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作者 標題 Fw: [外電] Chandler: Dallas not hard to sell
時間 Fri Jun 27 07:47:28 2014
Tyson Chandler 'absolutely' willing to recruit Carmelo Anthony to Dallas Mavericks - ESPN Dallas
Center Tyson Chandler is thrilled to be back on the Dallas Mavericks, and he intends to assist the team's attempt to recruit his former New York Knicks teammate Carmelo Anthony in free agency. ...
Chandler: Dallas not hard to sell
DALLAS -- Center Tyson Chandler is "thrilled" to be back on the Dallas
Mavericks, and he intends to assist the team's attempt to recruit former New
York Knicks teammate Carmelo Anthony in free agency.
"Absolutely, I'm going to do whatever I can to help the team and the
organization," Chandler said on a conference call with Dallas reporters a day
after he was the centerpiece of a six-player trade. "At the end of the day,
free agency is kind of an individual thing. And I know that I was once there
and it comes down your family and what's best for you career-wise.
"我會傾盡全力幫小牛, 無論我需要做的是什麼"
"自由市場是攸關個人的事情, 我曾經是個自由球員, 這一切有關你的家庭及你的
The Knicks have traded Tyson Chandler and Ray Felton to the Mavericks for
Jose Calderon, Samuel Dalembert, Shane Larkin, Wayne Ellington and draft
considerations. What is Phil Jackson's next move, and what does this all mean
for Carmelo Anthony?
禪師的下一步是什麼? 這筆交易對瓜瓜的意義是?
"But I'll tell you one thing: Dallas isn't a bad place to be. It's a great
opportunity, and clearly we've done it in the past. It's not a hard place to
sell. I'm going to do whatever it takes."
"告訴你, 達拉斯還不賴, 這次的機會不錯, 我會盡一切招募瓜瓜"
This will be Chandler's second stint with the Mavericks, a team he didn't
This will be Chandler's second stint with the Mavericks, a team he didn't
want to leave after playing a critical role in Dallas' 2011 title run.
這是拳王二度成為一個小牛球員, 2011年冠軍後其實他不想離開
Mavs owner Mark Cuban, citing the more restrictive collective bargaining
agreement after the 2011 lockout, opted to offer Chandler only a one-year
deal. Chandler, who said he was saddened by Cuban's business decision but
ultimately grew to understand it, chose to sign a four-year, $60 million deal
with the Knicks that will expire next summer.
At the time, Cuban prioritized financial flexibility over keeping the aging
championship roster intact with the hopes of landing a superstar such as
Chris Paul, Dwight Howard or Deron Williams in free agency. The Mavs struck
out on those stars but are focused on "big fish" -- to borrow Dallas
president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson's term for elite players --
again this summer with LeBron James and Anthony topping their shopping list
in free agency.
A team source told ESPNDallas.com that acquiring Chandler, the emotional
leader of their title team and the 2012 Defensive Player of the Year, made
the Mavs "real players" in the recruiting battles for James or Anthony.
Dallas has about $26 million in cap space, although some of that will go to
Dirk Nowitzki, who has committed to signing a to-be-negotiated hometown
discount deal.
Anthony is expected to visit the Mavs, Chicago Bulls and Houston Rockets once
free agency begins July 1, sources told ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard.
It is unclear whether the Mavs will be granted a face-to-face meeting with
瓜瓜會跟小牛公牛火箭會面, LBJ則尚未明瞭
Chandler played with James and Anthony on Team USA and got to know Anthony
especially well while playing with him in New York the past three seasons.
拳王在美國隊跟這兩位都打過球, 跟瓜瓜關係尤其更好(編按:瓜瓜曾透漏拳王是尼克
"He's a great dude," Chandler said. "He wants to win and he wants to be in a
system and he wants to be in a culture. I think that's going to go into a big
part of his decision-making. His talent is unquestionable."
"他棒極了" "他想贏, 想要在個很棒的體系及球隊文化裡, 這幾點在很大程度上
會影響他的決定, 他的天分則是無庸置疑的"
Chandler said he has a good relationship with Anthony, but he knows Anthony's
decision about his free-agency destinat
ion will be made in consultation with
his family, first and foremost. Chandler said he will respect Anthony's
privacy and probably won't contact him before his visit to Dallas, but he
will eagerly answer any questions Anthony has about the Mavs.
拳王說他跟瓜瓜是麻吉, 但他知道瓜瓜會跟家人討論他的最終選擇,
因為尊重甜瓜, 在他來到達拉斯之前可能不會聯絡他, 但如果
因為尊重甜瓜, 在他來到達拉斯之前可能不會聯絡他, 但如果
瓜瓜提出任何有關達拉斯的問題, 他會很樂意回答
=============== NBA champions 1956 ~ 2011 =============== 06'---
56'PHW 61'BOS 66'BOS 71'MIL 76'BOS 81'BOS 86'BOS 91'CHI 96'CHI 01'LAL 07'SAS57'BOS 62'BOS 67'PHI 72'LAL 77'POR 82'LAL 87'LAL 92'CHI 97'CHI 02'LAL 08'BOS
58'SLH 63'BOS 68'BOS 73'NYK 78'WAS 83'PHI 88'LAL 93'CHI 98'CHI 03'SAS 09'LAL
59'BOS 64'BOS 69'BOS 74'BOS 79'SEA 84'BOS 89'DET 94'HOU 99'SAS 04'DET 10'LAL
60'BOS 65'BOS 70'NYK 75'GSW 80'LAL 85'LAL 90'DET 95'HOU 00'LAL 05'SAS 11'DAL
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Mavericks/M.1403826437.A.2CE.html
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: KOBEDIRK (, 06/27/2014 07:47:28
※ 編輯: KOBEDIRK (, 06/27/2014 07:49:19
→ :小牛拿拳王這招滿狠的 補強兼遊說瓜瓜1F 06/27 07:48
→ :不過老實說有拳王真的蠻吸引人的 禁區直接妥當了2F 06/27 07:48
→ :拳王+德坦+瓜瓜,這前場非常有趣!3F 06/27 07:53
推 :這前場高度...小牛搬到二樓打球了啊4F 06/27 07:57
推 :這前場假如成真,不只高度有趣,分工合作也很有趣 :)5F 06/27 07:59
推 :小牛有希望6F 06/27 08:00
推 :Chandler+Anthony+Nowitzki+Ellis=Chanel 連線7F 06/27 08:04
※ 編輯: KOBEDIRK (, 06/27/2014 08:09:37※ 編輯: KOBEDIRK (, 06/27/2014 08:10:11
推 :成真的話小牛突然變得好威猛呀...重點是還有個好教練8F 06/27 08:10
推 :拳王不會搶球拳 讓你得分刷爽爽9F 06/27 08:13
推 :瓜瓜來的話真的很有趣XD10F 06/27 08:28
→ :唉~~早在3年前奪冠後就該這麼做了~~延到現在才來11F 06/27 08:28
→ :總冠軍PG老基都退休了~~
→ :總冠軍PG老基都退休了~~
推 :1小牛明白,得拳王者得天下。得拳王,得Melo13F 06/27 08:35
推 :這陣容好看14F 06/27 08:36
→ :得Melo得decision James15F 06/27 08:36
→ :問題是小牛還有誰是尼克想要的?16F 06/27 08:40
推 :馬哭伯-.-17F 06/27 08:45
推 :瓜瓜:什麼都願意?你有沒有看到底上那塊肥皂?18F 06/27 08:47
推 :馬哭伯: 離爆炸只剩十秒 ....19F 06/27 08:52
推 :這不是尼克隊多一個諾佬而已嗎!?20F 06/27 08:59
推 :拳王回歸若再成功引進瓜 小牛這套陣容必能衝擊總冠軍21F 06/27 09:01
推 :金凱瑞海放22F 06/27 09:02
推 :拳王+德佬 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 乞丐+草莓23F 06/27 09:03
推 :但這真的是豪賭 如果沒簽下瓜瓜 下一季又得陪練了24F 06/27 09:06
→ :甜瓜都進FA了 為何還要看小牛有誰是尼克想要的25F 06/27 09:06
推 :甜瓜來小牛的話好像挺不賴的26F 06/27 09:06
推 :期待chanel連線27F 06/27 09:16
推 :Chanel的h=Harris還真的湊滿五字母XD差個L(第六人?)28F 06/27 09:18
推 :瓜瓜來跟德老合作了啦29F 06/27 09:21
推 :可是瑞凡 你為何還帶一個肥頓去30F 06/27 09:23
推 :Felton:瓜瓜快來喔!我在這!31F 06/27 09:48
→ :馬哭伯只剩下10秒,可每次都爆炸啊!32F 06/27 09:53
→ :可是每次爆炸都沒死啊33F 06/27 10:01
→ :要拼字 Chance不是比較容易嗎 把Carter簽回來就有XD34F 06/27 10:07
→ :Chandler+Harris+Anthony+Nowitzki+Carter+Ellis
→ :這樣冠軍有機會嗎XD
→ :Chandler+Harris+Anthony+Nowitzki+Carter+Ellis
→ :這樣冠軍有機會嗎XD
推 :有沒有可能瓜瓜去的條件是裁掉肥頓...37F 06/27 10:12
推 :多一個司機差很多吧 而且肯來底薪輔助的綠葉也會變多38F 06/27 10:47
→ :是以為Ellis吃素的嗎39F 06/27 10:49
推 :天孤星40F 06/27 10:49
→ :講這種話的人明顯沒再跟小牛的比賽41F 06/27 10:50
推 :肥頓就當開特力隊長呀 哪有差42F 06/27 11:00
→ :應該不太可能 薪資頂多能簽一個 Melo43F 06/27 11:02
→ :但是如果 KBJ 和 Melo 講好要組隊 小牛就沒希望
→ : LBJ
→ :但是如果 KBJ 和 Melo 講好要組隊 小牛就沒希望
→ : LBJ
推 :看來某k認為所有球星都像LBJ一樣無恥愛揪團抱腿46F 06/27 11:05
→ :大家都只是觀眾 等著看結果就好 某l不用緊張47F 06/27 11:13
推 :期待甜瓜去小牛48F 06/27 11:23
推 :LBJ:這腿有點粗阿49F 06/27 11:23
推 :在尼克只有拳王跟瓜瓜懂的跑戰術嗎?50F 06/27 11:25
→ :支持 這樣Carter更有機會拿冠軍51F 06/27 12:17
推 :...............怎麼沒人提到cater.....52F 06/27 12:34
→ :去小牛真的不錯...球隊氣氛也好..沒啥風險...
→ :去小牛真的不錯...球隊氣氛也好..沒啥風險...
→ :馬哭伯XDDDDDDDD54F 06/27 12:54
推 :Chandler+Dirk+Melo+Ellis這組合有點威55F 06/27 12:56
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 41
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