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作者 標題 [外絮] 給NBA菜鳥弟弟的一封信-Dorell Wright
時間 Sat Oct 3 23:46:33 2015
Letter to My Younger Brother
日 期:SEP 30 2015
作 者:Dorell Wright
Letter to My Younger Brother | The Players' Tribune
Let’s start with some practical information — stuff that may not have been mentioned at the NBA rookie symposium. ...
Letter to My Younger Brother | The Players' Tribune
Let’s start with some practical information — stuff that may not have been mentioned at the NBA rookie symposium. ...
譯註:Dorell Wright(2004年熱火19順位選秀)寫給弟弟
Delon Wright(2015年暴龍20順位新秀)的一封公開信,
發表在《球員論壇》(The Players Tribune)網站。
Dear Delon,
There’s a lot for you to know heading into your rookie year in Toronto.
Let’s start with some practical information — stuff that may not have been
mentioned at the NBA rookie symposium.
First, run away from the card games on the team plane. Don’t play. Don’t
sit down at that table. And if you do play, put a limit on your buy-in.
Pick a number, and if you lose it, get up. Guys will talk trash and try
to keep you in.
“C’mon, man! You’re done?”
Just say, “Yep,” and walk back to your seat.
Second, get ready to hear lots of trash talk from the fans. Some places are
worse than others. Golden State is going to be live this year because
they’re the defending champs. I love playing there. Madison Square Garden
is always crazy. And in Philly, there’s this guy behind the Sixers bench
who writes down all your stats on a dry-erase board if you’re struggling.
He’s hilarious, so don’t take that too personally. When I was traded to
Philly in 2012, he was the first guy I asked about. I wanted to make sure
he was still a season-ticket holder.
And Dude got me this past year when I wasn’t playing much with Portland.
He put up my stats, like 2.3 points, 1.3 rebounds, 10 minutes. I laughed
so hard. Tears, man. You have to laugh at it.
More seriously, I know my wife Mia has spoken to you about the women
you’re going to meet, and more importantly who will be trying to meet you.
She understands. She’s in the family room at the arena. She’s seen all
kinds of different women come and go. Different teams, different girlfriends,
wives, fiancees — she knows more than I ever will. So whatever she says,
do it. You’ll be happier, more focused and you’ll stay out of trouble.
再來講點嚴肅的,你嫂嫂 Mia 已經和你談過,你會遇到什麼樣的女人,
And then there’s money. We all know that when it’s there and coming in,
it’s easy to go out there and spend, spend, spend. Every athlete goes
through a time when they’re going over budget (and yes, you should have
a budget).
What they don’t tell you is that it’s not just the availability of money
that adds temptation, but time. You have all this free time to buy, buy, buy.
Really, free time is the root of the trouble you can find as a pro. That’s
the hardest thing about the adjustment you’re about to make. When I was at
prep school before jumping to the NBA, I had a strict schedule. Be at school
at 7:30. Breakfast. Assembly. Class all day, then basketball. Afterwards, it
was study hall and maybe one more chance to sneak in some gym time. Most of
your days in college were basically planned for you, too.
In the NBA, on non-game days, you’re there at 8 a.m. to get your extra
work in and then practice with the team. That takes maybe four hours, tops.
Now you’ve got the rest of the day to yourself. You’ll need to learn how
to manage your time. My rookie year, after practice, I used to head to
24 Hour Fitness and play even more ball. We used to go to the movies,
or just go back to the house, chilling around.
I managed to pull that off … in Miami.
I remember having to explain to you why I wasn’t playing when you were
11 or 12. You felt my pain. The truth is, I wasn’t ready. The guys ahead
of me were better, and a month after I was drafted in Miami, we traded for
Shaq, so now we were championship contenders. I went from coming into a
young team where I thought I’d play 20-30 minutes a game to playing 159
total minutes over my first two seasons. I had to wait my turn.
But I had great vets around me: Wesley Person, Steve Smith, Eddie Jones
and Gary Payton among them. They all told me my time was going to come,
that Jermaine O’Neal and Tracy McGrady had to wait their turn, as well.
They also taught me that you’ve got to sacrifice your pride for the next
guy. Cheer him on. Be a great teammate. I learned that over my first few
years, sitting at the end of the bench and watching with those guys.
但我的身邊有許多優秀老將:Wesley Person, Steve Smith, Eddie Jones
還有Gary Payton等人。他們都對我說:總有一天會輪到我。
Plus, there was Alonzo Mourning. He had something to say to me every day.
He would look you right in the eye, lean his head in a little bit and shake
your hand like he’s gonna break it. You just knew he was serious. Alonzo
talked about being a professional. Treating people with respect. How to
carry yourself and dress well. That’s what Alonzo stood for, and since he
was the Miami Heat, that’s what we all stood for.
But you’re in a different situation with the Raptors. You’re in position
to play right away as a rookie on a team with serious postseason aspirations.
That’s a lot of responsibility, and there will be ups and downs. At times
you’ll play well, at others you won’t. You might catch a few DNP-CDs for
whatever reason. No matter what, just continue believing and keeping your
head, because it can always come back around. That’s what I’ve been
preaching to young guys the last few years. This is a marathon, man.
You’ve got to continue to get your work in, practice hard and be ready
whenever your name is called.
You’ll also be taken care of in Toronto. I’m close with Kyle Lowry, going
back to those four-star camps, ABCD and AAU. DeMar DeRozan is somebody who
looked up to me in high school, and he played on my team at the Drew League
when he was still in eighth and ninth grade. Those are two great dudes,
and I know they’re going to look out for you. I didn’t even have to ask.
They reached out to me and let me know you’re in great hands.
Do what they say. Follow their lead.
多倫多會有人罩你。Kyle Lowry和我很要好,我們在四星籃球營如ABCD和AAU
的時候就認識了。DeMar DeRozan高中時跟著我打球,他八、九年級時,
Oh, and here’s a nice little perk: Since you’re a rookie, if you’re doing
what you’re supposed to be doing and behaving like a pro, on road trips
vets like me will throw you their per diem envelope. Whatever rook looked out
for me, bringing in my gear in the morning or doing those small things a vet
needs, as soon as we get off the plane, I’ll just hand the envelope over.
Those extra per diems are pretty sweet and can go a long way.
And if you’re going to bother saving your money, don’t waste it picking
up T’s. They cost too much. Two grand off the top, and then higher if you
start piling them up. More importantly, you don’t want to develop a rep,
especially as a point guard. You need the respect of the refs. Not to be
teacher’s pet, but so you can talk to them during games. Little things
like that can go a long way over time.
When the refs call players up to meet before the game, most guys like to
take that time and get up extra shots. Don’t. If Kyle goes up, go with him.
Speak to the refs. Just a little small talk. I had this talk with Damian
Lillard last year in Portland. He liked to get up those shots, instead.
I said, “You can’t send C.J. McCollum and Meyers Leonard up there.
You’ve got to go talk to those guys, because they feel like that’s a
sign of respect.” Show them that respect, and they’re going to respect
you on the court.
我說:「你總不能讓C.J. McCollum和Meyers Leonard去代表球隊吧。
One more thought on money: When you come back home to L.A. to play the
Lakers and Clippers, everyone is going to call you for tickets. That was
one of the things I struggled with early in my career. I wasn’t even
playing, and I was getting 30-something ticket requests for people to
come see me dressed all nice on the bench. I used to spend a lot of money
buying tickets.
Here’s your story: “I’ve only got 10 tickets, and these are going to my
immediate family, so I can’t do anything for you.”
And while we’re talking family, it’s going to be hard for me playing in
China this year, because I won’t be around for your rookie season. But I
know it’ll be fine. I’ll still be able to watch some games, and when I do,
you’re going to get a long text message afterward with all the things I see.
I’m sure you’re going to tell me the same thing you said at school: “Yeah,
my coach told me that already,” but too bad. I’m never going to stop
coaching you and being your big brother.
And remember, just step away from the card games.
-大哥 Dorell
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1M3_XVsk (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1443887199.A.DAE.html
推 : 好文推1F 10/03 23:50
推 : 感動!好哥哥!2F 10/03 23:51
推 : 推3F 10/03 23:53
推 : 為什麼這樣沒人要...4F 10/03 23:53
推 : 溫馨5F 10/03 23:53
推 : 真心的建議,好哥哥推6F 10/03 23:53
推 : 推7F 10/03 23:55
推 : 真的是一個很棒的哥哥8F 10/03 23:55
推 : 推9F 10/03 23:55
推 : 好哥哥QQ10F 10/03 23:56
推 : 好哥哥只能淚推11F 10/03 23:57
推 : 讃!好哥哥12F 10/03 23:58
推 : 推推13F 10/03 23:58
推 : Jason Kapono說他一個禮拜開了十四台不同的車14F 10/03 23:58
推 : 他不是沒球隊要 是CBA薪水比較好15F 10/03 23:59
推 : 推好哥哥的好文 內文很多都跟錢有關,小弟要聽進去呀16F 10/03 23:59
推 : 感動17F 10/04 00:00
推 : 真的很照顧弟弟18F 10/04 00:00
推 : 推好哥哥19F 10/04 00:02
推 : 這篇寫得很棒耶,不考慮出書嗎?超勵志的20F 10/04 00:06
推 : 感動推21F 10/04 00:06
推 : 超感動...好哥哥給推~~~~~~~22F 10/04 00:06
推 : 推23F 10/04 00:07
推 : 好感人 推推推24F 10/04 00:09
推 : 推25F 10/04 00:09
推 : 溫馨26F 10/04 00:11
推 : 溫馨27F 10/04 00:11
推 : 推28F 10/04 00:12
推 : 專業翻譯依依29F 10/04 00:12
推 : 推Wright哥30F 10/04 00:12
推 : 文筆也太好了!!31F 10/04 00:12
推 : 推好哥哥32F 10/04 00:13
推 : 很好的哥哥33F 10/04 00:14
推 : 推!! 很好的哥哥~~~34F 10/04 00:15
推 : 人間自有真情在(誤35F 10/04 00:18
推 : 太感動了!眼睛泛淚...36F 10/04 00:21
推 : 好大哥 好基因 嗚嗚37F 10/04 00:24
推 : 好哥哥 感人38F 10/04 00:24
→ : 應該傳給所有菜鳥球員看 時時警惕自己39F 10/04 00:25
推 : 真的是好哥哥耶40F 10/04 00:27
推 : 好哥哥41F 10/04 00:28
推 : 好文必推42F 10/04 00:28
推 : 敬業的球員,可靠的大哥43F 10/04 00:28
→ : 賭真的害死人44F 10/04 00:30
推 :45F 10/04 00:33
推 : 這篇文NBA應該收錄為對新人用的教材的46F 10/04 00:34
推 : 三分球很猛 可惜沒位置47F 10/04 00:35
推 : 推優良老哥48F 10/04 00:37
推 : 新人都應該看一次49F 10/04 00:37
推 : 榜樣50F 10/04 00:38
推 : 感人QQ51F 10/04 00:39
推 : 好哥哥推52F 10/04 00:40
推 : 靠 這哥哥好棒53F 10/04 00:40
推 : 推哥哥 另外很好奇他到底輸了多少錢在牌局上...54F 10/04 00:40
推 : 大哥說的是對的55F 10/04 00:44
→ : 可能像電影裡面在賭城這樣玩吧 整疊鈔票在賭的56F 10/04 00:46
推 : 好哥哥推57F 10/04 00:46
推 : 寫得好好喔有這種大哥好幸福QAQ58F 10/04 00:48
推 : 菜鳥必看59F 10/04 00:48
推 : 小DW給推!60F 10/04 00:49
推 : QQ感到滿滿的愛61F 10/04 00:50
推 : 有這種哥哥真是幸福62F 10/04 00:50
推 : 好哥哥63F 10/04 00:51
推 : 這種球員態度很令人讚賞64F 10/04 00:52
推 : 感動推...寫的好真誠!!65F 10/04 00:52
推 : 什麼!?他居然要去打CBA 在勇士的時候打的不錯耶66F 10/04 00:53
推 : 他不用輸啊 看別人輸 就知道可怕了67F 10/04 00:55
推 : 菜鳥指南,受用無窮68F 10/04 00:57
推 : 苦口婆心 菜鳥必讀69F 10/04 00:58
推 : 推70F 10/04 01:01
推 : 推71F 10/04 01:05
推 : 感動!!72F 10/04 01:06
推 : 推 好讚 生態的完整解說73F 10/04 01:07
推 : 感謝翻譯 好文 推推74F 10/04 01:08
推 : 很棒的觀念!75F 10/04 01:09
推 : 他3分不差又是休息是好球員,居然沒被留在NBA76F 10/04 01:09
推 : 之前有球員說在飛機上輸掉二十三萬鎂,所以菜鳥真的77F 10/04 01:18
→ : 不要跟大牌打牌,非常可怕。
→ : 不要跟大牌打牌,非常可怕。
推 : 推好哥哥79F 10/04 01:20
推 : 推,好感人80F 10/04 01:20
推 : 打三號位,當初號稱小梯妹,可惜沒打出來!81F 10/04 01:23
推 : 讓人家來看我穿著整齊蹲板凳 XDDDDDDD82F 10/04 01:25
推 : 感人!83F 10/04 01:25
推 : 推 真的很感動84F 10/04 01:26
推 : 好大哥,淚推!85F 10/04 01:28
推 : 很感人,但怎麼不私訊就好 XD86F 10/04 01:32
推 : 期待CBA結束跟B-easy一起回熱火87F 10/04 01:39
推 : 請問裁判那段的develop a rep是什麼意思? 感恩~88F 10/04 01:39
推 : 2k很好用89F 10/04 01:41
推 : 想哭90F 10/04 01:41
→ : 建立一個形象rep=reputation91F 10/04 01:42
推 : 謝謝SE4NLN415大~!!92F 10/04 01:43
推 : 好哥哥~好文章93F 10/04 01:47
推 : 臨表涕泣94F 10/04 01:48
推 : 好哥哥推推95F 10/04 01:51
推 : 推96F 10/04 01:51
推 : 真男人97F 10/04 01:51
推 : 好文章 專業翻譯推98F 10/04 01:52
推 : 他到底在飛機上輸了多少錢囧rz99F 10/04 01:53
推 : 在美國還是有念大學有差100F 10/04 01:54
推 : 推這篇!!! 應該要有更多這種文章!!!101F 10/04 02:04
推 : 溫馨推~102F 10/04 02:07
推 : 感動推103F 10/04 02:15
推 : 好文~~也好溫馨104F 10/04 02:15
推 : 爆105F 10/04 02:18
推 : 淚推106F 10/04 02:20
推 : 推!!107F 10/04 02:33
推 : 好文推108F 10/04 02:36
推 : QQ109F 10/04 02:36
推 : 好哥哥啊!110F 10/04 02:40
推 : 感謝翻譯好文111F 10/04 02:41
推 : 親情推112F 10/04 02:41
推 : 推推 其實我也覺得他在飛機輸一屁股XDDD113F 10/04 02:43
推 : 好溫馨 給推114F 10/04 02:44
推 : 職業就是職業!115F 10/04 02:49
推 : 推 好文 跟翻譯 借轉~116F 10/04 02:52
※ blur13:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat 10/04 03:03推 : 好奇到底在牌局上輸了多少117F 10/04 03:05
推 : 推118F 10/04 03:30
推 : 大哥是對的!!! 順便推晨星119F 10/04 03:40
推 : 推120F 10/04 03:49
推 : 他在熱火真的沒啥上場時間..121F 10/04 04:04
推 : spike lee 應該要拿這信去拍2k16才對啊...122F 10/04 04:10
→ : Wright是熱火第一位高中生選秀
→ : Wright是熱火第一位高中生選秀
推 : 推啦 好哥哥124F 10/04 04:36
推 : 推推125F 10/04 04:41
推 : 大一年紀突然得到一大筆錢 五光十色 容易迷失126F 10/04 05:56
推 : QAQ127F 10/04 06:07
推 : 推128F 10/04 06:12
推 : 讚129F 10/04 06:17
推 : 推技術犯規罰款對他們來說真的超貴130F 10/04 06:21
推 : QQ131F 10/04 06:27
推 : 好文推132F 10/04 07:01
推 : 這種有想法的退休大概就不會破產133F 10/04 07:10
推 : 推好哥哥134F 10/04 07:12
推 : 已哭135F 10/04 07:18
推 : 幹~ 洋蔥加太多了136F 10/04 07:39
推 : 大推!137F 10/04 07:49
推 : 感動的大哥!138F 10/04 07:56
推 : 推Dorell 推晨星139F 10/04 07:59
推 : 好哥哥! 溫馨啊!!!!!!!140F 10/04 08:08
推 : 嗚嗚嗚141F 10/04 08:22
推 : 溫馨好文142F 10/04 08:26
推 : 好溫馨143F 10/04 08:34
推 : 溫馨144F 10/04 08:35
推 : 感動推145F 10/04 08:41
推 : 推146F 10/04 08:54
推 : 感動欸!!!147F 10/04 08:54
噓 : 噁148F 10/04 08:56
推 : 好哥哥~~大推!!!!149F 10/04 09:01
推 : 好文推150F 10/04 09:15
推 : Jeter辦這個網站真的很有貢獻151F 10/04 09:22
推 : QQ152F 10/04 09:26
推 : 好文加專業翻譯推153F 10/04 09:30
推 : 推翻譯&溫馨的好文章154F 10/04 09:39
推 : 淚推155F 10/04 09:41
推 : 很棒156F 10/04 09:43
推 : 推157F 10/04 09:46
推 : 對他沒有什麼印象 但這封信很感人 希望下季能回nba158F 10/04 09:46
推 : 推好大哥159F 10/04 09:48
推 : U質好文160F 10/04 09:50
噓 : 怎麼會對他沒印象 當年在熱火被PP絕殺傻眼的男人呀161F 10/04 09:55
推 : 推162F 10/04 09:58
推 : 推好文!163F 10/04 09:59
※ Lillard:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS 10/04 10:00推 : 推164F 10/04 10:04
推 : 好文。165F 10/04 10:15
推 : 買票那個真的...叫家人來看你坐板凳,都快哭了166F 10/04 10:29
推 : 感動167F 10/04 10:34
推 : 推168F 10/04 10:40
推 : 謝謝翻譯。覺得受用169F 10/04 10:51
推 : 推~170F 10/04 10:58
推 : 比較好奇都輸給誰。171F 10/04 11:05
推 : 推!!172F 10/04 11:05
推 : 哭了 好大哥173F 10/04 11:06
推 : 溫馨推174F 10/04 11:12
推 : 推175F 10/04 11:17
推 : 推176F 10/04 11:30
推 : 好文 好翻譯177F 10/04 11:31
推 : 兄弟情誼178F 10/04 11:35
推 : 好棒的大哥~~179F 10/04 11:38
推 : 感動好文..這個論壇真的好棒180F 10/04 11:38
推 : 翻譯得很棒 推181F 10/04 11:41
推 : 優文182F 10/04 11:43
推 : 推183F 10/04 11:43
噓 : 兄弟中是沒電話是吧?184F 10/04 11:45
推 : 乾乾乾這跟麥克阿瑟寫給兒子的文章一樣感人185F 10/04 11:50
推 : 推樓上,第一時間想到麥帥為子祈禱文186F 10/04 11:57
推 : 好哥哥187F 10/04 12:02
推 : 好哥哥!!!!!!188F 10/04 12:04
推 :189F 10/04 12:06
推 : 推190F 10/04 12:12
推 : 本文有洋蔥 請小心服用191F 10/04 12:22
推 : 好哥哥,林也應該警告他弟小心台灣女人192F 10/04 12:24
推 : 幹哭了193F 10/04 12:27
推 : 推194F 10/04 12:40
推 : 讚195F 10/04 13:00
推 : 真的會想到麥帥為子祈禱文196F 10/04 13:05
推 : 看來機上老千很多197F 10/04 13:19
推 : 麥帥那篇跟本廢話 沒有具體內容198F 10/04 13:49
推 : 推199F 10/04 13:51
推 : 推200F 10/04 13:53
推 : 很溫心 推!201F 10/04 13:54
推 : 精彩,感謝翻譯202F 10/04 14:07
推 : 推203F 10/04 14:23
推 : 推推,很棒204F 10/04 14:30
推 : 實用205F 10/04 14:59
推 : 兄弟都要加油啊!206F 10/04 15:06
推 : 推!! 大哥是隊的207F 10/04 15:15
推 : 好文!!!208F 10/04 15:31
推 : 好文阿!!209F 10/04 15:33
推 : 好文推210F 10/04 15:37
推 : 推啊哥哥感人211F 10/04 15:44
推 : 推好文212F 10/04 15:46
推 : 推一個,真是個好哥哥213F 10/04 16:02
→ : ㄏㄏ說麥克阿瑟是在講廢話到肯定看不懂吧214F 10/04 16:04
推 : 大哥是對的215F 10/04 16:05
推 : 好文感人推216F 10/04 16:14
推 : 大哥是對的 T^T217F 10/04 16:37
推 : 感動 好大哥!218F 10/04 17:06
推 : 溫馨推219F 10/04 17:23
推 : 溫馨220F 10/04 18:01
推 : 推221F 10/04 18:20
推 : 感人222F 10/04 18:28
推 : 好大哥223F 10/04 18:29
推 : 推溫馨224F 10/04 18:37
推 : 好文 翻譯也翻很好 大推225F 10/04 18:42
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