, for you will have much going for you. As February opens, Mars will still be in Aries, a fire sign that blends perfectly with your air-sign element. Friends will play a prominent part of your life. If you are an actor, author, musician, or a person running for office, your fan base will be the biggest and most enthusiastic at this point. Furthermore, Mars will work with lucky Jupiter in the first week of the month, allowing your actions to lead to harmony and profit.
Later, when Mars moves to Taurus, from February 14 to March 30, you will go into temporary hibernation. During this time, you might do intense research in solitude for your next project, or you may simply need rest before you start up again. Next month will be a quiet month for you—Mercury will be retrograde from March 5 to March 28. If you need a medical matter taken care of now, you can do so in the second part of February without losing momentum for the everyday goals you’ve built. It’s the right time to drop out for a few weeks.
The full moon of February 19 will bring a home-related matter to culmination. You may buy, rent, or sell property, or find the ideal piece of furniture for your living room. This full moon will be as sweet as a ripe plum, bringing you a happy conclusion. Saturn will support Mercury, your ruler, suggesting that (1) if you need an attractive mortgage or home-improvement loan, your banker will likely support you, and (2) you are likely to enjoy the home-related decisions you make now for a very long time, thanks to Saturn’s involvement with this full moon.
If property is not on the top of your mind, then you may be thinking about your family. Your mother or father may move house, or one of your children, now out of college, may move to a new address, and you will find the change exciting. If you need to make a decision on behalf of your beloved mother or father, do so at the full moon, for it will please your parent, your family, and also importantly, you.
As the month moves toward a close, the Sun and Mars will be in perfect sync on February 27, leading your actions to a sunny conclusion. This would be a good day for career progress or for spending time with a friend, enjoying a wonderful dinner.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-02-02 15:15:19
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