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作者 標題 [外絮] How M.Malone mentored a young Barkely
時間 Tue Sep 15 00:46:45 2015
NBA - How Moses Malone mentored a young Charles Barkley
"You're fat and you're lazy," Moses Malone told rookie Charles Barkley, who was frustrated by a lack of playing time. What followed helped set Barkley on his Hall of Fame career. ...
原文作者:ESPN Jackie MacMullan
How Moses Malone mentored a young Charles Barkley
When Charles Barkley swaggered into Philadelphia as the No. 5 overall
pick of the 1984 NBA draft, he fully expected to take the city by storm.
Instead, he was thrust into a basketball environment teeming with veterans
who had no time to wait for the new kid to hit his stride.
"I was really struggling in the beginning," Barkley admitted.
Barkley said he reported to camp weighing close to 300 pounds. Few in the
Sixers' organization, particularly coach Billy Cunningham, saw the humor in his
nickname -- the Round Mound of Rebound. Barkley , who expected to step in and
be a starter, saw limited action in the early days of the season.
Billy Cunningham, 覺得他他大學時期的綽號"the Round Mound of Rebound"(籃板小
He turned to the one veteran who offered the most encouragement---the
imposing Moses Malone -- and asked him for some feedback.
"I pulled Moses aside and asked him, 'Why am I not playing more?'" Barkley
recalled on Sunday
Barkley 尋求一位在未來給他最多激勵的老將---堂堂的Moses Malone 的幫忙。
Malone turned, looked him up and down and declared, "You're fat and you're
lazy , that's why. You can't play basketball if you're not in shape."
Moses instructed the rookie to lose 10 pounds, then told him to meet him
at the gym an hour ahead of practice the following morning. For the next month,
he trained Barkley before and after the team workouts.Barkley shed 15 pounds in
a week's time and started to notice a difference in his stamina.
館與自己會合。在接下來的一個月裡,他在球隊練習的前後都獨自訓練Barkley, Barkley
館與自己會合。在接下來的一個月裡,他在球隊練習的前後都獨自訓練Barkley, Barkley
"So now I'm playing a little bit," Barkley said, "and Moses says to me,
'Lose 10 more.' I get down to 275 and I'm close to breaking into the starting
lineup and the big man tells me, 'Ten more. Give me 10 more.' By the time he
was done with me, I was down to 255 pounds."
Barkley started the final 60 games of the Sixers' season, averaged 14 points
and eight rebounds a game and was named to the All-Rookie Team.
"And, as they say, the rest is history," Barkley said.
"我現在開始增加一些上場時間了"Barkley說道 "而Moses只跟我說'再減10磅' 我
10磅。' 當一系列的特訓結束,我體重已經減為255磅了。
Barkley never forgot the kindness the notoriously private Malone displayed
toward him in his early days as a pro. He never would have become an MVP or one
of four players who amassed 20,000 points, 10,000 rebounds and 4,000 assists,
he insisted, without Moses' guidance.
"He never said anything about what he did for me," Barkley said."Most guys,
when they mentor a young player like that, they go around saying, 'Yeah, that
was me. I did that.' Not Moses. He never told anybody. And that was the best
"而Moses從未對外提起他對我做的所有事情," Barkley說 "大部份的人,當他們
成為像那樣的年輕球員的導師時,他們會四處宣揚'嘿,那是我的功勞。' 但那不會是
成為像那樣的年輕球員的導師時,他們會四處宣揚'嘿,那是我的功勞。' 但那不會是
Once Malone retired, whenever Barkley saw his old teammate, which was a
handful of times a season, he always greeted him in the same manner:
"Hey, Dad!"
"I saw him Friday night at the Hall of Fame," Barkley said. "I thanked him
again for making me the player I became, like I always do."
Moses Malone died Sunday, two days after Barkley embraced him warmly and
promised, "I'll see you soon."
"我們禮拜五的時候在名人堂還有見面," Barkley說 "我就像平常一樣再次地向他
Moses Malone在禮拜天過世,就在他們見面並擁抱後的兩天,"我們很快會再見面
He knows Moses had a reputation for being aloof, even difficult, at times.
When asked if he wished the rest of the basketball world knew him as he did,
Barkley answered, "No, not really. I'm honored to have known the real man, not
the one people supposed he was. When he got into the gym with his teammates, he
was one of the best guy in the world.
"I'm crushed he's gone. He was my guy. Forever."
更新翻譯 感謝Warlock大大的指正
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※ 編輯: maydayholic (, 09/15/2015 00:47:58
推 : 推1F 09/15 00:52
推 : 巴爵士不知道有沒有偷哭2F 09/15 00:54
推 : 哭了3F 09/15 00:55
推 : 老巴一直都是性情中人4F 09/15 00:56
推 : 兩個都推~~~5F 09/15 00:57
推 : 老巴你那體態自己也要注意身體啊6F 09/15 00:59
推 : 老巴在自傳裡也講了不少被老馬龍照顧的故事。 QQ7F 09/15 01:04
推 : 如果老巴早一年被76人選中8F 09/15 01:07
推 : 洋蔥灑好多9F 09/15 01:09
推 : 有情有義啊老巴,他還發表了一篇正式聲明,亂感動一10F 09/15 01:11
→ : 把的
→ : 把的
推 : push12F 09/15 01:12
推 : The greatest player& the best predecessor13F 09/15 01:17
推 : 2個都推14F 09/15 01:23
推 : 感人!15F 09/15 01:29
推 : QQ16F 09/15 01:30
推 : 這篇有洋蔥17F 09/15 01:41
推 : 他是不是有在明星賽打過3對3 跟WNBA還有現役的18F 09/15 01:48
推 : 天啊,老巴還是個菜鳥時候的故事19F 09/15 01:51
推 : 老巴個性根本就是櫻木啊(無誤)!20F 09/15 01:55
推 : Q21F 09/15 01:56
推 : 洋蔥好文要推!22F 09/15 04:15
推 : 推23F 09/15 04:21
推 : 推洋蔥文24F 09/15 06:01
推 : 謝謝翻譯這篇 已感動25F 09/15 06:49
推 : 摩西馬龍會不會改天託夢給老巴:你該減肥了26F 09/15 06:49
→ : 然後老巴就練成了睡夢羅漢拳(誤)
→ : 然後老巴就練成了睡夢羅漢拳(誤)
推 : 你看的28F 09/15 06:52
推 : 老巴真感性29F 09/15 07:15
推 : 真的好櫻木喔 這個臭屁孩QQ30F 09/15 07:24
推 : 有洋蔥31F 09/15 07:25
推 : 感動32F 09/15 07:27
推 : 老巴難得感性33F 09/15 07:32
推 : 洋蔥啊34F 09/15 07:39
推 : 推35F 09/15 07:40
推 : 洋蔥文...36F 09/15 07:48
推 : 真的是個令人尊敬的球員啊37F 09/15 08:00
推 : 太感性了38F 09/15 08:06
→ : 很快會再見面是怎樣...XD39F 09/15 08:06
推 : ㄒㄒㄈㄣㄒ40F 09/15 08:08
→ : 謝謝分享
→ : 謝謝分享
推 : 林書豪身旁就是少了個督促他練球的好隊友 可惜了42F 09/15 08:13
推 : 推推,好文43F 09/15 08:14
推 : 話說300這樣會被桶嗎,與內文無關?
推 : 話說300這樣會被桶嗎,與內文無關?
推 : 推~~45F 09/15 08:18
推 : 好隊友的聯想 怎會無關?46F 09/15 08:22
→ : 整篇文章都沒有提到林書豪,你在這裡提蠻故意的@@47F 09/15 08:23
推 : 如果科比也和跟馬龍一樣 和豪豪相約清晨五點練球48F 09/15 08:24
→ : 也許又是另一段NBA傳承的佳話了
推 : 好好的一篇文章 大家不要故意轉移焦點
→ : 也許又是另一段NBA傳承的佳話了
推 : 好好的一篇文章 大家不要故意轉移焦點
推 : 球員真的需要貴人 感動51F 09/15 08:38
推 : 巴爵士不嘴砲 難得啊52F 09/15 08:41
推 : 這跟林書豪有什麼關係@@?53F 09/15 08:45
推 : 推QQ54F 09/15 08:48
推 : 我只是好奇現在的標準到底?沒有要針對300,雖然我也55F 09/15 08:49
→ : 會希望林身邊有人能一直電他,讓他學習
→ : 會希望林身邊有人能一直電他,讓他學習
→ : 你寫作文我談科比,內文就一定只會談到科比這球員?57F 09/15 08:51
→ : 好隊友的關連類比很正常 林若有前輩提攜肯定大不同
→ : 科比當初肯幫林講一句話 敗總敢冰他嗎
→ : 好隊友的關連類比很正常 林若有前輩提攜肯定大不同
→ : 科比當初肯幫林講一句話 敗總敢冰他嗎
推 : 感動60F 09/15 08:56
推 : .........61F 09/15 08:56
推 : 這顆洋蔥好嗆人...62F 09/15 09:01
推 : 林就爛泥扶不上牆阿 自己不糸柬王求63F 09/15 09:01
推 : 洋蔥 嗚嗚64F 09/15 09:03
推 : 良師益友啊,老巴一定很傷心65F 09/15 09:08
推 : QQ眼眶泛紅惹66F 09/15 09:09
推 : QQ67F 09/15 09:12
推 : 淚推68F 09/15 09:27
推 : 已哭69F 09/15 09:28
推 : 推70F 09/15 09:39
推 : 關Lin啥事啊?300可以掰了吧,這麼刻意引戰71F 09/15 09:43
※ 編輯: maydayholic (, 09/15/2015 09:53:07推 : 已哭QQ72F 09/15 09:50
推 : 感動推73F 09/15 10:00
推 : 故意把林引出來,高招74F 09/15 10:07
Barkley on Malone: I called him 'Dad' | NBA.com
TNT analyst Charles Barkley issued the following statement on the passing of fellow Hall of Famer Moses Malone. ...
→ : Barkley on Malone: I called him 'Dad'76F 09/15 10:12
推 : 推巴爵士77F 09/15 10:12
推 : 老巴真的是性情中人啊~~~~~78F 09/15 10:28
推 : 釣 魚 大 成 功79F 09/15 10:50
推 : 一週減15磅???不可能吧80F 09/15 11:02
推 : 這篇只好推老巴了雖然平常嘴巴很壞81F 09/15 11:16
推 : 相約清晨五點練球 XDD82F 09/15 11:24
推 : 哭了83F 09/15 11:37
推 : 運動量大加上飲食控制,十磅可能的84F 09/15 11:39
推 : 巴爵士難得不嘴砲85F 09/15 11:48
推 : 老巴被一個老人家辛苦拐的三四十磅 後期全還出來了86F 09/15 11:52
推 : QQ87F 09/15 12:00
推 : 馬龍一代!88F 09/15 12:00
推 : 300掰的話,我和 VVizZ是不是也會掰??=_=89F 09/15 12:03
推 : 被300釣就是自作孽...不理會釣魚就不會死了...90F 09/15 12:53
推 : 300....我是說磅不是說NT91F 09/15 13:59
推 : 借轉火箭板QQ92F 09/15 14:16
※ barkleyc:轉錄至看板 Rockets 09/15 14:16推 : 淚推93F 09/15 14:17
推 : 老巴大學時其實"才"250磅左右 選秀前被經紀人要求94F 09/15 14:25
→ : 減肥氣到狂吃增胖到300磅up 經紀人整個無言
→ : 減肥氣到狂吃增胖到300磅up 經紀人整個無言
推 : 300 沒爆膝蓋真的奇蹟,還有有減重96F 09/15 16:26
推 : 兩人好棒97F 09/15 16:29
推 : 老巴被叫飛天神豬不是叫假的98F 09/15 16:34
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 83
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