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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 灰熊教練: Kawhi Leonard是機器人
時間 Fri Apr 21 09:32:15 2017
https://goo.gl/1sCHLf 參考中文翻譯 https://goo.gl/HP8k8B
David Fizdale Says Kawhi Leonard Is A Robot: 'He Bleeds Antifreeze'
Faced once again with the tall task of defeating the Spurs in the playoffs, David Fizdale coach said he has yet to find a way to stop Kawhi Leonard. ...
Faced once again with the tall task of defeating the Spurs in the playoffs, David Fizdale coach said he has yet to find a way to stop Kawhi Leonard. ...
Grizzlies' Fizdale heaps praise on 'robotic' Kawhi Leonard: 'He bleeds antifreeze' - CBSSports.com
The Memphis coach had nothing but good things to say about the Spurs All-Star ...
The Memphis coach had nothing but good things to say about the Spurs All-Star ...
"First-class individual, tireless worker from everything I hear about him. He
was standing next to me the other night and he wasn't breathing," Fizdale
said Thursday. "So I'm going to check the rulebook and find out if robots are
allowed to play in the NBA. Because somehow, Pop and them have figured it
out. They know something I don't know. This guy bleeds antifreeze or
something. He's something special, man."
灰熊教練 David Fizdale 週四表示談論 Kawhi Leonard 時表示:
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1O-M4a4t (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1492738340.A.137.html
推 : 機器人KL生化人姆斯1F 04/21 09:33
推 : 鋼骨XDD2F 04/21 09:33
→ : 數據人威少3F 04/21 09:34
推 : 偷偷招募4F 04/21 09:34
推 : 生化人>>>>機器人5F 04/21 09:34
推 : 痛痛人豪豪6F 04/21 09:34
推 : 所以姆斯是17號,可愛是16號?7F 04/21 09:34
推 : 這個影片……9F 04/21 09:35
推 : 人造人!11F 04/21 09:36
→ : 何以馬刺選秀順位不高,但都常打出明星身手?? 莫非12F 04/21 09:36
推 : 會不會給新綽號跟新Logo?13F 04/21 09:37
→ : 真的有改造球員的恐怖秘密......14F 04/21 09:37
推 : 你現在才發現..不然為啥都沒表情15F 04/21 09:37
推 : 上面那張怎那麼像西門= =16F 04/21 09:38
→ : 難怪都沒表情又不會講話17F 04/21 09:38
推 : 生化人:姆斯 機器人:可愛18F 04/21 09:38
推 : 姆斯2.0?20F 04/21 09:40
推 : 紫霹靂?21F 04/21 09:41
推 : David Fizdale很會!22F 04/21 09:42
推 : 作弊23F 04/21 09:44
推 : 難怪都沒什麼激情的演出24F 04/21 09:44
推 : 聯盟都可以讓下水道的英雄上場比賽了,機器人也很合25F 04/21 09:44
→ : 理嘛
→ : 理嘛
推 : 未看完先猜 推文有武林高手 金庸之類的27F 04/21 09:45
推 : 我上次知道被做成機器人的是海賊王裡面的那個大熊28F 04/21 09:46
推 : 幹話XD29F 04/21 09:47
→ : XDDDDDDD30F 04/21 09:47
推 : T-800真的來了...31F 04/21 09:47
推 : 2.0?32F 04/21 09:48
推 : 推痛痛豪33F 04/21 09:48
推 : 開抓囉34F 04/21 09:49
→ : 卻感覺不到他有在呼吸 ...35F 04/21 09:50
推 : 影片超好笑36F 04/21 09:50
→ : 有梗37F 04/21 09:50
→ : 瞳孔有呼吸燈38F 04/21 09:54
推 : 不是有記者給他封號了?半機械半神39F 04/21 09:54
推 : 被打傻了嗎....40F 04/21 09:54
推 : 生化人18號41F 04/21 09:56
推 : 機械半神42F 04/21 09:57
→ : 林都放假了還有人要扯林...43F 04/21 10:00
→ : 藍波表示:44F 04/21 10:01
推 : XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD45F 04/21 10:02
推 : 這隻也是每年暑假就換晶片.....46F 04/21 10:02
推 : 我還以為推文會有小小機器人呢47F 04/21 10:02
→ : 影片超好笑48F 04/21 10:07
推 : 影片XD49F 04/21 10:15
推 : 影片太好笑了50F 04/21 10:18
推 : XDD 機器人51F 04/21 10:21
→ : 天網派來的52F 04/21 10:23
→ : 機器人只有藍波吧 (誤)53F 04/21 10:31
推 : 抓到了,原來卡哇伊是Rambo54F 04/21 10:33
推 : 確實每年都在進化晶片XD55F 04/21 10:33
推 : 影片超好笑56F 04/21 10:36
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 170
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