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時間 Tue May 16 09:19:15 2017
Article Archives - Bleacher Report
The latest NBA news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more from Bleacher Report ...
The latest NBA news, trade rumors, scores, live coverage, free agent updates, power rankings, mock drafts and more from Bleacher Report ...
Damian Lillard Drops New Song over Drake's 'Free Smoke' | Bleacher Report
If this whole basketball thing doesn't pan out for Damian Lillard , at least he has his rhyming skills to fall back on. The Blazers point guard, who r ...
If this whole basketball thing doesn't pan out for Damian Lillard , at least he has his rhyming skills to fall back on. The Blazers point guard, who r ...
Damian Lillard 在上傳了自己翻唱 Drake 的 "Free Smoke"的錄音黨,
附帶一提,Lonzo Ball 兩個月前也有翻唱這首歌。
Zaza Pachulia Reportedly Won't Be Punished for Play That Injured Kawhi Leonard | Bleacher Report
Golden State Warriors big man Zaza Pachulia has been the subject of criticism since San Antonio Spurs star Kawhi Leonard suffered an injury landing on ...
Golden State Warriors big man Zaza Pachulia has been the subject of criticism since San Antonio Spurs star Kawhi Leonard suffered an injury landing on ...
Zaza Pachulia 不會被聯盟罰錢。 幹
Zaza Pachulia Responds to Gregg Popovich's Criticism, Says He's Not Dirty | Bleacher Report
After San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich called him out for a closeout that aggravated Kawhi Leonard's ankle injury, Golden State Warriors ce ...
After San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich called him out for a closeout that aggravated Kawhi Leonard's ankle injury, Golden State Warriors ce ...
對於 Popovich 的批評,Zaza Pachulia 再次強調自己不是骯髒的球員,
Spurs Reportedly Haven't Asked for Review of Zaza Pachulia Foul on Kawhi Leonard | Bleacher Report
The San Antonio Spurs have not asked the NBA league office to review Zaza Pachulia's foul on Kawhi Leonard from the team's 113-111 loss to the Golden ...
The San Antonio Spurs have not asked the NBA league office to review Zaza Pachulia's foul on Kawhi Leonard from the team's 113-111 loss to the Golden ...
馬刺並未向聯盟申請重審 Zaza Pachulia 犯規。
Phil Jackson Damaged Carmelo Anthony's Trade Stock, According to NBA Execs | Bleacher Report
As New York Knicks team president Phil Jackson continues to publicly push Carmelo Anthony to waive his no-trade clause, he is also reportedly damaging ...
As New York Knicks team president Phil Jackson continues to publicly push Carmelo Anthony to waive his no-trade clause, he is also reportedly damaging ...
Knicks Rumors: New York Reportedly Prefers Markelle Fultz over Lonzo Ball | Bleacher Report
The New York Knicks are looking for a point guard in a draft class loaded at the position, and the team reportedly has a preference if it lands the No ...
The New York Knicks are looking for a point guard in a draft class loaded at the position, and the team reportedly has a preference if it lands the No ...
尼克比較想選擇 Markelle Fultz 而非 Lonzo Ball
LaVar Ball Says Son Is Going to Be a Laker; Lonzo Supports Dad in ESPN Interview | Bleacher Report
Once again, LaVar Ball has given a media interview. And once again, the father of former UCLA guard Lonzo Ball is risking alienating NBA teams by publ ...
Once again, LaVar Ball has given a media interview. And once again, the father of former UCLA guard Lonzo Ball is risking alienating NBA teams by publ ...
LaVar Ball 表示兒子會去湖人
Lonzo 被訪問時表示他只負責打球,老爸想說啥都可
原來 Lonzo 是孝子?
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1494897562.A.E33.html
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推 : 不純了1F 05/16 09:20
推 : 某球這發言,看來只有你湖能收惹!2F 05/16 09:21
推 : 上一個說想要去湖人的已經…3F 05/16 09:22
推 : 湖人:我有說要選你兒子?4F 05/16 09:22
推 : 勇士又要血戰了QQ5F 05/16 09:23
推 : 賣球又唱歌 還沒進聯盟一堆副業6F 05/16 09:23
→ : 球爸你這樣不好 太陽很想要你兒子組成狂氣BBB團隊7F 05/16 09:23
推 : 如果湖人沒抽到前三.....8F 05/16 09:23
→ : 啊9F 05/16 09:23
推 : 我湖後衛很多阿10F 05/16 09:23
推 : 老爸真的說啥都可喔11F 05/16 09:23
→ : 兒子比老爸成熟 老爸專吸仇恨值12F 05/16 09:24
推 : 以前Bowen也沒被罰錢啊13F 05/16 09:24
→ : 真的是親兒子 這樣也沒被罰14F 05/16 09:25
推 : 孝子龍球15F 05/16 09:25
推 : 上一個表示只想去湖人的 現在在費城 要去嗎16F 05/16 09:26
推 : 說不準湖人抽到*4,簽要送人 !17F 05/16 09:27
噓 : 幹什麼幹 以前髒苞是有罰逆18F 05/16 09:28
推 : 聯盟:球迷想看勇士拿冠,要保護好金雞母19F 05/16 09:28
推 : Zaza:我聽不到 我聽不到20F 05/16 09:28
推 : 有這種老子…真是害了自已21F 05/16 09:29
推 : ZaZa:我要繼續打自己的籃球,我不髒。22F 05/16 09:30
推 : 今年踢蛋的還在等第七戰決定對手 但根本沒人注意XD23F 05/16 09:31
推 : 包溫聽前面講有罰錢啊24F 05/16 09:31
→ : 帶風向喔?哪個埋地雷有被罰錢的?25F 05/16 09:31
推 : 誰都想選Fultz啊26F 05/16 09:31
推 : 孝子龍 本名龍佐球27F 05/16 09:31
推 : 拜託湖人別選ball28F 05/16 09:31
推 : free smoke free smoke ~29F 05/16 09:32
推 : 湖人不會想選他吧 有個愛講幹話的老爸30F 05/16 09:32
推 : 國王神抽 收了這顆球吧XDDDD31F 05/16 09:33
→ : Bowen踢Wally臉、踢Ray的背、踹CP3有被罰啦,埋地雷32F 05/16 09:33
→ : 好像沒找到有被罰
→ : 好像沒找到有被罰
推 : 包溫被罰過很多次 某樓又是裝老球迷34F 05/16 09:34
→ : 禪師又想送走瓜又自己放話搞低他的價值XD35F 05/16 09:35
→ : 埋地雷是哪次被罰呢?36F 05/16 09:35
推 : Bowen被罰過很多次吧 看來是新球迷?37F 05/16 09:36
推 : 去國王就好笑了XD38F 05/16 09:36
→ : 又不是說你39F 05/16 09:36
推 : 昨天罵渣渣 今天罵包包 不愧是ptt 風向轉變之40F 05/16 09:36
→ : 快
→ : 快
→ : 湖人保住選秀籤後再來討論吧42F 05/16 09:36
→ : Zaza活在自己的幻想裡43F 05/16 09:36
推 : 湖迷沒籤的機率比有籤大 想要還不一定有勒44F 05/16 09:36
→ : 又把我湖當凱子?45F 05/16 09:36
推 : 球爸老爸實在是...不要把球隊搞得烏煙瘴氣就偷笑了46F 05/16 09:37
推 : 蛹蛹要高潮了47F 05/16 09:37
推 : Lonzo很聰明,會講話48F 05/16 09:37
→ : 筆誤= =多打個老爸49F 05/16 09:37
推 : 球子講話還真是得體 反觀老爸50F 05/16 09:38
推 : zaza:送地雷很嚴重?我們還有專踢蛋的呢51F 05/16 09:39
推 : 這對父子非常了解好警察壞警察的玩法52F 05/16 09:39
推 : 我本身是Nash迷,但黑刺當年做的事不代表現在勇士做53F 05/16 09:39
→ : 就會變成正確的好嗎?黑就是黑!
→ : 就會變成正確的好嗎?黑就是黑!
推 : 原來聯盟現在不罰 希望curry能安穩打完季後賽嚕55F 05/16 09:43
推 : 當初天殘腳搞掉灰狼帥哥我罵到沒力 現在看到這種一56F 05/16 09:43
→ : 樣罵啊 還是勇士黑不得
→ : 樣罵啊 還是勇士黑不得
推 : 孝子球哥58F 05/16 09:45
推 : 所以包溫被罰錢了嗎?還不罰到他破產?59F 05/16 09:46
推 : 孝子球弟。哭了60F 05/16 09:47
→ : 髒就髒 死不承認很可笑61F 05/16 09:48
推 : 公平與正義回來了!希望勇士下一場可以再弄傷一個62F 05/16 09:51
推 : 拜託別選他啊湖人........63F 05/16 09:51
推 : 小球相信爸爸...你準備被電吧…64F 05/16 09:53
推 : 刺迷開始崩潰65F 05/16 09:56
推 : Zaza沒說錯啊,他的職責就是直接幹掉對方球員讓勇士66F 05/16 10:00
→ : 獲勝
→ : 獲勝
推 : 可是ZAZA多一步耶 如果MB認為這是常態 G2大家都來68F 05/16 10:06
推 : 國王神抽要被76人換籤 只能拿到第6順位 球哥應該69F 05/16 10:19
→ : 不會掉到那吧
推 : 第5順位才對
→ : 不會掉到那吧
推 : 第5順位才對
噓 : 湖人:72F 05/16 10:28
推 : Zaza:我不髒 我是硬! 硬到直接把對手主將幹掉!73F 05/16 10:29
推 : 選球哥來當MT嗎74F 05/16 10:34
推 : 愚孝也是孝啊75F 05/16 10:36
推 : 必要時才會禁啊XDDD 比如說3:1的絕境之類的76F 05/16 10:36
推 : 那…就互相往來了~77F 05/16 10:41
噓 : 幹什麼幹 看你這種人崩潰就是爽78F 05/16 10:44
噓 : 勇黑崩潰79F 05/16 10:50
推 : Ball目前絕對比D'Angelo Russell弱 未來性也差不多80F 05/16 10:50
推 : 76人:聽到了81F 05/16 10:58
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作者 jimmy5680 的最新發文:
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