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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 6月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2015-06-01 Mon. 16:46:10
Gemini Horoscope for June 2015
By Susan Miller
It is time to make an important relationship official at the full moon on June 2 in Sagittarius, 12 degrees. You may be getting engaged or married within five days of this date, or you may be about to sign papers with a proposed business partner. Full moons create a sense of urgency to finalize talks, but at this full moon, you should not rush. Mercury is your ruling planet, and is still retrograde, until June 11, and it is never wise to sign a contact with Mercury out of phase. Something will be wrong, but you won't know which clauses are troublesome until months or even years have passed.
There is another reason you need to show any document you are thinking of signing to a seasoned lawyer. Neptune, the planet that is known to crank out fog when in harsh angle to other planets, will be very active at this full moon. This time Neptune will be in a difficult angle to the Sun and full moon, and you may not see potential difficulties that may arise down the road if you don't address them now. This applies to any business contact that may be on your desk, a pre-nuptial agreement or other contracts, say, like the one involving frozen embryo eggs (specifically, the type of contract that is now being examined by the courts in regard to Sofia Vergara and her former husband.)
You must not try to save money by not having your lawyer examine the paperwork. If your cousin is still in law school, or your next-door neighbor is a lawyer, neither would be right person to work on this contract. It is not fair to ask someone to work for free - and besides, you won't get the intense scrutiny you need of this written document. You need the best lawyer you can find, a distinguished professional with plenty of experience. Your main goal should be to locate difficult or unclear clauses, or just as important, areas in your agreement that were never addressed. Areas that nobody ever thought about are always the ones that later come back to bite, so brainstorm with your lawyer by suggesting plenty of "what if" questions.
You certainly have plenty of sweet aspects in your chart! Jupiter is now glowing in your solar third house, the area that covers all written and verbal contractual agreements. Jupiter will be perfectly angled to the Sun to help you, so this suggests that once you get the contract in fine shape, you can be confident that this contract will serve you both well and that your association will be prosperous. Uranus will be in great angle too, from your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, a sparkling aspect that will add surprise and originality to your union. Saturn is now in your seventh house of committed relationships, giving you a serious attitude about associations you make now and in the coming three years. This is another good sign, for you can expect the relationship you are forming now to be stable.
You have hosted Saturn in your relationship house since December 23, 2014, almost a half year. Now Saturn will be leaving on June 14 to slide back into your work and health sector, to stay only thirteen weeks, until September 17. During that time, you will need to pace yourself, for you will likely get many assignments, and so if you are self-employed, your business will be booming. If you are employed by others, your desk will be piled high.
It will be very hard to take any vacation time off this year, dear Gemini, so be content with going away weekends, or to simply crash in bed and try to catch up on sleep over those weekends (scientists say that trying this never works unfortunately). If you have small children, you may want to hire a college student to be a mother's helper. Your helper can play with your little ones, take them to the park, read your children books, or take them to the swimming pool if they know how to swim. Even if you tag along on these outings, you will be grateful for the help.
Your helper can also fold laundry and help create meals for your tots who always get hungry before you do at 5:00 PM! You can sit with them and keep your children company while they eat, but you won't have to do all the meal preparation yourself, as well as the cleanup. (My children ONLY wanted grilled chicken and broccoli every day, for weeks and months on end!) Little Mom used to help me prepare those meals because the children were hungry so early! I worked out of the apartment, so I was there, but I was very appreciative of my mother's help.
Dear Gemini, you need help - I worry that you will be under too much strain. If you can't afford a college student to help out (I remember how expensive little kids can be), perhaps you can trade play dates with a neighbor's children the same age. I did that, and the children enjoyed those dates. You would still get quiet time off. Back then when my children were little they had a more active social calendar than I did - and I see that they still do now that they are grown!
You need to watch your health from now through September, as Saturn in the sixth house of health is a draining vibration. Think back to what was happening in your life in November-December - you might have to address that situation again if it has not been fully solved.
You will enjoy a whole group of days that will arrive in the first days of June. Let's start with June 5, when Venus will enter Leo, a superb placement for you, and when Mars, now in Gemini, will work in harmony with Jupiter. You may travel on this Friday and spend the entire weekend away - it's a great time to do so. Make it a trip to a nearby location, say, that is no more than about 200 miles from your home.
On Monday, June 8, you have a sensational day, when the Sun in Gemini will signal Jupiter in Leo. You will be favored by an authority figure, so it's a perfect time to have a key meeting with a VIP. A friend may be instrumental in your luck on this day, so if a friend gives you a tip, or offers to speak up for you, say yes!
You will be a powerhouse of ideas when Mars in Gemini is in perfect angle to Uranus in Aries in your friendship sector. You can work on a creative project very productively, so it would be worth setting aside the time to work on your craft. If you get invited to a party, whether it is social or professional in nature, you'd make solid connections, and because you are under such dazzling aspects, you may make the acquaintance of someone who can grow into a good friend.
Are you working on a writing project, whether alone or with a partner? You will soon see how glorious Wednesday, June 10, can be to see exceptional progress! The Sun will still be in Gemini and Uranus will be in Aries, so you'll want to venture into new territory, and you have the potential to be very original. A speaking engagement or TV interview would go superbly now too. If you would like to use this day for travel, that also would go well.
Mercury will go direct on June 11, giving you much reason for celebration. Life will pick up speed, and you won't be subject to so many delays. Mercury won't reach the degree it was before it went retrograde on May 21 until June 27, so if you want to time your actions this month on a day you can count on a strong and stable for Mercury, do so on June 27 and beyond.
You will have Mars in your sign until June 24, a wonderful time for you to take control and drive your life in any direction you please. You may not be aware that you are now starting a key two-year cycle of Mars. Your actions this month and last month, in May, will have special weight and importance as you go forward. Having Mars in your sign is a big deal in astrology, for you will show leadership, courage, and daring, and now that Mercury will go direct, it's time you pushed hard for all the projects you want to launch, until June 24, when Mars will enter Cancer. Mars is famous for making you look hot, so in the romance department, you won't have trouble attracting attention.
Once Mars enters Cancer, you may see your expenses rise, but only until August 8. You may want to keep an eye on how much you spend now, for you may get a large credit card bill or write a check for tuition. You may be buying a house or a car after Mercury goes direct on June 11, which would explain why I see you writing large checks in the coming weeks. You may have been saving up for this, so that makes sense.
You moment to shine will be the new moon June 16 in Gemini at 25 degrees. This new moon is your birthday new moon, the only one in Gemini this year. Usually a new moon will be in a certain house and direct your attention to one part of your life. For example, the new moon next month will fall in Cancer on July 15 in your house of personal earned income, savings, and spending. Your attention will be directed to all types of financial matters. However, THIS month, with the new moon falling in Gemini, this new moon will let YOU decide what you'd like to work on, the area YOU would like to improve in your life. New moons open lots of opportunity, and this one will receive an outstandingly friendly electric beam from Uranus, the planet of surprise - this suggests whatever you expect to happen won't happen, but something better will! Mars will still be in Gemini, so think of the new moon as a pot of delicious soup to which you've added the ingredients YOU like best. Mars will turn on the gas under the pot to get it cooking.
Mars is all about action, so it is a positive sign that Mars will be so prominent at this new moon. Take steps to make your aim a reality in the days that follow the new moon (not before it appears) and be sure to act quickly - with each passing day the power of that new moon will decrease. The exception to that is this: Mercury, your ruler, and planet governing commitments, will be in conflict with Neptune. Neptune will cloud certain elements of the agreement, so wait until June 22 to sign papers (you will see why in a moment).
If your birthday coincides with June 25, plus or minus five days, it means your entire year will be showered with fresh beginnings because the new moon will light your solar return (literally, "the sun returns to the place it occupied at your birth"), which is significant in astrology and gives a peek into the coming year for you. If you have Gemini rising at 25 degrees, or a natal planet in Gemini at this degree, you will have an active year too, and this new moon will be extra significant for you. ALL Gemini will feel the good vibrations of this new moon, so even if you think you won't feel it much, keep an open mind and see!
Now we come to the gem of the month, the collaboration on June 22 of Jupiter in Leo in collaboration with Uranus in Aries. You are in line for a lovely breakthrough, as this is a very rare and harmonious aspect. We will have it again in 2019, but by then Jupiter will no longer be in Leo (a good spot for you) and Uranus will have moved out of Aries (another good spot for you). Truly this day could bring a once-in-a-lifetime break.
Areas that are lit up include travel; assignments in TV and other broadcasting opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, and telecommunications; and contractual agreements. Also you may see benefits from your sister or brother, through a close friend, or in connection with a club or other organization (including a charity) that you might belong to and do volunteer work to further the group's humanitarian aims. See what comes up - this is a dazzling, five-star day. This would be the day I would choose to sign a contract.
On the last weekend of the month, June 27-28, you will have Venus in luxury loving Leo in perfect angle to spontaneous and adventuresome Uranus in Aries. This is a weekend to treat yourself and your partner to beautiful accommodations and fine food. Single or attached, this will be an outstanding weekend for romance, for Venus in Leo will work with Uranus to create sparkle and unexpected fun.
On July 1, you will experience a full moon in Capricorn, but more importantly, Venus will make an important conjunction to Jupiter, the good fortune planet. Venus rules your fifth house of true love, so for Jupiter to be moving toward, Venus in Leo is quite wonderful. The way to meet someone new or to rekindle the fires of an existing relationship will be by going on a short trip to a sunny (Leo), upscale (Jupiter) setting for a memorable overnight trip. If you can afford to stay Friday night too, June 26, by all means, do.
You will be completely focused on a relationship at the full moon in Sagittarius on June 2. In a serious mood, you will be working toward setting up an alliance with a partner that will last forever, so you may be getting engaged or married soon. Business ties can also be solidified within the coming two weeks. However, with Mercury, your ruler, being opposed by Saturn, you will want to proceed slowly. More importantly, Mercury will also be retrograde until June 11, a holdover from May 18, so delay signing papers until after June 11, for it would be a wise idea.
Travel will be heavenly if you book a trip on June 5 and over the ensuing weekend. Mars will be in flawless position to Jupiter, adding a touch of lightness and luxury to your weekend. Travel or treat yourself to pampering at an all-day spa.
You may see solid progress on personal or professional goal at the new moon, to appear in Gemini. This will be your annual new moon birthday gift certificate, to use in any way you desire. It comes with a lovely beam from Uranus (surprises!) and Mars (action!) so you can advance steps on a dream dear to you. A friend will play a big part of your luck at this time - it seems a pal has ideas for you! You can direct the energy of this new moon in any way you like, so think of something you would like to accomplish and start to plant seeds. You need not actually grasp your goal now, for that's the job of a full moon to crystallize months from now. All you need to do now is to begin taking steps in earnest.
Neptune, which governs your tenth house of fame and reputation, will go retrograde, from June 12 until November 18. This means that you will do best to tweak the plans you have already built for your career rather than venture out to new territory, with clients and new territories or to radically change your strategy. Work on perfecting the strategies that you have already created, as there may be value in doing so.
Saturn will now retrograde back to Scorpio and your sixth house of health and work assignments June 14. Often Saturn makes us face squarely a situation we had hoped to ignore, so over the past year or two, you may have been very focused on addressing a health concern that needed attention but that you may have put off. This trend will intensify now, but only from June 14 to September 17, when hopefully you will be free of this concern. Your work life will pick up speed in the coming three months too, and you may need to hire helpers to get all the work done. This work will also cause strain, so promise yourself that you will get enough rest and eat only the most nutritious foods.
On June 22, you will have a brilliant day filled with good fortune and happiness. Jupiter will reach out to Uranus, in a very rare aspect, associated with all wonderful results. Travel would be special fun, and you can take advantage of this aspect two days earlier, June 20-21. Another spontaneous weekend when you might pack and go will be June 27-29 when Venus will receive sparkling beams from Uranus too.
Mars will move into Cancer on June 24 through August 8, so it appears you're entering a period of increased spending, but also you may also find you have more motivation to improve your cash flow with a new source of income, either because you are self-employed and need to ensure decent cash flow, or because you will be willing to take on a, large project on the side. Having more money will always come in handy.
July 1 will be a dazzling day, when Venus, planet of love and natural ruler of your solar fifth house of love, romance, and children, will meet with Jupiter, giver of lots of good luck. To unlock this aspect's gifts for love and romance, you must travel out of town, within 200 miles of your home. Choose a pretty setting - this is not a weekend to "rough it." You will be quite unforgettable and magically magnetic.
Dates to Note for Gemini:
Mercury will continue to be retrograde until June 11.
See how a close relationship is coming along at the full moon June 2. Neptune will be active, so be careful not to misunderstand or pick up the wrong message - go slowly.
Your spending will increase for a short time, from June 24 to August 8 while Mars tours Cancer.
Saturn will back into Scorpio June 14 to September 17. Make time for routine medical appointments. You also will be working very hard during these summer weeks.
A wonderful weekend to go out of town: June 5-7, thanks to a friendly Mars in perfect angle to Jupiter.
Have a fun social time, June 8 to 11 and especially June 27-29, which may include travel to see friends (or to travel with them).
The new moon in Gemini, June 16, will be your special new moon of the year. A friend may play an important part of a lucky opportunity that come up. Plant your seeds and take a step toward a goal important to you.
Circle June 22 when Jupiter in Leo will receive a beam from Uranus - you may travel or get a plum position on a project that will make good use of your talents in all forms of communication.
Venus will retrograde next month July 25 to September 6. Make sure you make all your most important changes to your appearance now, not next month. When Venus sleeps she holds back her greatest powers of beauty and grace.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-06-01 16:46:10
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